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"""Type checker test cases"""
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
import sys
from mypy import build
from import Graph
from mypy.errors import CompileError
from mypy.modulefinder import BuildSource, FindModuleCache, SearchPaths
from mypy.options import TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, UNPACK
from mypy.test.config import test_data_prefix, test_temp_dir
from import DataDrivenTestCase, DataSuite, FileOperation, module_from_path
from mypy.test.helpers import (
from mypy.test.update_data import update_testcase_output
import lxml # type: ignore[import-untyped]
except ImportError:
lxml = None
import pytest
# List of files that contain test case descriptions.
# Includes all check-* files with the .test extension in the test-data/unit directory
typecheck_files = find_test_files(pattern="check-*.test")
# Tests that use Python version specific features:
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
# Special tests for platforms with case-insensitive filesystems.
if sys.platform not in ("darwin", "win32"):
class TypeCheckSuite(DataSuite):
files = typecheck_files
def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None:
if lxml is None and os.path.basename(testcase.file) == "check-reports.test":
pytest.skip("Cannot import lxml. Is it installed?")
incremental = (
"incremental" in
or "incremental" in testcase.file
or "serialize" in testcase.file
if incremental:
# Incremental tests are run once with a cold cache, once with a warm cache.
# Expect success on first run, errors from testcase.output (if any) on second run.
num_steps = max([2] + list(testcase.output2.keys()))
# Check that there are no file changes beyond the last run (they would be ignored).
for dn, dirs, files in os.walk(os.curdir):
for file in files:
m ="\.([2-9])$", file)
if m and int( > num_steps:
raise ValueError(
"Output file {} exists though test case only has {} runs".format(
file, num_steps
steps = testcase.find_steps()
for step in range(1, num_steps + 1):
idx = step - 2
ops = steps[idx] if idx < len(steps) and idx >= 0 else []
self.run_case_once(testcase, ops, step)
def _sort_output_if_needed(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, a: list[str]) -> None:
idx = testcase.output_inline_start
if not testcase.files or idx == len(testcase.output):
def _filename(_msg: str) -> str:
return _msg.partition(":")[0]
file_weights = {file: idx for idx, file in enumerate(_filename(msg) for msg in a)}
testcase.output[idx:] = sorted(
testcase.output[idx:], key=lambda msg: file_weights.get(_filename(msg), -1)
def run_case_once(
testcase: DataDrivenTestCase,
operations: list[FileOperation] = [],
incremental_step: int = 0,
) -> None:
original_program_text = "\n".join(testcase.input)
module_data = self.parse_module(original_program_text, incremental_step)
# Unload already loaded plugins, they may be updated.
for file, _ in testcase.files:
module = module_from_path(file)
if module.endswith("_plugin") and module in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[module]
if incremental_step == 0 or incremental_step == 1:
# In run 1, copy program text to program file.
for module_name, program_path, program_text in module_data:
if module_name == "__main__":
with open(program_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
elif incremental_step > 1:
# In runs 2+, copy *.[num] files to * files.
# Parse options after moving files (in case mypy.ini is being moved).
options = parse_options(original_program_text, testcase, incremental_step)
options.use_builtins_fixtures = True
if not"_no_incomplete"):
options.enable_incomplete_feature = [TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, UNPACK]
options.show_traceback = True
# Enable some options automatically based on test file name.
if "columns" in testcase.file:
options.show_column_numbers = True
if "errorcodes" in testcase.file:
options.hide_error_codes = False
if "abstract" not in testcase.file:
options.allow_empty_bodies = not"_no_empty")
if "lowercase" not in testcase.file:
options.force_uppercase_builtins = True
if "union-error" not in testcase.file:
options.force_union_syntax = True
if incremental_step and options.incremental:
# Don't overwrite # flags: --no-incremental in incremental test cases
options.incremental = True
options.incremental = False
# Don't waste time writing cache unless we are specifically looking for it
if not testcase.writescache:
options.cache_dir = os.devnull
sources = []
for module_name, program_path, program_text in module_data:
# Always set to none so we're forced to reread the module in incremental mode
BuildSource(program_path, module_name, None if incremental_step else program_text)
plugin_dir = os.path.join(test_data_prefix, "plugins")
sys.path.insert(0, plugin_dir)
res = None
res =, options=options, alt_lib_path=test_temp_dir)
a = res.errors
except CompileError as e:
a = e.messages
assert sys.path[0] == plugin_dir
del sys.path[0]
if testcase.normalize_output:
a = normalize_error_messages(a)
# Make sure error messages match
if incremental_step < 2:
if incremental_step == 1:
msg = "Unexpected type checker output in incremental, run 1 ({}, line {})"
assert incremental_step == 0
msg = "Unexpected type checker output ({}, line {})"
self._sort_output_if_needed(testcase, a)
output = testcase.output
msg = (
f"Unexpected type checker output in incremental, run {incremental_step}"
+ " ({}, line {})"
output = testcase.output2.get(incremental_step, [])
if output != a and testcase.config.getoption("--update-data", False):
update_testcase_output(testcase, a, incremental_step=incremental_step)
assert_string_arrays_equal(output, a, msg.format(testcase.file, testcase.line))
if res:
if options.cache_dir != os.devnull:
self.verify_cache(module_data, res.errors, res.manager, res.graph)
name = "targets"
if incremental_step:
name += str(incremental_step + 1)
expected = testcase.expected_fine_grained_targets.get(incremental_step + 1)
actual = [
for module, target in res.manager.processed_targets
if module in testcase.test_modules
if expected is not None:
assert_target_equivalence(name, expected, actual)
if incremental_step > 1:
suffix = "" if incremental_step == 2 else str(incremental_step - 1)
expected_rechecked = testcase.expected_rechecked_modules.get(incremental_step - 1)
if expected_rechecked is not None:
"rechecked" + suffix, expected_rechecked, res.manager.rechecked_modules
expected_stale = testcase.expected_stale_modules.get(incremental_step - 1)
if expected_stale is not None:
"stale" + suffix, expected_stale, res.manager.stale_modules
if testcase.output_files:
check_test_output_files(testcase, incremental_step, strip_prefix="tmp/")
def verify_cache(
module_data: list[tuple[str, str, str]],
a: list[str],
manager: build.BuildManager,
graph: Graph,
) -> None:
# There should be valid cache metadata for each module except
# for those that had an error in themselves or one of their
# dependencies.
error_paths = self.find_error_message_paths(a)
busted_paths = {m.path for id, m in manager.modules.items() if graph[id].transitive_error}
modules = self.find_module_files(manager)
modules.update({module_name: path for module_name, path, text in module_data})
missing_paths = self.find_missing_cache_files(modules, manager)
# We would like to assert error_paths.issubset(busted_paths)
# but this runs into trouble because while some 'notes' are
# really errors that cause an error to be marked, many are
# just notes attached to other errors.
assert error_paths or not busted_paths, "Some modules reported error despite no errors"
if not missing_paths == busted_paths:
raise AssertionError(f"cache data discrepancy {missing_paths} != {busted_paths}")
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(manager.options.cache_dir, ".gitignore"))
cachedir_tag = os.path.join(manager.options.cache_dir, "CACHEDIR.TAG")
assert os.path.isfile(cachedir_tag)
with open(cachedir_tag) as f:
assert"Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55")
def find_error_message_paths(self, a: list[str]) -> set[str]:
hits = set()
for line in a:
m = re.match(r"([^\s:]+):(\d+:)?(\d+:)? (error|warning|note):", line)
if m:
p =
return hits
def find_module_files(self, manager: build.BuildManager) -> dict[str, str]:
return {id: module.path for id, module in manager.modules.items()}
def find_missing_cache_files(
self, modules: dict[str, str], manager: build.BuildManager
) -> set[str]:
ignore_errors = True
missing = {}
for id, path in modules.items():
meta = build.find_cache_meta(id, path, manager)
if not build.validate_meta(meta, id, path, ignore_errors, manager):
missing[id] = path
return set(missing.values())
def parse_module(
self, program_text: str, incremental_step: int = 0
) -> list[tuple[str, str, str]]:
"""Return the module and program names for a test case.
Normally, the unit tests will parse the default ('__main__')
module and follow all the imports listed there. You can override
this behavior and instruct the tests to check multiple modules
by using a comment like this in the test case input:
# cmd: mypy -m foo.baz
You can also use `# cmdN:` to have a different cmd for incremental
step N (2, 3, ...).
Return a list of tuples (module name, file name, program text).
m ="# cmd: mypy -m ([a-zA-Z0-9_. ]+)$", program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if incremental_step > 1:
alt_regex = f"# cmd{incremental_step}: mypy -m ([a-zA-Z0-9_. ]+)$"
alt_m =, program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if alt_m is not None:
# Optionally return a different command if in a later step
# of incremental mode, otherwise default to reusing the
# original cmd.
m = alt_m
if m:
# The test case wants to use a non-default main
# module. Look up the module and give it as the thing to
# analyze.
module_names =
out = []
search_paths = SearchPaths((test_temp_dir,), (), (), ())
cache = FindModuleCache(search_paths, fscache=None, options=None)
for module_name in module_names.split(" "):
path = cache.find_module(module_name)
assert isinstance(path, str), f"Can't find ad hoc case file: {module_name}"
with open(path, encoding="utf8") as f:
program_text =
out.append((module_name, path, program_text))
return out
return [("__main__", "main", program_text)]