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2023-10-26 15:33:03 +02:00

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"""Generate classes representing function environments (+ related operations).
If we have a nested function that has non-local (free) variables, access to the
non-locals is via an instance of an environment class. Example:
def f() -> int:
x = 0 # Make 'x' an attribute of an environment class instance
def g() -> int:
# We have access to the environment class instance to
# allow accessing 'x'
return x + 2
x = x + 1 # Modify the attribute
return g()
from __future__ import annotations
from mypy.nodes import Argument, FuncDef, SymbolNode, Var
from mypyc.common import BITMAP_BITS, ENV_ATTR_NAME, SELF_NAME, bitmap_name
from import ClassIR
from import Call, GetAttr, SetAttr, Value
from import RInstance, bitmap_rprimitive, object_rprimitive
from mypyc.irbuild.builder import IRBuilder, SymbolTarget
from mypyc.irbuild.context import FuncInfo, GeneratorClass, ImplicitClass
from mypyc.irbuild.targets import AssignmentTargetAttr
def setup_env_class(builder: IRBuilder) -> ClassIR:
"""Generate a class representing a function environment.
Note that the variables in the function environment are not
actually populated here. This is because when the environment
class is generated, the function environment has not yet been
visited. This behavior is allowed so that when the compiler visits
nested functions, it can use the returned ClassIR instance to
figure out free variables it needs to access. The remaining
attributes of the environment class are populated when the
environment registers are loaded.
Return a ClassIR representing an environment for a function
containing a nested function.
env_class = ClassIR(
f"{builder.fn_info.namespaced_name()}_env", builder.module_name, is_generated=True
env_class.attributes[SELF_NAME] = RInstance(env_class)
if builder.fn_info.is_nested:
# If the function is nested, its environment class must contain an environment
# attribute pointing to its encapsulating functions' environment class.
env_class.attributes[ENV_ATTR_NAME] = RInstance(builder.fn_infos[-2].env_class)
env_class.mro = [env_class]
builder.fn_info.env_class = env_class
return env_class
def finalize_env_class(builder: IRBuilder) -> None:
"""Generate, instantiate, and set up the environment of an environment class."""
# Iterate through the function arguments and replace local definitions (using registers)
# that were previously added to the environment with references to the function's
# environment class.
if builder.fn_info.is_nested:
add_args_to_env(builder, local=False, base=builder.fn_info.callable_class)
add_args_to_env(builder, local=False, base=builder.fn_info)
def instantiate_env_class(builder: IRBuilder) -> Value:
"""Assign an environment class to a register named after the given function definition."""
curr_env_reg = builder.add(
Call(builder.fn_info.env_class.ctor, [], builder.fn_info.fitem.line)
if builder.fn_info.is_nested:
builder.fn_info.callable_class._curr_env_reg = curr_env_reg
builder.fn_info._curr_env_reg = curr_env_reg
return curr_env_reg
def load_env_registers(builder: IRBuilder) -> None:
"""Load the registers for the current FuncItem being visited.
Adds the arguments of the FuncItem to the environment. If the
FuncItem is nested inside of another function, then this also
loads all of the outer environments of the FuncItem into registers
so that they can be used when accessing free variables.
add_args_to_env(builder, local=True)
fn_info = builder.fn_info
fitem = fn_info.fitem
if fn_info.is_nested:
load_outer_envs(builder, fn_info.callable_class)
# If this is a FuncDef, then make sure to load the FuncDef into its own environment
# class so that the function can be called recursively.
if isinstance(fitem, FuncDef):
setup_func_for_recursive_call(builder, fitem, fn_info.callable_class)
def load_outer_env(
builder: IRBuilder, base: Value, outer_env: dict[SymbolNode, SymbolTarget]
) -> Value:
"""Load the environment class for a given base into a register.
Additionally, iterates through all of the SymbolNode and
AssignmentTarget instances of the environment at the given index's
symtable, and adds those instances to the environment of the
current environment. This is done so that the current environment
can access outer environment variables without having to reload
all of the environment registers.
Returns the register where the environment class was loaded.
env = builder.add(GetAttr(base, ENV_ATTR_NAME, builder.fn_info.fitem.line))
assert isinstance(env.type, RInstance), f"{env} must be of type RInstance"
for symbol, target in outer_env.items():
env.type.class_ir.attributes[] = target.type
symbol_target = AssignmentTargetAttr(env,
builder.add_target(symbol, symbol_target)
return env
def load_outer_envs(builder: IRBuilder, base: ImplicitClass) -> None:
index = len( - 2
# Load the first outer environment. This one is special because it gets saved in the
# FuncInfo instance's prev_env_reg field.
if index > 1:
# outer_env = builder.fn_infos[index].environment
outer_env = builder.symtables[index]
if isinstance(base, GeneratorClass):
base.prev_env_reg = load_outer_env(builder, base.curr_env_reg, outer_env)
base.prev_env_reg = load_outer_env(builder, base.self_reg, outer_env)
env_reg = base.prev_env_reg
index -= 1
# Load the remaining outer environments into registers.
while index > 1:
# outer_env = builder.fn_infos[index].environment
outer_env = builder.symtables[index]
env_reg = load_outer_env(builder, env_reg, outer_env)
index -= 1
def num_bitmap_args(builder: IRBuilder, args: list[Argument]) -> int:
n = 0
for arg in args:
t = builder.type_to_rtype(arg.variable.type)
if t.error_overlap and arg.kind.is_optional():
n += 1
return (n + (BITMAP_BITS - 1)) // BITMAP_BITS
def add_args_to_env(
builder: IRBuilder,
local: bool = True,
base: FuncInfo | ImplicitClass | None = None,
reassign: bool = True,
) -> None:
fn_info = builder.fn_info
args = fn_info.fitem.arguments
nb = num_bitmap_args(builder, args)
if local:
for arg in args:
rtype = builder.type_to_rtype(arg.variable.type)
builder.add_local_reg(arg.variable, rtype, is_arg=True)
for i in reversed(range(nb)):
builder.add_local_reg(Var(bitmap_name(i)), bitmap_rprimitive, is_arg=True)
for arg in args:
if is_free_variable(builder, arg.variable) or fn_info.is_generator:
rtype = builder.type_to_rtype(arg.variable.type)
assert base is not None, "base cannot be None for adding nonlocal args"
builder.add_var_to_env_class(arg.variable, rtype, base, reassign=reassign)
def setup_func_for_recursive_call(builder: IRBuilder, fdef: FuncDef, base: ImplicitClass) -> None:
"""Enable calling a nested function (with a callable class) recursively.
Adds the instance of the callable class representing the given
FuncDef to a register in the environment so that the function can
be called recursively. Note that this needs to be done only for
nested functions.
# First, set the attribute of the environment class so that GetAttr can be called on it.
prev_env = builder.fn_infos[-2].env_class
prev_env.attributes[] = builder.type_to_rtype(fdef.type)
if isinstance(base, GeneratorClass):
# If we are dealing with a generator class, then we need to first get the register
# holding the current environment class, and load the previous environment class from
# there.
prev_env_reg = builder.add(GetAttr(base.curr_env_reg, ENV_ATTR_NAME, -1))
prev_env_reg = base.prev_env_reg
# Obtain the instance of the callable class representing the FuncDef, and add it to the
# current environment.
val = builder.add(GetAttr(prev_env_reg,, -1))
target = builder.add_local_reg(fdef, object_rprimitive)
builder.assign(target, val, -1)
def is_free_variable(builder: IRBuilder, symbol: SymbolNode) -> bool:
fitem = builder.fn_info.fitem
return fitem in builder.free_variables and symbol in builder.free_variables[fitem]