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"""Low-level opcodes for compiler intermediate representation (IR).
Opcodes operate on abstract values (Value) in a register machine. Each
value has a type (RType). A value can hold various things, such as:
- local variables (Register)
- intermediate values of expressions (RegisterOp subclasses)
- condition flags (true/false)
- literals (integer literals, True, False, etc.)
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Final, Generic, List, NamedTuple, Sequence, TypeVar, Union
from mypy_extensions import trait
from import (
from mypyc.codegen.literals import LiteralValue
from import ClassIR
from import FuncDecl, FuncIR
T = TypeVar("T")
class BasicBlock:
"""IR basic block.
Contains a sequence of Ops and ends with a ControlOp (Goto,
Branch, Return or Unreachable). Only the last op can be a
All generated Ops live in basic blocks. Basic blocks determine the
order of evaluation and control flow within a function. A basic
block is always associated with a single function/method (FuncIR).
When building the IR, ops that raise exceptions can be included in
the middle of a basic block, but the exceptions aren't checked.
Afterwards we perform a transform that inserts explicit checks for
all error conditions and splits basic blocks accordingly to preserve
the invariant that a jump, branch or return can only ever appear
as the final op in a block. Manually inserting error checking ops
would be boring and error-prone.
BasicBlocks have an error_handler attribute that determines where
to jump if an error occurs. If none is specified, an error will
propagate up out of the function. This is compiled away by the
`exceptions` module.
Block labels are used for pretty printing and emitting C code, and
get filled in by those passes.
Ops that may terminate the program aren't treated as exits.
def __init__(self, label: int = -1) -> None:
self.label = label
self.ops: list[Op] = []
self.error_handler: BasicBlock | None = None
self.referenced = False
def terminated(self) -> bool:
"""Does the block end with a jump, branch or return?
This should always be true after the basic block has been fully built, but
this is false during construction.
return bool(self.ops) and isinstance(self.ops[-1], ControlOp)
def terminator(self) -> ControlOp:
"""The terminator operation of the block."""
assert bool(self.ops) and isinstance(self.ops[-1], ControlOp)
return self.ops[-1]
# Never generates an exception
ERR_NEVER: Final = 0
# Generates magic value (c_error_value) based on target RType on exception
ERR_MAGIC: Final = 1
# Generates false (bool) on exception
ERR_FALSE: Final = 2
# Always fails
ERR_ALWAYS: Final = 3
# Like ERR_MAGIC, but the magic return overlaps with a possible return value, and
# an extra PyErr_Occurred() check is also required
# Hack: using this line number for an op will suppress it in tracebacks
class Value:
"""Abstract base class for all IR values.
These include references to registers, literals, and all
operations (Ops), such as assignments, calls and branches.
Values are often used as inputs of Ops. Register can be used as an
assignment target.
A Value is part of the IR being compiled if it's included in a BasicBlock
that is reachable from a FuncIR (i.e., is part of a function).
See also: Op is a subclass of Value that is the base class of all
# Source line number (-1 for no/unknown line)
line = -1
# Type of the value or the result of the operation
type: RType = void_rtype
is_borrowed = False
def is_void(self) -> bool:
return isinstance(self.type, RVoid)
class Register(Value):
"""A Register holds a value of a specific type, and it can be read and mutated.
A Register is always local to a function. Each local variable maps
to a Register, and they are also used for some (but not all)
temporary values.
Note that the term 'register' is overloaded and is sometimes used
to refer to arbitrary Values (for example, in RegisterOp).
def __init__(self, type: RType, name: str = "", is_arg: bool = False, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = type = name
self.is_arg = is_arg
self.is_borrowed = is_arg
self.line = line
def is_void(self) -> bool:
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Register {!r} at {hex(id(self))}>"
class Integer(Value):
"""Short integer literal.
Integer literals are treated as constant values and are generally
not included in data flow analyses and such, unlike Register and
Op subclasses.
Integer can represent multiple types:
* Short tagged integers (short_int_primitive type; the tag bit is clear)
* Ordinary fixed-width integers (e.g., int32_rprimitive)
* Values of other unboxed primitive types that are represented as integers
(none_rprimitive, bool_rprimitive)
* Null pointers (value 0) of various types, including object_rprimitive
def __init__(self, value: int, rtype: RType = short_int_rprimitive, line: int = -1) -> None:
if is_short_int_rprimitive(rtype) or is_int_rprimitive(rtype):
self.value = value * 2
self.value = value
self.type = rtype
self.line = line
def numeric_value(self) -> int:
if is_short_int_rprimitive(self.type) or is_int_rprimitive(self.type):
return self.value // 2
return self.value
class Float(Value):
"""Float literal.
Floating point literals are treated as constant values and are generally
not included in data flow analyses and such, unlike Register and
Op subclasses.
def __init__(self, value: float, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.value = value
self.type = float_rprimitive
self.line = line
class Op(Value):
"""Abstract base class for all IR operations.
Each operation must be stored in a BasicBlock (in 'ops') to be
active in the IR. This is different from non-Op values, including
Register and Integer, where a reference from an active Op is
sufficient to be considered active.
In well-formed IR an active Op has no references to inactive ops
or ops used in another function.
def __init__(self, line: int) -> None:
self.line = line
def can_raise(self) -> bool:
# Override this is if Op may raise an exception. Note that currently the fact that
# only RegisterOps may raise an exception in hard coded in some places.
return False
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
"""All the values the op may read."""
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
"""Return arguments that have a reference count stolen by this op"""
return []
def unique_sources(self) -> list[Value]:
result: list[Value] = []
for reg in self.sources():
if reg not in result:
return result
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
class BaseAssign(Op):
"""Base class for ops that assign to a register."""
def __init__(self, dest: Register, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.dest = dest
class Assign(BaseAssign):
"""Assign a value to a Register (dest = src)."""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, dest: Register, src: Value, line: int = -1) -> None:
super().__init__(dest, line)
self.src = src
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_assign(self)
class AssignMulti(BaseAssign):
"""Assign multiple values to a Register (dest = src1, src2, ...).
This is used to initialize RArray values. It's provided to avoid
very verbose IR for common vectorcall operations.
Note that this interacts atypically with reference counting. We
assume that each RArray register is initialized exactly once
with this op.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, dest: Register, src: list[Value], line: int = -1) -> None:
super().__init__(dest, line)
assert src
assert isinstance(dest.type, RArray)
assert dest.type.length == len(src)
self.src = src
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return self.src.copy()
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_assign_multi(self)
class ControlOp(Op):
"""Control flow operation."""
def targets(self) -> Sequence[BasicBlock]:
"""Get all basic block targets of the control operation."""
return ()
def set_target(self, i: int, new: BasicBlock) -> None:
"""Update a basic block target."""
raise AssertionError(f"Invalid set_target({self}, {i})")
class Goto(ControlOp):
"""Unconditional jump."""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, label: BasicBlock, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.label = label
def targets(self) -> Sequence[BasicBlock]:
return (self.label,)
def set_target(self, i: int, new: BasicBlock) -> None:
assert i == 0
self.label = new
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Goto %s>" % self.label.label
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_goto(self)
class Branch(ControlOp):
"""Branch based on a value.
If op is BOOL, branch based on a bit/bool value:
if [not] r1 goto L1 else goto L2
If op is IS_ERROR, branch based on whether there is an error value:
if [not] is_error(r1) goto L1 else goto L2
# Branch ops never raise an exception.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
BOOL: Final = 100
IS_ERROR: Final = 101
def __init__(
value: Value,
true_label: BasicBlock,
false_label: BasicBlock,
op: int,
line: int = -1,
rare: bool = False,
) -> None:
# Target value being checked
self.value = value
# Branch here if the condition is true
self.true = true_label
# Branch here if the condition is false
self.false = false_label
# Branch.BOOL (boolean check) or Branch.IS_ERROR (error value check)
self.op = op
# If True, the condition is negated
self.negated = False
# If not None, the true label should generate a traceback entry (func name, line number)
self.traceback_entry: tuple[str, int] | None = None
# If True, we expect to usually take the false branch (for optimization purposes);
# this is implicitly treated as true if there is a traceback entry
self.rare = rare
def targets(self) -> Sequence[BasicBlock]:
return (self.true, self.false)
def set_target(self, i: int, new: BasicBlock) -> None:
assert i == 0 or i == 1
if i == 0:
self.true = new
self.false = new
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.value]
def invert(self) -> None:
self.negated = not self.negated
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_branch(self)
class Return(ControlOp):
"""Return a value from a function."""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, value: Value, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.value = value
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.value]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.value]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_return(self)
class Unreachable(ControlOp):
"""Mark the end of basic block as unreachable.
This is sometimes necessary when the end of a basic block is never
reached. This can also be explicitly added to the end of non-None
returning functions (in None-returning function we can just return
Mypy statically guarantees that the end of the function is not
unreachable if there is not a return statement.
This prevents the block formatter from being confused due to lack
of a leave and also leaves a nifty note in the IR. It is not
generally processed by visitors.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, line: int = -1) -> None:
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_unreachable(self)
class RegisterOp(Op):
"""Abstract base class for operations that can be written as r1 = f(r2, ..., rn).
Takes some values, performs an operation, and generates an output
(unless the 'type' attribute is void_rtype, which is the default).
Other ops can refer to the result of the Op by referring to the Op
instance. This doesn't do any explicit control flow, but can raise an
Note that the operands can be arbitrary Values, not just Register
instances, even though the naming may suggest otherwise.
error_kind = -1 # Can this raise exception and how is it signalled; one of ERR_*
_type: RType | None = None
def __init__(self, line: int) -> None:
assert self.error_kind != -1, "error_kind not defined"
def can_raise(self) -> bool:
return self.error_kind != ERR_NEVER
class IncRef(RegisterOp):
"""Increase reference count (inc_ref src)."""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, line: int = -1) -> None:
assert src.type.is_refcounted
self.src = src
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_inc_ref(self)
class DecRef(RegisterOp):
"""Decrease reference count and free object if zero (dec_ref src).
The is_xdec flag says to use an XDECREF, which checks if the
pointer is NULL first.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, is_xdec: bool = False, line: int = -1) -> None:
assert src.type.is_refcounted
self.src = src
self.is_xdec = is_xdec
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<{}DecRef {!r}>".format("X" if self.is_xdec else "", self.src)
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_dec_ref(self)
class Call(RegisterOp):
"""Native call f(arg, ...).
The call target can be a module-level function or a class.
def __init__(self, fn: FuncDecl, args: Sequence[Value], line: int) -> None:
self.fn = fn
self.args = list(args)
assert len(self.args) == len(fn.sig.args)
self.type = fn.sig.ret_type
ret_type = fn.sig.ret_type
if not ret_type.error_overlap:
self.error_kind = ERR_MAGIC
self.error_kind = ERR_MAGIC_OVERLAPPING
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return list(self.args.copy())
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_call(self)
class MethodCall(RegisterOp):
"""Native method call obj.method(arg, ...)"""
def __init__(self, obj: Value, method: str, args: list[Value], line: int = -1) -> None:
self.obj = obj
self.method = method
self.args = args
assert isinstance(obj.type, RInstance), "Methods can only be called on instances"
self.receiver_type = obj.type
method_ir = self.receiver_type.class_ir.method_sig(method)
assert method_ir is not None, "{} doesn't have method {}".format(, method
ret_type = method_ir.ret_type
self.type = ret_type
if not ret_type.error_overlap:
self.error_kind = ERR_MAGIC
self.error_kind = ERR_MAGIC_OVERLAPPING
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return self.args.copy() + [self.obj]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_method_call(self)
class LoadErrorValue(RegisterOp):
"""Load an error value.
Each type has one reserved value that signals an error (exception). This
loads the error value for a specific type.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(
self, rtype: RType, line: int = -1, is_borrowed: bool = False, undefines: bool = False
) -> None:
self.type = rtype
self.is_borrowed = is_borrowed
# Undefines is true if this should viewed by the definedness
# analysis pass as making the register it is assigned to
# undefined (and thus checks should be added on uses).
self.undefines = undefines
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_load_error_value(self)
class LoadLiteral(RegisterOp):
"""Load a Python literal object (dest = 'foo' / b'foo' / ...).
This is used to load a static PyObject * value corresponding to
a literal of one of the supported types.
Tuple / frozenset literals must contain only valid literal values as items.
NOTE: You can use this to load boxed (Python) int objects. Use
Integer to load unboxed, tagged integers or fixed-width,
low-level integers.
For int literals, both int_rprimitive (CPyTagged) and
object_primitive (PyObject *) are supported as rtype. However,
when using int_rprimitive, the value must *not* be small enough
to fit in an unboxed integer.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
is_borrowed = True
def __init__(self, value: LiteralValue, rtype: RType) -> None:
self.value = value
self.type = rtype
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_load_literal(self)
class GetAttr(RegisterOp):
"""obj.attr (for a native object)"""
error_kind = ERR_MAGIC
def __init__(self, obj: Value, attr: str, line: int, *, borrow: bool = False) -> None:
self.obj = obj
self.attr = attr
assert isinstance(obj.type, RInstance), "Attribute access not supported: %s" % obj.type
self.class_type = obj.type
attr_type = obj.type.attr_type(attr)
self.type = attr_type
if attr_type.error_overlap:
self.error_kind = ERR_MAGIC_OVERLAPPING
self.is_borrowed = borrow and attr_type.is_refcounted
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.obj]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_get_attr(self)
class SetAttr(RegisterOp):
"""obj.attr = src (for a native object)
Steals the reference to src.
error_kind = ERR_FALSE
def __init__(self, obj: Value, attr: str, src: Value, line: int) -> None:
self.obj = obj
self.attr = attr
self.src = src
assert isinstance(obj.type, RInstance), "Attribute access not supported: %s" % obj.type
self.class_type = obj.type
self.type = bool_rprimitive
# If True, we can safely assume that the attribute is previously undefined
# and we don't use a setter
self.is_init = False
def mark_as_initializer(self) -> None:
self.is_init = True
self.error_kind = ERR_NEVER
self.type = void_rtype
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.obj, self.src]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_set_attr(self)
# Default name space for statics, variables
NAMESPACE_STATIC: Final = "static"
# Static namespace for pointers to native type objects
NAMESPACE_TYPE: Final = "type"
# Namespace for modules
NAMESPACE_MODULE: Final = "module"
class LoadStatic(RegisterOp):
"""Load a static name (name :: static).
Load a C static variable/pointer. The namespace for statics is shared
for the entire compilation group. You can optionally provide a module
name and a sub-namespace identifier for additional namespacing to avoid
name conflicts. The static namespace does not overlap with other C names,
since the final C name will get a prefix, so conflicts only must be
avoided with other statics.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
is_borrowed = True
def __init__(
type: RType,
identifier: str,
module_name: str | None = None,
namespace: str = NAMESPACE_STATIC,
line: int = -1,
ann: object = None,
) -> None:
self.identifier = identifier
self.module_name = module_name
self.namespace = namespace
self.type = type
self.ann = ann # An object to pretty print with the load
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_load_static(self)
class InitStatic(RegisterOp):
"""static = value :: static
Initialize a C static variable/pointer. See everything in LoadStatic.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(
value: Value,
identifier: str,
module_name: str | None = None,
namespace: str = NAMESPACE_STATIC,
line: int = -1,
) -> None:
self.identifier = identifier
self.module_name = module_name
self.namespace = namespace
self.value = value
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.value]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_init_static(self)
class TupleSet(RegisterOp):
"""dest = (reg, ...) (for fixed-length tuple)"""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, items: list[Value], line: int) -> None:
self.items = items
# Don't keep track of the fact that an int is short after it
# is put into a tuple, since we don't properly implement
# runtime subtyping for tuples.
self.tuple_type = RTuple(
arg.type if not is_short_int_rprimitive(arg.type) else int_rprimitive
for arg in items
self.type = self.tuple_type
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return self.items.copy()
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_tuple_set(self)
class TupleGet(RegisterOp):
"""Get item of a fixed-length tuple (src[index])."""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, index: int, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.src = src
self.index = index
assert isinstance(src.type, RTuple), "TupleGet only operates on tuples"
assert index >= 0
self.type = src.type.types[index]
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_tuple_get(self)
class Cast(RegisterOp):
"""cast(type, src)
Perform a runtime type check (no representation or value conversion).
DO NOT increment reference counts.
error_kind = ERR_MAGIC
def __init__(self, src: Value, typ: RType, line: int, *, borrow: bool = False) -> None:
self.src = src
self.type = typ
self.is_borrowed = borrow
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
if self.is_borrowed:
return []
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_cast(self)
class Box(RegisterOp):
"""box(type, src)
This converts from a potentially unboxed representation to a straight Python object.
Only supported for types with an unboxed representation.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.src = src
self.type = object_rprimitive
# When we box None and bool values, we produce a borrowed result
if (
or is_bool_rprimitive(self.src.type)
or is_bit_rprimitive(self.src.type)
self.is_borrowed = True
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_box(self)
class Unbox(RegisterOp):
"""unbox(type, src)
This is similar to a cast, but it also changes to a (potentially) unboxed runtime
representation. Only supported for types with an unboxed representation.
def __init__(self, src: Value, typ: RType, line: int) -> None:
self.src = src
self.type = typ
if not typ.error_overlap:
self.error_kind = ERR_MAGIC
self.error_kind = ERR_MAGIC_OVERLAPPING
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_unbox(self)
class RaiseStandardError(RegisterOp):
"""Raise built-in exception with an optional error string.
We have a separate opcode for this for convenience and to
generate smaller, more idiomatic C code.
# TODO: Make it more explicit at IR level that this always raises
error_kind = ERR_FALSE
VALUE_ERROR: Final = "ValueError"
ASSERTION_ERROR: Final = "AssertionError"
STOP_ITERATION: Final = "StopIteration"
UNBOUND_LOCAL_ERROR: Final = "UnboundLocalError"
RUNTIME_ERROR: Final = "RuntimeError"
NAME_ERROR: Final = "NameError"
ZERO_DIVISION_ERROR: Final = "ZeroDivisionError"
def __init__(self, class_name: str, value: str | Value | None, line: int) -> None:
self.class_name = class_name
self.value = value
self.type = bool_rprimitive
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_raise_standard_error(self)
# True steals all arguments, False steals none, a list steals those in matching positions
StealsDescription = Union[bool, List[bool]]
class CallC(RegisterOp):
"""result = function(arg0, arg1, ...)
Call a C function that is not a compiled/native function (for
example, a Python C API function). Use Call to call native
def __init__(
function_name: str,
args: list[Value],
ret_type: RType,
steals: StealsDescription,
is_borrowed: bool,
error_kind: int,
line: int,
var_arg_idx: int = -1,
) -> None:
self.error_kind = error_kind
self.function_name = function_name
self.args = args
self.type = ret_type
self.steals = steals
self.is_borrowed = is_borrowed
# The position of the first variable argument in args (if >= 0)
self.var_arg_idx = var_arg_idx
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return self.args
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
if isinstance(self.steals, list):
assert len(self.steals) == len(self.args)
return [arg for arg, steal in zip(self.args, self.steals) if steal]
return [] if not self.steals else self.sources()
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_call_c(self)
class Truncate(RegisterOp):
"""result = truncate src from src_type to dst_type
Truncate a value from type with more bits to type with less bits.
dst_type and src_type can be native integer types, bools or tagged
integers. Tagged integers should have the tag bit unset.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, dst_type: RType, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.src = src
self.type = dst_type
self.src_type = src.type
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_truncate(self)
class Extend(RegisterOp):
"""result = extend src from src_type to dst_type
Extend a value from a type with fewer bits to a type with more bits.
dst_type and src_type can be native integer types, bools or tagged
integers. Tagged integers should have the tag bit unset.
If 'signed' is true, perform sign extension. Otherwise, the result will be
zero extended.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, dst_type: RType, signed: bool, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.src = src
self.type = dst_type
self.src_type = src.type
self.signed = signed
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_extend(self)
class LoadGlobal(RegisterOp):
"""Load a low-level global variable/pointer.
Note that can't be used to directly load Python module-level
global variable, since they are stored in a globals dictionary
and accessed using dictionary operations.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
is_borrowed = True
def __init__(self, type: RType, identifier: str, line: int = -1, ann: object = None) -> None:
self.identifier = identifier
self.type = type
self.ann = ann # An object to pretty print with the load
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_load_global(self)
class IntOp(RegisterOp):
"""Binary arithmetic or bitwise op on integer operands (e.g., r1 = r2 + r3).
These ops are low-level and are similar to the corresponding C
The left and right values must have low-level integer types with
compatible representations. Fixed-width integers, short_int_rprimitive,
bool_rprimitive and bit_rprimitive are supported.
For tagged (arbitrary-precision) integer ops look at mypyc.primitives.int_ops.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
# Arithmetic ops
ADD: Final = 0
SUB: Final = 1
MUL: Final = 2
DIV: Final = 3
MOD: Final = 4
# Bitwise ops
AND: Final = 200
OR: Final = 201
XOR: Final = 202
LEFT_SHIFT: Final = 203
RIGHT_SHIFT: Final = 204
op_str: Final = {
ADD: "+",
SUB: "-",
MUL: "*",
DIV: "/",
MOD: "%",
AND: "&",
OR: "|",
XOR: "^",
def __init__(self, type: RType, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, op: int, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = type
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
self.op = op
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.lhs, self.rhs]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_int_op(self)
# We can't have this in the IntOp class body, because of
int_op_to_id: Final = {op: op_id for op_id, op in IntOp.op_str.items()}
class ComparisonOp(RegisterOp):
"""Low-level comparison op for integers and pointers.
Both unsigned and signed comparisons are supported. Supports
comparisons between fixed-width integer types and pointer types.
The operands should have matching sizes.
The result is always a bit (representing a boolean).
Python semantics, such as calling __eq__, are not supported.
# Must be ERR_NEVER or ERR_FALSE. ERR_FALSE means that a false result
# indicates that an exception has been raised and should be propagated.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
# S for signed and U for unsigned
EQ: Final = 100
NEQ: Final = 101
SLT: Final = 102
SGT: Final = 103
SLE: Final = 104
SGE: Final = 105
ULT: Final = 106
UGT: Final = 107
ULE: Final = 108
UGE: Final = 109
op_str: Final = {
EQ: "==",
NEQ: "!=",
SLT: "<",
SGT: ">",
SLE: "<=",
SGE: ">=",
ULT: "<",
UGT: ">",
ULE: "<=",
UGE: ">=",
signed_ops: Final = {"==": EQ, "!=": NEQ, "<": SLT, ">": SGT, "<=": SLE, ">=": SGE}
unsigned_ops: Final = {"==": EQ, "!=": NEQ, "<": ULT, ">": UGT, "<=": ULE, ">=": UGE}
def __init__(self, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, op: int, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = bit_rprimitive
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
self.op = op
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.lhs, self.rhs]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_comparison_op(self)
class FloatOp(RegisterOp):
"""Binary float arithmetic op (e.g., r1 = r2 + r3).
These ops are low-level and are similar to the corresponding C
operations (and somewhat different from Python operations).
The left and right values must be floats.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
ADD: Final = 0
SUB: Final = 1
MUL: Final = 2
DIV: Final = 3
MOD: Final = 4
op_str: Final = {ADD: "+", SUB: "-", MUL: "*", DIV: "/", MOD: "%"}
def __init__(self, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, op: int, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = float_rprimitive
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
self.op = op
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.lhs, self.rhs]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_float_op(self)
# We can't have this in the FloatOp class body, because of
float_op_to_id: Final = {op: op_id for op_id, op in FloatOp.op_str.items()}
class FloatNeg(RegisterOp):
"""Float negation op (r1 = -r2)."""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = float_rprimitive
self.src = src
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_float_neg(self)
class FloatComparisonOp(RegisterOp):
"""Low-level comparison op for floats."""
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
EQ: Final = 200
NEQ: Final = 201
LT: Final = 202
GT: Final = 203
LE: Final = 204
GE: Final = 205
op_str: Final = {EQ: "==", NEQ: "!=", LT: "<", GT: ">", LE: "<=", GE: ">="}
def __init__(self, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, op: int, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = bit_rprimitive
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
self.op = op
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.lhs, self.rhs]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_float_comparison_op(self)
# We can't have this in the FloatOp class body, because of
float_comparison_op_to_id: Final = {op: op_id for op_id, op in FloatComparisonOp.op_str.items()}
class LoadMem(RegisterOp):
"""Read a memory location: result = *(type *)src.
type: Type of the read value
src: Pointer to memory to read
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, type: RType, src: Value, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = type
# TODO: for now we enforce that the src memory address should be Py_ssize_t
# later we should also support same width unsigned int
assert is_pointer_rprimitive(src.type)
self.src = src
self.is_borrowed = True
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_load_mem(self)
class SetMem(Op):
"""Write to a memory location: *(type *)dest = src
type: Type of the written value
dest: Pointer to memory to write
src: Source value
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, type: RType, dest: Value, src: Value, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = void_rtype
self.dest_type = type
self.src = src
self.dest = dest
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src, self.dest]
def stolen(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_set_mem(self)
class GetElementPtr(RegisterOp):
"""Get the address of a struct element.
Note that you may need to use KeepAlive to avoid the struct
being freed, if it's reference counted, such as PyObject *.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: Value, src_type: RType, field: str, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = pointer_rprimitive
self.src = src
self.src_type = src_type
self.field = field
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return [self.src]
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_get_element_ptr(self)
class LoadAddress(RegisterOp):
"""Get the address of a value: result = (type)&src
type: Type of the loaded address(e.g. ptr/object_ptr)
src: Source value (str for globals like 'PyList_Type',
Register for temporary values or locals, LoadStatic
for statics.)
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
is_borrowed = True
def __init__(self, type: RType, src: str | Register | LoadStatic, line: int = -1) -> None:
self.type = type
self.src = src
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
if isinstance(self.src, Register):
return [self.src]
return []
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_load_address(self)
class KeepAlive(RegisterOp):
"""A no-op operation that ensures source values aren't freed.
This is sometimes useful to avoid decref when a reference is still
being held but not seen by the compiler.
A typical use case is like this (C-like pseudocode):
ptr = &x.item
r = *ptr
keep_alive x # x must not be freed here
# x may be freed here
If we didn't have "keep_alive x", x could be freed immediately
after taking the address of 'item', resulting in a read after free
on the second line.
error_kind = ERR_NEVER
def __init__(self, src: list[Value]) -> None:
assert src
self.src = src
def sources(self) -> list[Value]:
return self.src.copy()
def accept(self, visitor: OpVisitor[T]) -> T:
return visitor.visit_keep_alive(self)
class OpVisitor(Generic[T]):
"""Generic visitor over ops (uses the visitor design pattern)."""
def visit_goto(self, op: Goto) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_branch(self, op: Branch) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_return(self, op: Return) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_unreachable(self, op: Unreachable) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_assign(self, op: Assign) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_assign_multi(self, op: AssignMulti) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_load_error_value(self, op: LoadErrorValue) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_load_literal(self, op: LoadLiteral) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_get_attr(self, op: GetAttr) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_set_attr(self, op: SetAttr) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_load_static(self, op: LoadStatic) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_init_static(self, op: InitStatic) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_tuple_get(self, op: TupleGet) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_tuple_set(self, op: TupleSet) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_inc_ref(self, op: IncRef) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_dec_ref(self, op: DecRef) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_call(self, op: Call) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_method_call(self, op: MethodCall) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_cast(self, op: Cast) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_box(self, op: Box) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_unbox(self, op: Unbox) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_raise_standard_error(self, op: RaiseStandardError) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_call_c(self, op: CallC) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_truncate(self, op: Truncate) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_extend(self, op: Extend) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_load_global(self, op: LoadGlobal) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_int_op(self, op: IntOp) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_comparison_op(self, op: ComparisonOp) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_float_op(self, op: FloatOp) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_float_neg(self, op: FloatNeg) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_float_comparison_op(self, op: FloatComparisonOp) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_load_mem(self, op: LoadMem) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_set_mem(self, op: SetMem) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_get_element_ptr(self, op: GetElementPtr) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_load_address(self, op: LoadAddress) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
def visit_keep_alive(self, op: KeepAlive) -> T:
raise NotImplementedError
# TODO: Should the following definition live somewhere else?
# We do a three-pass deserialization scheme in order to resolve name
# references.
# 1. Create an empty ClassIR for each class in an SCC.
# 2. Deserialize all of the functions, which can contain references
# to ClassIRs in their types
# 3. Deserialize all of the classes, which contain lots of references
# to the functions they contain. (And to other classes.)
# Note that this approach differs from how we deserialize ASTs in mypy itself,
# where everything is deserialized in one pass then a second pass cleans up
# 'cross_refs'. We don't follow that approach here because it seems to be more
# code for not a lot of gain since it is easy in mypyc to identify all the objects
# we might need to reference.
# Because of these references, we need to maintain maps from class
# names to ClassIRs and func IDs to FuncIRs.
# These are tracked in a DeserMaps which is passed to every
# deserialization function.
# (Serialization and deserialization *will* be used for incremental
# compilation but so far it is not hooked up to anything.)
class DeserMaps(NamedTuple):
classes: dict[str, "ClassIR"]
functions: dict[str, "FuncIR"]