Tipragot 628be439b8 Ajout d'un environement de développement.
Cela permet de ne pas avoir de problèmes de compatibilité
car python est dans le git.
2023-10-26 15:33:03 +02:00

146 lines
3.3 KiB

# async test cases (compile and run)
[case testAsync]
import asyncio
async def h() -> int:
return 1
async def g() -> int:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
return await h()
async def f() -> int:
return await g()
[file asyncio/__init__.pyi]
async def sleep(t: float) -> None: ...
[typing fixtures/typing-full.pyi]
from native import f
import asyncio
result =
assert result == 1
[case testAsyncWith]
from testutil import async_val
class async_ctx:
async def __aenter__(self) -> str:
await async_val("enter")
return "test"
async def __aexit__(self, x, y, z) -> None:
await async_val("exit")
async def async_with() -> str:
async with async_ctx() as x:
return await async_val("body")
from native import async_with
from testutil import run_generator
yields, val = run_generator(async_with(), [None, 'x', None])
assert yields == ('enter', 'body', 'exit'), yields
assert val == 'x', val
[case testAsyncReturn]
from testutil import async_val
async def async_return() -> str:
return 'test'
await async_val('foo')
from native import async_return
from testutil import run_generator
yields, val = run_generator(async_return())
assert yields == ('foo',)
assert val == 'test', val
[case testAsyncFor]
from typing import AsyncIterable, List, Set, Dict
async def async_iter(xs: AsyncIterable[int]) -> List[int]:
ys = []
async for x in xs:
return ys
async def async_comp(xs: AsyncIterable[int]) -> List[int]:
ys = [x async for x in xs]
return ys
async def async_comp_set(xs: AsyncIterable[int]) -> Set[int]:
return {x async for x in xs}
async def async_comp_dict(xs: AsyncIterable[int]) -> Dict[int, str]:
return {x: str(x) async for x in xs}
[typing fixtures/typing-full.pyi]
from native import async_iter, async_comp, async_comp_set, async_comp_dict
from testutil import run_generator, async_val
from typing import AsyncIterable, List
# defined here since we couldn't do it inside the test yet...
async def foo() -> AsyncIterable[int]:
for x in range(3):
await async_val(x)
yield x
yields, val = run_generator(async_iter(foo()))
assert val == [0,1,2], val
assert yields == (0,1,2), yields
yields, val = run_generator(async_comp(foo()))
assert val == [0,1,2], val
assert yields == (0,1,2), yields
yields, val = run_generator(async_comp_set(foo()))
assert val == {0,1,2}, val
assert yields == (0,1,2), yields
yields, val = run_generator(async_comp_dict(foo()))
assert val == {0: '0',1: '1', 2: '2'}, val
assert yields == (0,1,2), yields
[case testAsyncFor2]
from typing import AsyncIterable, List
async def async_iter(xs: AsyncIterable[int]) -> List[int]:
ys = []
async for x in xs:
return ys
[typing fixtures/typing-full.pyi]
from native import async_iter
from testutil import run_generator, async_val
from typing import AsyncIterable, List
# defined here since we couldn't do it inside the test yet...
async def foo() -> AsyncIterable[int]:
for x in range(3):
await async_val(x)
yield x
raise Exception('lol no')
yields, val = run_generator(async_iter(foo()))
assert yields == (0,1,2), yields
assert val == 'lol no', val