"""The semantic analyzer. Bind names to definitions and do various other simple consistency checks. Populate symbol tables. The semantic analyzer also detects special forms which reuse generic syntax such as NamedTuple and cast(). Multiple analysis iterations may be needed to analyze forward references and import cycles. Each iteration "fills in" additional bindings and references until everything has been bound. For example, consider this program: x = 1 y = x Here semantic analysis would detect that the assignment 'x = 1' defines a new variable, the type of which is to be inferred (in a later pass; type inference or type checking is not part of semantic analysis). Also, it would bind both references to 'x' to the same module-level variable (Var) node. The second assignment would also be analyzed, and the type of 'y' marked as being inferred. Semantic analysis of types is implemented in typeanal.py. See semanal_main.py for the top-level logic. Some important properties: * After semantic analysis is complete, no PlaceholderNode and PlaceholderType instances should remain. During semantic analysis, if we encounter one of these, the current target should be deferred. * A TypeInfo is only created once we know certain basic information about a type, such as the MRO, existence of a Tuple base class (e.g., for named tuples), and whether we have a TypedDict. We use a temporary PlaceholderNode node in the symbol table if some such information is missing. * For assignments, we only add a non-placeholder symbol table entry once we know the sort of thing being defined (variable, NamedTuple, type alias, etc.). * Every part of the analysis step must support multiple iterations over the same AST nodes, and each iteration must be able to fill in arbitrary things that were missing or incomplete in previous iterations. * Changes performed by the analysis need to be reversible, since mypy daemon strips and reuses existing ASTs (to improve performance and/or reduce memory use). """ from __future__ import annotations from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Callable, Collection, Final, Iterable, Iterator, List, TypeVar, cast from typing_extensions import TypeAlias as _TypeAlias from mypy import errorcodes as codes, message_registry from mypy.constant_fold import constant_fold_expr from mypy.errorcodes import ErrorCode from mypy.errors import Errors, report_internal_error from mypy.exprtotype import TypeTranslationError, expr_to_unanalyzed_type from mypy.messages import ( SUGGESTED_TEST_FIXTURES, TYPES_FOR_UNIMPORTED_HINTS, MessageBuilder, best_matches, pretty_seq, ) from mypy.mro import MroError, calculate_mro from mypy.nodes import ( ARG_NAMED, ARG_POS, ARG_STAR, ARG_STAR2, CONTRAVARIANT, COVARIANT, GDEF, IMPLICITLY_ABSTRACT, INVARIANT, IS_ABSTRACT, LDEF, MDEF, NOT_ABSTRACT, REVEAL_LOCALS, REVEAL_TYPE, RUNTIME_PROTOCOL_DECOS, ArgKind, AssertStmt, AssertTypeExpr, AssignmentExpr, AssignmentStmt, AwaitExpr, Block, BreakStmt, CallExpr, CastExpr, ClassDef, ComparisonExpr, ConditionalExpr, Context, ContinueStmt, DataclassTransformSpec, Decorator, DelStmt, DictExpr, DictionaryComprehension, EllipsisExpr, EnumCallExpr, Expression, ExpressionStmt, FakeExpression, ForStmt, FuncBase, FuncDef, FuncItem, GeneratorExpr, GlobalDecl, IfStmt, Import, ImportAll, ImportBase, ImportFrom, IndexExpr, LambdaExpr, ListComprehension, ListExpr, Lvalue, MatchStmt, MemberExpr, MypyFile, NamedTupleExpr, NameExpr, Node, NonlocalDecl, OperatorAssignmentStmt, OpExpr, OverloadedFuncDef, OverloadPart, ParamSpecExpr, PassStmt, PlaceholderNode, PromoteExpr, RaiseStmt, RefExpr, ReturnStmt, RevealExpr, SetComprehension, SetExpr, SliceExpr, StarExpr, Statement, StrExpr, SuperExpr, SymbolNode, SymbolTable, SymbolTableNode, TempNode, TryStmt, TupleExpr, TypeAlias, TypeAliasExpr, TypeApplication, TypedDictExpr, TypeInfo, TypeVarExpr, TypeVarLikeExpr, TypeVarTupleExpr, UnaryExpr, Var, WhileStmt, WithStmt, YieldExpr, YieldFromExpr, get_member_expr_fullname, get_nongen_builtins, implicit_module_attrs, is_final_node, type_aliases, type_aliases_source_versions, typing_extensions_aliases, ) from mypy.options import TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, Options from mypy.patterns import ( AsPattern, ClassPattern, MappingPattern, OrPattern, SequencePattern, StarredPattern, ValuePattern, ) from mypy.plugin import ( ClassDefContext, DynamicClassDefContext, Plugin, SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface, ) from mypy.plugins import dataclasses as dataclasses_plugin from mypy.reachability import ( ALWAYS_FALSE, ALWAYS_TRUE, MYPY_FALSE, MYPY_TRUE, infer_condition_value, infer_reachability_of_if_statement, infer_reachability_of_match_statement, ) from mypy.scope import Scope from mypy.semanal_enum import EnumCallAnalyzer from mypy.semanal_namedtuple import NamedTupleAnalyzer from mypy.semanal_newtype import NewTypeAnalyzer from mypy.semanal_shared import ( ALLOW_INCOMPATIBLE_OVERRIDE, PRIORITY_FALLBACKS, SemanticAnalyzerInterface, calculate_tuple_fallback, find_dataclass_transform_spec, has_placeholder, parse_bool, require_bool_literal_argument, set_callable_name as set_callable_name, ) from mypy.semanal_typeddict import TypedDictAnalyzer from mypy.tvar_scope import TypeVarLikeScope from mypy.typeanal import ( SELF_TYPE_NAMES, TypeAnalyser, TypeVarLikeList, TypeVarLikeQuery, analyze_type_alias, check_for_explicit_any, detect_diverging_alias, find_self_type, fix_instance_types, has_any_from_unimported_type, no_subscript_builtin_alias, type_constructors, ) from mypy.typeops import function_type, get_type_vars, try_getting_str_literals_from_type from mypy.types import ( ASSERT_TYPE_NAMES, DATACLASS_TRANSFORM_NAMES, FINAL_DECORATOR_NAMES, FINAL_TYPE_NAMES, NEVER_NAMES, OVERLOAD_NAMES, OVERRIDE_DECORATOR_NAMES, PROTOCOL_NAMES, REVEAL_TYPE_NAMES, TPDICT_NAMES, TYPE_ALIAS_NAMES, TYPED_NAMEDTUPLE_NAMES, AnyType, CallableType, FunctionLike, Instance, LiteralType, NoneType, Overloaded, Parameters, ParamSpecType, PlaceholderType, ProperType, TrivialSyntheticTypeTranslator, TupleType, Type, TypeAliasType, TypedDictType, TypeOfAny, TypeType, TypeVarLikeType, TypeVarTupleType, TypeVarType, UnboundType, UnpackType, get_proper_type, get_proper_types, is_named_instance, remove_dups, type_vars_as_args, ) from mypy.types_utils import is_invalid_recursive_alias, store_argument_type from mypy.typevars import fill_typevars from mypy.util import ( correct_relative_import, is_dunder, is_typeshed_file, module_prefix, unmangle, unnamed_function, ) from mypy.visitor import NodeVisitor T = TypeVar("T") FUTURE_IMPORTS: Final = { "__future__.nested_scopes": "nested_scopes", "__future__.generators": "generators", "__future__.division": "division", "__future__.absolute_import": "absolute_import", "__future__.with_statement": "with_statement", "__future__.print_function": "print_function", "__future__.unicode_literals": "unicode_literals", "__future__.barry_as_FLUFL": "barry_as_FLUFL", "__future__.generator_stop": "generator_stop", "__future__.annotations": "annotations", } # Special cased built-in classes that are needed for basic functionality and need to be # available very early on. CORE_BUILTIN_CLASSES: Final = ["object", "bool", "function"] # Used for tracking incomplete references Tag: _TypeAlias = int class SemanticAnalyzer( NodeVisitor[None], SemanticAnalyzerInterface, SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface ): """Semantically analyze parsed mypy files. The analyzer binds names and does various consistency checks for an AST. Note that type checking is performed as a separate pass. """ __deletable__ = ["patches", "options", "cur_mod_node"] # Module name space modules: dict[str, MypyFile] # Global name space for current module globals: SymbolTable # Names declared using "global" (separate set for each scope) global_decls: list[set[str]] # Names declared using "nonlocal" (separate set for each scope) nonlocal_decls: list[set[str]] # Local names of function scopes; None for non-function scopes. locals: list[SymbolTable | None] # Whether each scope is a comprehension scope. is_comprehension_stack: list[bool] # Nested block depths of scopes block_depth: list[int] # TypeInfo of directly enclosing class (or None) _type: TypeInfo | None = None # Stack of outer classes (the second tuple item contains tvars). type_stack: list[TypeInfo | None] # Type variables bound by the current scope, be it class or function tvar_scope: TypeVarLikeScope # Per-module options options: Options # Stack of functions being analyzed function_stack: list[FuncItem] # Set to True if semantic analysis defines a name, or replaces a # placeholder definition. If some iteration makes no progress, # there can be at most one additional final iteration (see below). progress = False deferred = False # Set to true if another analysis pass is needed incomplete = False # Set to true if current module namespace is missing things # Is this the final iteration of semantic analysis (where we report # unbound names due to cyclic definitions and should not defer)? _final_iteration = False # These names couldn't be added to the symbol table due to incomplete deps. # Note that missing names are per module, _not_ per namespace. This means that e.g. # a missing name at global scope will block adding same name at a class scope. # This should not affect correctness and is purely a performance issue, # since it can cause unnecessary deferrals. These are represented as # PlaceholderNodes in the symbol table. We use this to ensure that the first # definition takes precedence even if it's incomplete. # # Note that a star import adds a special name '*' to the set, this blocks # adding _any_ names in the current file. missing_names: list[set[str]] # Callbacks that will be called after semantic analysis to tweak things. patches: list[tuple[int, Callable[[], None]]] loop_depth: list[int] # Depth of breakable loops cur_mod_id = "" # Current module id (or None) (phase 2) _is_stub_file = False # Are we analyzing a stub file? _is_typeshed_stub_file = False # Are we analyzing a typeshed stub file? imports: set[str] # Imported modules (during phase 2 analysis) # Note: some imports (and therefore dependencies) might # not be found in phase 1, for example due to * imports. errors: Errors # Keeps track of generated errors plugin: Plugin # Mypy plugin for special casing of library features statement: Statement | None = None # Statement/definition being analyzed # Mapping from 'async def' function definitions to their return type wrapped as a # 'Coroutine[Any, Any, T]'. Used to keep track of whether a function definition's # return type has already been wrapped, by checking if the function definition's # type is stored in this mapping and that it still matches. wrapped_coro_return_types: dict[FuncDef, Type] = {} def __init__( self, modules: dict[str, MypyFile], missing_modules: set[str], incomplete_namespaces: set[str], errors: Errors, plugin: Plugin, ) -> None: """Construct semantic analyzer. We reuse the same semantic analyzer instance across multiple modules. Args: modules: Global modules dictionary missing_modules: Modules that could not be imported encountered so far incomplete_namespaces: Namespaces that are being populated during semantic analysis (can contain modules and classes within the current SCC; mutated by the caller) errors: Report analysis errors using this instance """ self.locals = [None] self.is_comprehension_stack = [False] # Saved namespaces from previous iteration. Every top-level function/method body is # analyzed in several iterations until all names are resolved. We need to save # the local namespaces for the top level function and all nested functions between # these iterations. See also semanal_main.process_top_level_function(). self.saved_locals: dict[ FuncItem | GeneratorExpr | DictionaryComprehension, SymbolTable ] = {} self.imports = set() self._type = None self.type_stack = [] # Are the namespaces of classes being processed complete? self.incomplete_type_stack: list[bool] = [] self.tvar_scope = TypeVarLikeScope() self.function_stack = [] self.block_depth = [0] self.loop_depth = [0] self.errors = errors self.modules = modules self.msg = MessageBuilder(errors, modules) self.missing_modules = missing_modules self.missing_names = [set()] # These namespaces are still in process of being populated. If we encounter a # missing name in these namespaces, we need to defer the current analysis target, # since it's possible that the name will be there once the namespace is complete. self.incomplete_namespaces = incomplete_namespaces self.all_exports: list[str] = [] # Map from module id to list of explicitly exported names (i.e. names in __all__). self.export_map: dict[str, list[str]] = {} self.plugin = plugin # If True, process function definitions. If False, don't. This is used # for processing module top levels in fine-grained incremental mode. self.recurse_into_functions = True self.scope = Scope() # Trace line numbers for every file where deferral happened during analysis of # current SCC or top-level function. self.deferral_debug_context: list[tuple[str, int]] = [] # This is needed to properly support recursive type aliases. The problem is that # Foo[Bar] could mean three things depending on context: a target for type alias, # a normal index expression (including enum index), or a type application. # The latter is particularly problematic as it can falsely create incomplete # refs while analysing rvalues of type aliases. To avoid this we first analyse # rvalues while temporarily setting this to True. self.basic_type_applications = False # Used to temporarily enable unbound type variables in some contexts. Namely, # in base class expressions, and in right hand sides of type aliases. Do not add # new uses of this, as this may cause leaking `UnboundType`s to type checking. self.allow_unbound_tvars = False # mypyc doesn't properly handle implementing an abstractproperty # with a regular attribute so we make them properties @property def type(self) -> TypeInfo | None: return self._type @property def is_stub_file(self) -> bool: return self._is_stub_file @property def is_typeshed_stub_file(self) -> bool: return self._is_typeshed_stub_file @property def final_iteration(self) -> bool: return self._final_iteration @contextmanager def allow_unbound_tvars_set(self) -> Iterator[None]: old = self.allow_unbound_tvars self.allow_unbound_tvars = True try: yield finally: self.allow_unbound_tvars = old # # Preparing module (performed before semantic analysis) # def prepare_file(self, file_node: MypyFile) -> None: """Prepare a freshly parsed file for semantic analysis.""" if "builtins" in self.modules: file_node.names["__builtins__"] = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, self.modules["builtins"]) if file_node.fullname == "builtins": self.prepare_builtins_namespace(file_node) if file_node.fullname == "typing": self.prepare_typing_namespace(file_node, type_aliases) if file_node.fullname == "typing_extensions": self.prepare_typing_namespace(file_node, typing_extensions_aliases) def prepare_typing_namespace(self, file_node: MypyFile, aliases: dict[str, str]) -> None: """Remove dummy alias definitions such as List = TypeAlias(object) from typing. They will be replaced with real aliases when corresponding targets are ready. """ # This is all pretty unfortunate. typeshed now has a # sys.version_info check for OrderedDict, and we shouldn't # take it out, because it is correct and a typechecker should # use that as a source of truth. But instead we rummage # through IfStmts to remove the info first. (I tried to # remove this whole machinery and ran into issues with the # builtins/typing import cycle.) def helper(defs: list[Statement]) -> None: for stmt in defs.copy(): if isinstance(stmt, IfStmt): for body in stmt.body: helper(body.body) if stmt.else_body: helper(stmt.else_body.body) if ( isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt) and len(stmt.lvalues) == 1 and isinstance(stmt.lvalues[0], NameExpr) ): # Assignment to a simple name, remove it if it is a dummy alias. if f"{file_node.fullname}.{stmt.lvalues[0].name}" in aliases: defs.remove(stmt) helper(file_node.defs) def prepare_builtins_namespace(self, file_node: MypyFile) -> None: """Add certain special-cased definitions to the builtins module. Some definitions are too special or fundamental to be processed normally from the AST. """ names = file_node.names # Add empty definition for core built-in classes, since they are required for basic # operation. These will be completed later on. for name in CORE_BUILTIN_CLASSES: cdef = ClassDef(name, Block([])) # Dummy ClassDef, will be replaced later info = TypeInfo(SymbolTable(), cdef, "builtins") info._fullname = f"builtins.{name}" names[name] = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, info) bool_info = names["bool"].node assert isinstance(bool_info, TypeInfo) bool_type = Instance(bool_info, []) special_var_types: list[tuple[str, Type]] = [ ("None", NoneType()), # reveal_type is a mypy-only function that gives an error with # the type of its arg. ("reveal_type", AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)), # reveal_locals is a mypy-only function that gives an error with the types of # locals ("reveal_locals", AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)), ("True", bool_type), ("False", bool_type), ("__debug__", bool_type), ] for name, typ in special_var_types: v = Var(name, typ) v._fullname = f"builtins.{name}" file_node.names[name] = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, v) # # Analyzing a target # def refresh_partial( self, node: MypyFile | FuncDef | OverloadedFuncDef, patches: list[tuple[int, Callable[[], None]]], final_iteration: bool, file_node: MypyFile, options: Options, active_type: TypeInfo | None = None, ) -> None: """Refresh a stale target in fine-grained incremental mode.""" self.patches = patches self.deferred = False self.incomplete = False self._final_iteration = final_iteration self.missing_names[-1] = set() with self.file_context(file_node, options, active_type): if isinstance(node, MypyFile): self.refresh_top_level(node) else: self.recurse_into_functions = True self.accept(node) del self.patches def refresh_top_level(self, file_node: MypyFile) -> None: """Reanalyze a stale module top-level in fine-grained incremental mode.""" self.recurse_into_functions = False self.add_implicit_module_attrs(file_node) for d in file_node.defs: self.accept(d) if file_node.fullname == "typing": self.add_builtin_aliases(file_node) if file_node.fullname == "typing_extensions": self.add_typing_extension_aliases(file_node) self.adjust_public_exports() self.export_map[self.cur_mod_id] = self.all_exports self.all_exports = [] def add_implicit_module_attrs(self, file_node: MypyFile) -> None: """Manually add implicit definitions of module '__name__' etc.""" str_type: Type | None = self.named_type_or_none("builtins.str") if str_type is None: str_type = UnboundType("builtins.str") for name, t in implicit_module_attrs.items(): if name == "__doc__": typ: Type = str_type elif name == "__path__": if not file_node.is_package_init_file(): continue # Need to construct the type ourselves, to avoid issues with __builtins__.list # not being subscriptable or typing.List not getting bound inst = self.named_type_or_none("builtins.list", [str_type]) if inst is None: assert not self.final_iteration, "Cannot find builtins.list to add __path__" self.defer() return typ = inst elif name == "__annotations__": inst = self.named_type_or_none( "builtins.dict", [str_type, AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)] ) if inst is None: assert ( not self.final_iteration ), "Cannot find builtins.dict to add __annotations__" self.defer() return typ = inst else: assert t is not None, f"type should be specified for {name}" typ = UnboundType(t) existing = file_node.names.get(name) if existing is not None and not isinstance(existing.node, PlaceholderNode): # Already exists. continue an_type = self.anal_type(typ) if an_type: var = Var(name, an_type) var._fullname = self.qualified_name(name) var.is_ready = True self.add_symbol(name, var, dummy_context()) else: self.add_symbol( name, PlaceholderNode(self.qualified_name(name), file_node, -1), dummy_context(), ) def add_builtin_aliases(self, tree: MypyFile) -> None: """Add builtin type aliases to typing module. For historical reasons, the aliases like `List = list` are not defined in typeshed stubs for typing module. Instead we need to manually add the corresponding nodes on the fly. We explicitly mark these aliases as normalized, so that a user can write `typing.List[int]`. """ assert tree.fullname == "typing" for alias, target_name in type_aliases.items(): if type_aliases_source_versions[alias] > self.options.python_version: # This alias is not available on this Python version. continue name = alias.split(".")[-1] if name in tree.names and not isinstance(tree.names[name].node, PlaceholderNode): continue self.create_alias(tree, target_name, alias, name) def add_typing_extension_aliases(self, tree: MypyFile) -> None: """Typing extensions module does contain some type aliases. We need to analyze them as such, because in typeshed they are just defined as `_Alias()` call. Which is not supported natively. """ assert tree.fullname == "typing_extensions" for alias, target_name in typing_extensions_aliases.items(): name = alias.split(".")[-1] if name in tree.names and isinstance(tree.names[name].node, TypeAlias): continue # Do not reset TypeAliases on the second pass. # We need to remove any node that is there at the moment. It is invalid. tree.names.pop(name, None) # Now, create a new alias. self.create_alias(tree, target_name, alias, name) def create_alias(self, tree: MypyFile, target_name: str, alias: str, name: str) -> None: tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() n = self.lookup_fully_qualified_or_none(target_name) if n: if isinstance(n.node, PlaceholderNode): self.mark_incomplete(name, tree) else: # Found built-in class target. Create alias. target = self.named_type_or_none(target_name, []) assert target is not None # Transform List to List[Any], etc. fix_instance_types(target, self.fail, self.note, self.options) alias_node = TypeAlias( target, alias, line=-1, column=-1, # there is no context no_args=True, normalized=True, ) self.add_symbol(name, alias_node, tree) elif self.found_incomplete_ref(tag): # Built-in class target may not ready yet -- defer. self.mark_incomplete(name, tree) else: # Test fixtures may be missing some builtin classes, which is okay. # Kill the placeholder if there is one. if name in tree.names: assert isinstance(tree.names[name].node, PlaceholderNode) del tree.names[name] def adjust_public_exports(self) -> None: """Adjust the module visibility of globals due to __all__.""" if "__all__" in self.globals: for name, g in self.globals.items(): # Being included in __all__ explicitly exports and makes public. if name in self.all_exports: g.module_public = True g.module_hidden = False # But when __all__ is defined, and a symbol is not included in it, # it cannot be public. else: g.module_public = False @contextmanager def file_context( self, file_node: MypyFile, options: Options, active_type: TypeInfo | None = None ) -> Iterator[None]: """Configure analyzer for analyzing targets within a file/class. Args: file_node: target file options: options specific to the file active_type: must be the surrounding class to analyze method targets """ scope = self.scope self.options = options self.errors.set_file(file_node.path, file_node.fullname, scope=scope, options=options) self.cur_mod_node = file_node self.cur_mod_id = file_node.fullname with scope.module_scope(self.cur_mod_id): self._is_stub_file = file_node.path.lower().endswith(".pyi") self._is_typeshed_stub_file = is_typeshed_file( options.abs_custom_typeshed_dir, file_node.path ) self.globals = file_node.names self.tvar_scope = TypeVarLikeScope() self.named_tuple_analyzer = NamedTupleAnalyzer(options, self) self.typed_dict_analyzer = TypedDictAnalyzer(options, self, self.msg) self.enum_call_analyzer = EnumCallAnalyzer(options, self) self.newtype_analyzer = NewTypeAnalyzer(options, self, self.msg) # Counter that keeps track of references to undefined things potentially caused by # incomplete namespaces. self.num_incomplete_refs = 0 if active_type: self.incomplete_type_stack.append(False) scope.enter_class(active_type) self.enter_class(active_type.defn.info) for tvar in active_type.defn.type_vars: self.tvar_scope.bind_existing(tvar) yield if active_type: scope.leave_class() self.leave_class() self._type = None self.incomplete_type_stack.pop() del self.options # # Functions # def visit_func_def(self, defn: FuncDef) -> None: self.statement = defn # Visit default values because they may contain assignment expressions. for arg in defn.arguments: if arg.initializer: arg.initializer.accept(self) defn.is_conditional = self.block_depth[-1] > 0 # Set full names even for those definitions that aren't added # to a symbol table. For example, for overload items. defn._fullname = self.qualified_name(defn.name) # We don't add module top-level functions to symbol tables # when we analyze their bodies in the second phase on analysis, # since they were added in the first phase. Nested functions # get always added, since they aren't separate targets. if not self.recurse_into_functions or len(self.function_stack) > 0: if not defn.is_decorated and not defn.is_overload: self.add_function_to_symbol_table(defn) if not self.recurse_into_functions: return with self.scope.function_scope(defn): self.analyze_func_def(defn) def analyze_func_def(self, defn: FuncDef) -> None: self.function_stack.append(defn) if defn.type: assert isinstance(defn.type, CallableType) has_self_type = self.update_function_type_variables(defn.type, defn) else: has_self_type = False self.function_stack.pop() if self.is_class_scope(): # Method definition assert self.type is not None defn.info = self.type if defn.type is not None and defn.name in ("__init__", "__init_subclass__"): assert isinstance(defn.type, CallableType) if isinstance(get_proper_type(defn.type.ret_type), AnyType): defn.type = defn.type.copy_modified(ret_type=NoneType()) self.prepare_method_signature(defn, self.type, has_self_type) # Analyze function signature with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.method_frame()): if defn.type: self.check_classvar_in_signature(defn.type) assert isinstance(defn.type, CallableType) # Signature must be analyzed in the surrounding scope so that # class-level imported names and type variables are in scope. analyzer = self.type_analyzer() tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() result = analyzer.visit_callable_type(defn.type, nested=False) # Don't store not ready types (including placeholders). if self.found_incomplete_ref(tag) or has_placeholder(result): self.defer(defn) return assert isinstance(result, ProperType) if isinstance(result, CallableType): # type guards need to have a positional argument, to spec skip_self = self.is_class_scope() and not defn.is_static if result.type_guard and ARG_POS not in result.arg_kinds[skip_self:]: self.fail( "TypeGuard functions must have a positional argument", result, code=codes.VALID_TYPE, ) # in this case, we just kind of just ... remove the type guard. result = result.copy_modified(type_guard=None) result = self.remove_unpack_kwargs(defn, result) if has_self_type and self.type is not None: info = self.type if info.self_type is not None: result.variables = [info.self_type] + list(result.variables) defn.type = result self.add_type_alias_deps(analyzer.aliases_used) self.check_function_signature(defn) self.check_paramspec_definition(defn) if isinstance(defn, FuncDef): assert isinstance(defn.type, CallableType) defn.type = set_callable_name(defn.type, defn) self.analyze_arg_initializers(defn) self.analyze_function_body(defn) if self.is_class_scope(): assert self.type is not None # Mark protocol methods with empty bodies as implicitly abstract. # This makes explicit protocol subclassing type-safe. if ( self.type.is_protocol and not self.is_stub_file # Bodies in stub files are always empty. and (not isinstance(self.scope.function, OverloadedFuncDef) or defn.is_property) and defn.abstract_status != IS_ABSTRACT and is_trivial_body(defn.body) ): defn.abstract_status = IMPLICITLY_ABSTRACT if ( is_trivial_body(defn.body) and not self.is_stub_file and defn.abstract_status != NOT_ABSTRACT ): defn.is_trivial_body = True if ( defn.is_coroutine and isinstance(defn.type, CallableType) and self.wrapped_coro_return_types.get(defn) != defn.type ): if defn.is_async_generator: # Async generator types are handled elsewhere pass else: # A coroutine defined as `async def foo(...) -> T: ...` # has external return type `Coroutine[Any, Any, T]`. any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form) ret_type = self.named_type_or_none( "typing.Coroutine", [any_type, any_type, defn.type.ret_type] ) assert ret_type is not None, "Internal error: typing.Coroutine not found" defn.type = defn.type.copy_modified(ret_type=ret_type) self.wrapped_coro_return_types[defn] = defn.type def remove_unpack_kwargs(self, defn: FuncDef, typ: CallableType) -> CallableType: if not typ.arg_kinds or typ.arg_kinds[-1] is not ArgKind.ARG_STAR2: return typ last_type = typ.arg_types[-1] if not isinstance(last_type, UnpackType): return typ last_type = get_proper_type(last_type.type) if not isinstance(last_type, TypedDictType): self.fail("Unpack item in ** argument must be a TypedDict", defn) new_arg_types = typ.arg_types[:-1] + [AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)] return typ.copy_modified(arg_types=new_arg_types) overlap = set(typ.arg_names) & set(last_type.items) # It is OK for TypedDict to have a key named 'kwargs'. overlap.discard(typ.arg_names[-1]) if overlap: overlapped = ", ".join([f'"{name}"' for name in overlap]) self.fail(f"Overlap between argument names and ** TypedDict items: {overlapped}", defn) new_arg_types = typ.arg_types[:-1] + [AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)] return typ.copy_modified(arg_types=new_arg_types) # OK, everything looks right now, mark the callable type as using unpack. new_arg_types = typ.arg_types[:-1] + [last_type] return typ.copy_modified(arg_types=new_arg_types, unpack_kwargs=True) def prepare_method_signature(self, func: FuncDef, info: TypeInfo, has_self_type: bool) -> None: """Check basic signature validity and tweak annotation of self/cls argument.""" # Only non-static methods are special, as well as __new__. functype = func.type if func.name == "__new__": func.is_static = True if not func.is_static or func.name == "__new__": if func.name in ["__init_subclass__", "__class_getitem__"]: func.is_class = True if not func.arguments: self.fail( 'Method must have at least one argument. Did you forget the "self" argument?', func, ) elif isinstance(functype, CallableType): self_type = get_proper_type(functype.arg_types[0]) if isinstance(self_type, AnyType): if has_self_type: assert self.type is not None and self.type.self_type is not None leading_type: Type = self.type.self_type else: leading_type = fill_typevars(info) if func.is_class or func.name == "__new__": leading_type = self.class_type(leading_type) func.type = replace_implicit_first_type(functype, leading_type) elif has_self_type and isinstance(func.unanalyzed_type, CallableType): if not isinstance(get_proper_type(func.unanalyzed_type.arg_types[0]), AnyType): if self.is_expected_self_type( self_type, func.is_class or func.name == "__new__" ): # This error is off by default, since it is explicitly allowed # by the PEP 673. self.fail( 'Redundant "Self" annotation for the first method argument', func, code=codes.REDUNDANT_SELF_TYPE, ) else: self.fail( "Method cannot have explicit self annotation and Self type", func ) elif has_self_type: self.fail("Static methods cannot use Self type", func) def is_expected_self_type(self, typ: Type, is_classmethod: bool) -> bool: """Does this (analyzed or not) type represent the expected Self type for a method?""" assert self.type is not None typ = get_proper_type(typ) if is_classmethod: if isinstance(typ, TypeType): return self.is_expected_self_type(typ.item, is_classmethod=False) if isinstance(typ, UnboundType): sym = self.lookup_qualified(typ.name, typ, suppress_errors=True) if ( sym is not None and ( sym.fullname == "typing.Type" or ( sym.fullname == "builtins.type" and ( self.is_stub_file or self.is_future_flag_set("annotations") or self.options.python_version >= (3, 9) ) ) ) and typ.args ): return self.is_expected_self_type(typ.args[0], is_classmethod=False) return False if isinstance(typ, TypeVarType): return typ == self.type.self_type if isinstance(typ, UnboundType): sym = self.lookup_qualified(typ.name, typ, suppress_errors=True) return sym is not None and sym.fullname in SELF_TYPE_NAMES return False def set_original_def(self, previous: Node | None, new: FuncDef | Decorator) -> bool: """If 'new' conditionally redefine 'previous', set 'previous' as original We reject straight redefinitions of functions, as they are usually a programming error. For example: def f(): ... def f(): ... # Error: 'f' redefined """ if isinstance(new, Decorator): new = new.func if ( isinstance(previous, (FuncDef, Decorator)) and unnamed_function(new.name) and unnamed_function(previous.name) ): return True if isinstance(previous, (FuncDef, Var, Decorator)) and new.is_conditional: new.original_def = previous return True else: return False def update_function_type_variables(self, fun_type: CallableType, defn: FuncItem) -> bool: """Make any type variables in the signature of defn explicit. Update the signature of defn to contain type variable definitions if defn is generic. Return True, if the signature contains typing.Self type, or False otherwise. """ with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.method_frame()): a = self.type_analyzer() fun_type.variables, has_self_type = a.bind_function_type_variables(fun_type, defn) if has_self_type and self.type is not None: self.setup_self_type() return has_self_type def setup_self_type(self) -> None: """Setup a (shared) Self type variable for current class. We intentionally don't add it to the class symbol table, so it can be accessed only by mypy and will not cause clashes with user defined names. """ assert self.type is not None info = self.type if info.self_type is not None: if has_placeholder(info.self_type.upper_bound): # Similar to regular (user defined) type variables. self.process_placeholder( None, "Self upper bound", info, force_progress=info.self_type.upper_bound != fill_typevars(info), ) else: return info.self_type = TypeVarType( "Self", f"{info.fullname}.Self", id=0, values=[], upper_bound=fill_typevars(info), default=AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics), ) def visit_overloaded_func_def(self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: self.statement = defn self.add_function_to_symbol_table(defn) if not self.recurse_into_functions: return # NB: Since _visit_overloaded_func_def will call accept on the # underlying FuncDefs, the function might get entered twice. # This is fine, though, because only the outermost function is # used to compute targets. with self.scope.function_scope(defn): self.analyze_overloaded_func_def(defn) def analyze_overloaded_func_def(self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: # OverloadedFuncDef refers to any legitimate situation where you have # more than one declaration for the same function in a row. This occurs # with a @property with a setter or a deleter, and for a classic # @overload. defn._fullname = self.qualified_name(defn.name) # TODO: avoid modifying items. defn.items = defn.unanalyzed_items.copy() first_item = defn.items[0] first_item.is_overload = True first_item.accept(self) if isinstance(first_item, Decorator) and first_item.func.is_property: # This is a property. first_item.func.is_overload = True self.analyze_property_with_multi_part_definition(defn) typ = function_type(first_item.func, self.named_type("builtins.function")) assert isinstance(typ, CallableType) types = [typ] else: # This is an a normal overload. Find the item signatures, the # implementation (if outside a stub), and any missing @overload # decorators. types, impl, non_overload_indexes = self.analyze_overload_sigs_and_impl(defn) defn.impl = impl if non_overload_indexes: self.handle_missing_overload_decorators( defn, non_overload_indexes, some_overload_decorators=len(types) > 0 ) # If we found an implementation, remove it from the overload item list, # as it's special. if impl is not None: assert impl is defn.items[-1] defn.items = defn.items[:-1] elif not non_overload_indexes: self.handle_missing_overload_implementation(defn) if types and not any( # If some overload items are decorated with other decorators, then # the overload type will be determined during type checking. isinstance(it, Decorator) and len(it.decorators) > 1 for it in defn.items ): # TODO: should we enforce decorated overloads consistency somehow? # Some existing code uses both styles: # * Put decorator only on implementation, use "effective" types in overloads # * Put decorator everywhere, use "bare" types in overloads. defn.type = Overloaded(types) defn.type.line = defn.line if not defn.items: # It was not a real overload after all, but function redefinition. We've # visited the redefinition(s) already. if not defn.impl: # For really broken overloads with no items and no implementation we need to keep # at least one item to hold basic information like function name. defn.impl = defn.unanalyzed_items[-1] return # We know this is an overload def. Infer properties and perform some checks. self.process_final_in_overload(defn) self.process_static_or_class_method_in_overload(defn) self.process_overload_impl(defn) def process_overload_impl(self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: """Set flags for an overload implementation. Currently, this checks for a trivial body in protocols classes, where it makes the method implicitly abstract. """ if defn.impl is None: return impl = defn.impl if isinstance(defn.impl, FuncDef) else defn.impl.func if is_trivial_body(impl.body) and self.is_class_scope() and not self.is_stub_file: assert self.type is not None if self.type.is_protocol: impl.abstract_status = IMPLICITLY_ABSTRACT if impl.abstract_status != NOT_ABSTRACT: impl.is_trivial_body = True def analyze_overload_sigs_and_impl( self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef ) -> tuple[list[CallableType], OverloadPart | None, list[int]]: """Find overload signatures, the implementation, and items with missing @overload. Assume that the first was already analyzed. As a side effect: analyzes remaining items and updates 'is_overload' flags. """ types = [] non_overload_indexes = [] impl: OverloadPart | None = None for i, item in enumerate(defn.items): if i != 0: # Assume that the first item was already visited item.is_overload = True item.accept(self) # TODO: support decorated overloaded functions properly if isinstance(item, Decorator): callable = function_type(item.func, self.named_type("builtins.function")) assert isinstance(callable, CallableType) if not any(refers_to_fullname(dec, OVERLOAD_NAMES) for dec in item.decorators): if i == len(defn.items) - 1 and not self.is_stub_file: # Last item outside a stub is impl impl = item else: # Oops it wasn't an overload after all. A clear error # will vary based on where in the list it is, record # that. non_overload_indexes.append(i) else: item.func.is_overload = True types.append(callable) if item.var.is_property: self.fail("An overload can not be a property", item) # If any item was decorated with `@override`, the whole overload # becomes an explicit override. defn.is_explicit_override |= item.func.is_explicit_override elif isinstance(item, FuncDef): if i == len(defn.items) - 1 and not self.is_stub_file: impl = item else: non_overload_indexes.append(i) return types, impl, non_overload_indexes def handle_missing_overload_decorators( self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef, non_overload_indexes: list[int], some_overload_decorators: bool, ) -> None: """Generate errors for overload items without @overload. Side effect: remote non-overload items. """ if some_overload_decorators: # Some of them were overloads, but not all. for idx in non_overload_indexes: if self.is_stub_file: self.fail( "An implementation for an overloaded function " "is not allowed in a stub file", defn.items[idx], ) else: self.fail( "The implementation for an overloaded function must come last", defn.items[idx], ) else: for idx in non_overload_indexes[1:]: self.name_already_defined(defn.name, defn.items[idx], defn.items[0]) if defn.impl: self.name_already_defined(defn.name, defn.impl, defn.items[0]) # Remove the non-overloads for idx in reversed(non_overload_indexes): del defn.items[idx] def handle_missing_overload_implementation(self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: """Generate error about missing overload implementation (only if needed).""" if not self.is_stub_file: if self.type and self.type.is_protocol and not self.is_func_scope(): # An overloaded protocol method doesn't need an implementation, # but if it doesn't have one, then it is considered abstract. for item in defn.items: if isinstance(item, Decorator): item.func.abstract_status = IS_ABSTRACT else: item.abstract_status = IS_ABSTRACT else: # TODO: also allow omitting an implementation for abstract methods in ABCs? self.fail( "An overloaded function outside a stub file must have an implementation", defn, code=codes.NO_OVERLOAD_IMPL, ) def process_final_in_overload(self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: """Detect the @final status of an overloaded function (and perform checks).""" # If the implementation is marked as @final (or the first overload in # stubs), then the whole overloaded definition if @final. if any(item.is_final for item in defn.items): # We anyway mark it as final because it was probably the intention. defn.is_final = True # Only show the error once per overload bad_final = next(ov for ov in defn.items if ov.is_final) if not self.is_stub_file: self.fail("@final should be applied only to overload implementation", bad_final) elif any(item.is_final for item in defn.items[1:]): bad_final = next(ov for ov in defn.items[1:] if ov.is_final) self.fail( "In a stub file @final must be applied only to the first overload", bad_final ) if defn.impl is not None and defn.impl.is_final: defn.is_final = True def process_static_or_class_method_in_overload(self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: class_status = [] static_status = [] for item in defn.items: if isinstance(item, Decorator): inner = item.func elif isinstance(item, FuncDef): inner = item else: assert False, f"The 'item' variable is an unexpected type: {type(item)}" class_status.append(inner.is_class) static_status.append(inner.is_static) if defn.impl is not None: if isinstance(defn.impl, Decorator): inner = defn.impl.func elif isinstance(defn.impl, FuncDef): inner = defn.impl else: assert False, f"Unexpected impl type: {type(defn.impl)}" class_status.append(inner.is_class) static_status.append(inner.is_static) if len(set(class_status)) != 1: self.msg.overload_inconsistently_applies_decorator("classmethod", defn) elif len(set(static_status)) != 1: self.msg.overload_inconsistently_applies_decorator("staticmethod", defn) else: defn.is_class = class_status[0] defn.is_static = static_status[0] def analyze_property_with_multi_part_definition(self, defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: """Analyze a property defined using multiple methods (e.g., using @x.setter). Assume that the first method (@property) has already been analyzed. """ defn.is_property = True items = defn.items first_item = defn.items[0] assert isinstance(first_item, Decorator) deleted_items = [] for i, item in enumerate(items[1:]): if isinstance(item, Decorator): if len(item.decorators) >= 1: node = item.decorators[0] if isinstance(node, MemberExpr): if node.name == "setter": # The first item represents the entire property. first_item.var.is_settable_property = True # Get abstractness from the original definition. item.func.abstract_status = first_item.func.abstract_status if node.name == "deleter": item.func.abstract_status = first_item.func.abstract_status else: self.fail( f"Only supported top decorator is @{first_item.func.name}.setter", item ) item.func.accept(self) else: self.fail(f'Unexpected definition for property "{first_item.func.name}"', item) deleted_items.append(i + 1) for i in reversed(deleted_items): del items[i] def add_function_to_symbol_table(self, func: FuncDef | OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: if self.is_class_scope(): assert self.type is not None func.info = self.type func._fullname = self.qualified_name(func.name) self.add_symbol(func.name, func, func) def analyze_arg_initializers(self, defn: FuncItem) -> None: with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.method_frame()): # Analyze default arguments for arg in defn.arguments: if arg.initializer: arg.initializer.accept(self) def analyze_function_body(self, defn: FuncItem) -> None: is_method = self.is_class_scope() with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.method_frame()): # Bind the type variables again to visit the body. if defn.type: a = self.type_analyzer() typ = defn.type assert isinstance(typ, CallableType) a.bind_function_type_variables(typ, defn) for i in range(len(typ.arg_types)): store_argument_type(defn, i, typ, self.named_type) self.function_stack.append(defn) with self.enter(defn): for arg in defn.arguments: self.add_local(arg.variable, defn) # The first argument of a non-static, non-class method is like 'self' # (though the name could be different), having the enclosing class's # instance type. if is_method and (not defn.is_static or defn.name == "__new__") and defn.arguments: if not defn.is_class: defn.arguments[0].variable.is_self = True else: defn.arguments[0].variable.is_cls = True defn.body.accept(self) self.function_stack.pop() def check_classvar_in_signature(self, typ: ProperType) -> None: t: ProperType if isinstance(typ, Overloaded): for t in typ.items: self.check_classvar_in_signature(t) return if not isinstance(typ, CallableType): return for t in get_proper_types(typ.arg_types) + [get_proper_type(typ.ret_type)]: if self.is_classvar(t): self.fail_invalid_classvar(t) # Show only one error per signature break def check_function_signature(self, fdef: FuncItem) -> None: sig = fdef.type assert isinstance(sig, CallableType) if len(sig.arg_types) < len(fdef.arguments): self.fail("Type signature has too few arguments", fdef) # Add dummy Any arguments to prevent crashes later. num_extra_anys = len(fdef.arguments) - len(sig.arg_types) extra_anys = [AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)] * num_extra_anys sig.arg_types.extend(extra_anys) elif len(sig.arg_types) > len(fdef.arguments): self.fail("Type signature has too many arguments", fdef, blocker=True) def check_paramspec_definition(self, defn: FuncDef) -> None: func = defn.type assert isinstance(func, CallableType) if not any(isinstance(var, ParamSpecType) for var in func.variables): return # Function does not have param spec variables args = func.var_arg() kwargs = func.kw_arg() if args is None and kwargs is None: return # Looks like this function does not have starred args args_defn_type = None kwargs_defn_type = None for arg_def, arg_kind in zip(defn.arguments, defn.arg_kinds): if arg_kind == ARG_STAR: args_defn_type = arg_def.type_annotation elif arg_kind == ARG_STAR2: kwargs_defn_type = arg_def.type_annotation # This may happen on invalid `ParamSpec` args / kwargs definition, # type analyzer sets types of arguments to `Any`, but keeps # definition types as `UnboundType` for now. if not ( (isinstance(args_defn_type, UnboundType) and args_defn_type.name.endswith(".args")) or ( isinstance(kwargs_defn_type, UnboundType) and kwargs_defn_type.name.endswith(".kwargs") ) ): # Looks like both `*args` and `**kwargs` are not `ParamSpec` # It might be something else, skipping. return args_type = args.typ if args is not None else None kwargs_type = kwargs.typ if kwargs is not None else None if ( not isinstance(args_type, ParamSpecType) or not isinstance(kwargs_type, ParamSpecType) or args_type.name != kwargs_type.name ): if isinstance(args_defn_type, UnboundType) and args_defn_type.name.endswith(".args"): param_name = args_defn_type.name.split(".")[0] elif isinstance(kwargs_defn_type, UnboundType) and kwargs_defn_type.name.endswith( ".kwargs" ): param_name = kwargs_defn_type.name.split(".")[0] else: # Fallback for cases that probably should not ever happen: param_name = "P" self.fail( f'ParamSpec must have "*args" typed as "{param_name}.args" and "**kwargs" typed as "{param_name}.kwargs"', func, code=codes.VALID_TYPE, ) def visit_decorator(self, dec: Decorator) -> None: self.statement = dec # TODO: better don't modify them at all. dec.decorators = dec.original_decorators.copy() dec.func.is_conditional = self.block_depth[-1] > 0 if not dec.is_overload: self.add_symbol(dec.name, dec, dec) dec.func._fullname = self.qualified_name(dec.name) dec.var._fullname = self.qualified_name(dec.name) for d in dec.decorators: d.accept(self) removed: list[int] = [] no_type_check = False could_be_decorated_property = False for i, d in enumerate(dec.decorators): # A bunch of decorators are special cased here. if refers_to_fullname(d, "abc.abstractmethod"): removed.append(i) dec.func.abstract_status = IS_ABSTRACT self.check_decorated_function_is_method("abstractmethod", dec) elif refers_to_fullname(d, ("asyncio.coroutines.coroutine", "types.coroutine")): removed.append(i) dec.func.is_awaitable_coroutine = True elif refers_to_fullname(d, "builtins.staticmethod"): removed.append(i) dec.func.is_static = True dec.var.is_staticmethod = True self.check_decorated_function_is_method("staticmethod", dec) elif refers_to_fullname(d, "builtins.classmethod"): removed.append(i) dec.func.is_class = True dec.var.is_classmethod = True self.check_decorated_function_is_method("classmethod", dec) elif refers_to_fullname(d, OVERRIDE_DECORATOR_NAMES): removed.append(i) dec.func.is_explicit_override = True self.check_decorated_function_is_method("override", dec) elif refers_to_fullname( d, ( "builtins.property", "abc.abstractproperty", "functools.cached_property", "enum.property", ), ): removed.append(i) dec.func.is_property = True dec.var.is_property = True if refers_to_fullname(d, "abc.abstractproperty"): dec.func.abstract_status = IS_ABSTRACT elif refers_to_fullname(d, "functools.cached_property"): dec.var.is_settable_property = True self.check_decorated_function_is_method("property", dec) elif refers_to_fullname(d, "typing.no_type_check"): dec.var.type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form) no_type_check = True elif refers_to_fullname(d, FINAL_DECORATOR_NAMES): if self.is_class_scope(): assert self.type is not None, "No type set at class scope" if self.type.is_protocol: self.msg.protocol_members_cant_be_final(d) else: dec.func.is_final = True dec.var.is_final = True removed.append(i) else: self.fail("@final cannot be used with non-method functions", d) elif isinstance(d, CallExpr) and refers_to_fullname( d.callee, DATACLASS_TRANSFORM_NAMES ): dec.func.dataclass_transform_spec = self.parse_dataclass_transform_spec(d) elif not dec.var.is_property: # We have seen a "non-trivial" decorator before seeing @property, if # we will see a @property later, give an error, as we don't support this. could_be_decorated_property = True for i in reversed(removed): del dec.decorators[i] if (not dec.is_overload or dec.var.is_property) and self.type: dec.var.info = self.type dec.var.is_initialized_in_class = True if not no_type_check and self.recurse_into_functions: dec.func.accept(self) if could_be_decorated_property and dec.decorators and dec.var.is_property: self.fail("Decorators on top of @property are not supported", dec) if (dec.func.is_static or dec.func.is_class) and dec.var.is_property: self.fail("Only instance methods can be decorated with @property", dec) if dec.func.abstract_status == IS_ABSTRACT and dec.func.is_final: self.fail(f"Method {dec.func.name} is both abstract and final", dec) if dec.func.is_static and dec.func.is_class: self.fail(message_registry.CLASS_PATTERN_CLASS_OR_STATIC_METHOD, dec) def check_decorated_function_is_method(self, decorator: str, context: Context) -> None: if not self.type or self.is_func_scope(): self.fail(f'"{decorator}" used with a non-method', context) # # Classes # def visit_class_def(self, defn: ClassDef) -> None: self.statement = defn self.incomplete_type_stack.append(not defn.info) namespace = self.qualified_name(defn.name) with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.class_frame(namespace)): self.analyze_class(defn) self.incomplete_type_stack.pop() def analyze_class(self, defn: ClassDef) -> None: fullname = self.qualified_name(defn.name) if not defn.info and not self.is_core_builtin_class(defn): # Add placeholder so that self-references in base classes can be # resolved. We don't want this to cause a deferral, since if there # are no incomplete references, we'll replace this with a TypeInfo # before returning. placeholder = PlaceholderNode(fullname, defn, defn.line, becomes_typeinfo=True) self.add_symbol(defn.name, placeholder, defn, can_defer=False) tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() # Restore base classes after previous iteration (things like Generic[T] might be removed). defn.base_type_exprs.extend(defn.removed_base_type_exprs) defn.removed_base_type_exprs.clear() self.infer_metaclass_and_bases_from_compat_helpers(defn) bases = defn.base_type_exprs bases, tvar_defs, is_protocol = self.clean_up_bases_and_infer_type_variables( defn, bases, context=defn ) for tvd in tvar_defs: if isinstance(tvd, TypeVarType) and any( has_placeholder(t) for t in [tvd.upper_bound] + tvd.values ): # Some type variable bounds or values are not ready, we need # to re-analyze this class. self.defer() if has_placeholder(tvd.default): # Placeholder values in TypeVarLikeTypes may get substituted in. # Defer current target until they are ready. self.mark_incomplete(defn.name, defn) return self.analyze_class_keywords(defn) bases_result = self.analyze_base_classes(bases) if bases_result is None or self.found_incomplete_ref(tag): # Something was incomplete. Defer current target. self.mark_incomplete(defn.name, defn) return base_types, base_error = bases_result if any(isinstance(base, PlaceholderType) for base, _ in base_types): # We need to know the TypeInfo of each base to construct the MRO. Placeholder types # are okay in nested positions, since they can't affect the MRO. self.mark_incomplete(defn.name, defn) return declared_metaclass, should_defer, any_meta = self.get_declared_metaclass( defn.name, defn.metaclass ) if should_defer or self.found_incomplete_ref(tag): # Metaclass was not ready. Defer current target. self.mark_incomplete(defn.name, defn) return if self.analyze_typeddict_classdef(defn): if defn.info: self.setup_type_vars(defn, tvar_defs) self.setup_alias_type_vars(defn) return if self.analyze_namedtuple_classdef(defn, tvar_defs): return # Create TypeInfo for class now that base classes and the MRO can be calculated. self.prepare_class_def(defn) self.setup_type_vars(defn, tvar_defs) if base_error: defn.info.fallback_to_any = True if any_meta: defn.info.meta_fallback_to_any = True with self.scope.class_scope(defn.info): self.configure_base_classes(defn, base_types) defn.info.is_protocol = is_protocol self.recalculate_metaclass(defn, declared_metaclass) defn.info.runtime_protocol = False for decorator in defn.decorators: self.analyze_class_decorator(defn, decorator) self.analyze_class_body_common(defn) def setup_type_vars(self, defn: ClassDef, tvar_defs: list[TypeVarLikeType]) -> None: defn.type_vars = tvar_defs defn.info.type_vars = [] # we want to make sure any additional logic in add_type_vars gets run defn.info.add_type_vars() def setup_alias_type_vars(self, defn: ClassDef) -> None: assert defn.info.special_alias is not None defn.info.special_alias.alias_tvars = list(defn.type_vars) # It is a bit unfortunate that we need to inline some logic from TypeAlias constructor, # but it is required, since type variables may change during semantic analyzer passes. for i, t in enumerate(defn.type_vars): if isinstance(t, TypeVarTupleType): defn.info.special_alias.tvar_tuple_index = i target = defn.info.special_alias.target assert isinstance(target, ProperType) if isinstance(target, TypedDictType): target.fallback.args = type_vars_as_args(defn.type_vars) elif isinstance(target, TupleType): target.partial_fallback.args = type_vars_as_args(defn.type_vars) else: assert False, f"Unexpected special alias type: {type(target)}" def is_core_builtin_class(self, defn: ClassDef) -> bool: return self.cur_mod_id == "builtins" and defn.name in CORE_BUILTIN_CLASSES def analyze_class_body_common(self, defn: ClassDef) -> None: """Parts of class body analysis that are common to all kinds of class defs.""" self.enter_class(defn.info) if any(b.self_type is not None for b in defn.info.mro): self.setup_self_type() defn.defs.accept(self) self.apply_class_plugin_hooks(defn) self.leave_class() def analyze_typeddict_classdef(self, defn: ClassDef) -> bool: if ( defn.info and defn.info.typeddict_type and not has_placeholder(defn.info.typeddict_type) ): # This is a valid TypedDict, and it is fully analyzed. return True is_typeddict, info = self.typed_dict_analyzer.analyze_typeddict_classdef(defn) if is_typeddict: for decorator in defn.decorators: decorator.accept(self) if isinstance(decorator, RefExpr): if decorator.fullname in FINAL_DECORATOR_NAMES and info is not None: info.is_final = True if info is None: self.mark_incomplete(defn.name, defn) else: self.prepare_class_def(defn, info) return True return False def analyze_namedtuple_classdef( self, defn: ClassDef, tvar_defs: list[TypeVarLikeType] ) -> bool: """Check if this class can define a named tuple.""" if ( defn.info and defn.info.is_named_tuple and defn.info.tuple_type and not has_placeholder(defn.info.tuple_type) ): # Don't reprocess everything. We just need to process methods defined # in the named tuple class body. is_named_tuple = True info: TypeInfo | None = defn.info else: is_named_tuple, info = self.named_tuple_analyzer.analyze_namedtuple_classdef( defn, self.is_stub_file, self.is_func_scope() ) if is_named_tuple: if info is None: self.mark_incomplete(defn.name, defn) else: self.prepare_class_def(defn, info, custom_names=True) self.setup_type_vars(defn, tvar_defs) self.setup_alias_type_vars(defn) with self.scope.class_scope(defn.info): for deco in defn.decorators: deco.accept(self) if isinstance(deco, RefExpr) and deco.fullname in FINAL_DECORATOR_NAMES: info.is_final = True with self.named_tuple_analyzer.save_namedtuple_body(info): self.analyze_class_body_common(defn) return True return False def apply_class_plugin_hooks(self, defn: ClassDef) -> None: """Apply a plugin hook that may infer a more precise definition for a class.""" for decorator in defn.decorators: decorator_name = self.get_fullname_for_hook(decorator) if decorator_name: hook = self.plugin.get_class_decorator_hook(decorator_name) # Special case: if the decorator is itself decorated with # typing.dataclass_transform, apply the hook for the dataclasses plugin # TODO: remove special casing here if hook is None and find_dataclass_transform_spec(decorator): hook = dataclasses_plugin.dataclass_tag_callback if hook: hook(ClassDefContext(defn, decorator, self)) if defn.metaclass: metaclass_name = self.get_fullname_for_hook(defn.metaclass) if metaclass_name: hook = self.plugin.get_metaclass_hook(metaclass_name) if hook: hook(ClassDefContext(defn, defn.metaclass, self)) for base_expr in defn.base_type_exprs: base_name = self.get_fullname_for_hook(base_expr) if base_name: hook = self.plugin.get_base_class_hook(base_name) if hook: hook(ClassDefContext(defn, base_expr, self)) # Check if the class definition itself triggers a dataclass transform (via a parent class/ # metaclass) spec = find_dataclass_transform_spec(defn) if spec is not None: dataclasses_plugin.add_dataclass_tag(defn.info) def get_fullname_for_hook(self, expr: Expression) -> str | None: if isinstance(expr, CallExpr): return self.get_fullname_for_hook(expr.callee) elif isinstance(expr, IndexExpr): return self.get_fullname_for_hook(expr.base) elif isinstance(expr, RefExpr): if expr.fullname: return expr.fullname # If we don't have a fullname look it up. This happens because base classes are # analyzed in a different manner (see exprtotype.py) and therefore those AST # nodes will not have full names. sym = self.lookup_type_node(expr) if sym: return sym.fullname return None def analyze_class_keywords(self, defn: ClassDef) -> None: for value in defn.keywords.values(): value.accept(self) def enter_class(self, info: TypeInfo) -> None: # Remember previous active class self.type_stack.append(self.type) self.locals.append(None) # Add class scope self.is_comprehension_stack.append(False) self.block_depth.append(-1) # The class body increments this to 0 self.loop_depth.append(0) self._type = info self.missing_names.append(set()) def leave_class(self) -> None: """Restore analyzer state.""" self.block_depth.pop() self.loop_depth.pop() self.locals.pop() self.is_comprehension_stack.pop() self._type = self.type_stack.pop() self.missing_names.pop() def analyze_class_decorator(self, defn: ClassDef, decorator: Expression) -> None: decorator.accept(self) if isinstance(decorator, RefExpr): if decorator.fullname in RUNTIME_PROTOCOL_DECOS: if defn.info.is_protocol: defn.info.runtime_protocol = True else: self.fail("@runtime_checkable can only be used with protocol classes", defn) elif decorator.fullname in FINAL_DECORATOR_NAMES: defn.info.is_final = True elif isinstance(decorator, CallExpr) and refers_to_fullname( decorator.callee, DATACLASS_TRANSFORM_NAMES ): defn.info.dataclass_transform_spec = self.parse_dataclass_transform_spec(decorator) def clean_up_bases_and_infer_type_variables( self, defn: ClassDef, base_type_exprs: list[Expression], context: Context ) -> tuple[list[Expression], list[TypeVarLikeType], bool]: """Remove extra base classes such as Generic and infer type vars. For example, consider this class: class Foo(Bar, Generic[T]): ... Now we will remove Generic[T] from bases of Foo and infer that the type variable 'T' is a type argument of Foo. Note that this is performed *before* semantic analysis. Returns (remaining base expressions, inferred type variables, is protocol). """ removed: list[int] = [] declared_tvars: TypeVarLikeList = [] is_protocol = False for i, base_expr in enumerate(base_type_exprs): if isinstance(base_expr, StarExpr): base_expr.valid = True self.analyze_type_expr(base_expr) try: base = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(base_expr) except TypeTranslationError: # This error will be caught later. continue result = self.analyze_class_typevar_declaration(base) if result is not None: if declared_tvars: self.fail("Only single Generic[...] or Protocol[...] can be in bases", context) removed.append(i) tvars = result[0] is_protocol |= result[1] declared_tvars.extend(tvars) if isinstance(base, UnboundType): sym = self.lookup_qualified(base.name, base) if sym is not None and sym.node is not None: if sym.node.fullname in PROTOCOL_NAMES and i not in removed: # also remove bare 'Protocol' bases removed.append(i) is_protocol = True all_tvars = self.get_all_bases_tvars(base_type_exprs, removed) if declared_tvars: if len(remove_dups(declared_tvars)) < len(declared_tvars): self.fail("Duplicate type variables in Generic[...] or Protocol[...]", context) declared_tvars = remove_dups(declared_tvars) if not set(all_tvars).issubset(set(declared_tvars)): self.fail( "If Generic[...] or Protocol[...] is present" " it should list all type variables", context, ) # In case of error, Generic tvars will go first declared_tvars = remove_dups(declared_tvars + all_tvars) else: declared_tvars = all_tvars for i in reversed(removed): # We need to actually remove the base class expressions like Generic[T], # mostly because otherwise they will create spurious dependencies in fine # grained incremental mode. defn.removed_base_type_exprs.append(defn.base_type_exprs[i]) del base_type_exprs[i] tvar_defs: list[TypeVarLikeType] = [] for name, tvar_expr in declared_tvars: tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.bind_new(name, tvar_expr) tvar_defs.append(tvar_def) return base_type_exprs, tvar_defs, is_protocol def analyze_class_typevar_declaration(self, base: Type) -> tuple[TypeVarLikeList, bool] | None: """Analyze type variables declared using Generic[...] or Protocol[...]. Args: base: Non-analyzed base class Return None if the base class does not declare type variables. Otherwise, return the type variables. """ if not isinstance(base, UnboundType): return None unbound = base sym = self.lookup_qualified(unbound.name, unbound) if sym is None or sym.node is None: return None if ( sym.node.fullname == "typing.Generic" or sym.node.fullname in PROTOCOL_NAMES and base.args ): is_proto = sym.node.fullname != "typing.Generic" tvars: TypeVarLikeList = [] have_type_var_tuple = False for arg in unbound.args: tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() tvar = self.analyze_unbound_tvar(arg) if tvar: if isinstance(tvar[1], TypeVarTupleExpr): if have_type_var_tuple: self.fail("Can only use one type var tuple in a class def", base) continue have_type_var_tuple = True tvars.append(tvar) elif not self.found_incomplete_ref(tag): self.fail("Free type variable expected in %s[...]" % sym.node.name, base) return tvars, is_proto return None def analyze_unbound_tvar(self, t: Type) -> tuple[str, TypeVarLikeExpr] | None: if not isinstance(t, UnboundType): return None unbound = t sym = self.lookup_qualified(unbound.name, unbound) if sym and isinstance(sym.node, PlaceholderNode): self.record_incomplete_ref() if sym and isinstance(sym.node, ParamSpecExpr): if sym.fullname and not self.tvar_scope.allow_binding(sym.fullname): # It's bound by our type variable scope return None return unbound.name, sym.node if sym and sym.fullname in ("typing.Unpack", "typing_extensions.Unpack"): inner_t = unbound.args[0] if not isinstance(inner_t, UnboundType): return None inner_unbound = inner_t inner_sym = self.lookup_qualified(inner_unbound.name, inner_unbound) if inner_sym and isinstance(inner_sym.node, PlaceholderNode): self.record_incomplete_ref() if inner_sym and isinstance(inner_sym.node, TypeVarTupleExpr): if inner_sym.fullname and not self.tvar_scope.allow_binding(inner_sym.fullname): # It's bound by our type variable scope return None return inner_unbound.name, inner_sym.node if sym is None or not isinstance(sym.node, TypeVarExpr): return None elif sym.fullname and not self.tvar_scope.allow_binding(sym.fullname): # It's bound by our type variable scope return None else: assert isinstance(sym.node, TypeVarExpr) return unbound.name, sym.node def get_all_bases_tvars( self, base_type_exprs: list[Expression], removed: list[int] ) -> TypeVarLikeList: """Return all type variable references in bases.""" tvars: TypeVarLikeList = [] for i, base_expr in enumerate(base_type_exprs): if i not in removed: try: base = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(base_expr) except TypeTranslationError: # This error will be caught later. continue base_tvars = base.accept(TypeVarLikeQuery(self, self.tvar_scope)) tvars.extend(base_tvars) return remove_dups(tvars) def get_and_bind_all_tvars(self, type_exprs: list[Expression]) -> list[TypeVarLikeType]: """Return all type variable references in item type expressions. This is a helper for generic TypedDicts and NamedTuples. Essentially it is a simplified version of the logic we use for ClassDef bases. We duplicate some amount of code, because it is hard to refactor common pieces. """ tvars = [] for base_expr in type_exprs: try: base = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(base_expr) except TypeTranslationError: # This error will be caught later. continue base_tvars = base.accept(TypeVarLikeQuery(self, self.tvar_scope)) tvars.extend(base_tvars) tvars = remove_dups(tvars) # Variables are defined in order of textual appearance. tvar_defs = [] for name, tvar_expr in tvars: tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.bind_new(name, tvar_expr) tvar_defs.append(tvar_def) return tvar_defs def prepare_class_def( self, defn: ClassDef, info: TypeInfo | None = None, custom_names: bool = False ) -> None: """Prepare for the analysis of a class definition. Create an empty TypeInfo and store it in a symbol table, or if the 'info' argument is provided, store it instead (used for magic type definitions). """ if not defn.info: defn.fullname = self.qualified_name(defn.name) # TODO: Nested classes info = info or self.make_empty_type_info(defn) defn.info = info info.defn = defn if not custom_names: # Some special classes (in particular NamedTuples) use custom fullname logic. # Don't override it here (also see comment below, this needs cleanup). if not self.is_func_scope(): info._fullname = self.qualified_name(defn.name) else: info._fullname = info.name local_name = defn.name if "@" in local_name: local_name = local_name.split("@")[0] self.add_symbol(local_name, defn.info, defn) if self.is_nested_within_func_scope(): # We need to preserve local classes, let's store them # in globals under mangled unique names # # TODO: Putting local classes into globals breaks assumptions in fine-grained # incremental mode and we should avoid it. In general, this logic is too # ad-hoc and needs to be removed/refactored. if "@" not in defn.info._fullname: global_name = defn.info.name + "@" + str(defn.line) defn.info._fullname = self.cur_mod_id + "." + global_name else: # Preserve name from previous fine-grained incremental run. global_name = defn.info.name defn.fullname = defn.info._fullname if defn.info.is_named_tuple: # Named tuple nested within a class is stored in the class symbol table. self.add_symbol_skip_local(global_name, defn.info) else: self.globals[global_name] = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, defn.info) def make_empty_type_info(self, defn: ClassDef) -> TypeInfo: if ( self.is_module_scope() and self.cur_mod_id == "builtins" and defn.name in CORE_BUILTIN_CLASSES ): # Special case core built-in classes. A TypeInfo was already # created for it before semantic analysis, but with a dummy # ClassDef. Patch the real ClassDef object. info = self.globals[defn.name].node assert isinstance(info, TypeInfo) else: info = TypeInfo(SymbolTable(), defn, self.cur_mod_id) info.set_line(defn) return info def get_name_repr_of_expr(self, expr: Expression) -> str | None: """Try finding a short simplified textual representation of a base class expression.""" if isinstance(expr, NameExpr): return expr.name if isinstance(expr, MemberExpr): return get_member_expr_fullname(expr) if isinstance(expr, IndexExpr): return self.get_name_repr_of_expr(expr.base) if isinstance(expr, CallExpr): return self.get_name_repr_of_expr(expr.callee) return None def analyze_base_classes( self, base_type_exprs: list[Expression] ) -> tuple[list[tuple[ProperType, Expression]], bool] | None: """Analyze base class types. Return None if some definition was incomplete. Otherwise, return a tuple with these items: * List of (analyzed type, original expression) tuples * Boolean indicating whether one of the bases had a semantic analysis error """ is_error = False bases = [] for base_expr in base_type_exprs: if ( isinstance(base_expr, RefExpr) and base_expr.fullname in TYPED_NAMEDTUPLE_NAMES + TPDICT_NAMES ): # Ignore magic bases for now. continue try: base = self.expr_to_analyzed_type( base_expr, allow_placeholder=True, allow_type_any=True ) except TypeTranslationError: name = self.get_name_repr_of_expr(base_expr) if isinstance(base_expr, CallExpr): msg = "Unsupported dynamic base class" else: msg = "Invalid base class" if name: msg += f' "{name}"' self.fail(msg, base_expr) is_error = True continue if base is None: return None base = get_proper_type(base) bases.append((base, base_expr)) return bases, is_error def configure_base_classes( self, defn: ClassDef, bases: list[tuple[ProperType, Expression]] ) -> None: """Set up base classes. This computes several attributes on the corresponding TypeInfo defn.info related to the base classes: defn.info.bases, defn.info.mro, and miscellaneous others (at least tuple_type, fallback_to_any, and is_enum.) """ base_types: list[Instance] = [] info = defn.info for base, base_expr in bases: if isinstance(base, TupleType): actual_base = self.configure_tuple_base_class(defn, base) base_types.append(actual_base) elif isinstance(base, Instance): if base.type.is_newtype: self.fail('Cannot subclass "NewType"', defn) base_types.append(base) elif isinstance(base, AnyType): if self.options.disallow_subclassing_any: if isinstance(base_expr, (NameExpr, MemberExpr)): msg = f'Class cannot subclass "{base_expr.name}" (has type "Any")' else: msg = 'Class cannot subclass value of type "Any"' self.fail(msg, base_expr) info.fallback_to_any = True elif isinstance(base, TypedDictType): base_types.append(base.fallback) else: msg = "Invalid base class" name = self.get_name_repr_of_expr(base_expr) if name: msg += f' "{name}"' self.fail(msg, base_expr) info.fallback_to_any = True if self.options.disallow_any_unimported and has_any_from_unimported_type(base): if isinstance(base_expr, (NameExpr, MemberExpr)): prefix = f"Base type {base_expr.name}" else: prefix = "Base type" self.msg.unimported_type_becomes_any(prefix, base, base_expr) check_for_explicit_any( base, self.options, self.is_typeshed_stub_file, self.msg, context=base_expr ) # Add 'object' as implicit base if there is no other base class. if not base_types and defn.fullname != "builtins.object": base_types.append(self.object_type()) info.bases = base_types # Calculate the MRO. if not self.verify_base_classes(defn): self.set_dummy_mro(defn.info) return if not self.verify_duplicate_base_classes(defn): # We don't want to block the typechecking process, # so, we just insert `Any` as the base class and show an error. self.set_any_mro(defn.info) self.calculate_class_mro(defn, self.object_type) def configure_tuple_base_class(self, defn: ClassDef, base: TupleType) -> Instance: info = defn.info # There may be an existing valid tuple type from previous semanal iterations. # Use equality to check if it is the case. if info.tuple_type and info.tuple_type != base and not has_placeholder(info.tuple_type): self.fail("Class has two incompatible bases derived from tuple", defn) defn.has_incompatible_baseclass = True if info.special_alias and has_placeholder(info.special_alias.target): self.process_placeholder( None, "tuple base", defn, force_progress=base != info.tuple_type ) info.update_tuple_type(base) self.setup_alias_type_vars(defn) if base.partial_fallback.type.fullname == "builtins.tuple" and not has_placeholder(base): # Fallback can only be safely calculated after semantic analysis, since base # classes may be incomplete. Postpone the calculation. self.schedule_patch(PRIORITY_FALLBACKS, lambda: calculate_tuple_fallback(base)) return base.partial_fallback def set_dummy_mro(self, info: TypeInfo) -> None: # Give it an MRO consisting of just the class itself and object. info.mro = [info, self.object_type().type] info.bad_mro = True def set_any_mro(self, info: TypeInfo) -> None: # Give it an MRO consisting direct `Any` subclass. info.fallback_to_any = True info.mro = [info, self.object_type().type] def calculate_class_mro( self, defn: ClassDef, obj_type: Callable[[], Instance] | None = None ) -> None: """Calculate method resolution order for a class. `obj_type` exists just to fill in empty base class list in case of an error. """ try: calculate_mro(defn.info, obj_type) except MroError: self.fail( "Cannot determine consistent method resolution " 'order (MRO) for "%s"' % defn.name, defn, ) self.set_dummy_mro(defn.info) # Allow plugins to alter the MRO to handle the fact that `def mro()` # on metaclasses permits MRO rewriting. if defn.fullname: hook = self.plugin.get_customize_class_mro_hook(defn.fullname) if hook: hook(ClassDefContext(defn, FakeExpression(), self)) def infer_metaclass_and_bases_from_compat_helpers(self, defn: ClassDef) -> None: """Lookup for special metaclass declarations, and update defn fields accordingly. * six.with_metaclass(M, B1, B2, ...) * @six.add_metaclass(M) * future.utils.with_metaclass(M, B1, B2, ...) * past.utils.with_metaclass(M, B1, B2, ...) """ # Look for six.with_metaclass(M, B1, B2, ...) with_meta_expr: Expression | None = None if len(defn.base_type_exprs) == 1: base_expr = defn.base_type_exprs[0] if isinstance(base_expr, CallExpr) and isinstance(base_expr.callee, RefExpr): self.analyze_type_expr(base_expr) if ( base_expr.callee.fullname in { "six.with_metaclass", "future.utils.with_metaclass", "past.utils.with_metaclass", } and len(base_expr.args) >= 1 and all(kind == ARG_POS for kind in base_expr.arg_kinds) ): with_meta_expr = base_expr.args[0] defn.base_type_exprs = base_expr.args[1:] # Look for @six.add_metaclass(M) add_meta_expr: Expression | None = None for dec_expr in defn.decorators: if isinstance(dec_expr, CallExpr) and isinstance(dec_expr.callee, RefExpr): dec_expr.callee.accept(self) if ( dec_expr.callee.fullname == "six.add_metaclass" and len(dec_expr.args) == 1 and dec_expr.arg_kinds[0] == ARG_POS ): add_meta_expr = dec_expr.args[0] break metas = {defn.metaclass, with_meta_expr, add_meta_expr} - {None} if len(metas) == 0: return if len(metas) > 1: self.fail("Multiple metaclass definitions", defn) return defn.metaclass = metas.pop() def verify_base_classes(self, defn: ClassDef) -> bool: info = defn.info cycle = False for base in info.bases: baseinfo = base.type if self.is_base_class(info, baseinfo): self.fail("Cycle in inheritance hierarchy", defn) cycle = True return not cycle def verify_duplicate_base_classes(self, defn: ClassDef) -> bool: dup = find_duplicate(defn.info.direct_base_classes()) if dup: self.fail(f'Duplicate base class "{dup.name}"', defn) return not dup def is_base_class(self, t: TypeInfo, s: TypeInfo) -> bool: """Determine if t is a base class of s (but do not use mro).""" # Search the base class graph for t, starting from s. worklist = [s] visited = {s} while worklist: nxt = worklist.pop() if nxt == t: return True for base in nxt.bases: if base.type not in visited: worklist.append(base.type) visited.add(base.type) return False def get_declared_metaclass( self, name: str, metaclass_expr: Expression | None ) -> tuple[Instance | None, bool, bool]: """Get declared metaclass from metaclass expression. Returns a tuple of three values: * A metaclass instance or None * A boolean indicating whether we should defer * A boolean indicating whether we should set metaclass Any fallback (either for Any metaclass or invalid/dynamic metaclass). The two boolean flags can only be True if instance is None. """ declared_metaclass = None if metaclass_expr: metaclass_name = None if isinstance(metaclass_expr, NameExpr): metaclass_name = metaclass_expr.name elif isinstance(metaclass_expr, MemberExpr): metaclass_name = get_member_expr_fullname(metaclass_expr) if metaclass_name is None: self.fail(f'Dynamic metaclass not supported for "{name}"', metaclass_expr) return None, False, True sym = self.lookup_qualified(metaclass_name, metaclass_expr) if sym is None: # Probably a name error - it is already handled elsewhere return None, False, True if isinstance(sym.node, Var) and isinstance(get_proper_type(sym.node.type), AnyType): if self.options.disallow_subclassing_any: self.fail( f'Class cannot use "{sym.node.name}" as a metaclass (has type "Any")', metaclass_expr, ) return None, False, True if isinstance(sym.node, PlaceholderNode): return None, True, False # defer later in the caller # Support type aliases, like `_Meta: TypeAlias = type` if ( isinstance(sym.node, TypeAlias) and sym.node.no_args and isinstance(sym.node.target, ProperType) and isinstance(sym.node.target, Instance) ): metaclass_info: Node | None = sym.node.target.type else: metaclass_info = sym.node if not isinstance(metaclass_info, TypeInfo) or metaclass_info.tuple_type is not None: self.fail(f'Invalid metaclass "{metaclass_name}"', metaclass_expr) return None, False, False if not metaclass_info.is_metaclass(): self.fail( 'Metaclasses not inheriting from "type" are not supported', metaclass_expr ) return None, False, False inst = fill_typevars(metaclass_info) assert isinstance(inst, Instance) declared_metaclass = inst return declared_metaclass, False, False def recalculate_metaclass(self, defn: ClassDef, declared_metaclass: Instance | None) -> None: defn.info.declared_metaclass = declared_metaclass defn.info.metaclass_type = defn.info.calculate_metaclass_type() if any(info.is_protocol for info in defn.info.mro): if ( not defn.info.metaclass_type or defn.info.metaclass_type.type.fullname == "builtins.type" ): # All protocols and their subclasses have ABCMeta metaclass by default. # TODO: add a metaclass conflict check if there is another metaclass. abc_meta = self.named_type_or_none("abc.ABCMeta", []) if abc_meta is not None: # May be None in tests with incomplete lib-stub. defn.info.metaclass_type = abc_meta if defn.info.metaclass_type and defn.info.metaclass_type.type.has_base("enum.EnumMeta"): defn.info.is_enum = True if defn.type_vars: self.fail("Enum class cannot be generic", defn) # # Imports # def visit_import(self, i: Import) -> None: self.statement = i for id, as_id in i.ids: # Modules imported in a stub file without using 'import X as X' won't get exported # When implicit re-exporting is disabled, we have the same behavior as stubs. use_implicit_reexport = not self.is_stub_file and self.options.implicit_reexport if as_id is not None: base_id = id imported_id = as_id module_public = use_implicit_reexport or id.split(".")[-1] == as_id else: base_id = id.split(".")[0] imported_id = base_id module_public = use_implicit_reexport if base_id in self.modules: node = self.modules[base_id] if self.is_func_scope(): kind = LDEF elif self.type is not None: kind = MDEF else: kind = GDEF symbol = SymbolTableNode( kind, node, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public ) self.add_imported_symbol( imported_id, symbol, context=i, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public, ) else: self.add_unknown_imported_symbol( imported_id, context=i, target_name=base_id, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public, ) def visit_import_from(self, imp: ImportFrom) -> None: self.statement = imp module_id = self.correct_relative_import(imp) module = self.modules.get(module_id) for id, as_id in imp.names: fullname = module_id + "." + id self.set_future_import_flags(fullname) if module is None: node = None elif module_id == self.cur_mod_id and fullname in self.modules: # Submodule takes precedence over definition in surround package, for # compatibility with runtime semantics in typical use cases. This # could more precisely model runtime semantics by taking into account # the line number beyond which the local definition should take # precedence, but doesn't seem to be important in most use cases. node = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, self.modules[fullname]) else: if id == as_id == "__all__" and module_id in self.export_map: self.all_exports[:] = self.export_map[module_id] node = module.names.get(id) missing_submodule = False imported_id = as_id or id # Modules imported in a stub file without using 'from Y import X as X' will # not get exported. # When implicit re-exporting is disabled, we have the same behavior as stubs. use_implicit_reexport = not self.is_stub_file and self.options.implicit_reexport module_public = use_implicit_reexport or (as_id is not None and id == as_id) # If the module does not contain a symbol with the name 'id', # try checking if it's a module instead. if not node: mod = self.modules.get(fullname) if mod is not None: kind = self.current_symbol_kind() node = SymbolTableNode(kind, mod) elif fullname in self.missing_modules: missing_submodule = True # If it is still not resolved, check for a module level __getattr__ if module and not node and "__getattr__" in module.names: # We store the fullname of the original definition so that we can # detect whether two imported names refer to the same thing. fullname = module_id + "." + id gvar = self.create_getattr_var(module.names["__getattr__"], imported_id, fullname) if gvar: self.add_symbol( imported_id, gvar, imp, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public, ) continue if node: self.process_imported_symbol( node, module_id, id, imported_id, fullname, module_public, context=imp ) if node.module_hidden: self.report_missing_module_attribute( module_id, id, imported_id, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public, context=imp, add_unknown_imported_symbol=False, ) elif module and not missing_submodule: # Target module exists but the imported name is missing or hidden. self.report_missing_module_attribute( module_id, id, imported_id, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public, context=imp, ) else: # Import of a missing (sub)module. self.add_unknown_imported_symbol( imported_id, imp, target_name=fullname, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public, ) def process_imported_symbol( self, node: SymbolTableNode, module_id: str, id: str, imported_id: str, fullname: str, module_public: bool, context: ImportBase, ) -> None: module_hidden = not module_public and ( # `from package import submodule` should work regardless of whether package # re-exports submodule, so we shouldn't hide it not isinstance(node.node, MypyFile) or fullname not in self.modules # but given `from somewhere import random_unrelated_module` we should hide # random_unrelated_module or not fullname.startswith(self.cur_mod_id + ".") ) if isinstance(node.node, PlaceholderNode): if self.final_iteration: self.report_missing_module_attribute( module_id, id, imported_id, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden, context=context, ) return else: # This might become a type. self.mark_incomplete( imported_id, node.node, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden, becomes_typeinfo=True, ) # NOTE: we take the original node even for final `Var`s. This is to support # a common pattern when constants are re-exported (same applies to import *). self.add_imported_symbol( imported_id, node, context, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden ) def report_missing_module_attribute( self, import_id: str, source_id: str, imported_id: str, module_public: bool, module_hidden: bool, context: Node, add_unknown_imported_symbol: bool = True, ) -> None: # Missing attribute. if self.is_incomplete_namespace(import_id): # We don't know whether the name will be there, since the namespace # is incomplete. Defer the current target. self.mark_incomplete( imported_id, context, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden ) return message = f'Module "{import_id}" has no attribute "{source_id}"' # Suggest alternatives, if any match is found. module = self.modules.get(import_id) if module: if source_id in module.names.keys() and not module.names[source_id].module_public: message = ( f'Module "{import_id}" does not explicitly export attribute "{source_id}"' ) else: alternatives = set(module.names.keys()).difference({source_id}) matches = best_matches(source_id, alternatives, n=3) if matches: suggestion = f"; maybe {pretty_seq(matches, 'or')}?" message += f"{suggestion}" self.fail(message, context, code=codes.ATTR_DEFINED) if add_unknown_imported_symbol: self.add_unknown_imported_symbol( imported_id, context, target_name=None, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=not module_public, ) if import_id == "typing": # The user probably has a missing definition in a test fixture. Let's verify. fullname = f"builtins.{source_id.lower()}" if ( self.lookup_fully_qualified_or_none(fullname) is None and fullname in SUGGESTED_TEST_FIXTURES ): # Yes. Generate a helpful note. self.msg.add_fixture_note(fullname, context) else: typing_extensions = self.modules.get("typing_extensions") if typing_extensions and source_id in typing_extensions.names: self.msg.note( f"Use `from typing_extensions import {source_id}` instead", context, code=codes.ATTR_DEFINED, ) self.msg.note( "See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/runtime_troubles.html#using-new-additions-to-the-typing-module", context, code=codes.ATTR_DEFINED, ) def process_import_over_existing_name( self, imported_id: str, existing_symbol: SymbolTableNode, module_symbol: SymbolTableNode, import_node: ImportBase, ) -> bool: if existing_symbol.node is module_symbol.node: # We added this symbol on previous iteration. return False if existing_symbol.kind in (LDEF, GDEF, MDEF) and isinstance( existing_symbol.node, (Var, FuncDef, TypeInfo, Decorator, TypeAlias) ): # This is a valid import over an existing definition in the file. Construct a dummy # assignment that we'll use to type check the import. lvalue = NameExpr(imported_id) lvalue.kind = existing_symbol.kind lvalue.node = existing_symbol.node rvalue = NameExpr(imported_id) rvalue.kind = module_symbol.kind rvalue.node = module_symbol.node if isinstance(rvalue.node, TypeAlias): # Suppress bogus errors from the dummy assignment if rvalue is an alias. # Otherwise mypy may complain that alias is invalid in runtime context. rvalue.is_alias_rvalue = True assignment = AssignmentStmt([lvalue], rvalue) for node in assignment, lvalue, rvalue: node.set_line(import_node) import_node.assignments.append(assignment) return True return False def correct_relative_import(self, node: ImportFrom | ImportAll) -> str: import_id, ok = correct_relative_import( self.cur_mod_id, node.relative, node.id, self.cur_mod_node.is_package_init_file() ) if not ok: self.fail("Relative import climbs too many namespaces", node) return import_id def visit_import_all(self, i: ImportAll) -> None: i_id = self.correct_relative_import(i) if i_id in self.modules: m = self.modules[i_id] if self.is_incomplete_namespace(i_id): # Any names could be missing from the current namespace if the target module # namespace is incomplete. self.mark_incomplete("*", i) for name, node in m.names.items(): fullname = i_id + "." + name self.set_future_import_flags(fullname) if node is None: continue # if '__all__' exists, all nodes not included have had module_public set to # False, and we can skip checking '_' because it's been explicitly included. if node.module_public and (not name.startswith("_") or "__all__" in m.names): if isinstance(node.node, MypyFile): # Star import of submodule from a package, add it as a dependency. self.imports.add(node.node.fullname) # `from x import *` always reexports symbols self.add_imported_symbol( name, node, context=i, module_public=True, module_hidden=False ) else: # Don't add any dummy symbols for 'from x import *' if 'x' is unknown. pass # # Assignment # def visit_assignment_expr(self, s: AssignmentExpr) -> None: s.value.accept(self) if self.is_func_scope(): if not self.check_valid_comprehension(s): return self.analyze_lvalue(s.target, escape_comprehensions=True, has_explicit_value=True) def check_valid_comprehension(self, s: AssignmentExpr) -> bool: """Check that assignment expression is not nested within comprehension at class scope. class C: [(j := i) for i in [1, 2, 3]] is a syntax error that is not enforced by Python parser, but at later steps. """ for i, is_comprehension in enumerate(reversed(self.is_comprehension_stack)): if not is_comprehension and i < len(self.locals) - 1: if self.locals[-1 - i] is None: self.fail( "Assignment expression within a comprehension" " cannot be used in a class body", s, code=codes.SYNTAX, serious=True, blocker=True, ) return False break return True def visit_assignment_stmt(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: self.statement = s # Special case assignment like X = X. if self.analyze_identity_global_assignment(s): return tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() # Here we have a chicken and egg problem: at this stage we can't call # can_be_type_alias(), because we have not enough information about rvalue. # But we can't use a full visit because it may emit extra incomplete refs (namely # when analysing any type applications there) thus preventing the further analysis. # To break the tie, we first analyse rvalue partially, if it can be a type alias. if self.can_possibly_be_type_form(s): old_basic_type_applications = self.basic_type_applications self.basic_type_applications = True with self.allow_unbound_tvars_set(): s.rvalue.accept(self) self.basic_type_applications = old_basic_type_applications else: s.rvalue.accept(self) if self.found_incomplete_ref(tag) or self.should_wait_rhs(s.rvalue): # Initializer couldn't be fully analyzed. Defer the current node and give up. # Make sure that if we skip the definition of some local names, they can't be # added later in this scope, since an earlier definition should take precedence. for expr in names_modified_by_assignment(s): self.mark_incomplete(expr.name, expr) return if self.can_possibly_be_type_form(s): # Now re-visit those rvalues that were we skipped type applications above. # This should be safe as generally semantic analyzer is idempotent. with self.allow_unbound_tvars_set(): s.rvalue.accept(self) # The r.h.s. is now ready to be classified, first check if it is a special form: special_form = False # * type alias if self.check_and_set_up_type_alias(s): s.is_alias_def = True special_form = True # * type variable definition elif self.process_typevar_declaration(s): special_form = True elif self.process_paramspec_declaration(s): special_form = True elif self.process_typevartuple_declaration(s): special_form = True # * type constructors elif self.analyze_namedtuple_assign(s): special_form = True elif self.analyze_typeddict_assign(s): special_form = True elif self.newtype_analyzer.process_newtype_declaration(s): special_form = True elif self.analyze_enum_assign(s): special_form = True if special_form: self.record_special_form_lvalue(s) return # Clear the alias flag if assignment turns out not a special form after all. It # may be set to True while there were still placeholders due to forward refs. s.is_alias_def = False # OK, this is a regular assignment, perform the necessary analysis steps. s.is_final_def = self.unwrap_final(s) self.analyze_lvalues(s) self.check_final_implicit_def(s) self.store_final_status(s) self.check_classvar(s) self.process_type_annotation(s) self.apply_dynamic_class_hook(s) if not s.type: self.process_module_assignment(s.lvalues, s.rvalue, s) self.process__all__(s) self.process__deletable__(s) self.process__slots__(s) def analyze_identity_global_assignment(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Special case 'X = X' in global scope. This allows supporting some important use cases. Return true if special casing was applied. """ if not isinstance(s.rvalue, NameExpr) or len(s.lvalues) != 1: # Not of form 'X = X' return False lvalue = s.lvalues[0] if not isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr) or s.rvalue.name != lvalue.name: # Not of form 'X = X' return False if self.type is not None or self.is_func_scope(): # Not in global scope return False # It's an assignment like 'X = X' in the global scope. name = lvalue.name sym = self.lookup(name, s) if sym is None: if self.final_iteration: # Fall back to normal assignment analysis. return False else: self.defer() return True else: if sym.node is None: # Something special -- fall back to normal assignment analysis. return False if name not in self.globals: # The name is from builtins. Add an alias to the current module. self.add_symbol(name, sym.node, s) if not isinstance(sym.node, PlaceholderNode): for node in s.rvalue, lvalue: node.node = sym.node node.kind = GDEF node.fullname = sym.node.fullname return True def should_wait_rhs(self, rv: Expression) -> bool: """Can we already classify this r.h.s. of an assignment or should we wait? This returns True if we don't have enough information to decide whether an assignment is just a normal variable definition or a special form. Always return False if this is a final iteration. This will typically cause the lvalue to be classified as a variable plus emit an error. """ if self.final_iteration: # No chance, nothing has changed. return False if isinstance(rv, NameExpr): n = self.lookup(rv.name, rv) if n and isinstance(n.node, PlaceholderNode) and not n.node.becomes_typeinfo: return True elif isinstance(rv, MemberExpr): fname = get_member_expr_fullname(rv) if fname: n = self.lookup_qualified(fname, rv, suppress_errors=True) if n and isinstance(n.node, PlaceholderNode) and not n.node.becomes_typeinfo: return True elif isinstance(rv, IndexExpr) and isinstance(rv.base, RefExpr): return self.should_wait_rhs(rv.base) elif isinstance(rv, CallExpr) and isinstance(rv.callee, RefExpr): # This is only relevant for builtin SCC where things like 'TypeVar' # may be not ready. return self.should_wait_rhs(rv.callee) return False def can_be_type_alias(self, rv: Expression, allow_none: bool = False) -> bool: """Is this a valid r.h.s. for an alias definition? Note: this function should be only called for expressions where self.should_wait_rhs() returns False. """ if isinstance(rv, RefExpr) and self.is_type_ref(rv, bare=True): return True if isinstance(rv, IndexExpr) and self.is_type_ref(rv.base, bare=False): return True if self.is_none_alias(rv): return True if allow_none and isinstance(rv, NameExpr) and rv.fullname == "builtins.None": return True if isinstance(rv, OpExpr) and rv.op == "|": if self.is_stub_file: return True if self.can_be_type_alias(rv.left, allow_none=True) and self.can_be_type_alias( rv.right, allow_none=True ): return True return False def can_possibly_be_type_form(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Like can_be_type_alias(), but simpler and doesn't require fully analyzed rvalue. Instead, use lvalues/annotations structure to figure out whether this can potentially be a type alias definition, NamedTuple, or TypedDict. Another difference from above function is that we are only interested IndexExpr, CallExpr and OpExpr rvalues, since only those can be potentially recursive (things like `A = A` are never valid). """ if len(s.lvalues) > 1: return False if isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr) and isinstance(s.rvalue.callee, RefExpr): ref = s.rvalue.callee.fullname return ref in TPDICT_NAMES or ref in TYPED_NAMEDTUPLE_NAMES if not isinstance(s.lvalues[0], NameExpr): return False if s.unanalyzed_type is not None and not self.is_pep_613(s): return False if not isinstance(s.rvalue, (IndexExpr, OpExpr)): return False # Something that looks like Foo = Bar[Baz, ...] return True def is_type_ref(self, rv: Expression, bare: bool = False) -> bool: """Does this expression refer to a type? This includes: * Special forms, like Any or Union * Classes (except subscripted enums) * Other type aliases * PlaceholderNodes with becomes_typeinfo=True (these can be not ready class definitions, and not ready aliases). If bare is True, this is not a base of an index expression, so some special forms are not valid (like a bare Union). Note: This method should be only used in context of a type alias definition. This method can only return True for RefExprs, to check if C[int] is a valid target for type alias call this method on expr.base (i.e. on C in C[int]). See also can_be_type_alias(). """ if not isinstance(rv, RefExpr): return False if isinstance(rv.node, TypeVarLikeExpr): self.fail(f'Type variable "{rv.fullname}" is invalid as target for type alias', rv) return False if bare: # These three are valid even if bare, for example # A = Tuple is just equivalent to A = Tuple[Any, ...]. valid_refs = {"typing.Any", "typing.Tuple", "typing.Callable"} else: valid_refs = type_constructors if isinstance(rv.node, TypeAlias) or rv.fullname in valid_refs: return True if isinstance(rv.node, TypeInfo): if bare: return True # Assignment color = Color['RED'] defines a variable, not an alias. return not rv.node.is_enum if isinstance(rv.node, Var): return rv.node.fullname in NEVER_NAMES if isinstance(rv, NameExpr): n = self.lookup(rv.name, rv) if n and isinstance(n.node, PlaceholderNode) and n.node.becomes_typeinfo: return True elif isinstance(rv, MemberExpr): fname = get_member_expr_fullname(rv) if fname: # The r.h.s. for variable definitions may not be a type reference but just # an instance attribute, so suppress the errors. n = self.lookup_qualified(fname, rv, suppress_errors=True) if n and isinstance(n.node, PlaceholderNode) and n.node.becomes_typeinfo: return True return False def is_none_alias(self, node: Expression) -> bool: """Is this a r.h.s. for a None alias? We special case the assignments like Void = type(None), to allow using Void in type annotations. """ if isinstance(node, CallExpr): if ( isinstance(node.callee, NameExpr) and len(node.args) == 1 and isinstance(node.args[0], NameExpr) ): call = self.lookup_qualified(node.callee.name, node.callee) arg = self.lookup_qualified(node.args[0].name, node.args[0]) if ( call is not None and call.node and call.node.fullname == "builtins.type" and arg is not None and arg.node and arg.node.fullname == "builtins.None" ): return True return False def record_special_form_lvalue(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: """Record minimal necessary information about l.h.s. of a special form. This exists mostly for compatibility with the old semantic analyzer. """ lvalue = s.lvalues[0] assert isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr) lvalue.is_special_form = True if self.current_symbol_kind() == GDEF: lvalue.fullname = self.qualified_name(lvalue.name) lvalue.kind = self.current_symbol_kind() def analyze_enum_assign(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Check if s defines an Enum.""" if isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr) and isinstance(s.rvalue.analyzed, EnumCallExpr): # Already analyzed enum -- nothing to do here. return True return self.enum_call_analyzer.process_enum_call(s, self.is_func_scope()) def analyze_namedtuple_assign(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Check if s defines a namedtuple.""" if isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr) and isinstance(s.rvalue.analyzed, NamedTupleExpr): if s.rvalue.analyzed.info.tuple_type and not has_placeholder( s.rvalue.analyzed.info.tuple_type ): return True # This is a valid and analyzed named tuple definition, nothing to do here. if len(s.lvalues) != 1 or not isinstance(s.lvalues[0], (NameExpr, MemberExpr)): return False lvalue = s.lvalues[0] if isinstance(lvalue, MemberExpr): if isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr) and isinstance(s.rvalue.callee, RefExpr): fullname = s.rvalue.callee.fullname if fullname == "collections.namedtuple" or fullname in TYPED_NAMEDTUPLE_NAMES: self.fail("NamedTuple type as an attribute is not supported", lvalue) return False name = lvalue.name namespace = self.qualified_name(name) with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.class_frame(namespace)): internal_name, info, tvar_defs = self.named_tuple_analyzer.check_namedtuple( s.rvalue, name, self.is_func_scope() ) if internal_name is None: return False if internal_name != name: self.fail( 'First argument to namedtuple() should be "{}", not "{}"'.format( name, internal_name ), s.rvalue, code=codes.NAME_MATCH, ) return True # Yes, it's a valid namedtuple, but defer if it is not ready. if not info: self.mark_incomplete(name, lvalue, becomes_typeinfo=True) else: self.setup_type_vars(info.defn, tvar_defs) self.setup_alias_type_vars(info.defn) return True def analyze_typeddict_assign(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Check if s defines a typed dict.""" if isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr) and isinstance(s.rvalue.analyzed, TypedDictExpr): if s.rvalue.analyzed.info.typeddict_type and not has_placeholder( s.rvalue.analyzed.info.typeddict_type ): # This is a valid and analyzed typed dict definition, nothing to do here. return True if len(s.lvalues) != 1 or not isinstance(s.lvalues[0], (NameExpr, MemberExpr)): return False lvalue = s.lvalues[0] name = lvalue.name namespace = self.qualified_name(name) with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.class_frame(namespace)): is_typed_dict, info, tvar_defs = self.typed_dict_analyzer.check_typeddict( s.rvalue, name, self.is_func_scope() ) if not is_typed_dict: return False if isinstance(lvalue, MemberExpr): self.fail("TypedDict type as attribute is not supported", lvalue) return False # Yes, it's a valid typed dict, but defer if it is not ready. if not info: self.mark_incomplete(name, lvalue, becomes_typeinfo=True) else: defn = info.defn self.setup_type_vars(defn, tvar_defs) self.setup_alias_type_vars(defn) return True def analyze_lvalues(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: # We cannot use s.type, because analyze_simple_literal_type() will set it. explicit = s.unanalyzed_type is not None if self.is_final_type(s.unanalyzed_type): # We need to exclude bare Final. assert isinstance(s.unanalyzed_type, UnboundType) if not s.unanalyzed_type.args: explicit = False if s.rvalue: if isinstance(s.rvalue, TempNode): has_explicit_value = not s.rvalue.no_rhs else: has_explicit_value = True else: has_explicit_value = False for lval in s.lvalues: self.analyze_lvalue( lval, explicit_type=explicit, is_final=s.is_final_def, has_explicit_value=has_explicit_value, ) def apply_dynamic_class_hook(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: if not isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr): return fname = "" call = s.rvalue while True: if isinstance(call.callee, RefExpr): fname = call.callee.fullname # check if method call if not fname and isinstance(call.callee, MemberExpr): callee_expr = call.callee.expr if isinstance(callee_expr, RefExpr) and callee_expr.fullname: method_name = call.callee.name fname = callee_expr.fullname + "." + method_name elif isinstance(callee_expr, CallExpr): # check if chain call call = callee_expr continue break if not fname: return hook = self.plugin.get_dynamic_class_hook(fname) if not hook: return for lval in s.lvalues: if not isinstance(lval, NameExpr): continue hook(DynamicClassDefContext(call, lval.name, self)) def unwrap_final(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Strip Final[...] if present in an assignment. This is done to invoke type inference during type checking phase for this assignment. Also, Final[...] doesn't affect type in any way -- it is rather an access qualifier for given `Var`. Also perform various consistency checks. Returns True if Final[...] was present. """ if not s.unanalyzed_type or not self.is_final_type(s.unanalyzed_type): return False assert isinstance(s.unanalyzed_type, UnboundType) if len(s.unanalyzed_type.args) > 1: self.fail("Final[...] takes at most one type argument", s.unanalyzed_type) invalid_bare_final = False if not s.unanalyzed_type.args: s.type = None if isinstance(s.rvalue, TempNode) and s.rvalue.no_rhs: invalid_bare_final = True self.fail("Type in Final[...] can only be omitted if there is an initializer", s) else: s.type = s.unanalyzed_type.args[0] if s.type is not None and self.is_classvar(s.type): self.fail("Variable should not be annotated with both ClassVar and Final", s) return False if len(s.lvalues) != 1 or not isinstance(s.lvalues[0], RefExpr): self.fail("Invalid final declaration", s) return False lval = s.lvalues[0] assert isinstance(lval, RefExpr) # Reset inferred status if it was set due to simple literal rvalue on previous iteration. # TODO: this is a best-effort quick fix, we should avoid the need to manually sync this, # see https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6458. if lval.is_new_def: lval.is_inferred_def = s.type is None if self.loop_depth[-1] > 0: self.fail("Cannot use Final inside a loop", s) if self.type and self.type.is_protocol: self.msg.protocol_members_cant_be_final(s) if ( isinstance(s.rvalue, TempNode) and s.rvalue.no_rhs and not self.is_stub_file and not self.is_class_scope() ): if not invalid_bare_final: # Skip extra error messages. self.msg.final_without_value(s) return True def check_final_implicit_def(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: """Do basic checks for final declaration on self in __init__. Additional re-definition checks are performed by `analyze_lvalue`. """ if not s.is_final_def: return lval = s.lvalues[0] assert isinstance(lval, RefExpr) if isinstance(lval, MemberExpr): if not self.is_self_member_ref(lval): self.fail("Final can be only applied to a name or an attribute on self", s) s.is_final_def = False return else: assert self.function_stack if self.function_stack[-1].name != "__init__": self.fail("Can only declare a final attribute in class body or __init__", s) s.is_final_def = False return def store_final_status(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: """If this is a locally valid final declaration, set the corresponding flag on `Var`.""" if s.is_final_def: if len(s.lvalues) == 1 and isinstance(s.lvalues[0], RefExpr): node = s.lvalues[0].node if isinstance(node, Var): node.is_final = True if s.type: node.final_value = constant_fold_expr(s.rvalue, self.cur_mod_id) if self.is_class_scope() and ( isinstance(s.rvalue, TempNode) and s.rvalue.no_rhs ): node.final_unset_in_class = True else: for lval in self.flatten_lvalues(s.lvalues): # Special case: we are working with an `Enum`: # # class MyEnum(Enum): # key = 'some value' # # Here `key` is implicitly final. In runtime, code like # # MyEnum.key = 'modified' # # will fail with `AttributeError: Cannot reassign members.` # That's why we need to replicate this. if ( isinstance(lval, NameExpr) and isinstance(self.type, TypeInfo) and self.type.is_enum ): cur_node = self.type.names.get(lval.name, None) if ( cur_node and isinstance(cur_node.node, Var) and not (isinstance(s.rvalue, TempNode) and s.rvalue.no_rhs) ): # Double underscored members are writable on an `Enum`. # (Except read-only `__members__` but that is handled in type checker) cur_node.node.is_final = s.is_final_def = not is_dunder(cur_node.node.name) # Special case: deferred initialization of a final attribute in __init__. # In this case we just pretend this is a valid final definition to suppress # errors about assigning to final attribute. if isinstance(lval, MemberExpr) and self.is_self_member_ref(lval): assert self.type, "Self member outside a class" cur_node = self.type.names.get(lval.name, None) if cur_node and isinstance(cur_node.node, Var) and cur_node.node.is_final: assert self.function_stack top_function = self.function_stack[-1] if ( top_function.name == "__init__" and cur_node.node.final_unset_in_class and not cur_node.node.final_set_in_init and not (isinstance(s.rvalue, TempNode) and s.rvalue.no_rhs) ): cur_node.node.final_set_in_init = True s.is_final_def = True def flatten_lvalues(self, lvalues: list[Expression]) -> list[Expression]: res: list[Expression] = [] for lv in lvalues: if isinstance(lv, (TupleExpr, ListExpr)): res.extend(self.flatten_lvalues(lv.items)) else: res.append(lv) return res def process_type_annotation(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: """Analyze type annotation or infer simple literal type.""" if s.type: lvalue = s.lvalues[-1] allow_tuple_literal = isinstance(lvalue, TupleExpr) analyzed = self.anal_type(s.type, allow_tuple_literal=allow_tuple_literal) # Don't store not ready types (including placeholders). if analyzed is None or has_placeholder(analyzed): self.defer(s) return s.type = analyzed if ( self.type and self.type.is_protocol and isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr) and isinstance(s.rvalue, TempNode) and s.rvalue.no_rhs ): if isinstance(lvalue.node, Var): lvalue.node.is_abstract_var = True else: if ( self.type and self.type.is_protocol and self.is_annotated_protocol_member(s) and not self.is_func_scope() ): self.fail("All protocol members must have explicitly declared types", s) # Set the type if the rvalue is a simple literal (even if the above error occurred). if len(s.lvalues) == 1 and isinstance(s.lvalues[0], RefExpr): ref_expr = s.lvalues[0] safe_literal_inference = True if self.type and isinstance(ref_expr, NameExpr) and len(self.type.mro) > 1: # Check if there is a definition in supertype. If yes, we can't safely # decide here what to infer: int or Literal[42]. safe_literal_inference = self.type.mro[1].get(ref_expr.name) is None if safe_literal_inference and ref_expr.is_inferred_def: s.type = self.analyze_simple_literal_type(s.rvalue, s.is_final_def) if s.type: # Store type into nodes. for lvalue in s.lvalues: self.store_declared_types(lvalue, s.type) def is_annotated_protocol_member(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Check whether a protocol member is annotated. There are some exceptions that can be left unannotated, like ``__slots__``.""" return any( (isinstance(lv, NameExpr) and lv.name != "__slots__" and lv.is_inferred_def) for lv in s.lvalues ) def analyze_simple_literal_type(self, rvalue: Expression, is_final: bool) -> Type | None: """Return builtins.int if rvalue is an int literal, etc. If this is a 'Final' context, we return "Literal[...]" instead. """ if self.function_stack: # Skip inside a function; this is to avoid confusing # the code that handles dead code due to isinstance() # inside type variables with value restrictions (like # AnyStr). return None value = constant_fold_expr(rvalue, self.cur_mod_id) if value is None or isinstance(value, complex): return None if isinstance(value, bool): type_name = "builtins.bool" elif isinstance(value, int): type_name = "builtins.int" elif isinstance(value, str): type_name = "builtins.str" elif isinstance(value, float): type_name = "builtins.float" typ = self.named_type_or_none(type_name) if typ and is_final: return typ.copy_modified(last_known_value=LiteralType(value=value, fallback=typ)) return typ def analyze_alias( self, name: str, rvalue: Expression, allow_placeholder: bool = False ) -> tuple[Type | None, list[TypeVarLikeType], set[str], list[str]]: """Check if 'rvalue' is a valid type allowed for aliasing (e.g. not a type variable). If yes, return the corresponding type, a list of qualified type variable names for generic aliases, a set of names the alias depends on, and a list of type variables if the alias is generic. A schematic example for the dependencies: A = int B = str analyze_alias(Dict[A, B])[2] == {'__main__.A', '__main__.B'} """ dynamic = bool(self.function_stack and self.function_stack[-1].is_dynamic()) global_scope = not self.type and not self.function_stack try: typ = expr_to_unanalyzed_type(rvalue, self.options, self.is_stub_file) except TypeTranslationError: self.fail( "Invalid type alias: expression is not a valid type", rvalue, code=codes.VALID_TYPE ) return None, [], set(), [] found_type_vars = typ.accept(TypeVarLikeQuery(self, self.tvar_scope)) tvar_defs: list[TypeVarLikeType] = [] namespace = self.qualified_name(name) with self.tvar_scope_frame(self.tvar_scope.class_frame(namespace)): for name, tvar_expr in found_type_vars: tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.bind_new(name, tvar_expr) tvar_defs.append(tvar_def) analyzed, depends_on = analyze_type_alias( typ, self, self.tvar_scope, self.plugin, self.options, self.is_typeshed_stub_file, allow_placeholder=allow_placeholder, in_dynamic_func=dynamic, global_scope=global_scope, allowed_alias_tvars=tvar_defs, ) # There can be only one variadic variable at most, the error is reported elsewhere. new_tvar_defs = [] variadic = False for td in tvar_defs: if isinstance(td, TypeVarTupleType): if variadic: continue variadic = True new_tvar_defs.append(td) qualified_tvars = [node.fullname for _name, node in found_type_vars] return analyzed, new_tvar_defs, depends_on, qualified_tvars def is_pep_613(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: if s.unanalyzed_type is not None and isinstance(s.unanalyzed_type, UnboundType): lookup = self.lookup_qualified(s.unanalyzed_type.name, s, suppress_errors=True) if lookup and lookup.fullname in TYPE_ALIAS_NAMES: return True return False def check_and_set_up_type_alias(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Check if assignment creates a type alias and set it up as needed. Return True if it is a type alias (even if the target is not ready), or False otherwise. Note: the resulting types for subscripted (including generic) aliases are also stored in rvalue.analyzed. """ if s.invalid_recursive_alias: return True lvalue = s.lvalues[0] if len(s.lvalues) > 1 or not isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr): # First rule: Only simple assignments like Alias = ... create aliases. return False pep_613 = self.is_pep_613(s) if not pep_613 and s.unanalyzed_type is not None: # Second rule: Explicit type (cls: Type[A] = A) always creates variable, not alias. # unless using PEP 613 `cls: TypeAlias = A` return False if isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr) and s.rvalue.analyzed: return False existing = self.current_symbol_table().get(lvalue.name) # Third rule: type aliases can't be re-defined. For example: # A: Type[float] = int # A = float # OK, but this doesn't define an alias # B = int # B = float # Error! # Don't create an alias in these cases: if existing and ( isinstance(existing.node, Var) # existing variable or (isinstance(existing.node, TypeAlias) and not s.is_alias_def) # existing alias or (isinstance(existing.node, PlaceholderNode) and existing.node.node.line < s.line) ): # previous incomplete definition # TODO: find a more robust way to track the order of definitions. # Note: if is_alias_def=True, this is just a node from previous iteration. if isinstance(existing.node, TypeAlias) and not s.is_alias_def: self.fail( 'Cannot assign multiple types to name "{}"' ' without an explicit "Type[...]" annotation'.format(lvalue.name), lvalue, ) return False non_global_scope = self.type or self.is_func_scope() if not pep_613 and isinstance(s.rvalue, RefExpr) and non_global_scope: # Fourth rule (special case): Non-subscripted right hand side creates a variable # at class and function scopes. For example: # # class Model: # ... # class C: # model = Model # this is automatically a variable with type 'Type[Model]' # # without this rule, this typical use case will require a lot of explicit # annotations (see the second rule). return False rvalue = s.rvalue if not pep_613 and not self.can_be_type_alias(rvalue): return False if existing and not isinstance(existing.node, (PlaceholderNode, TypeAlias)): # Cannot redefine existing node as type alias. return False res: Type | None = None if self.is_none_alias(rvalue): res = NoneType() alias_tvars: list[TypeVarLikeType] = [] depends_on: set[str] = set() qualified_tvars: list[str] = [] else: tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() res, alias_tvars, depends_on, qualified_tvars = self.analyze_alias( lvalue.name, rvalue, allow_placeholder=True ) if not res: return False if not self.options.disable_recursive_aliases and not self.is_func_scope(): # Only marking incomplete for top-level placeholders makes recursive aliases like # `A = Sequence[str | A]` valid here, similar to how we treat base classes in class # definitions, allowing `class str(Sequence[str]): ...` incomplete_target = isinstance(res, ProperType) and isinstance( res, PlaceholderType ) else: incomplete_target = has_placeholder(res) if self.found_incomplete_ref(tag) or incomplete_target: # Since we have got here, we know this must be a type alias (incomplete refs # may appear in nested positions), therefore use becomes_typeinfo=True. self.mark_incomplete(lvalue.name, rvalue, becomes_typeinfo=True) return True self.add_type_alias_deps(depends_on) # In addition to the aliases used, we add deps on unbound # type variables, since they are erased from target type. self.add_type_alias_deps(qualified_tvars) # The above are only direct deps on other aliases. # For subscripted aliases, type deps from expansion are added in deps.py # (because the type is stored). check_for_explicit_any(res, self.options, self.is_typeshed_stub_file, self.msg, context=s) # When this type alias gets "inlined", the Any is not explicit anymore, # so we need to replace it with non-explicit Anys. res = make_any_non_explicit(res) # Note: with the new (lazy) type alias representation we only need to set no_args to True # if the expected number of arguments is non-zero, so that aliases like A = List work. # However, eagerly expanding aliases like Text = str is a nice performance optimization. no_args = isinstance(res, Instance) and not res.args # type: ignore[misc] fix_instance_types(res, self.fail, self.note, self.options) # Aliases defined within functions can't be accessed outside # the function, since the symbol table will no longer # exist. Work around by expanding them eagerly when used. eager = self.is_func_scope() alias_node = TypeAlias( res, self.qualified_name(lvalue.name), s.line, s.column, alias_tvars=alias_tvars, no_args=no_args, eager=eager, ) if isinstance(s.rvalue, (IndexExpr, CallExpr, OpExpr)) and ( not isinstance(rvalue, OpExpr) or (self.options.python_version >= (3, 10) or self.is_stub_file) ): # Note: CallExpr is for "void = type(None)" and OpExpr is for "X | Y" union syntax. s.rvalue.analyzed = TypeAliasExpr(alias_node) s.rvalue.analyzed.line = s.line # we use the column from resulting target, to get better location for errors s.rvalue.analyzed.column = res.column elif isinstance(s.rvalue, RefExpr): s.rvalue.is_alias_rvalue = True if existing: # An alias gets updated. updated = False if isinstance(existing.node, TypeAlias): if existing.node.target != res: # Copy expansion to the existing alias, this matches how we update base classes # for a TypeInfo _in place_ if there are nested placeholders. existing.node.target = res existing.node.alias_tvars = alias_tvars existing.node.no_args = no_args updated = True else: # Otherwise just replace existing placeholder with type alias. existing.node = alias_node updated = True if updated: if self.final_iteration: self.cannot_resolve_name(lvalue.name, "name", s) return True else: # We need to defer so that this change can get propagated to base classes. self.defer(s, force_progress=True) else: self.add_symbol(lvalue.name, alias_node, s) if isinstance(rvalue, RefExpr) and isinstance(rvalue.node, TypeAlias): alias_node.normalized = rvalue.node.normalized current_node = existing.node if existing else alias_node assert isinstance(current_node, TypeAlias) self.disable_invalid_recursive_aliases(s, current_node) if self.is_class_scope(): assert self.type is not None if self.type.is_protocol: self.fail("Type aliases are prohibited in protocol bodies", s) if not lvalue.name[0].isupper(): self.note("Use variable annotation syntax to define protocol members", s) return True def disable_invalid_recursive_aliases( self, s: AssignmentStmt, current_node: TypeAlias ) -> None: """Prohibit and fix recursive type aliases that are invalid/unsupported.""" messages = [] if is_invalid_recursive_alias({current_node}, current_node.target): target = ( "tuple" if isinstance(get_proper_type(current_node.target), TupleType) else "union" ) messages.append(f"Invalid recursive alias: a {target} item of itself") if detect_diverging_alias( current_node, current_node.target, self.lookup_qualified, self.tvar_scope ): messages.append("Invalid recursive alias: type variable nesting on right hand side") if messages: current_node.target = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) s.invalid_recursive_alias = True for msg in messages: self.fail(msg, s.rvalue) def analyze_lvalue( self, lval: Lvalue, nested: bool = False, explicit_type: bool = False, is_final: bool = False, escape_comprehensions: bool = False, has_explicit_value: bool = False, ) -> None: """Analyze an lvalue or assignment target. Args: lval: The target lvalue nested: If true, the lvalue is within a tuple or list lvalue expression explicit_type: Assignment has type annotation escape_comprehensions: If we are inside a comprehension, set the variable in the enclosing scope instead. This implements https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0572/#scope-of-the-target """ if escape_comprehensions: assert isinstance(lval, NameExpr), "assignment expression target must be NameExpr" if isinstance(lval, NameExpr): self.analyze_name_lvalue( lval, explicit_type, is_final, escape_comprehensions, has_explicit_value=has_explicit_value, ) elif isinstance(lval, MemberExpr): self.analyze_member_lvalue(lval, explicit_type, is_final, has_explicit_value) if explicit_type and not self.is_self_member_ref(lval): self.fail("Type cannot be declared in assignment to non-self attribute", lval) elif isinstance(lval, IndexExpr): if explicit_type: self.fail("Unexpected type declaration", lval) lval.accept(self) elif isinstance(lval, TupleExpr): self.analyze_tuple_or_list_lvalue(lval, explicit_type) elif isinstance(lval, StarExpr): if nested: self.analyze_lvalue(lval.expr, nested, explicit_type) else: self.fail("Starred assignment target must be in a list or tuple", lval) else: self.fail("Invalid assignment target", lval) def analyze_name_lvalue( self, lvalue: NameExpr, explicit_type: bool, is_final: bool, escape_comprehensions: bool, has_explicit_value: bool, ) -> None: """Analyze an lvalue that targets a name expression. Arguments are similar to "analyze_lvalue". """ if lvalue.node: # This has been bound already in a previous iteration. return name = lvalue.name if self.is_alias_for_final_name(name): if is_final: self.fail("Cannot redefine an existing name as final", lvalue) else: self.msg.cant_assign_to_final(name, self.type is not None, lvalue) kind = self.current_symbol_kind() names = self.current_symbol_table(escape_comprehensions=escape_comprehensions) existing = names.get(name) outer = self.is_global_or_nonlocal(name) if kind == MDEF and isinstance(self.type, TypeInfo) and self.type.is_enum: # Special case: we need to be sure that `Enum` keys are unique. if existing is not None and not isinstance(existing.node, PlaceholderNode): self.fail( 'Attempted to reuse member name "{}" in Enum definition "{}"'.format( name, self.type.name ), lvalue, ) if (not existing or isinstance(existing.node, PlaceholderNode)) and not outer: # Define new variable. var = self.make_name_lvalue_var(lvalue, kind, not explicit_type, has_explicit_value) added = self.add_symbol(name, var, lvalue, escape_comprehensions=escape_comprehensions) # Only bind expression if we successfully added name to symbol table. if added: lvalue.is_new_def = True lvalue.is_inferred_def = True lvalue.kind = kind lvalue.node = var if kind == GDEF: lvalue.fullname = var._fullname else: lvalue.fullname = lvalue.name if self.is_func_scope(): if unmangle(name) == "_": # Special case for assignment to local named '_': always infer 'Any'. typ = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form) self.store_declared_types(lvalue, typ) if is_final and self.is_final_redefinition(kind, name): self.fail("Cannot redefine an existing name as final", lvalue) else: self.make_name_lvalue_point_to_existing_def(lvalue, explicit_type, is_final) def is_final_redefinition(self, kind: int, name: str) -> bool: if kind == GDEF: return self.is_mangled_global(name) and not self.is_initial_mangled_global(name) elif kind == MDEF and self.type: return unmangle(name) + "'" in self.type.names return False def is_alias_for_final_name(self, name: str) -> bool: if self.is_func_scope(): if not name.endswith("'"): # Not a mangled name -- can't be an alias return False name = unmangle(name) assert self.locals[-1] is not None, "No locals at function scope" existing = self.locals[-1].get(name) return existing is not None and is_final_node(existing.node) elif self.type is not None: orig_name = unmangle(name) + "'" if name == orig_name: return False existing = self.type.names.get(orig_name) return existing is not None and is_final_node(existing.node) else: orig_name = unmangle(name) + "'" if name == orig_name: return False existing = self.globals.get(orig_name) return existing is not None and is_final_node(existing.node) def make_name_lvalue_var( self, lvalue: NameExpr, kind: int, inferred: bool, has_explicit_value: bool ) -> Var: """Return a Var node for an lvalue that is a name expression.""" name = lvalue.name v = Var(name) v.set_line(lvalue) v.is_inferred = inferred if kind == MDEF: assert self.type is not None v.info = self.type v.is_initialized_in_class = True v.allow_incompatible_override = name in ALLOW_INCOMPATIBLE_OVERRIDE if kind != LDEF: v._fullname = self.qualified_name(name) else: # fullanme should never stay None v._fullname = name v.is_ready = False # Type not inferred yet v.has_explicit_value = has_explicit_value return v def make_name_lvalue_point_to_existing_def( self, lval: NameExpr, explicit_type: bool, is_final: bool ) -> None: """Update an lvalue to point to existing definition in the same scope. Arguments are similar to "analyze_lvalue". Assume that an existing name exists. """ if is_final: # Redefining an existing name with final is always an error. self.fail("Cannot redefine an existing name as final", lval) original_def = self.lookup(lval.name, lval, suppress_errors=True) if original_def is None and self.type and not self.is_func_scope(): # Workaround to allow "x, x = ..." in class body. original_def = self.type.get(lval.name) if explicit_type: # Don't re-bind if there is a type annotation. self.name_already_defined(lval.name, lval, original_def) else: # Bind to an existing name. if original_def: self.bind_name_expr(lval, original_def) else: self.name_not_defined(lval.name, lval) self.check_lvalue_validity(lval.node, lval) def analyze_tuple_or_list_lvalue(self, lval: TupleExpr, explicit_type: bool = False) -> None: """Analyze an lvalue or assignment target that is a list or tuple.""" items = lval.items star_exprs = [item for item in items if isinstance(item, StarExpr)] if len(star_exprs) > 1: self.fail("Two starred expressions in assignment", lval) else: if len(star_exprs) == 1: star_exprs[0].valid = True for i in items: self.analyze_lvalue( lval=i, nested=True, explicit_type=explicit_type, # Lists and tuples always have explicit values defined: # `a, b, c = value` has_explicit_value=True, ) def analyze_member_lvalue( self, lval: MemberExpr, explicit_type: bool, is_final: bool, has_explicit_value: bool ) -> None: """Analyze lvalue that is a member expression. Arguments: lval: The target lvalue explicit_type: Assignment has type annotation is_final: Is the target final """ if lval.node: # This has been bound already in a previous iteration. return lval.accept(self) if self.is_self_member_ref(lval): assert self.type, "Self member outside a class" cur_node = self.type.names.get(lval.name) node = self.type.get(lval.name) if cur_node and is_final: # Overrides will be checked in type checker. self.fail("Cannot redefine an existing name as final", lval) # On first encounter with this definition, if this attribute was defined before # with an inferred type and it's marked with an explicit type now, give an error. if ( not lval.node and cur_node and isinstance(cur_node.node, Var) and cur_node.node.is_inferred and explicit_type ): self.attribute_already_defined(lval.name, lval, cur_node) if self.type.is_protocol and has_explicit_value and cur_node is not None: # Make this variable non-abstract, it would be safer to do this only if we # are inside __init__, but we do this always to preserve historical behaviour. if isinstance(cur_node.node, Var): cur_node.node.is_abstract_var = False if ( # If the attribute of self is not defined, create a new Var, ... node is None # ... or if it is defined as abstract in a *superclass*. or (cur_node is None and isinstance(node.node, Var) and node.node.is_abstract_var) # ... also an explicit declaration on self also creates a new Var. # Note that `explicit_type` might have been erased for bare `Final`, # so we also check if `is_final` is passed. or (cur_node is None and (explicit_type or is_final)) ): if self.type.is_protocol and node is None: self.fail("Protocol members cannot be defined via assignment to self", lval) else: # Implicit attribute definition in __init__. lval.is_new_def = True lval.is_inferred_def = True v = Var(lval.name) v.set_line(lval) v._fullname = self.qualified_name(lval.name) v.info = self.type v.is_ready = False v.explicit_self_type = explicit_type or is_final lval.def_var = v lval.node = v # TODO: should we also set lval.kind = MDEF? self.type.names[lval.name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, v, implicit=True) self.check_lvalue_validity(lval.node, lval) def is_self_member_ref(self, memberexpr: MemberExpr) -> bool: """Does memberexpr to refer to an attribute of self?""" if not isinstance(memberexpr.expr, NameExpr): return False node = memberexpr.expr.node return isinstance(node, Var) and node.is_self def check_lvalue_validity(self, node: Expression | SymbolNode | None, ctx: Context) -> None: if isinstance(node, TypeVarExpr): self.fail("Invalid assignment target", ctx) elif isinstance(node, TypeInfo): self.fail(message_registry.CANNOT_ASSIGN_TO_TYPE, ctx) def store_declared_types(self, lvalue: Lvalue, typ: Type) -> None: if isinstance(lvalue, RefExpr): lvalue.is_inferred_def = False if isinstance(lvalue.node, Var): var = lvalue.node var.type = typ var.is_ready = True typ = get_proper_type(typ) if ( var.is_final and isinstance(typ, Instance) and typ.last_known_value and (not self.type or not self.type.is_enum) ): var.final_value = typ.last_known_value.value # If node is not a variable, we'll catch it elsewhere. elif isinstance(lvalue, TupleExpr): typ = get_proper_type(typ) if isinstance(typ, TupleType): if len(lvalue.items) != len(typ.items): self.fail("Incompatible number of tuple items", lvalue) return for item, itemtype in zip(lvalue.items, typ.items): self.store_declared_types(item, itemtype) else: self.fail("Tuple type expected for multiple variables", lvalue) elif isinstance(lvalue, StarExpr): # Historical behavior for the old parser self.store_declared_types(lvalue.expr, typ) else: # This has been flagged elsewhere as an error, so just ignore here. pass def process_typevar_declaration(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Check if s declares a TypeVar; it yes, store it in symbol table. Return True if this looks like a type variable declaration (but maybe with errors), otherwise return False. """ call = self.get_typevarlike_declaration(s, ("typing.TypeVar", "typing_extensions.TypeVar")) if not call: return False name = self.extract_typevarlike_name(s, call) if name is None: return False # Constraining types n_values = call.arg_kinds[1:].count(ARG_POS) values = self.analyze_value_types(call.args[1 : 1 + n_values]) res = self.process_typevar_parameters( call.args[1 + n_values :], call.arg_names[1 + n_values :], call.arg_kinds[1 + n_values :], n_values, s, ) if res is None: return False variance, upper_bound, default = res existing = self.current_symbol_table().get(name) if existing and not ( isinstance(existing.node, PlaceholderNode) or # Also give error for another type variable with the same name. (isinstance(existing.node, TypeVarExpr) and existing.node is call.analyzed) ): self.fail(f'Cannot redefine "{name}" as a type variable', s) return False if self.options.disallow_any_unimported: for idx, constraint in enumerate(values, start=1): if has_any_from_unimported_type(constraint): prefix = f"Constraint {idx}" self.msg.unimported_type_becomes_any(prefix, constraint, s) if has_any_from_unimported_type(upper_bound): prefix = "Upper bound of type variable" self.msg.unimported_type_becomes_any(prefix, upper_bound, s) for t in values + [upper_bound, default]: check_for_explicit_any( t, self.options, self.is_typeshed_stub_file, self.msg, context=s ) # mypyc suppresses making copies of a function to check each # possible type, so set the upper bound to Any to prevent that # from causing errors. if values and self.options.mypyc: upper_bound = AnyType(TypeOfAny.implementation_artifact) # Yes, it's a valid type variable definition! Add it to the symbol table. if not call.analyzed: type_var = TypeVarExpr( name, self.qualified_name(name), values, upper_bound, default, variance ) type_var.line = call.line call.analyzed = type_var updated = True else: assert isinstance(call.analyzed, TypeVarExpr) updated = ( values != call.analyzed.values or upper_bound != call.analyzed.upper_bound or default != call.analyzed.default ) call.analyzed.upper_bound = upper_bound call.analyzed.values = values call.analyzed.default = default if any(has_placeholder(v) for v in values): self.process_placeholder(None, "TypeVar values", s, force_progress=updated) elif has_placeholder(upper_bound): self.process_placeholder(None, "TypeVar upper bound", s, force_progress=updated) elif has_placeholder(default): self.process_placeholder(None, "TypeVar default", s, force_progress=updated) self.add_symbol(name, call.analyzed, s) return True def check_typevarlike_name(self, call: CallExpr, name: str, context: Context) -> bool: """Checks that the name of a TypeVar or ParamSpec matches its variable.""" name = unmangle(name) assert isinstance(call.callee, RefExpr) typevarlike_type = ( call.callee.name if isinstance(call.callee, NameExpr) else call.callee.fullname ) if len(call.args) < 1: self.fail(f"Too few arguments for {typevarlike_type}()", context) return False if not isinstance(call.args[0], StrExpr) or not call.arg_kinds[0] == ARG_POS: self.fail(f"{typevarlike_type}() expects a string literal as first argument", context) return False elif call.args[0].value != name: msg = 'String argument 1 "{}" to {}(...) does not match variable name "{}"' self.fail(msg.format(call.args[0].value, typevarlike_type, name), context) return False return True def get_typevarlike_declaration( self, s: AssignmentStmt, typevarlike_types: tuple[str, ...] ) -> CallExpr | None: """Returns the call expression if `s` is a declaration of `typevarlike_type` (TypeVar or ParamSpec), or None otherwise. """ if len(s.lvalues) != 1 or not isinstance(s.lvalues[0], NameExpr): return None if not isinstance(s.rvalue, CallExpr): return None call = s.rvalue callee = call.callee if not isinstance(callee, RefExpr): return None if callee.fullname not in typevarlike_types: return None return call def process_typevar_parameters( self, args: list[Expression], names: list[str | None], kinds: list[ArgKind], num_values: int, context: Context, ) -> tuple[int, Type, Type] | None: has_values = num_values > 0 covariant = False contravariant = False upper_bound: Type = self.object_type() default: Type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics) for param_value, param_name, param_kind in zip(args, names, kinds): if not param_kind.is_named(): self.fail(message_registry.TYPEVAR_UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT, context) return None if param_name == "covariant": if isinstance(param_value, NameExpr) and param_value.name in ("True", "False"): covariant = param_value.name == "True" else: self.fail(message_registry.TYPEVAR_VARIANCE_DEF.format("covariant"), context) return None elif param_name == "contravariant": if isinstance(param_value, NameExpr) and param_value.name in ("True", "False"): contravariant = param_value.name == "True" else: self.fail( message_registry.TYPEVAR_VARIANCE_DEF.format("contravariant"), context ) return None elif param_name == "bound": if has_values: self.fail("TypeVar cannot have both values and an upper bound", context) return None tv_arg = self.get_typevarlike_argument("TypeVar", param_name, param_value, context) if tv_arg is None: return None upper_bound = tv_arg elif param_name == "default": tv_arg = self.get_typevarlike_argument( "TypeVar", param_name, param_value, context, allow_unbound_tvars=True ) default = tv_arg or AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) elif param_name == "values": # Probably using obsolete syntax with values=(...). Explain the current syntax. self.fail('TypeVar "values" argument not supported', context) self.fail( "Use TypeVar('T', t, ...) instead of TypeVar('T', values=(t, ...))", context ) return None else: self.fail( f'{message_registry.TYPEVAR_UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT}: "{param_name}"', context ) return None if covariant and contravariant: self.fail("TypeVar cannot be both covariant and contravariant", context) return None elif num_values == 1: self.fail("TypeVar cannot have only a single constraint", context) return None elif covariant: variance = COVARIANT elif contravariant: variance = CONTRAVARIANT else: variance = INVARIANT return variance, upper_bound, default def get_typevarlike_argument( self, typevarlike_name: str, param_name: str, param_value: Expression, context: Context, *, allow_unbound_tvars: bool = False, allow_param_spec_literals: bool = False, allow_unpack: bool = False, report_invalid_typevar_arg: bool = True, ) -> ProperType | None: try: # We want to use our custom error message below, so we suppress # the default error message for invalid types here. analyzed = self.expr_to_analyzed_type( param_value, allow_placeholder=True, report_invalid_types=False, allow_unbound_tvars=allow_unbound_tvars, allow_param_spec_literals=allow_param_spec_literals, allow_unpack=allow_unpack, ) if analyzed is None: # Type variables are special: we need to place them in the symbol table # soon, even if upper bound is not ready yet. Otherwise avoiding # a "deadlock" in this common pattern would be tricky: # T = TypeVar('T', bound=Custom[Any]) # class Custom(Generic[T]): # ... analyzed = PlaceholderType(None, [], context.line) typ = get_proper_type(analyzed) if report_invalid_typevar_arg and isinstance(typ, AnyType) and typ.is_from_error: self.fail( message_registry.TYPEVAR_ARG_MUST_BE_TYPE.format(typevarlike_name, param_name), param_value, ) # Note: we do not return 'None' here -- we want to continue # using the AnyType. return typ except TypeTranslationError: if report_invalid_typevar_arg: self.fail( message_registry.TYPEVAR_ARG_MUST_BE_TYPE.format(typevarlike_name, param_name), param_value, ) return None def extract_typevarlike_name(self, s: AssignmentStmt, call: CallExpr) -> str | None: if not call: return None lvalue = s.lvalues[0] assert isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr) if s.type: self.fail("Cannot declare the type of a TypeVar or similar construct", s) return None if not self.check_typevarlike_name(call, lvalue.name, s): return None return lvalue.name def process_paramspec_declaration(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Checks if s declares a ParamSpec; if yes, store it in symbol table. Return True if this looks like a ParamSpec (maybe with errors), otherwise return False. In the future, ParamSpec may accept bounds and variance arguments, in which case more aggressive sharing of code with process_typevar_declaration should be pursued. """ call = self.get_typevarlike_declaration( s, ("typing_extensions.ParamSpec", "typing.ParamSpec") ) if not call: return False name = self.extract_typevarlike_name(s, call) if name is None: return False n_values = call.arg_kinds[1:].count(ARG_POS) if n_values != 0: self.fail('Too many positional arguments for "ParamSpec"', s) default: Type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics) for param_value, param_name in zip( call.args[1 + n_values :], call.arg_names[1 + n_values :] ): if param_name == "default": tv_arg = self.get_typevarlike_argument( "ParamSpec", param_name, param_value, s, allow_unbound_tvars=True, allow_param_spec_literals=True, report_invalid_typevar_arg=False, ) default = tv_arg or AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) if isinstance(tv_arg, Parameters): for i, arg_type in enumerate(tv_arg.arg_types): typ = get_proper_type(arg_type) if isinstance(typ, AnyType) and typ.is_from_error: self.fail( f"Argument {i} of ParamSpec default must be a type", param_value ) elif ( isinstance(default, AnyType) and default.is_from_error or not isinstance(default, (AnyType, UnboundType)) ): self.fail( "The default argument to ParamSpec must be a list expression, ellipsis, or a ParamSpec", param_value, ) default = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) else: # ParamSpec is different from a regular TypeVar: # arguments are not semantically valid. But, allowed in runtime. # So, we need to warn users about possible invalid usage. self.fail( "The variance and bound arguments to ParamSpec do not have defined semantics yet", s, ) # PEP 612 reserves the right to define bound, covariant and contravariant arguments to # ParamSpec in a later PEP. If and when that happens, we should do something # on the lines of process_typevar_parameters if not call.analyzed: paramspec_var = ParamSpecExpr( name, self.qualified_name(name), self.object_type(), default, INVARIANT ) paramspec_var.line = call.line call.analyzed = paramspec_var updated = True else: assert isinstance(call.analyzed, ParamSpecExpr) updated = default != call.analyzed.default call.analyzed.default = default if has_placeholder(default): self.process_placeholder(None, "ParamSpec default", s, force_progress=updated) self.add_symbol(name, call.analyzed, s) return True def process_typevartuple_declaration(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> bool: """Checks if s declares a TypeVarTuple; if yes, store it in symbol table. Return True if this looks like a TypeVarTuple (maybe with errors), otherwise return False. """ call = self.get_typevarlike_declaration( s, ("typing_extensions.TypeVarTuple", "typing.TypeVarTuple") ) if not call: return False n_values = call.arg_kinds[1:].count(ARG_POS) if n_values != 0: self.fail('Too many positional arguments for "TypeVarTuple"', s) default: Type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics) for param_value, param_name in zip( call.args[1 + n_values :], call.arg_names[1 + n_values :] ): if param_name == "default": tv_arg = self.get_typevarlike_argument( "TypeVarTuple", param_name, param_value, s, allow_unbound_tvars=True, report_invalid_typevar_arg=False, allow_unpack=True, ) default = tv_arg or AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) if not isinstance(default, UnpackType): self.fail( "The default argument to TypeVarTuple must be an Unpacked tuple", param_value, ) default = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) else: self.fail(f'Unexpected keyword argument "{param_name}" for "TypeVarTuple"', s) if not self.incomplete_feature_enabled(TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, s): return False name = self.extract_typevarlike_name(s, call) if name is None: return False # PEP 646 does not specify the behavior of variance, constraints, or bounds. if not call.analyzed: tuple_fallback = self.named_type("builtins.tuple", [self.object_type()]) typevartuple_var = TypeVarTupleExpr( name, self.qualified_name(name), self.object_type(), tuple_fallback, default, INVARIANT, ) typevartuple_var.line = call.line call.analyzed = typevartuple_var updated = True else: assert isinstance(call.analyzed, TypeVarTupleExpr) updated = default != call.analyzed.default call.analyzed.default = default if has_placeholder(default): self.process_placeholder(None, "TypeVarTuple default", s, force_progress=updated) self.add_symbol(name, call.analyzed, s) return True def basic_new_typeinfo(self, name: str, basetype_or_fallback: Instance, line: int) -> TypeInfo: if self.is_func_scope() and not self.type and "@" not in name: name += "@" + str(line) class_def = ClassDef(name, Block([])) if self.is_func_scope() and not self.type: # Full names of generated classes should always be prefixed with the module names # even if they are nested in a function, since these classes will be (de-)serialized. # (Note that the caller should append @line to the name to avoid collisions.) # TODO: clean this up, see #6422. class_def.fullname = self.cur_mod_id + "." + self.qualified_name(name) else: class_def.fullname = self.qualified_name(name) info = TypeInfo(SymbolTable(), class_def, self.cur_mod_id) class_def.info = info mro = basetype_or_fallback.type.mro if not mro: # Probably an error, we should not crash so generate something meaningful. mro = [basetype_or_fallback.type, self.object_type().type] info.mro = [info] + mro info.bases = [basetype_or_fallback] return info def analyze_value_types(self, items: list[Expression]) -> list[Type]: """Analyze types from values expressions in type variable definition.""" result: list[Type] = [] for node in items: try: analyzed = self.anal_type( self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(node), allow_placeholder=True ) if analyzed is None: # Type variables are special: we need to place them in the symbol table # soon, even if some value is not ready yet, see process_typevar_parameters() # for an example. analyzed = PlaceholderType(None, [], node.line) result.append(analyzed) except TypeTranslationError: self.fail("Type expected", node) result.append(AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)) return result def check_classvar(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: """Check if assignment defines a class variable.""" lvalue = s.lvalues[0] if len(s.lvalues) != 1 or not isinstance(lvalue, RefExpr): return if not s.type or not self.is_classvar(s.type): return if self.is_class_scope() and isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr): node = lvalue.node if isinstance(node, Var): node.is_classvar = True analyzed = self.anal_type(s.type) assert self.type is not None if analyzed is not None and set(get_type_vars(analyzed)) & set( self.type.defn.type_vars ): # This means that we have a type var defined inside of a ClassVar. # This is not allowed by PEP526. # See https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11538 self.fail(message_registry.CLASS_VAR_WITH_TYPEVARS, s) if ( analyzed is not None and self.type.self_type in get_type_vars(analyzed) and self.type.defn.type_vars ): self.fail(message_registry.CLASS_VAR_WITH_GENERIC_SELF, s) elif not isinstance(lvalue, MemberExpr) or self.is_self_member_ref(lvalue): # In case of member access, report error only when assigning to self # Other kinds of member assignments should be already reported self.fail_invalid_classvar(lvalue) def is_classvar(self, typ: Type) -> bool: if not isinstance(typ, UnboundType): return False sym = self.lookup_qualified(typ.name, typ) if not sym or not sym.node: return False return sym.node.fullname == "typing.ClassVar" def is_final_type(self, typ: Type | None) -> bool: if not isinstance(typ, UnboundType): return False sym = self.lookup_qualified(typ.name, typ) if not sym or not sym.node: return False return sym.node.fullname in FINAL_TYPE_NAMES def fail_invalid_classvar(self, context: Context) -> None: self.fail(message_registry.CLASS_VAR_OUTSIDE_OF_CLASS, context) def process_module_assignment( self, lvals: list[Lvalue], rval: Expression, ctx: AssignmentStmt ) -> None: """Propagate module references across assignments. Recursively handles the simple form of iterable unpacking; doesn't handle advanced unpacking with *rest, dictionary unpacking, etc. In an expression like x = y = z, z is the rval and lvals will be [x, y]. """ if isinstance(rval, (TupleExpr, ListExpr)) and all( isinstance(v, TupleExpr) for v in lvals ): # rval and all lvals are either list or tuple, so we are dealing # with unpacking assignment like `x, y = a, b`. Mypy didn't # understand our all(isinstance(...)), so cast them as TupleExpr # so mypy knows it is safe to access their .items attribute. seq_lvals = cast(List[TupleExpr], lvals) # given an assignment like: # (x, y) = (m, n) = (a, b) # we now have: # seq_lvals = [(x, y), (m, n)] # seq_rval = (a, b) # We now zip this into: # elementwise_assignments = [(a, x, m), (b, y, n)] # where each elementwise assignment includes one element of rval and the # corresponding element of each lval. Basically we unpack # (x, y) = (m, n) = (a, b) # into elementwise assignments # x = m = a # y = n = b # and then we recursively call this method for each of those assignments. # If the rval and all lvals are not all of the same length, zip will just ignore # extra elements, so no error will be raised here; mypy will later complain # about the length mismatch in type-checking. elementwise_assignments = zip(rval.items, *[v.items for v in seq_lvals]) for rv, *lvs in elementwise_assignments: self.process_module_assignment(lvs, rv, ctx) elif isinstance(rval, RefExpr): rnode = self.lookup_type_node(rval) if rnode and isinstance(rnode.node, MypyFile): for lval in lvals: if not isinstance(lval, RefExpr): continue # respect explicitly annotated type if isinstance(lval.node, Var) and lval.node.type is not None: continue # We can handle these assignments to locals and to self if isinstance(lval, NameExpr): lnode = self.current_symbol_table().get(lval.name) elif isinstance(lval, MemberExpr) and self.is_self_member_ref(lval): assert self.type is not None lnode = self.type.names.get(lval.name) else: continue if lnode: if isinstance(lnode.node, MypyFile) and lnode.node is not rnode.node: assert isinstance(lval, (NameExpr, MemberExpr)) self.fail( 'Cannot assign multiple modules to name "{}" ' 'without explicit "types.ModuleType" annotation'.format(lval.name), ctx, ) # never create module alias except on initial var definition elif lval.is_inferred_def: assert rnode.node is not None lnode.node = rnode.node def process__all__(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: """Export names if argument is a __all__ assignment.""" if ( len(s.lvalues) == 1 and isinstance(s.lvalues[0], NameExpr) and s.lvalues[0].name == "__all__" and s.lvalues[0].kind == GDEF and isinstance(s.rvalue, (ListExpr, TupleExpr)) ): self.add_exports(s.rvalue.items) def process__deletable__(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: if not self.options.mypyc: return if ( len(s.lvalues) == 1 and isinstance(s.lvalues[0], NameExpr) and s.lvalues[0].name == "__deletable__" and s.lvalues[0].kind == MDEF ): rvalue = s.rvalue if not isinstance(rvalue, (ListExpr, TupleExpr)): self.fail('"__deletable__" must be initialized with a list or tuple expression', s) return items = rvalue.items attrs = [] for item in items: if not isinstance(item, StrExpr): self.fail('Invalid "__deletable__" item; string literal expected', item) else: attrs.append(item.value) assert self.type self.type.deletable_attributes = attrs def process__slots__(self, s: AssignmentStmt) -> None: """ Processing ``__slots__`` if defined in type. See: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#slots """ # Later we can support `__slots__` defined as `__slots__ = other = ('a', 'b')` if ( isinstance(self.type, TypeInfo) and len(s.lvalues) == 1 and isinstance(s.lvalues[0], NameExpr) and s.lvalues[0].name == "__slots__" and s.lvalues[0].kind == MDEF ): # We understand `__slots__` defined as string, tuple, list, set, and dict: if not isinstance(s.rvalue, (StrExpr, ListExpr, TupleExpr, SetExpr, DictExpr)): # For example, `__slots__` can be defined as a variable, # we don't support it for now. return if any(p.slots is None for p in self.type.mro[1:-1]): # At least one type in mro (excluding `self` and `object`) # does not have concrete `__slots__` defined. Ignoring. return concrete_slots = True rvalue: list[Expression] = [] if isinstance(s.rvalue, StrExpr): rvalue.append(s.rvalue) elif isinstance(s.rvalue, (ListExpr, TupleExpr, SetExpr)): rvalue.extend(s.rvalue.items) else: # We have a special treatment of `dict` with possible `{**kwargs}` usage. # In this case we consider all `__slots__` to be non-concrete. for key, _ in s.rvalue.items: if concrete_slots and key is not None: rvalue.append(key) else: concrete_slots = False slots = [] for item in rvalue: # Special case for `'__dict__'` value: # when specified it will still allow any attribute assignment. if isinstance(item, StrExpr) and item.value != "__dict__": slots.append(item.value) else: concrete_slots = False if not concrete_slots: # Some slot items are dynamic, we don't want any false positives, # so, we just pretend that this type does not have any slots at all. return # We need to copy all slots from super types: for super_type in self.type.mro[1:-1]: assert super_type.slots is not None slots.extend(super_type.slots) self.type.slots = set(slots) # # Misc statements # def visit_block(self, b: Block) -> None: if b.is_unreachable: return self.block_depth[-1] += 1 for s in b.body: self.accept(s) self.block_depth[-1] -= 1 def visit_block_maybe(self, b: Block | None) -> None: if b: self.visit_block(b) def visit_expression_stmt(self, s: ExpressionStmt) -> None: self.statement = s s.expr.accept(self) def visit_return_stmt(self, s: ReturnStmt) -> None: self.statement = s if not self.is_func_scope(): self.fail('"return" outside function', s) if s.expr: s.expr.accept(self) def visit_raise_stmt(self, s: RaiseStmt) -> None: self.statement = s if s.expr: s.expr.accept(self) if s.from_expr: s.from_expr.accept(self) def visit_assert_stmt(self, s: AssertStmt) -> None: self.statement = s if s.expr: s.expr.accept(self) if s.msg: s.msg.accept(self) def visit_operator_assignment_stmt(self, s: OperatorAssignmentStmt) -> None: self.statement = s s.lvalue.accept(self) s.rvalue.accept(self) if ( isinstance(s.lvalue, NameExpr) and s.lvalue.name == "__all__" and s.lvalue.kind == GDEF and isinstance(s.rvalue, (ListExpr, TupleExpr)) ): self.add_exports(s.rvalue.items) def visit_while_stmt(self, s: WhileStmt) -> None: self.statement = s s.expr.accept(self) self.loop_depth[-1] += 1 s.body.accept(self) self.loop_depth[-1] -= 1 self.visit_block_maybe(s.else_body) def visit_for_stmt(self, s: ForStmt) -> None: if s.is_async: if not self.is_func_scope() or not self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.fail(message_registry.ASYNC_FOR_OUTSIDE_COROUTINE, s, code=codes.SYNTAX) self.statement = s s.expr.accept(self) # Bind index variables and check if they define new names. self.analyze_lvalue(s.index, explicit_type=s.index_type is not None) if s.index_type: if self.is_classvar(s.index_type): self.fail_invalid_classvar(s.index) allow_tuple_literal = isinstance(s.index, TupleExpr) analyzed = self.anal_type(s.index_type, allow_tuple_literal=allow_tuple_literal) if analyzed is not None: self.store_declared_types(s.index, analyzed) s.index_type = analyzed self.loop_depth[-1] += 1 self.visit_block(s.body) self.loop_depth[-1] -= 1 self.visit_block_maybe(s.else_body) def visit_break_stmt(self, s: BreakStmt) -> None: self.statement = s if self.loop_depth[-1] == 0: self.fail('"break" outside loop', s, serious=True, blocker=True) def visit_continue_stmt(self, s: ContinueStmt) -> None: self.statement = s if self.loop_depth[-1] == 0: self.fail('"continue" outside loop', s, serious=True, blocker=True) def visit_if_stmt(self, s: IfStmt) -> None: self.statement = s infer_reachability_of_if_statement(s, self.options) for i in range(len(s.expr)): s.expr[i].accept(self) self.visit_block(s.body[i]) self.visit_block_maybe(s.else_body) def visit_try_stmt(self, s: TryStmt) -> None: self.statement = s self.analyze_try_stmt(s, self) def analyze_try_stmt(self, s: TryStmt, visitor: NodeVisitor[None]) -> None: s.body.accept(visitor) for type, var, handler in zip(s.types, s.vars, s.handlers): if type: type.accept(visitor) if var: self.analyze_lvalue(var) handler.accept(visitor) if s.else_body: s.else_body.accept(visitor) if s.finally_body: s.finally_body.accept(visitor) def visit_with_stmt(self, s: WithStmt) -> None: self.statement = s types: list[Type] = [] if s.is_async: if not self.is_func_scope() or not self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.fail(message_registry.ASYNC_WITH_OUTSIDE_COROUTINE, s, code=codes.SYNTAX) if s.unanalyzed_type: assert isinstance(s.unanalyzed_type, ProperType) actual_targets = [t for t in s.target if t is not None] if len(actual_targets) == 0: # We have a type for no targets self.fail('Invalid type comment: "with" statement has no targets', s) elif len(actual_targets) == 1: # We have one target and one type types = [s.unanalyzed_type] elif isinstance(s.unanalyzed_type, TupleType): # We have multiple targets and multiple types if len(actual_targets) == len(s.unanalyzed_type.items): types = s.unanalyzed_type.items.copy() else: # But it's the wrong number of items self.fail('Incompatible number of types for "with" targets', s) else: # We have multiple targets and one type self.fail('Multiple types expected for multiple "with" targets', s) new_types: list[Type] = [] for e, n in zip(s.expr, s.target): e.accept(self) if n: self.analyze_lvalue(n, explicit_type=s.unanalyzed_type is not None) # Since we have a target, pop the next type from types if types: t = types.pop(0) if self.is_classvar(t): self.fail_invalid_classvar(n) allow_tuple_literal = isinstance(n, TupleExpr) analyzed = self.anal_type(t, allow_tuple_literal=allow_tuple_literal) if analyzed is not None: # TODO: Deal with this better new_types.append(analyzed) self.store_declared_types(n, analyzed) s.analyzed_types = new_types self.visit_block(s.body) def visit_del_stmt(self, s: DelStmt) -> None: self.statement = s s.expr.accept(self) if not self.is_valid_del_target(s.expr): self.fail("Invalid delete target", s) def is_valid_del_target(self, s: Expression) -> bool: if isinstance(s, (IndexExpr, NameExpr, MemberExpr)): return True elif isinstance(s, (TupleExpr, ListExpr)): return all(self.is_valid_del_target(item) for item in s.items) else: return False def visit_global_decl(self, g: GlobalDecl) -> None: self.statement = g for name in g.names: if name in self.nonlocal_decls[-1]: self.fail(f'Name "{name}" is nonlocal and global', g) self.global_decls[-1].add(name) def visit_nonlocal_decl(self, d: NonlocalDecl) -> None: self.statement = d if self.is_module_scope(): self.fail("nonlocal declaration not allowed at module level", d) else: for name in d.names: for table in reversed(self.locals[:-1]): if table is not None and name in table: break else: self.fail(f'No binding for nonlocal "{name}" found', d) if self.locals[-1] is not None and name in self.locals[-1]: self.fail( 'Name "{}" is already defined in local ' "scope before nonlocal declaration".format(name), d, ) if name in self.global_decls[-1]: self.fail(f'Name "{name}" is nonlocal and global', d) self.nonlocal_decls[-1].add(name) def visit_match_stmt(self, s: MatchStmt) -> None: self.statement = s infer_reachability_of_match_statement(s, self.options) s.subject.accept(self) for i in range(len(s.patterns)): s.patterns[i].accept(self) guard = s.guards[i] if guard is not None: guard.accept(self) self.visit_block(s.bodies[i]) # # Expressions # def visit_name_expr(self, expr: NameExpr) -> None: n = self.lookup(expr.name, expr) if n: self.bind_name_expr(expr, n) def bind_name_expr(self, expr: NameExpr, sym: SymbolTableNode) -> None: """Bind name expression to a symbol table node.""" if isinstance(sym.node, TypeVarExpr) and self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym): self.fail( '"{}" is a type variable and only valid in type ' "context".format(expr.name), expr ) elif isinstance(sym.node, PlaceholderNode): self.process_placeholder(expr.name, "name", expr) else: expr.kind = sym.kind expr.node = sym.node expr.fullname = sym.fullname or "" def visit_super_expr(self, expr: SuperExpr) -> None: if not self.type and not expr.call.args: self.fail('"super" used outside class', expr) return expr.info = self.type for arg in expr.call.args: arg.accept(self) def visit_tuple_expr(self, expr: TupleExpr) -> None: for item in expr.items: if isinstance(item, StarExpr): item.valid = True item.accept(self) def visit_list_expr(self, expr: ListExpr) -> None: for item in expr.items: if isinstance(item, StarExpr): item.valid = True item.accept(self) def visit_set_expr(self, expr: SetExpr) -> None: for item in expr.items: if isinstance(item, StarExpr): item.valid = True item.accept(self) def visit_dict_expr(self, expr: DictExpr) -> None: for key, value in expr.items: if key is not None: key.accept(self) value.accept(self) def visit_star_expr(self, expr: StarExpr) -> None: if not expr.valid: self.fail("Can use starred expression only as assignment target", expr, blocker=True) else: expr.expr.accept(self) def visit_yield_from_expr(self, e: YieldFromExpr) -> None: if not self.is_func_scope(): self.fail('"yield from" outside function', e, serious=True, blocker=True) elif self.is_comprehension_stack[-1]: self.fail( '"yield from" inside comprehension or generator expression', e, serious=True, blocker=True, ) elif self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.fail('"yield from" in async function', e, serious=True, blocker=True) else: self.function_stack[-1].is_generator = True if e.expr: e.expr.accept(self) def visit_call_expr(self, expr: CallExpr) -> None: """Analyze a call expression. Some call expressions are recognized as special forms, including cast(...). """ expr.callee.accept(self) if refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, "typing.cast"): # Special form cast(...). if not self.check_fixed_args(expr, 2, "cast"): return # Translate first argument to an unanalyzed type. try: target = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(expr.args[0]) except TypeTranslationError: self.fail("Cast target is not a type", expr) return # Piggyback CastExpr object to the CallExpr object; it takes # precedence over the CallExpr semantics. expr.analyzed = CastExpr(expr.args[1], target) expr.analyzed.line = expr.line expr.analyzed.column = expr.column expr.analyzed.accept(self) elif refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, ASSERT_TYPE_NAMES): if not self.check_fixed_args(expr, 2, "assert_type"): return # Translate second argument to an unanalyzed type. try: target = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(expr.args[1]) except TypeTranslationError: self.fail("assert_type() type is not a type", expr) return expr.analyzed = AssertTypeExpr(expr.args[0], target) expr.analyzed.line = expr.line expr.analyzed.column = expr.column expr.analyzed.accept(self) elif refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, REVEAL_TYPE_NAMES): if not self.check_fixed_args(expr, 1, "reveal_type"): return expr.analyzed = RevealExpr(kind=REVEAL_TYPE, expr=expr.args[0]) expr.analyzed.line = expr.line expr.analyzed.column = expr.column expr.analyzed.accept(self) elif refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, "builtins.reveal_locals"): # Store the local variable names into the RevealExpr for use in the # type checking pass local_nodes: list[Var] = [] if self.is_module_scope(): # try to determine just the variable declarations in module scope # self.globals.values() contains SymbolTableNode's # Each SymbolTableNode has an attribute node that is nodes.Var # look for variable nodes that marked as is_inferred # Each symboltable node has a Var node as .node local_nodes = [ n.node for name, n in self.globals.items() if getattr(n.node, "is_inferred", False) and isinstance(n.node, Var) ] elif self.is_class_scope(): # type = None # type: Optional[TypeInfo] if self.type is not None: local_nodes = [ st.node for st in self.type.names.values() if isinstance(st.node, Var) ] elif self.is_func_scope(): # locals = None # type: List[Optional[SymbolTable]] if self.locals is not None: symbol_table = self.locals[-1] if symbol_table is not None: local_nodes = [ st.node for st in symbol_table.values() if isinstance(st.node, Var) ] expr.analyzed = RevealExpr(kind=REVEAL_LOCALS, local_nodes=local_nodes) expr.analyzed.line = expr.line expr.analyzed.column = expr.column expr.analyzed.accept(self) elif refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, "typing.Any"): # Special form Any(...) no longer supported. self.fail("Any(...) is no longer supported. Use cast(Any, ...) instead", expr) elif refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, "typing._promote"): # Special form _promote(...). if not self.check_fixed_args(expr, 1, "_promote"): return # Translate first argument to an unanalyzed type. try: target = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(expr.args[0]) except TypeTranslationError: self.fail("Argument 1 to _promote is not a type", expr) return expr.analyzed = PromoteExpr(target) expr.analyzed.line = expr.line expr.analyzed.accept(self) elif refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, "builtins.dict"): expr.analyzed = self.translate_dict_call(expr) elif refers_to_fullname(expr.callee, "builtins.divmod"): if not self.check_fixed_args(expr, 2, "divmod"): return expr.analyzed = OpExpr("divmod", expr.args[0], expr.args[1]) expr.analyzed.line = expr.line expr.analyzed.accept(self) else: # Normal call expression. for a in expr.args: a.accept(self) if ( isinstance(expr.callee, MemberExpr) and isinstance(expr.callee.expr, NameExpr) and expr.callee.expr.name == "__all__" and expr.callee.expr.kind == GDEF and expr.callee.name in ("append", "extend", "remove") ): if expr.callee.name == "append" and expr.args: self.add_exports(expr.args[0]) elif ( expr.callee.name == "extend" and expr.args and isinstance(expr.args[0], (ListExpr, TupleExpr)) ): self.add_exports(expr.args[0].items) elif ( expr.callee.name == "remove" and expr.args and isinstance(expr.args[0], StrExpr) ): self.all_exports = [n for n in self.all_exports if n != expr.args[0].value] def translate_dict_call(self, call: CallExpr) -> DictExpr | None: """Translate 'dict(x=y, ...)' to {'x': y, ...} and 'dict()' to {}. For other variants of dict(...), return None. """ if not all(kind in (ARG_NAMED, ARG_STAR2) for kind in call.arg_kinds): # Must still accept those args. for a in call.args: a.accept(self) return None expr = DictExpr( [ (StrExpr(key) if key is not None else None, value) for key, value in zip(call.arg_names, call.args) ] ) expr.set_line(call) expr.accept(self) return expr def check_fixed_args(self, expr: CallExpr, numargs: int, name: str) -> bool: """Verify that expr has specified number of positional args. Return True if the arguments are valid. """ s = "s" if numargs == 1: s = "" if len(expr.args) != numargs: self.fail('"%s" expects %d argument%s' % (name, numargs, s), expr) return False if expr.arg_kinds != [ARG_POS] * numargs: self.fail(f'"{name}" must be called with {numargs} positional argument{s}', expr) return False return True def visit_member_expr(self, expr: MemberExpr) -> None: base = expr.expr base.accept(self) if isinstance(base, RefExpr) and isinstance(base.node, MypyFile): # Handle module attribute. sym = self.get_module_symbol(base.node, expr.name) if sym: if isinstance(sym.node, PlaceholderNode): self.process_placeholder(expr.name, "attribute", expr) return expr.kind = sym.kind expr.fullname = sym.fullname or "" expr.node = sym.node elif isinstance(base, RefExpr): # This branch handles the case C.bar (or cls.bar or self.bar inside # a classmethod/method), where C is a class and bar is a type # definition or a module resulting from `import bar` (or a module # assignment) inside class C. We look up bar in the class' TypeInfo # namespace. This is done only when bar is a module or a type; # other things (e.g. methods) are handled by other code in # checkmember. type_info = None if isinstance(base.node, TypeInfo): # C.bar where C is a class type_info = base.node elif isinstance(base.node, Var) and self.type and self.function_stack: # check for self.bar or cls.bar in method/classmethod func_def = self.function_stack[-1] if not func_def.is_static and isinstance(func_def.type, CallableType): formal_arg = func_def.type.argument_by_name(base.node.name) if formal_arg and formal_arg.pos == 0: type_info = self.type elif isinstance(base.node, TypeAlias) and base.node.no_args: assert isinstance(base.node.target, ProperType) if isinstance(base.node.target, Instance): type_info = base.node.target.type if type_info: n = type_info.names.get(expr.name) if n is not None and isinstance(n.node, (MypyFile, TypeInfo, TypeAlias)): if not n: return expr.kind = n.kind expr.fullname = n.fullname or "" expr.node = n.node def visit_op_expr(self, expr: OpExpr) -> None: expr.left.accept(self) if expr.op in ("and", "or"): inferred = infer_condition_value(expr.left, self.options) if (inferred in (ALWAYS_FALSE, MYPY_FALSE) and expr.op == "and") or ( inferred in (ALWAYS_TRUE, MYPY_TRUE) and expr.op == "or" ): expr.right_unreachable = True return elif (inferred in (ALWAYS_TRUE, MYPY_TRUE) and expr.op == "and") or ( inferred in (ALWAYS_FALSE, MYPY_FALSE) and expr.op == "or" ): expr.right_always = True expr.right.accept(self) def visit_comparison_expr(self, expr: ComparisonExpr) -> None: for operand in expr.operands: operand.accept(self) def visit_unary_expr(self, expr: UnaryExpr) -> None: expr.expr.accept(self) def visit_index_expr(self, expr: IndexExpr) -> None: base = expr.base base.accept(self) if ( isinstance(base, RefExpr) and isinstance(base.node, TypeInfo) and not base.node.is_generic() ): expr.index.accept(self) elif ( isinstance(base, RefExpr) and isinstance(base.node, TypeAlias) ) or refers_to_class_or_function(base): # We need to do full processing on every iteration, since some type # arguments may contain placeholder types. self.analyze_type_application(expr) else: expr.index.accept(self) def analyze_type_application(self, expr: IndexExpr) -> None: """Analyze special form -- type application (either direct or via type aliasing).""" types = self.analyze_type_application_args(expr) if types is None: return base = expr.base expr.analyzed = TypeApplication(base, types) expr.analyzed.line = expr.line expr.analyzed.column = expr.column # Types list, dict, set are not subscriptable, prohibit this if # subscripted either via type alias... if isinstance(base, RefExpr) and isinstance(base.node, TypeAlias): alias = base.node target = get_proper_type(alias.target) if isinstance(target, Instance): name = target.type.fullname if ( alias.no_args and name # this avoids bogus errors for already reported aliases in get_nongen_builtins(self.options.python_version) and not self.is_stub_file and not alias.normalized ): self.fail(no_subscript_builtin_alias(name, propose_alt=False), expr) # ...or directly. else: n = self.lookup_type_node(base) if ( n and n.fullname in get_nongen_builtins(self.options.python_version) and not self.is_stub_file ): self.fail(no_subscript_builtin_alias(n.fullname, propose_alt=False), expr) def analyze_type_application_args(self, expr: IndexExpr) -> list[Type] | None: """Analyze type arguments (index) in a type application. Return None if anything was incomplete. """ index = expr.index tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() self.analyze_type_expr(index) if self.found_incomplete_ref(tag): return None if self.basic_type_applications: # Postpone the rest until we have more information (for r.h.s. of an assignment) return None types: list[Type] = [] if isinstance(index, TupleExpr): items = index.items is_tuple = isinstance(expr.base, RefExpr) and expr.base.fullname == "builtins.tuple" if is_tuple and len(items) == 2 and isinstance(items[-1], EllipsisExpr): items = items[:-1] else: items = [index] # TODO: this needs a clean-up. # Probably always allow Parameters literals, and validate in semanal_typeargs.py base = expr.base if isinstance(base, RefExpr) and isinstance(base.node, TypeAlias): allow_unpack = base.node.tvar_tuple_index is not None alias = base.node if any(isinstance(t, ParamSpecType) for t in alias.alias_tvars): has_param_spec = True num_args = len(alias.alias_tvars) else: has_param_spec = False num_args = -1 elif isinstance(base, RefExpr) and isinstance(base.node, TypeInfo): allow_unpack = base.node.has_type_var_tuple_type has_param_spec = base.node.has_param_spec_type num_args = len(base.node.type_vars) else: allow_unpack = False has_param_spec = False num_args = -1 for item in items: try: typearg = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(item) except TypeTranslationError: self.fail("Type expected within [...]", expr) return None analyzed = self.anal_type( typearg, # The type application may appear in base class expression, # where type variables are not bound yet. Or when accepting # r.h.s. of type alias before we figured out it is a type alias. allow_unbound_tvars=self.allow_unbound_tvars, allow_placeholder=True, allow_param_spec_literals=has_param_spec, allow_unpack=allow_unpack, ) if analyzed is None: return None types.append(analyzed) if has_param_spec and num_args == 1 and types: first_arg = get_proper_type(types[0]) if not ( len(types) == 1 and isinstance(first_arg, (Parameters, ParamSpecType, AnyType)) ): types = [Parameters(types, [ARG_POS] * len(types), [None] * len(types))] return types def visit_slice_expr(self, expr: SliceExpr) -> None: if expr.begin_index: expr.begin_index.accept(self) if expr.end_index: expr.end_index.accept(self) if expr.stride: expr.stride.accept(self) def visit_cast_expr(self, expr: CastExpr) -> None: expr.expr.accept(self) analyzed = self.anal_type(expr.type) if analyzed is not None: expr.type = analyzed def visit_assert_type_expr(self, expr: AssertTypeExpr) -> None: expr.expr.accept(self) analyzed = self.anal_type(expr.type) if analyzed is not None: expr.type = analyzed def visit_reveal_expr(self, expr: RevealExpr) -> None: if expr.kind == REVEAL_TYPE: if expr.expr is not None: expr.expr.accept(self) else: # Reveal locals doesn't have an inner expression, there's no # need to traverse inside it pass def visit_type_application(self, expr: TypeApplication) -> None: expr.expr.accept(self) for i in range(len(expr.types)): analyzed = self.anal_type(expr.types[i]) if analyzed is not None: expr.types[i] = analyzed def visit_list_comprehension(self, expr: ListComprehension) -> None: if any(expr.generator.is_async): if not self.is_func_scope() or not self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.fail(message_registry.ASYNC_FOR_OUTSIDE_COROUTINE, expr, code=codes.SYNTAX) expr.generator.accept(self) def visit_set_comprehension(self, expr: SetComprehension) -> None: if any(expr.generator.is_async): if not self.is_func_scope() or not self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.fail(message_registry.ASYNC_FOR_OUTSIDE_COROUTINE, expr, code=codes.SYNTAX) expr.generator.accept(self) def visit_dictionary_comprehension(self, expr: DictionaryComprehension) -> None: if any(expr.is_async): if not self.is_func_scope() or not self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.fail(message_registry.ASYNC_FOR_OUTSIDE_COROUTINE, expr, code=codes.SYNTAX) with self.enter(expr): self.analyze_comp_for(expr) expr.key.accept(self) expr.value.accept(self) self.analyze_comp_for_2(expr) def visit_generator_expr(self, expr: GeneratorExpr) -> None: with self.enter(expr): self.analyze_comp_for(expr) expr.left_expr.accept(self) self.analyze_comp_for_2(expr) def analyze_comp_for(self, expr: GeneratorExpr | DictionaryComprehension) -> None: """Analyses the 'comp_for' part of comprehensions (part 1). That is the part after 'for' in (x for x in l if p). This analyzes variables and conditions which are analyzed in a local scope. """ for i, (index, sequence, conditions) in enumerate( zip(expr.indices, expr.sequences, expr.condlists) ): if i > 0: sequence.accept(self) # Bind index variables. self.analyze_lvalue(index) for cond in conditions: cond.accept(self) def analyze_comp_for_2(self, expr: GeneratorExpr | DictionaryComprehension) -> None: """Analyses the 'comp_for' part of comprehensions (part 2). That is the part after 'for' in (x for x in l if p). This analyzes the 'l' part which is analyzed in the surrounding scope. """ expr.sequences[0].accept(self) def visit_lambda_expr(self, expr: LambdaExpr) -> None: self.analyze_arg_initializers(expr) self.analyze_function_body(expr) def visit_conditional_expr(self, expr: ConditionalExpr) -> None: expr.if_expr.accept(self) expr.cond.accept(self) expr.else_expr.accept(self) def visit__promote_expr(self, expr: PromoteExpr) -> None: analyzed = self.anal_type(expr.type) if analyzed is not None: assert isinstance(analyzed, ProperType), "Cannot use type aliases for promotions" expr.type = analyzed def visit_yield_expr(self, e: YieldExpr) -> None: if not self.is_func_scope(): self.fail('"yield" outside function', e, serious=True, blocker=True) elif self.is_comprehension_stack[-1]: self.fail( '"yield" inside comprehension or generator expression', e, serious=True, blocker=True, ) elif self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.function_stack[-1].is_generator = True self.function_stack[-1].is_async_generator = True else: self.function_stack[-1].is_generator = True if e.expr: e.expr.accept(self) def visit_await_expr(self, expr: AwaitExpr) -> None: if not self.is_func_scope() or not self.function_stack: # We check both because is_function_scope() returns True inside comprehensions. # This is not a blocker, because some enviroments (like ipython) # support top level awaits. self.fail('"await" outside function', expr, serious=True, code=codes.TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT) elif not self.function_stack[-1].is_coroutine: self.fail( '"await" outside coroutine ("async def")', expr, serious=True, code=codes.AWAIT_NOT_ASYNC, ) expr.expr.accept(self) # # Patterns # def visit_as_pattern(self, p: AsPattern) -> None: if p.pattern is not None: p.pattern.accept(self) if p.name is not None: self.analyze_lvalue(p.name) def visit_or_pattern(self, p: OrPattern) -> None: for pattern in p.patterns: pattern.accept(self) def visit_value_pattern(self, p: ValuePattern) -> None: p.expr.accept(self) def visit_sequence_pattern(self, p: SequencePattern) -> None: for pattern in p.patterns: pattern.accept(self) def visit_starred_pattern(self, p: StarredPattern) -> None: if p.capture is not None: self.analyze_lvalue(p.capture) def visit_mapping_pattern(self, p: MappingPattern) -> None: for key in p.keys: key.accept(self) for value in p.values: value.accept(self) if p.rest is not None: self.analyze_lvalue(p.rest) def visit_class_pattern(self, p: ClassPattern) -> None: p.class_ref.accept(self) for pos in p.positionals: pos.accept(self) for v in p.keyword_values: v.accept(self) # # Lookup functions # def lookup( self, name: str, ctx: Context, suppress_errors: bool = False ) -> SymbolTableNode | None: """Look up an unqualified (no dots) name in all active namespaces. Note that the result may contain a PlaceholderNode. The caller may want to defer in that case. Generate an error if the name is not defined unless suppress_errors is true or the current namespace is incomplete. In the latter case defer. """ implicit_name = False # 1a. Name declared using 'global x' takes precedence if name in self.global_decls[-1]: if name in self.globals: return self.globals[name] if not suppress_errors: self.name_not_defined(name, ctx) return None # 1b. Name declared using 'nonlocal x' takes precedence if name in self.nonlocal_decls[-1]: for table in reversed(self.locals[:-1]): if table is not None and name in table: return table[name] if not suppress_errors: self.name_not_defined(name, ctx) return None # 2. Class attributes (if within class definition) if self.type and not self.is_func_scope() and name in self.type.names: node = self.type.names[name] if not node.implicit: if self.is_active_symbol_in_class_body(node.node): return node else: # Defined through self.x assignment implicit_name = True implicit_node = node # 3. Local (function) scopes for table in reversed(self.locals): if table is not None and name in table: return table[name] # 4. Current file global scope if name in self.globals: return self.globals[name] # 5. Builtins b = self.globals.get("__builtins__", None) if b: assert isinstance(b.node, MypyFile) table = b.node.names if name in table: if len(name) > 1 and name[0] == "_" and name[1] != "_": if not suppress_errors: self.name_not_defined(name, ctx) return None node = table[name] return node # Give up. if not implicit_name and not suppress_errors: self.name_not_defined(name, ctx) else: if implicit_name: return implicit_node return None def is_active_symbol_in_class_body(self, node: SymbolNode | None) -> bool: """Can a symbol defined in class body accessed at current statement? Only allow access to class attributes textually after the definition, so that it's possible to fall back to the outer scope. Example: class X: ... class C: X = X # Initializer refers to outer scope Nested classes are an exception, since we want to support arbitrary forward references in type annotations. Also, we allow forward references to type aliases to support recursive types. """ # TODO: Forward reference to name imported in class body is not # caught. if self.statement is None: # Assume it's fine -- don't have enough context to check return True return ( node is None or self.is_textually_before_statement(node) or not self.is_defined_in_current_module(node.fullname) or isinstance(node, (TypeInfo, TypeAlias)) or (isinstance(node, PlaceholderNode) and node.becomes_typeinfo) ) def is_textually_before_statement(self, node: SymbolNode) -> bool: """Check if a node is defined textually before the current statement Note that decorated functions' line number are the same as the top decorator. """ assert self.statement line_diff = self.statement.line - node.line # The first branch handles reference an overloaded function variant inside itself, # this is a corner case where mypy technically deviates from runtime name resolution, # but it is fine because we want an overloaded function to be treated as a single unit. if self.is_overloaded_item(node, self.statement): return False elif isinstance(node, Decorator) and not node.is_overload: return line_diff > len(node.original_decorators) else: return line_diff > 0 def is_overloaded_item(self, node: SymbolNode, statement: Statement) -> bool: """Check whether the function belongs to the overloaded variants""" if isinstance(node, OverloadedFuncDef) and isinstance(statement, FuncDef): in_items = statement in { item.func if isinstance(item, Decorator) else item for item in node.items } in_impl = node.impl is not None and ( (isinstance(node.impl, Decorator) and statement is node.impl.func) or statement is node.impl ) return in_items or in_impl return False def is_defined_in_current_module(self, fullname: str | None) -> bool: if not fullname: return False return module_prefix(self.modules, fullname) == self.cur_mod_id def lookup_qualified( self, name: str, ctx: Context, suppress_errors: bool = False ) -> SymbolTableNode | None: """Lookup a qualified name in all activate namespaces. Note that the result may contain a PlaceholderNode. The caller may want to defer in that case. Generate an error if the name is not defined unless suppress_errors is true or the current namespace is incomplete. In the latter case defer. """ if "." not in name: # Simple case: look up a short name. return self.lookup(name, ctx, suppress_errors=suppress_errors) parts = name.split(".") namespace = self.cur_mod_id sym = self.lookup(parts[0], ctx, suppress_errors=suppress_errors) if sym: for i in range(1, len(parts)): node = sym.node part = parts[i] if isinstance(node, TypeInfo): nextsym = node.get(part) elif isinstance(node, MypyFile): nextsym = self.get_module_symbol(node, part) namespace = node.fullname elif isinstance(node, PlaceholderNode): return sym elif isinstance(node, TypeAlias) and node.no_args: assert isinstance(node.target, ProperType) if isinstance(node.target, Instance): nextsym = node.target.type.get(part) else: nextsym = None else: if isinstance(node, Var): typ = get_proper_type(node.type) if isinstance(typ, AnyType): # Allow access through Var with Any type without error. return self.implicit_symbol(sym, name, parts[i:], typ) # This might be something like valid `P.args` or invalid `P.__bound__` access. # Important note that `ParamSpecExpr` is also ignored in other places. # See https://github.com/python/mypy/pull/13468 if isinstance(node, ParamSpecExpr) and part in ("args", "kwargs"): return None # Lookup through invalid node, such as variable or function nextsym = None if not nextsym or nextsym.module_hidden: if not suppress_errors: self.name_not_defined(name, ctx, namespace=namespace) return None sym = nextsym return sym def lookup_type_node(self, expr: Expression) -> SymbolTableNode | None: try: t = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(expr) except TypeTranslationError: return None if isinstance(t, UnboundType): n = self.lookup_qualified(t.name, expr, suppress_errors=True) return n return None def get_module_symbol(self, node: MypyFile, name: str) -> SymbolTableNode | None: """Look up a symbol from a module. Return None if no matching symbol could be bound. """ module = node.fullname names = node.names sym = names.get(name) if not sym: fullname = module + "." + name if fullname in self.modules: sym = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, self.modules[fullname]) elif self.is_incomplete_namespace(module): self.record_incomplete_ref() elif "__getattr__" in names: gvar = self.create_getattr_var(names["__getattr__"], name, fullname) if gvar: sym = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, gvar) elif self.is_missing_module(fullname): # We use the fullname of the original definition so that we can # detect whether two names refer to the same thing. var_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_unimported_type) v = Var(name, type=var_type) v._fullname = fullname sym = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, v) elif sym.module_hidden: sym = None return sym def is_missing_module(self, module: str) -> bool: return module in self.missing_modules def implicit_symbol( self, sym: SymbolTableNode, name: str, parts: list[str], source_type: AnyType ) -> SymbolTableNode: """Create symbol for a qualified name reference through Any type.""" if sym.node is None: basename = None else: basename = sym.node.fullname if basename is None: fullname = name else: fullname = basename + "." + ".".join(parts) var_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_another_any, source_type) var = Var(parts[-1], var_type) var._fullname = fullname return SymbolTableNode(GDEF, var) def create_getattr_var( self, getattr_defn: SymbolTableNode, name: str, fullname: str ) -> Var | None: """Create a dummy variable using module-level __getattr__ return type. If not possible, return None. Note that multiple Var nodes can be created for a single name. We can use the from_module_getattr and the fullname attributes to check if two dummy Var nodes refer to the same thing. Reusing Var nodes would require non-local mutable state, which we prefer to avoid. """ if isinstance(getattr_defn.node, (FuncDef, Var)): node_type = get_proper_type(getattr_defn.node.type) if isinstance(node_type, CallableType): typ = node_type.ret_type else: typ = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) v = Var(name, type=typ) v._fullname = fullname v.from_module_getattr = True return v return None def lookup_fully_qualified(self, fullname: str) -> SymbolTableNode: ret = self.lookup_fully_qualified_or_none(fullname) assert ret is not None, fullname return ret def lookup_fully_qualified_or_none(self, fullname: str) -> SymbolTableNode | None: """Lookup a fully qualified name that refers to a module-level definition. Don't assume that the name is defined. This happens in the global namespace -- the local module namespace is ignored. This does not dereference indirect refs. Note that this can't be used for names nested in class namespaces. """ # TODO: unify/clean-up/simplify lookup methods, see #4157. # TODO: support nested classes (but consider performance impact, # we might keep the module level only lookup for thing like 'builtins.int'). assert "." in fullname module, name = fullname.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1) if module not in self.modules: return None filenode = self.modules[module] result = filenode.names.get(name) if result is None and self.is_incomplete_namespace(module): # TODO: More explicit handling of incomplete refs? self.record_incomplete_ref() return result def object_type(self) -> Instance: return self.named_type("builtins.object") def str_type(self) -> Instance: return self.named_type("builtins.str") def named_type(self, fullname: str, args: list[Type] | None = None) -> Instance: sym = self.lookup_fully_qualified(fullname) assert sym, "Internal error: attempted to construct unknown type" node = sym.node assert isinstance(node, TypeInfo) if args: # TODO: assert len(args) == len(node.defn.type_vars) return Instance(node, args) return Instance(node, [AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)] * len(node.defn.type_vars)) def named_type_or_none(self, fullname: str, args: list[Type] | None = None) -> Instance | None: sym = self.lookup_fully_qualified_or_none(fullname) if not sym or isinstance(sym.node, PlaceholderNode): return None node = sym.node if isinstance(node, TypeAlias): assert isinstance(node.target, Instance) # type: ignore[misc] node = node.target.type assert isinstance(node, TypeInfo), node if args is not None: # TODO: assert len(args) == len(node.defn.type_vars) return Instance(node, args) return Instance(node, [AnyType(TypeOfAny.unannotated)] * len(node.defn.type_vars)) def builtin_type(self, fully_qualified_name: str) -> Instance: """Legacy function -- use named_type() instead.""" return self.named_type(fully_qualified_name) def lookup_current_scope(self, name: str) -> SymbolTableNode | None: if self.locals[-1] is not None: return self.locals[-1].get(name) elif self.type is not None: return self.type.names.get(name) else: return self.globals.get(name) # # Adding symbols # def add_symbol( self, name: str, node: SymbolNode, context: Context, module_public: bool = True, module_hidden: bool = False, can_defer: bool = True, escape_comprehensions: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Add symbol to the currently active symbol table. Generally additions to symbol table should go through this method or one of the methods below so that kinds, redefinitions, conditional definitions, and skipped names are handled consistently. Return True if we actually added the symbol, or False if we refused to do so (because something is not ready). If can_defer is True, defer current target if adding a placeholder. """ if self.is_func_scope(): kind = LDEF elif self.type is not None: kind = MDEF else: kind = GDEF symbol = SymbolTableNode( kind, node, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden ) return self.add_symbol_table_node(name, symbol, context, can_defer, escape_comprehensions) def add_symbol_skip_local(self, name: str, node: SymbolNode) -> None: """Same as above, but skipping the local namespace. This doesn't check for previous definition and is only used for serialization of method-level classes. Classes defined within methods can be exposed through an attribute type, but method-level symbol tables aren't serialized. This method can be used to add such classes to an enclosing, serialized symbol table. """ # TODO: currently this is only used by named tuples and typed dicts. # Use this method also by normal classes, see issue #6422. if self.type is not None: names = self.type.names kind = MDEF else: names = self.globals kind = GDEF symbol = SymbolTableNode(kind, node) names[name] = symbol def add_symbol_table_node( self, name: str, symbol: SymbolTableNode, context: Context | None = None, can_defer: bool = True, escape_comprehensions: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Add symbol table node to the currently active symbol table. Return True if we actually added the symbol, or False if we refused to do so (because something is not ready or it was a no-op). Generate an error if there is an invalid redefinition. If context is None, unconditionally add node, since we can't report an error. Note that this is used by plugins to forcibly replace nodes! TODO: Prevent plugins from replacing nodes, as it could cause problems? Args: name: short name of symbol symbol: Node to add can_defer: if True, defer current target if adding a placeholder context: error context (see above about None value) """ names = self.current_symbol_table(escape_comprehensions=escape_comprehensions) existing = names.get(name) if isinstance(symbol.node, PlaceholderNode) and can_defer: if context is not None: self.process_placeholder(name, "name", context) else: # see note in docstring describing None contexts self.defer() if ( existing is not None and context is not None and not is_valid_replacement(existing, symbol) ): # There is an existing node, so this may be a redefinition. # If the new node points to the same node as the old one, # or if both old and new nodes are placeholders, we don't # need to do anything. old = existing.node new = symbol.node if isinstance(new, PlaceholderNode): # We don't know whether this is okay. Let's wait until the next iteration. return False if not is_same_symbol(old, new): if isinstance(new, (FuncDef, Decorator, OverloadedFuncDef, TypeInfo)): self.add_redefinition(names, name, symbol) if not (isinstance(new, (FuncDef, Decorator)) and self.set_original_def(old, new)): self.name_already_defined(name, context, existing) elif name not in self.missing_names[-1] and "*" not in self.missing_names[-1]: names[name] = symbol self.progress = True return True return False def add_redefinition(self, names: SymbolTable, name: str, symbol: SymbolTableNode) -> None: """Add a symbol table node that reflects a redefinition as a function or a class. Redefinitions need to be added to the symbol table so that they can be found through AST traversal, but they have dummy names of form 'name-redefinition[N]', where N ranges over 2, 3, ... (omitted for the first redefinition). Note: we always store redefinitions independently of whether they are valid or not (so they will be semantically analyzed), the caller should give an error for invalid redefinitions (such as e.g. variable redefined as a class). """ i = 1 # Don't serialize redefined nodes. They are likely to have # busted internal references which can cause problems with # serialization and they can't have any external references to # them. symbol.no_serialize = True while True: if i == 1: new_name = f"{name}-redefinition" else: new_name = f"{name}-redefinition{i}" existing = names.get(new_name) if existing is None: names[new_name] = symbol return elif existing.node is symbol.node: # Already there return i += 1 def add_local(self, node: Var | FuncDef | OverloadedFuncDef, context: Context) -> None: """Add local variable or function.""" assert self.is_func_scope() name = node.name node._fullname = name self.add_symbol(name, node, context) def _get_node_for_class_scoped_import( self, name: str, symbol_node: SymbolNode | None, context: Context ) -> SymbolNode | None: if symbol_node is None: return None # I promise this type checks; I'm just making mypyc issues go away. # mypyc is absolutely convinced that `symbol_node` narrows to a Var in the following, # when it can also be a FuncBase. Once fixed, `f` in the following can be removed. # See also https://github.com/mypyc/mypyc/issues/892 f: Callable[[object], Any] = lambda x: x if isinstance(f(symbol_node), (Decorator, FuncBase, Var)): # For imports in class scope, we construct a new node to represent the symbol and # set its `info` attribute to `self.type`. existing = self.current_symbol_table().get(name) if ( # The redefinition checks in `add_symbol_table_node` don't work for our # constructed Var / FuncBase, so check for possible redefinitions here. existing is not None and isinstance(f(existing.node), (Decorator, FuncBase, Var)) and ( isinstance(f(existing.type), f(AnyType)) or f(existing.type) == f(symbol_node).type ) ): return existing.node # Construct the new node if isinstance(f(symbol_node), (FuncBase, Decorator)): # In theory we could construct a new node here as well, but in practice # it doesn't work well, see #12197 typ: Type | None = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) self.fail("Unsupported class scoped import", context) else: typ = f(symbol_node).type symbol_node = Var(name, typ) symbol_node._fullname = self.qualified_name(name) assert self.type is not None # guaranteed by is_class_scope symbol_node.info = self.type symbol_node.line = context.line symbol_node.column = context.column return symbol_node def add_imported_symbol( self, name: str, node: SymbolTableNode, context: ImportBase, module_public: bool, module_hidden: bool, ) -> None: """Add an alias to an existing symbol through import.""" assert not module_hidden or not module_public existing_symbol = self.lookup_current_scope(name) if ( existing_symbol and not isinstance(existing_symbol.node, PlaceholderNode) and not isinstance(node.node, PlaceholderNode) ): # Import can redefine a variable. They get special treatment. if self.process_import_over_existing_name(name, existing_symbol, node, context): return symbol_node: SymbolNode | None = node.node if self.is_class_scope(): symbol_node = self._get_node_for_class_scoped_import(name, symbol_node, context) symbol = SymbolTableNode( node.kind, symbol_node, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden ) self.add_symbol_table_node(name, symbol, context) def add_unknown_imported_symbol( self, name: str, context: Context, target_name: str | None, module_public: bool, module_hidden: bool, ) -> None: """Add symbol that we don't know what it points to because resolving an import failed. This can happen if a module is missing, or it is present, but doesn't have the imported attribute. The `target_name` is the name of symbol in the namespace it is imported from. For example, for 'from mod import x as y' the target_name is 'mod.x'. This is currently used only to track logical dependencies. """ existing = self.current_symbol_table().get(name) if existing and isinstance(existing.node, Var) and existing.node.is_suppressed_import: # This missing import was already added -- nothing to do here. return var = Var(name) if self.options.logical_deps and target_name is not None: # This makes it possible to add logical fine-grained dependencies # from a missing module. We can't use this by default, since in a # few places we assume that the full name points to a real # definition, but this name may point to nothing. var._fullname = target_name elif self.type: var._fullname = self.type.fullname + "." + name var.info = self.type else: var._fullname = self.qualified_name(name) var.is_ready = True any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_unimported_type, missing_import_name=var._fullname) var.type = any_type var.is_suppressed_import = True self.add_symbol( name, var, context, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden ) # # Other helpers # @contextmanager def tvar_scope_frame(self, frame: TypeVarLikeScope) -> Iterator[None]: old_scope = self.tvar_scope self.tvar_scope = frame yield self.tvar_scope = old_scope def defer(self, debug_context: Context | None = None, force_progress: bool = False) -> None: """Defer current analysis target to be analyzed again. This must be called if something in the current target is incomplete or has a placeholder node. However, this must *not* be called during the final analysis iteration! Instead, an error should be generated. Often 'process_placeholder' is a good way to either defer or generate an error. NOTE: Some methods, such as 'anal_type', 'mark_incomplete' and 'record_incomplete_ref', call this implicitly, or when needed. They are usually preferable to a direct defer() call. """ assert not self.final_iteration, "Must not defer during final iteration" if force_progress: # Usually, we report progress if we have replaced a placeholder node # with an actual valid node. However, sometimes we need to update an # existing node *in-place*. For example, this is used by type aliases # in context of forward references and/or recursive aliases, and in # similar situations (recursive named tuples etc). self.progress = True self.deferred = True # Store debug info for this deferral. line = ( debug_context.line if debug_context else self.statement.line if self.statement else -1 ) self.deferral_debug_context.append((self.cur_mod_id, line)) def track_incomplete_refs(self) -> Tag: """Return tag that can be used for tracking references to incomplete names.""" return self.num_incomplete_refs def found_incomplete_ref(self, tag: Tag) -> bool: """Have we encountered an incomplete reference since starting tracking?""" return self.num_incomplete_refs != tag def record_incomplete_ref(self) -> None: """Record the encounter of an incomplete reference and defer current analysis target.""" self.defer() self.num_incomplete_refs += 1 def mark_incomplete( self, name: str, node: Node, becomes_typeinfo: bool = False, module_public: bool = True, module_hidden: bool = False, ) -> None: """Mark a definition as incomplete (and defer current analysis target). Also potentially mark the current namespace as incomplete. Args: name: The name that we weren't able to define (or '*' if the name is unknown) node: The node that refers to the name (definition or lvalue) becomes_typeinfo: Pass this to PlaceholderNode (used by special forms like named tuples that will create TypeInfos). """ self.defer(node) if name == "*": self.incomplete = True elif not self.is_global_or_nonlocal(name): fullname = self.qualified_name(name) assert self.statement placeholder = PlaceholderNode( fullname, node, self.statement.line, becomes_typeinfo=becomes_typeinfo ) self.add_symbol( name, placeholder, module_public=module_public, module_hidden=module_hidden, context=dummy_context(), ) self.missing_names[-1].add(name) def is_incomplete_namespace(self, fullname: str) -> bool: """Is a module or class namespace potentially missing some definitions? If a name is missing from an incomplete namespace, we'll need to defer the current analysis target. """ return fullname in self.incomplete_namespaces def process_placeholder( self, name: str | None, kind: str, ctx: Context, force_progress: bool = False ) -> None: """Process a reference targeting placeholder node. If this is not a final iteration, defer current node, otherwise report an error. The 'kind' argument indicates if this a name or attribute expression (used for better error message). """ if self.final_iteration: self.cannot_resolve_name(name, kind, ctx) else: self.defer(ctx, force_progress=force_progress) def cannot_resolve_name(self, name: str | None, kind: str, ctx: Context) -> None: name_format = f' "{name}"' if name else "" self.fail(f"Cannot resolve {kind}{name_format} (possible cyclic definition)", ctx) if not self.options.disable_recursive_aliases and self.is_func_scope(): self.note("Recursive types are not allowed at function scope", ctx) def qualified_name(self, name: str) -> str: if self.type is not None: return self.type._fullname + "." + name elif self.is_func_scope(): return name else: return self.cur_mod_id + "." + name @contextmanager def enter( self, function: FuncItem | GeneratorExpr | DictionaryComprehension ) -> Iterator[None]: """Enter a function, generator or comprehension scope.""" names = self.saved_locals.setdefault(function, SymbolTable()) self.locals.append(names) is_comprehension = isinstance(function, (GeneratorExpr, DictionaryComprehension)) self.is_comprehension_stack.append(is_comprehension) self.global_decls.append(set()) self.nonlocal_decls.append(set()) # -1 since entering block will increment this to 0. self.block_depth.append(-1) self.loop_depth.append(0) self.missing_names.append(set()) try: yield finally: self.locals.pop() self.is_comprehension_stack.pop() self.global_decls.pop() self.nonlocal_decls.pop() self.block_depth.pop() self.loop_depth.pop() self.missing_names.pop() def is_func_scope(self) -> bool: return self.locals[-1] is not None def is_nested_within_func_scope(self) -> bool: """Are we underneath a function scope, even if we are in a nested class also?""" return any(l is not None for l in self.locals) def is_class_scope(self) -> bool: return self.type is not None and not self.is_func_scope() def is_module_scope(self) -> bool: return not (self.is_class_scope() or self.is_func_scope()) def current_symbol_kind(self) -> int: if self.is_class_scope(): kind = MDEF elif self.is_func_scope(): kind = LDEF else: kind = GDEF return kind def current_symbol_table(self, escape_comprehensions: bool = False) -> SymbolTable: if self.is_func_scope(): assert self.locals[-1] is not None if escape_comprehensions: assert len(self.locals) == len(self.is_comprehension_stack) # Retrieve the symbol table from the enclosing non-comprehension scope. for i, is_comprehension in enumerate(reversed(self.is_comprehension_stack)): if not is_comprehension: if i == len(self.locals) - 1: # The last iteration. # The caller of the comprehension is in the global space. names = self.globals else: names_candidate = self.locals[-1 - i] assert ( names_candidate is not None ), "Escaping comprehension from invalid scope" names = names_candidate break else: assert False, "Should have at least one non-comprehension scope" else: names = self.locals[-1] assert names is not None elif self.type is not None: names = self.type.names else: names = self.globals return names def is_global_or_nonlocal(self, name: str) -> bool: return self.is_func_scope() and ( name in self.global_decls[-1] or name in self.nonlocal_decls[-1] ) def add_exports(self, exp_or_exps: Iterable[Expression] | Expression) -> None: exps = [exp_or_exps] if isinstance(exp_or_exps, Expression) else exp_or_exps for exp in exps: if isinstance(exp, StrExpr): self.all_exports.append(exp.value) def name_not_defined(self, name: str, ctx: Context, namespace: str | None = None) -> None: incomplete = self.is_incomplete_namespace(namespace or self.cur_mod_id) if ( namespace is None and self.type and not self.is_func_scope() and self.incomplete_type_stack[-1] and not self.final_iteration ): # We are processing a class body for the first time, so it is incomplete. incomplete = True if incomplete: # Target namespace is incomplete, so it's possible that the name will be defined # later on. Defer current target. self.record_incomplete_ref() return message = f'Name "{name}" is not defined' self.fail(message, ctx, code=codes.NAME_DEFINED) if f"builtins.{name}" in SUGGESTED_TEST_FIXTURES: # The user probably has a missing definition in a test fixture. Let's verify. fullname = f"builtins.{name}" if self.lookup_fully_qualified_or_none(fullname) is None: # Yes. Generate a helpful note. self.msg.add_fixture_note(fullname, ctx) modules_with_unimported_hints = { name.split(".", 1)[0] for name in TYPES_FOR_UNIMPORTED_HINTS } lowercased = {name.lower(): name for name in TYPES_FOR_UNIMPORTED_HINTS} for module in modules_with_unimported_hints: fullname = f"{module}.{name}".lower() if fullname not in lowercased: continue # User probably forgot to import these types. hint = ( 'Did you forget to import it from "{module}"?' ' (Suggestion: "from {module} import {name}")' ).format(module=module, name=lowercased[fullname].rsplit(".", 1)[-1]) self.note(hint, ctx, code=codes.NAME_DEFINED) def already_defined( self, name: str, ctx: Context, original_ctx: SymbolTableNode | SymbolNode | None, noun: str ) -> None: if isinstance(original_ctx, SymbolTableNode): node: SymbolNode | None = original_ctx.node elif isinstance(original_ctx, SymbolNode): node = original_ctx else: node = None if isinstance(original_ctx, SymbolTableNode) and isinstance(original_ctx.node, MypyFile): # Since this is an import, original_ctx.node points to the module definition. # Therefore its line number is always 1, which is not useful for this # error message. extra_msg = " (by an import)" elif node and node.line != -1 and self.is_local_name(node.fullname): # TODO: Using previous symbol node may give wrong line. We should use # the line number where the binding was established instead. extra_msg = f" on line {node.line}" else: extra_msg = " (possibly by an import)" self.fail( f'{noun} "{unmangle(name)}" already defined{extra_msg}', ctx, code=codes.NO_REDEF ) def name_already_defined( self, name: str, ctx: Context, original_ctx: SymbolTableNode | SymbolNode | None = None ) -> None: self.already_defined(name, ctx, original_ctx, noun="Name") def attribute_already_defined( self, name: str, ctx: Context, original_ctx: SymbolTableNode | SymbolNode | None = None ) -> None: self.already_defined(name, ctx, original_ctx, noun="Attribute") def is_local_name(self, name: str) -> bool: """Does name look like reference to a definition in the current module?""" return self.is_defined_in_current_module(name) or "." not in name def in_checked_function(self) -> bool: """Should we type-check the current function? - Yes if --check-untyped-defs is set. - Yes outside functions. - Yes in annotated functions. - No otherwise. """ if self.options.check_untyped_defs or not self.function_stack: return True current_index = len(self.function_stack) - 1 while current_index >= 0: current_func = self.function_stack[current_index] if not isinstance(current_func, LambdaExpr): return not current_func.is_dynamic() # Special case, `lambda` inherits the "checked" state from its parent. # Because `lambda` itself cannot be annotated. # `lambdas` can be deeply nested, so we try to find at least one other parent. current_index -= 1 # This means that we only have a stack of `lambda` functions, # no regular functions. return True def fail( self, msg: str, ctx: Context, serious: bool = False, *, code: ErrorCode | None = None, blocker: bool = False, ) -> None: if not serious and not self.in_checked_function(): return # In case it's a bug and we don't really have context assert ctx is not None, msg self.errors.report(ctx.line, ctx.column, msg, blocker=blocker, code=code) def note(self, msg: str, ctx: Context, code: ErrorCode | None = None) -> None: if not self.in_checked_function(): return self.errors.report(ctx.line, ctx.column, msg, severity="note", code=code) def incomplete_feature_enabled(self, feature: str, ctx: Context) -> bool: if feature not in self.options.enable_incomplete_feature: self.fail( f'"{feature}" support is experimental,' f" use --enable-incomplete-feature={feature} to enable", ctx, ) return False return True def accept(self, node: Node) -> None: try: node.accept(self) except Exception as err: report_internal_error(err, self.errors.file, node.line, self.errors, self.options) def expr_to_analyzed_type( self, expr: Expression, report_invalid_types: bool = True, allow_placeholder: bool = False, allow_type_any: bool = False, allow_unbound_tvars: bool = False, allow_param_spec_literals: bool = False, allow_unpack: bool = False, ) -> Type | None: if isinstance(expr, CallExpr): # This is a legacy syntax intended mostly for Python 2, we keep it for # backwards compatibility, but new features like generic named tuples # and recursive named tuples will be not supported. expr.accept(self) internal_name, info, tvar_defs = self.named_tuple_analyzer.check_namedtuple( expr, None, self.is_func_scope() ) if tvar_defs: self.fail("Generic named tuples are not supported for legacy class syntax", expr) self.note("Use either Python 3 class syntax, or the assignment syntax", expr) if internal_name is None: # Some form of namedtuple is the only valid type that looks like a call # expression. This isn't a valid type. raise TypeTranslationError() elif not info: self.defer(expr) return None assert info.tuple_type, "NamedTuple without tuple type" fallback = Instance(info, []) return TupleType(info.tuple_type.items, fallback=fallback) typ = self.expr_to_unanalyzed_type(expr) return self.anal_type( typ, report_invalid_types=report_invalid_types, allow_placeholder=allow_placeholder, allow_type_any=allow_type_any, allow_unbound_tvars=allow_unbound_tvars, allow_param_spec_literals=allow_param_spec_literals, allow_unpack=allow_unpack, ) def analyze_type_expr(self, expr: Expression) -> None: # There are certain expressions that mypy does not need to semantically analyze, # since they analyzed solely as type. (For example, indexes in type alias definitions # and base classes in class defs). External consumers of the mypy AST may need # them semantically analyzed, however, if they need to treat it as an expression # and not a type. (Which is to say, mypyc needs to do this.) Do the analysis # in a fresh tvar scope in order to suppress any errors about using type variables. with self.tvar_scope_frame(TypeVarLikeScope()), self.allow_unbound_tvars_set(): expr.accept(self) def type_analyzer( self, *, tvar_scope: TypeVarLikeScope | None = None, allow_tuple_literal: bool = False, allow_unbound_tvars: bool = False, allow_placeholder: bool = False, allow_required: bool = False, allow_param_spec_literals: bool = False, allow_unpack: bool = False, report_invalid_types: bool = True, prohibit_self_type: str | None = None, allow_type_any: bool = False, ) -> TypeAnalyser: if tvar_scope is None: tvar_scope = self.tvar_scope tpan = TypeAnalyser( self, tvar_scope, self.plugin, self.options, self.is_typeshed_stub_file, allow_unbound_tvars=allow_unbound_tvars, allow_tuple_literal=allow_tuple_literal, report_invalid_types=report_invalid_types, allow_placeholder=allow_placeholder, allow_required=allow_required, allow_param_spec_literals=allow_param_spec_literals, allow_unpack=allow_unpack, prohibit_self_type=prohibit_self_type, allow_type_any=allow_type_any, ) tpan.in_dynamic_func = bool(self.function_stack and self.function_stack[-1].is_dynamic()) tpan.global_scope = not self.type and not self.function_stack return tpan def expr_to_unanalyzed_type(self, node: Expression) -> ProperType: return expr_to_unanalyzed_type(node, self.options, self.is_stub_file) def anal_type( self, typ: Type, *, tvar_scope: TypeVarLikeScope | None = None, allow_tuple_literal: bool = False, allow_unbound_tvars: bool = False, allow_placeholder: bool = False, allow_required: bool = False, allow_param_spec_literals: bool = False, allow_unpack: bool = False, report_invalid_types: bool = True, prohibit_self_type: str | None = None, allow_type_any: bool = False, third_pass: bool = False, ) -> Type | None: """Semantically analyze a type. Args: typ: Type to analyze (if already analyzed, this is a no-op) allow_placeholder: If True, may return PlaceholderType if encountering an incomplete definition third_pass: Unused; only for compatibility with old semantic analyzer Return None only if some part of the type couldn't be bound *and* it referred to an incomplete namespace or definition. In this case also defer as needed. During a final iteration this won't return None; instead report an error if the type can't be analyzed and return AnyType. In case of other errors, report an error message and return AnyType. NOTE: The caller shouldn't defer even if this returns None or a placeholder type. """ has_self_type = find_self_type( typ, lambda name: self.lookup_qualified(name, typ, suppress_errors=True) ) if has_self_type and self.type and prohibit_self_type is None: self.setup_self_type() a = self.type_analyzer( tvar_scope=tvar_scope, allow_unbound_tvars=allow_unbound_tvars, allow_tuple_literal=allow_tuple_literal, allow_placeholder=allow_placeholder, allow_required=allow_required, allow_param_spec_literals=allow_param_spec_literals, allow_unpack=allow_unpack, report_invalid_types=report_invalid_types, prohibit_self_type=prohibit_self_type, allow_type_any=allow_type_any, ) tag = self.track_incomplete_refs() typ = typ.accept(a) if self.found_incomplete_ref(tag): # Something could not be bound yet. return None self.add_type_alias_deps(a.aliases_used) return typ def class_type(self, self_type: Type) -> Type: return TypeType.make_normalized(self_type) def schedule_patch(self, priority: int, patch: Callable[[], None]) -> None: self.patches.append((priority, patch)) def report_hang(self) -> None: print("Deferral trace:") for mod, line in self.deferral_debug_context: print(f" {mod}:{line}") self.errors.report( -1, -1, "INTERNAL ERROR: maximum semantic analysis iteration count reached", blocker=True, ) def add_plugin_dependency(self, trigger: str, target: str | None = None) -> None: """Add dependency from trigger to a target. If the target is not given explicitly, use the current target. """ if target is None: target = self.scope.current_target() self.cur_mod_node.plugin_deps.setdefault(trigger, set()).add(target) def add_type_alias_deps( self, aliases_used: Collection[str], target: str | None = None ) -> None: """Add full names of type aliases on which the current node depends. This is used by fine-grained incremental mode to re-check the corresponding nodes. If `target` is None, then the target node used will be the current scope. """ if not aliases_used: # A basic optimization to avoid adding targets with no dependencies to # the `alias_deps` dict. return if target is None: target = self.scope.current_target() self.cur_mod_node.alias_deps[target].update(aliases_used) def is_mangled_global(self, name: str) -> bool: # A global is mangled if there exists at least one renamed variant. return unmangle(name) + "'" in self.globals def is_initial_mangled_global(self, name: str) -> bool: # If there are renamed definitions for a global, the first one has exactly one prime. return name == unmangle(name) + "'" def parse_bool(self, expr: Expression) -> bool | None: # This wrapper is preserved for plugins. return parse_bool(expr) def parse_str_literal(self, expr: Expression) -> str | None: """Attempt to find the string literal value of the given expression. Returns `None` if no literal value can be found.""" if isinstance(expr, StrExpr): return expr.value if isinstance(expr, RefExpr) and isinstance(expr.node, Var) and expr.node.type is not None: values = try_getting_str_literals_from_type(expr.node.type) if values is not None and len(values) == 1: return values[0] return None def set_future_import_flags(self, module_name: str) -> None: if module_name in FUTURE_IMPORTS: self.modules[self.cur_mod_id].future_import_flags.add(FUTURE_IMPORTS[module_name]) def is_future_flag_set(self, flag: str) -> bool: return self.modules[self.cur_mod_id].is_future_flag_set(flag) def parse_dataclass_transform_spec(self, call: CallExpr) -> DataclassTransformSpec: """Build a DataclassTransformSpec from the arguments passed to the given call to typing.dataclass_transform.""" parameters = DataclassTransformSpec() for name, value in zip(call.arg_names, call.args): # Skip any positional args. Note that any such args are invalid, but we can rely on # typeshed to enforce this and don't need an additional error here. if name is None: continue # field_specifiers is currently the only non-boolean argument; check for it first so # so the rest of the block can fail through to handling booleans if name == "field_specifiers": parameters.field_specifiers = self.parse_dataclass_transform_field_specifiers( value ) continue boolean = require_bool_literal_argument(self, value, name) if boolean is None: continue if name == "eq_default": parameters.eq_default = boolean elif name == "order_default": parameters.order_default = boolean elif name == "kw_only_default": parameters.kw_only_default = boolean elif name == "frozen_default": parameters.frozen_default = boolean else: self.fail(f'Unrecognized dataclass_transform parameter "{name}"', call) return parameters def parse_dataclass_transform_field_specifiers(self, arg: Expression) -> tuple[str, ...]: if not isinstance(arg, TupleExpr): self.fail('"field_specifiers" argument must be a tuple literal', arg) return tuple() names = [] for specifier in arg.items: if not isinstance(specifier, RefExpr): self.fail('"field_specifiers" must only contain identifiers', specifier) return tuple() names.append(specifier.fullname) return tuple(names) def replace_implicit_first_type(sig: FunctionLike, new: Type) -> FunctionLike: if isinstance(sig, CallableType): if len(sig.arg_types) == 0: return sig return sig.copy_modified(arg_types=[new] + sig.arg_types[1:]) elif isinstance(sig, Overloaded): return Overloaded( [cast(CallableType, replace_implicit_first_type(i, new)) for i in sig.items] ) else: assert False def refers_to_fullname(node: Expression, fullnames: str | tuple[str, ...]) -> bool: """Is node a name or member expression with the given full name?""" if not isinstance(fullnames, tuple): fullnames = (fullnames,) if not isinstance(node, RefExpr): return False if node.fullname in fullnames: return True if isinstance(node.node, TypeAlias): return is_named_instance(node.node.target, fullnames) return False def refers_to_class_or_function(node: Expression) -> bool: """Does semantically analyzed node refer to a class?""" return isinstance(node, RefExpr) and isinstance( node.node, (TypeInfo, FuncDef, OverloadedFuncDef) ) def find_duplicate(list: list[T]) -> T | None: """If the list has duplicates, return one of the duplicates. Otherwise, return None. """ for i in range(1, len(list)): if list[i] in list[:i]: return list[i] return None def remove_imported_names_from_symtable(names: SymbolTable, module: str) -> None: """Remove all imported names from the symbol table of a module.""" removed: list[str] = [] for name, node in names.items(): if node.node is None: continue fullname = node.node.fullname prefix = fullname[: fullname.rfind(".")] if prefix != module: removed.append(name) for name in removed: del names[name] def make_any_non_explicit(t: Type) -> Type: """Replace all Any types within in with Any that has attribute 'explicit' set to False""" return t.accept(MakeAnyNonExplicit()) class MakeAnyNonExplicit(TrivialSyntheticTypeTranslator): def visit_any(self, t: AnyType) -> Type: if t.type_of_any == TypeOfAny.explicit: return t.copy_modified(TypeOfAny.special_form) return t def visit_type_alias_type(self, t: TypeAliasType) -> Type: return t.copy_modified(args=[a.accept(self) for a in t.args]) def apply_semantic_analyzer_patches(patches: list[tuple[int, Callable[[], None]]]) -> None: """Call patch callbacks in the right order. This should happen after semantic analyzer pass 3. """ patches_by_priority = sorted(patches, key=lambda x: x[0]) for priority, patch_func in patches_by_priority: patch_func() def names_modified_by_assignment(s: AssignmentStmt) -> list[NameExpr]: """Return all unqualified (short) names assigned to in an assignment statement.""" result: list[NameExpr] = [] for lvalue in s.lvalues: result += names_modified_in_lvalue(lvalue) return result def names_modified_in_lvalue(lvalue: Lvalue) -> list[NameExpr]: """Return all NameExpr assignment targets in an Lvalue.""" if isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr): return [lvalue] elif isinstance(lvalue, StarExpr): return names_modified_in_lvalue(lvalue.expr) elif isinstance(lvalue, (ListExpr, TupleExpr)): result: list[NameExpr] = [] for item in lvalue.items: result += names_modified_in_lvalue(item) return result return [] def is_same_var_from_getattr(n1: SymbolNode | None, n2: SymbolNode | None) -> bool: """Do n1 and n2 refer to the same Var derived from module-level __getattr__?""" return ( isinstance(n1, Var) and n1.from_module_getattr and isinstance(n2, Var) and n2.from_module_getattr and n1.fullname == n2.fullname ) def dummy_context() -> Context: return TempNode(AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)) def is_valid_replacement(old: SymbolTableNode, new: SymbolTableNode) -> bool: """Can symbol table node replace an existing one? These are the only valid cases: 1. Placeholder gets replaced with a non-placeholder 2. Placeholder that isn't known to become type replaced with a placeholder that can become a type """ if isinstance(old.node, PlaceholderNode): if isinstance(new.node, PlaceholderNode): return not old.node.becomes_typeinfo and new.node.becomes_typeinfo else: return True return False def is_same_symbol(a: SymbolNode | None, b: SymbolNode | None) -> bool: return ( a == b or (isinstance(a, PlaceholderNode) and isinstance(b, PlaceholderNode)) or is_same_var_from_getattr(a, b) ) def is_trivial_body(block: Block) -> bool: """Returns 'true' if the given body is "trivial" -- if it contains just a "pass", "..." (ellipsis), or "raise NotImplementedError()". A trivial body may also start with a statement containing just a string (e.g. a docstring). Note: Functions that raise other kinds of exceptions do not count as "trivial". We use this function to help us determine when it's ok to relax certain checks on body, but functions that raise arbitrary exceptions are more likely to do non-trivial work. For example: def halt(self, reason: str = ...) -> NoReturn: raise MyCustomError("Fatal error: " + reason, self.line, self.context) A function that raises just NotImplementedError is much less likely to be this complex. Note: If you update this, you may also need to update mypy.fastparse.is_possible_trivial_body! """ body = block.body if not body: # Functions have empty bodies only if the body is stripped or the function is # generated or deserialized. In these cases the body is unknown. return False # Skip a docstring if isinstance(body[0], ExpressionStmt) and isinstance(body[0].expr, StrExpr): body = block.body[1:] if len(body) == 0: # There's only a docstring (or no body at all). return True elif len(body) > 1: return False stmt = body[0] if isinstance(stmt, RaiseStmt): expr = stmt.expr if expr is None: return False if isinstance(expr, CallExpr): expr = expr.callee return isinstance(expr, NameExpr) and expr.fullname == "builtins.NotImplementedError" return isinstance(stmt, PassStmt) or ( isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStmt) and isinstance(stmt.expr, EllipsisExpr) )