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# Test cases for floats (compile and run)
[case testFloatOps]
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast
from typing_extensions import Final
from testutil import assertRaises, float_vals, FLOAT_MAGIC
import math
def test_arithmetic() -> None:
zero = float(0.0)
one = zero + 1.0
x = one + one / 2.0
assert x == 1.5
assert x - one == 0.5
assert x * x == 2.25
assert x / 2.0 == 0.75
assert x * (-0.5) == -0.75
assert -x == -1.5
for x in float_vals:
assert repr(-x) == repr(getattr(x, "__neg__")())
for y in float_vals:
assert repr(x + y) == repr(getattr(x, "__add__")(y))
assert repr(x - y) == repr(getattr(x, "__sub__")(y))
assert repr(x * y) == repr(getattr(x, "__mul__")(y))
if y != 0:
assert repr(x / y) == repr(getattr(x, "__truediv__")(y))
def test_mod() -> None:
zero = float(0.0)
one = zero + 1.0
x = one + one / 2.0
assert x % 0.4 == 0.29999999999999993
assert (-x) % 0.4 == 0.10000000000000009
assert x % -0.4 == -0.10000000000000009
assert (-x) % -0.4 == -0.29999999999999993
for x in float_vals:
for y in float_vals:
if y != 0:
assert repr(x % y) == repr(getattr(x, "__mod__")(y))
def test_floor_div() -> None:
for x in float_vals:
for y in float_vals:
if y != 0:
assert repr(x // y) == repr(getattr(x, "__floordiv__")(y))
with assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, "float floor division by zero"):
x // y
def test_mixed_arithmetic() -> None:
zf = float(0.0)
zn = int()
assert (zf + 5.5) + (zn + 1) == 6.5
assert (zn - 2) - (zf - 5.5) == 3.5
x = zf + 3.4
x += zn + 2
assert x == 5.4
def test_arithmetic_errors() -> None:
zero = float(0.0)
one = zero + 1.0
with assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, "float division by zero"):
print(one / zero)
with assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, "float modulo"):
print(one % zero)
def test_comparisons() -> None:
zero = float(0.0)
one = zero + 1.0
x = one + one / 2.0
assert x < (1.51 + zero)
assert not (x < (1.49 + zero))
assert x > (1.49 + zero)
assert not (x > (1.51 + zero))
assert x <= (1.5 + zero)
assert not (x <= (1.49 + zero))
assert x >= (1.5 + zero)
assert not (x >= (1.51 + zero))
for x in float_vals:
for y in float_vals:
assert (x <= y) == getattr(x, "__le__")(y)
assert (x < y) == getattr(x, "__lt__")(y)
assert (x >= y) == getattr(x, "__ge__")(y)
assert (x > y) == getattr(x, "__gt__")(y)
assert (x == y) == getattr(x, "__eq__")(y)
assert (x != y) == getattr(x, "__ne__")(y)
def test_mixed_comparisons() -> None:
zf = float(0.0)
zn = int()
if (zf + 1.0) == (zn + 1):
assert True
assert False
if (zf + 1.1) == (zn + 1):
assert False
assert True
assert (zf + 1.1) != (zn + 1)
assert (zf + 1.1) > (zn + 1)
assert not (zf + 0.9) > (zn + 1)
assert (zn + 1) < (zf + 1.1)
def test_boxing_and_unboxing() -> None:
x = 1.5
boxed: Any = x
assert repr(boxed) == "1.5"
assert type(boxed) is float
y: float = boxed
assert y == x
boxed_int: Any = 5
assert [type(boxed_int)] == [int] # Avoid mypy type narrowing
z: float = boxed_int
assert z == 5.0
for xx in float_vals:
bb: Any = xx
yy: float = bb
assert repr(xx) == repr(bb)
assert repr(xx) == repr(yy)
for b in True, False:
boxed_bool: Any = b
assert type(boxed_bool) is bool
zz: float = boxed_bool
assert zz == int(b)
def test_unboxing_failure() -> None:
boxed: Any = '1.5'
with assertRaises(TypeError):
x: float = boxed
def identity(x: float) -> float:
return x
def test_coerce_from_int_literal() -> None:
assert identity(34) == 34.0
assert identity(-1) == -1.0
def test_coerce_from_short_tagged_int() -> None:
n = int() - 17
assert identity(n) == -17.0
for i in range(-300, 300):
assert identity(i) == float(i)
def test_coerce_from_long_tagged_int() -> None:
n = int() + 2**100
x = identity(n)
assert repr(x) == '1.2676506002282294e+30'
n = int() - 2**100
y = identity(n)
assert repr(y) == '-1.2676506002282294e+30'
def test_coerce_from_very_long_tagged_int() -> None:
n = int() + 10**1000
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large to convert to float"):
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large to convert to float"):
n = int() - 10**1000
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large to convert to float"):
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large to convert to float"):
def test_explicit_conversion_from_int() -> None:
float_any: Any = float
a = [0, 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, 13257, -928745]
for n in range(1, 100):
for delta in -1, 0, 1, 2342345:
a.append(2**n + delta)
a.append(-2**n + delta)
for x in a:
assert repr(float(x)) == repr(float_any(x))
def test_explicit_conversion_to_int() -> None:
int_any: Any = int
for x in float_vals:
if math.isinf(x):
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "cannot convert float infinity to integer"):
elif math.isnan(x):
with assertRaises(ValueError, "cannot convert float NaN to integer"):
assert repr(int(x)) == repr(int_any(x))
# Test some edge cases
assert 2**30 == int(2.0**30 + int())
assert 2**30 - 1 == int(1073741823.9999999 + int()) # math.nextafter(2.0**30, 0))
assert -2**30 - 1 == int(-2.0**30 - 1 + int())
assert -2**30 == int(-1073741824.9999998 + int()) # math.nextafter(-2.0**30 - 1, 0)
assert 2**62 == int(2.0**62 + int())
assert 2**62 == int(2.0**62 - 1 + int())
assert -2**62 == int(-2.0**62 + int())
assert -2**62 == int(-2.0**62 - 1 + int())
def str_to_float(x: str) -> float:
return float(x)
def test_str_to_float() -> None:
assert str_to_float("1") == 1.0
assert str_to_float("1.234567") == 1.234567
assert str_to_float("44324") == 44324.0
assert str_to_float("23.4") == 23.4
assert str_to_float("-43.44e-4") == -43.44e-4
assert str_to_float("-43.44e-4") == -43.44e-4
assert math.isinf(str_to_float("inf"))
assert math.isinf(str_to_float("-inf"))
assert str_to_float("inf") > 0.0
assert str_to_float("-inf") < 0.0
assert math.isnan(str_to_float("nan"))
assert math.isnan(str_to_float("NaN"))
assert repr(str_to_float("-0.0")) == "-0.0"
def test_abs() -> None:
assert abs(0.0) == 0.0
assert abs(-1.234567) == 1.234567
assert abs(44324.732) == 44324.732
assert abs(-23.4) == 23.4
assert abs(-43.44e-4) == 43.44e-4
abs_any: Any = abs
for x in float_vals:
assert repr(abs(x)) == repr(abs_any(x))
def test_float_min_max() -> None:
for x in float_vals:
for y in float_vals:
min_any: Any = min
assert repr(min(x, y)) == repr(min_any(x, y))
max_any: Any = max
assert repr(max(x, y)) == repr(max_any(x, y))
def default(x: float = 2) -> float:
return x + 1
def test_float_default_value() -> None:
assert default(1.2) == 2.2
for i in range(-200, 200):
assert default(float(i)) == i + 1
assert default() == 3.0
def test_float_default_value_wrapper() -> None:
f: Any = default
assert f(1.2) == 2.2
for i in range(-200, 200):
assert f(float(i)) == i + 1
assert f() == 3.0
class C:
def __init__(self, x: float) -> None:
self.x = x
def test_float_attr() -> None:
for i in range(-200, 200):
f = float(i)
c = C(f)
assert c.x == f
a: Any = c
assert a.x == f
assert c.x == FLOAT_MAGIC
assert a.x == FLOAT_MAGIC
a.x = 1.0
assert a.x == 1.0
assert a.x == FLOAT_MAGIC
class D:
def __init__(self, x: float) -> None:
if x:
self.x = x
def test_float_attr_maybe_undefned() -> None:
for i in range(-200, 200):
if i == 0:
d = D(0.0)
with assertRaises(AttributeError):
a: Any = d
with assertRaises(AttributeError):
assert d.x == FLOAT_MAGIC
assert a.x == FLOAT_MAGIC
d.x = 0.0
assert d.x == 0.0
assert a.x == 0.0
assert a.x == FLOAT_MAGIC
d = D(0.0)
a = cast(Any, d)
assert d.x == FLOAT_MAGIC
f = float(i)
d = D(f)
assert d.x == f
a2: Any = d
assert a2.x == f
def f(x: float) -> float:
return x + 1
def test_return_values() -> None:
a: Any = f
for i in range(-200, 200):
x = float(i)
assert f(x) == x + 1
assert a(x) == x + 1
for x in float_vals:
if not math.isnan(x):
assert f(x) == x + 1
assert math.isnan(f(x))
def exc() -> float:
raise IndexError('x')
def test_exception() -> None:
with assertRaises(IndexError):
a: Any = exc
with assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_undefined_local_var() -> None:
if not int():
x = -113.0
assert x == -113.0
if int():
y = -113.0
with assertRaises(UnboundLocalError, 'local variable "y" referenced before assignment'):
if not int():
x2 = -1.0
assert x2 == -1.0
if int():
y2 = -1.0
with assertRaises(UnboundLocalError, 'local variable "y2" referenced before assignment'):
def test_tuples() -> None:
t1: tuple[float, float] = (1.5, 2.5)
assert t1 == tuple([1.5, 2.5])
n = int() + 5
t2: tuple[float, float, float, float] = (n, 1.5, -7, -113)
assert t2 == tuple([5.0, 1.5, -7.0, -113.0])
[case testFloatGlueMethodsAndInheritance]
from typing import Any
from typing_extensions import Final
from mypy_extensions import trait
from testutil import assertRaises
MAGIC: Final = -113.0
class Base:
def foo(self) -> float:
return 5.0
def bar(self, x: float = 2.0) -> float:
return x + 1
def hoho(self, x: float) -> float:
return x - 1
class Derived(Base):
def foo(self, x: float = 5.0) -> float:
return x + 10
def bar(self, x: float = 3, y: float = 20) -> float:
return x + y + 2
def hoho(self, x: float = 7) -> float:
return x - 2
def test_derived_adds_bitmap() -> None:
b: Base = Derived()
assert == 15
def test_derived_adds_another_default_arg() -> None:
b: Base = Derived()
assert == 25
assert == 23
assert == MAGIC + 22
def test_derived_switches_arg_to_have_default() -> None:
b: Base = Derived()
assert b.hoho(5) == 3
assert b.hoho(MAGIC) == MAGIC - 2
class T:
def x(self) -> float: ...
def y(self) -> float: ...
class C(T):
x: float = 1.0
y: float = 4
def test_read_only_property_in_trait_implemented_as_attribute() -> None:
c = C()
c.x = 5.5
assert c.x == 5.5
c.x = MAGIC
assert c.x == MAGIC
assert c.y == 4
c.y = 6.5
assert c.y == 6.5
t: T = C()
assert t.y == 4
t = c
assert t.x == MAGIC
c.x = 55.5
assert t.x == 55.5
assert t.y == 6.5
a: Any = c
assert a.x == 55.5
assert a.y == 6.5
a.x = 7.0
a.y = 8.0
assert a.x == 7
assert a.y == 8
class D(T):
xx: float
def x(self) -> float:
return self.xx
def y(self) -> float:
raise TypeError
def test_read_only_property_in_trait_implemented_as_property() -> None:
d = D()
d.xx = 5.0
assert d.x == 5
d.xx = MAGIC
assert d.x == MAGIC
with assertRaises(TypeError):
t: T = d
assert t.x == MAGIC
d.xx = 6.0
assert t.x == 6
with assertRaises(TypeError):
class T2:
x: float
y: float
class C2(T2):
def test_inherit_trait_attribute() -> None:
c = C2()
c.x = 5.0
assert c.x == 5
c.x = MAGIC
assert c.x == MAGIC
with assertRaises(AttributeError):
c.y = 6.0
assert c.y == 6.0
t: T2 = C2()
with assertRaises(AttributeError):
t = c
assert t.x == MAGIC
c.x = 55.0
assert t.x == 55
assert t.y == 6
a: Any = c
assert a.x == 55
assert a.y == 6
a.x = 7.0
a.y = 8.0
assert a.x == 7
assert a.y == 8
class D2(T2):
x: float
y: float = 4
def test_implement_trait_attribute() -> None:
d = D2()
d.x = 5.0
assert d.x == 5
d.x = MAGIC
assert d.x == MAGIC
assert d.y == 4
d.y = 6.0
assert d.y == 6
t: T2 = D2()
assert t.y == 4
t = d
assert t.x == MAGIC
d.x = 55.0
assert t.x == 55
assert t.y == 6
a: Any = d
assert a.x == 55
assert a.y == 6
a.x = 7.0
a.y = 8.0
assert a.x == 7
assert a.y == 8