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2023-10-26 15:33:03 +02:00

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"""Helpers for manipulations with graphs."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import AbstractSet, Iterable, Iterator, TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T")
def strongly_connected_components(
vertices: AbstractSet[T], edges: dict[T, list[T]]
) -> Iterator[set[T]]:
"""Compute Strongly Connected Components of a directed graph.
vertices: the labels for the vertices
edges: for each vertex, gives the target vertices of its outgoing edges
An iterator yielding strongly connected components, each
represented as a set of vertices. Each input vertex will occur
exactly once; vertices not part of a SCC are returned as
singleton sets.
identified: set[T] = set()
stack: list[T] = []
index: dict[T, int] = {}
boundaries: list[int] = []
def dfs(v: T) -> Iterator[set[T]]:
index[v] = len(stack)
for w in edges[v]:
if w not in index:
yield from dfs(w)
elif w not in identified:
while index[w] < boundaries[-1]:
if boundaries[-1] == index[v]:
scc = set(stack[index[v] :])
del stack[index[v] :]
yield scc
for v in vertices:
if v not in index:
yield from dfs(v)
def prepare_sccs(
sccs: list[set[T]], edges: dict[T, list[T]]
) -> dict[AbstractSet[T], set[AbstractSet[T]]]:
"""Use original edges to organize SCCs in a graph by dependencies between them."""
sccsmap = {v: frozenset(scc) for scc in sccs for v in scc}
data: dict[AbstractSet[T], set[AbstractSet[T]]] = {}
for scc in sccs:
deps: set[AbstractSet[T]] = set()
for v in scc:
deps.update(sccsmap[x] for x in edges[v])
data[frozenset(scc)] = deps
return data
def topsort(data: dict[T, set[T]]) -> Iterable[set[T]]:
"""Topological sort.
data: A map from vertices to all vertices that it has an edge
connecting it to. NOTE: This data structure
is modified in place -- for normalization purposes,
self-dependencies are removed and entries representing
orphans are added.
An iterator yielding sets of vertices that have an equivalent
Suppose the input has the following structure:
{A: {B, C}, B: {D}, C: {D}}
This is normalized to:
{A: {B, C}, B: {D}, C: {D}, D: {}}
The algorithm will yield the following values:
{B, C}
# TODO: Use a faster algorithm?
for k, v in data.items():
v.discard(k) # Ignore self dependencies.
for item in set.union(*data.values()) - set(data.keys()):
data[item] = set()
while True:
ready = {item for item, dep in data.items() if not dep}
if not ready:
yield ready
data = {item: (dep - ready) for item, dep in data.items() if item not in ready}
assert not data, f"A cyclic dependency exists amongst {data!r}"