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"""Routines for finding the sources that mypy will check"""
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import os
from typing import Final, Sequence
from mypy.fscache import FileSystemCache
from mypy.modulefinder import PYTHON_EXTENSIONS, BuildSource, matches_exclude, mypy_path
from mypy.options import Options
class InvalidSourceList(Exception):
"""Exception indicating a problem in the list of sources given to mypy."""
def create_source_list(
paths: Sequence[str],
options: Options,
fscache: FileSystemCache | None = None,
allow_empty_dir: bool = False,
) -> list[BuildSource]:
"""From a list of source files/directories, makes a list of BuildSources.
Raises InvalidSourceList on errors.
fscache = fscache or FileSystemCache()
finder = SourceFinder(fscache, options)
sources = []
for path in paths:
path = os.path.normpath(path)
if path.endswith(PY_EXTENSIONS):
# Can raise InvalidSourceList if a directory doesn't have a valid module name.
name, base_dir = finder.crawl_up(path)
sources.append(BuildSource(path, name, None, base_dir))
elif fscache.isdir(path):
sub_sources = finder.find_sources_in_dir(path)
if not sub_sources and not allow_empty_dir:
raise InvalidSourceList(f"There are no .py[i] files in directory '{path}'")
mod = os.path.basename(path) if options.scripts_are_modules else None
sources.append(BuildSource(path, mod, None))
return sources
def keyfunc(name: str) -> tuple[bool, int, str]:
"""Determines sort order for directory listing.
The desirable properties are:
1) foo < foo.pyi <
2)[i] < foo
base, suffix = os.path.splitext(name)
for i, ext in enumerate(PY_EXTENSIONS):
if suffix == ext:
return (base != "__init__", i, base)
return (base != "__init__", -1, name)
def normalise_package_base(root: str) -> str:
if not root:
root = os.curdir
root = os.path.abspath(root)
if root.endswith(os.sep):
root = root[:-1]
return root
def get_explicit_package_bases(options: Options) -> list[str] | None:
"""Returns explicit package bases to use if the option is enabled, or None if disabled.
We currently use MYPYPATH and the current directory as the package bases. In the future,
when --namespace-packages is the default could also use the values passed with the
--package-root flag, see #9632.
Values returned are normalised so we can use simple string comparisons in
if not options.explicit_package_bases:
return None
roots = mypy_path() + options.mypy_path + [os.getcwd()]
return [normalise_package_base(root) for root in roots]
class SourceFinder:
def __init__(self, fscache: FileSystemCache, options: Options) -> None:
self.fscache = fscache
self.explicit_package_bases = get_explicit_package_bases(options)
self.namespace_packages = options.namespace_packages
self.exclude = options.exclude
self.verbosity = options.verbosity
def is_explicit_package_base(self, path: str) -> bool:
assert self.explicit_package_bases
return normalise_package_base(path) in self.explicit_package_bases
def find_sources_in_dir(self, path: str) -> list[BuildSource]:
sources = []
seen: set[str] = set()
names = sorted(self.fscache.listdir(path), key=keyfunc)
for name in names:
# Skip certain names altogether
if name in ("__pycache__", "site-packages", "node_modules") or name.startswith("."):
subpath = os.path.join(path, name)
if matches_exclude(subpath, self.exclude, self.fscache, self.verbosity >= 2):
if self.fscache.isdir(subpath):
sub_sources = self.find_sources_in_dir(subpath)
if sub_sources:
stem, suffix = os.path.splitext(name)
if stem not in seen and suffix in PY_EXTENSIONS:
module, base_dir = self.crawl_up(subpath)
sources.append(BuildSource(subpath, module, None, base_dir))
return sources
def crawl_up(self, path: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Given a .py[i] filename, return module and base directory.
For example, given "xxx/yyy/foo/", we might return something like:
("", "xxx/yyy")
If namespace packages is off, we crawl upwards until we find a directory without
If namespace packages is on, we crawl upwards until the nearest explicit base directory.
Failing that, we return one past the highest directory containing an
We won't crawl past directories with invalid package names.
The base directory returned is an absolute path.
path = os.path.abspath(path)
parent, filename = os.path.split(path)
module_name = strip_py(filename) or filename
parent_module, base_dir = self.crawl_up_dir(parent)
if module_name == "__init__":
return parent_module, base_dir
# Note that module_name might not actually be a valid identifier, but that's okay
# Ignoring this possibility sidesteps some search path confusion
module = module_join(parent_module, module_name)
return module, base_dir
def crawl_up_dir(self, dir: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
return self._crawl_up_helper(dir) or ("", dir)
@functools.lru_cache # noqa: B019
def _crawl_up_helper(self, dir: str) -> tuple[str, str] | None:
"""Given a directory, maybe returns module and base directory.
We return a non-None value if we were able to find something clearly intended as a base
directory (as adjudicated by being an explicit base directory or by containing a package
This distinction is necessary for namespace packages, so that we know when to treat
ourselves as a subpackage.
# stop crawling if we're an explicit base directory
if self.explicit_package_bases is not None and self.is_explicit_package_base(dir):
return "", dir
parent, name = os.path.split(dir)
if name.endswith("-stubs"):
name = name[:-6] # PEP-561 stub-only directory
# recurse if there's an
init_file = self.get_init_file(dir)
if init_file is not None:
if not name.isidentifier():
# in most cases the directory name is invalid, we'll just stop crawling upwards
# but if there's an in the directory, something is messed up
raise InvalidSourceList(f"{name} is not a valid Python package name")
# we're definitely a package, so we always return a non-None value
mod_prefix, base_dir = self.crawl_up_dir(parent)
return module_join(mod_prefix, name), base_dir
# stop crawling if we're out of path components or our name is an invalid identifier
if not name or not parent or not name.isidentifier():
return None
# stop crawling if namespace packages is off (since we don't have an
if not self.namespace_packages:
return None
# at this point: namespace packages is on, we don't have an and we're not an
# explicit base directory
result = self._crawl_up_helper(parent)
if result is None:
# we're not an explicit base directory and we don't have an
# and none of our parents are either, so return
return None
# one of our parents was an explicit base directory or had an, so we're
# definitely a subpackage! chain our name to the module.
mod_prefix, base_dir = result
return module_join(mod_prefix, name), base_dir
def get_init_file(self, dir: str) -> str | None:
"""Check whether a directory contains a file named[i].
If so, return the file's name (with dir prefixed). If not, return None.
This prefers .pyi over .py (because of the ordering of PY_EXTENSIONS).
for ext in PY_EXTENSIONS:
f = os.path.join(dir, "__init__" + ext)
if self.fscache.isfile(f):
return f
if ext == ".py" and self.fscache.init_under_package_root(f):
return f
return None
def module_join(parent: str, child: str) -> str:
"""Join module ids, accounting for a possibly empty parent."""
if parent:
return parent + "." + child
return child
def strip_py(arg: str) -> str | None:
"""Strip a trailing .py or .pyi suffix.
Return None if no such suffix is found.
for ext in PY_EXTENSIONS:
if arg.endswith(ext):
return arg[: -len(ext)]
return None