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2023-10-26 15:33:03 +02:00

304 lines
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[case testU8BasicOps]
from typing import Any, Tuple
from mypy_extensions import u8, i16, i32, i64
from typing_extensions import Final
from testutil import assertRaises
ERROR: Final = 239
def test_box_and_unbox() -> None:
for i in range(0, 256):
o: Any = i
x: u8 = o
o2: Any = x
assert o == o2
assert x == i
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large or small to convert to u8"):
o = 256
x2: u8 = o
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large or small to convert to u8"):
o = -1
x3: u8 = o
def div_by_7(x: u8) -> u8:
return x // 7
def div(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8:
return x // y
def test_divide_by_constant() -> None:
for i in range(0, 256):
assert div_by_7(i) == i // 7
def test_divide_by_variable() -> None:
for x in range(0, 256):
for y in range(0, 256):
if y != 0:
assert div(x, y) == x // y
with assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, "integer division or modulo by zero"):
div(x, y)
def mod_by_7(x: u8) -> u8:
return x % 7
def mod(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8:
return x % y
def test_mod_by_constant() -> None:
for i in range(0, 256):
assert mod_by_7(i) == i % 7
def test_mod_by_variable() -> None:
for x in range(0, 256):
for y in range(0, 256):
if y != 0:
assert mod(x, y) == x % y
with assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, "integer division or modulo by zero"):
mod(x, y)
def test_simple_arithmetic_ops() -> None:
zero: u8 = int()
one: u8 = zero + 1
two: u8 = one + 1
neg_one: u8 = -one
assert neg_one == 255
assert one + one == 2
assert one + two == 3
assert one + neg_one == 0
assert one - one == 0
assert one - two == 255
assert one * one == 1
assert one * two == 2
assert two * two == 4
assert two * neg_one == 254
assert neg_one * one == 255
assert neg_one * neg_one == 1
assert two * 0 == 0
assert 0 * two == 0
assert -one == 255
assert -two == 254
assert -neg_one == 1
assert -zero == 0
def test_bitwise_ops() -> None:
x: u8 = 184 + int()
y: u8 = 79 + int()
z: u8 = 113 + int()
zero: u8 = int()
one: u8 = zero + 1
two: u8 = zero + 2
neg_one: u8 = -one
assert x & y == 8
assert x & z == 48
assert z & z == z
assert x & zero == 0
assert x | y == 255
assert x | z == 249
assert z | z == z
assert x | 0 == x
assert x ^ y == 247
assert x ^ z == 201
assert z ^ z == 0
assert z ^ 0 == z
assert x << one == 112
assert x << two == 224
assert z << two == 196
assert z << 0 == z
assert x >> one == 92
assert x >> two == 46
assert z >> two == 28
assert z >> 0 == z
for i in range(256):
t: u8 = i
assert ~t == (~(i + int()) & 0xff)
def eq(x: u8, y: u8) -> bool:
return x == y
def test_eq() -> None:
assert eq(int(), int())
assert eq(5 + int(), 5 + int())
assert not eq(int(), 1 + int())
assert not eq(5 + int(), 6 + int())
def test_comparisons() -> None:
one: u8 = 1 + int()
one2: u8 = 1 + int()
two: u8 = 2 + int()
assert one < two
assert not (one < one2)
assert not (two < one)
assert two > one
assert not (one > one2)
assert not (one > two)
assert one <= two
assert one <= one2
assert not (two <= one)
assert two >= one
assert one >= one2
assert not (one >= two)
assert one == one2
assert not (one == two)
assert one != two
assert not (one != one2)
def test_mixed_comparisons() -> None:
u8_3: u8 = int() + 3
int_5 = int() + 5
assert u8_3 < int_5
assert int_5 > u8_3
b = u8_3 > int_5
assert not b
int_largest = int() + 255
assert int_largest > u8_3
int_smallest = int()
assert u8_3 > int_smallest
int_too_big = int() + 256
int_too_small = int() -1
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
assert u8_3 < int_too_big
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
assert int_too_big < u8_3
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
assert u8_3 > int_too_small
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
assert int_too_small < u8_3
def test_mixed_arithmetic_and_bitwise_ops() -> None:
u8_3: u8 = int() + 3
int_5 = int() + 5
assert u8_3 + int_5 == 8
assert int_5 - u8_3 == 2
assert u8_3 << int_5 == 96
assert int_5 << u8_3 == 40
assert u8_3 ^ int_5 == 6
assert int_5 | u8_3 == 7
int_largest = int() + 255
assert int_largest - u8_3 == 252
int_smallest = int()
assert int_smallest + u8_3 == 3
int_too_big = int() + 256
int_too_small = int() - 1
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
assert u8_3 & int_too_big
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
assert int_too_small & u8_3
def test_coerce_to_and_from_int() -> None:
for n in range(0, 256):
x: u8 = n
m: int = x
assert m == n
def test_explicit_conversion_to_u8() -> None:
x = u8(5)
assert x == 5
y = int() + ERROR
x = u8(y)
assert x == ERROR
n64: i64 = 233
x = u8(n64)
assert x == 233
n32: i32 = 234
x = u8(n32)
assert x == 234
z = u8(x)
assert z == 234
n16: i16 = 231
x = u8(n16)
assert x == 231
def test_explicit_conversion_overflow() -> None:
max_u8 = int() + 255
x = u8(max_u8)
assert x == 255
assert int(x) == max_u8
min_u8 = int()
y = u8(min_u8)
assert y == 0
assert int(y) == min_u8
too_big = int() + 256
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
x = u8(too_big)
too_small = int() - 1
with assertRaises(OverflowError):
x = u8(too_small)
def test_u8_from_large_small_literal() -> None:
x = u8(255) # XXX u8(2**15 - 1)
assert x == 255
x = u8(0)
assert x == 0
def test_u8_truncate_from_i64() -> None:
large = i64(2**32 + 256 + 157 + int())
x = u8(large)
assert x == 157
small = i64(-2**32 - 256 - 157 + int())
x = u8(small)
assert x == 256 - 157
large2 = i64(2**8 + int())
x = u8(large2)
assert x == 0
small2 = i64(-2**8 - 1 - int())
x = u8(small2)
assert x == 255
def test_u8_truncate_from_i32() -> None:
large = i32(2**16 + 2**8 + 5 + int())
assert u8(large) == 5
small = i32(-2**16 - 2**8 - 1 + int())
assert u8(small) == 255
def from_float(x: float) -> u8:
return u8(x)
def test_explicit_conversion_from_float() -> None:
assert from_float(0.0) == 0
assert from_float(1.456) == 1
assert from_float(234.567) == 234
assert from_float(255) == 255
assert from_float(0) == 0
assert from_float(-0.999) == 0
# The error message could be better, but this is acceptable
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large or small to convert to u8"):
assert from_float(float(256))
with assertRaises(OverflowError, "int too large or small to convert to u8"):
# One ulp below the lowest valid i64 value
def test_tuple_u8() -> None:
a: u8 = 1
b: u8 = 2
t = (a, b)
a, b = t
assert a == 1
assert b == 2
x: Any = t
tt: Tuple[u8, u8] = x
assert tt == (1, 2)
def test_convert_u8_to_native_int() -> None:
for i in range(256):
x: u8 = i
assert i16(x) == i
assert i32(x) == i
assert i64(x) == i