[case testStrSplit] from typing import Optional, List def do_split(s: str, sep: Optional[str] = None, max_split: Optional[int] = None) -> List[str]: if sep is not None: if max_split is not None: return s.split(sep, max_split) else: return s.split(sep) return s.split() [out] def do_split(s, sep, max_split): s :: str sep :: union[str, None] max_split :: union[int, None] r0, r1, r2 :: object r3 :: bit r4 :: object r5 :: bit r6 :: str r7 :: int r8 :: list r9 :: str r10, r11 :: list L0: if is_error(sep) goto L1 else goto L2 L1: r0 = box(None, 1) sep = r0 L2: if is_error(max_split) goto L3 else goto L4 L3: r1 = box(None, 1) max_split = r1 L4: r2 = load_address _Py_NoneStruct r3 = sep != r2 if r3 goto L5 else goto L9 :: bool L5: r4 = load_address _Py_NoneStruct r5 = max_split != r4 if r5 goto L6 else goto L7 :: bool L6: r6 = cast(str, sep) r7 = unbox(int, max_split) r8 = CPyStr_Split(s, r6, r7) return r8 L7: r9 = cast(str, sep) r10 = PyUnicode_Split(s, r9, -1) return r10 L8: L9: r11 = PyUnicode_Split(s, 0, -1) return r11 [case testStrEquality] def eq(x: str, y: str) -> bool: return x == y def neq(x: str, y: str) -> bool: return x != y [out] def eq(x, y): x, y :: str r0 :: i32 r1 :: bit r2 :: object r3, r4, r5 :: bit L0: r0 = PyUnicode_Compare(x, y) r1 = r0 == -1 if r1 goto L1 else goto L3 :: bool L1: r2 = PyErr_Occurred() r3 = r2 != 0 if r3 goto L2 else goto L3 :: bool L2: r4 = CPy_KeepPropagating() L3: r5 = r0 == 0 return r5 def neq(x, y): x, y :: str r0 :: i32 r1 :: bit r2 :: object r3, r4, r5 :: bit L0: r0 = PyUnicode_Compare(x, y) r1 = r0 == -1 if r1 goto L1 else goto L3 :: bool L1: r2 = PyErr_Occurred() r3 = r2 != 0 if r3 goto L2 else goto L3 :: bool L2: r4 = CPy_KeepPropagating() L3: r5 = r0 != 0 return r5 [case testStrReplace] from typing import Optional def do_replace(s: str, old_substr: str, new_substr: str, max_count: Optional[int] = None) -> str: if max_count is not None: return s.replace(old_substr, new_substr, max_count) else: return s.replace(old_substr, new_substr) [out] def do_replace(s, old_substr, new_substr, max_count): s, old_substr, new_substr :: str max_count :: union[int, None] r0, r1 :: object r2 :: bit r3 :: int r4, r5 :: str L0: if is_error(max_count) goto L1 else goto L2 L1: r0 = box(None, 1) max_count = r0 L2: r1 = load_address _Py_NoneStruct r2 = max_count != r1 if r2 goto L3 else goto L4 :: bool L3: r3 = unbox(int, max_count) r4 = CPyStr_Replace(s, old_substr, new_substr, r3) return r4 L4: r5 = PyUnicode_Replace(s, old_substr, new_substr, -1) return r5 L5: unreachable [case testStrToBool] def is_true(x: str) -> bool: if x: return True else: return False [out] def is_true(x): x :: str r0 :: bit L0: r0 = CPyStr_IsTrue(x) if r0 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool L1: return 1 L2: return 0 L3: unreachable [case testStringFormatMethod] def f(s: str, num: int) -> None: s1 = "Hi! I'm {}, and I'm {} years old.".format(s, num) s2 = ''.format() s3 = 'abc'.format() s4 = '}}{}{{{}}}{{{}'.format(num, num, num) [out] def f(s, num): s :: str num :: int r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, s1, r5, s2, r6, s3, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, s4 :: str L0: r0 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r1 = "Hi! I'm " r2 = ", and I'm " r3 = ' years old.' r4 = CPyStr_Build(5, r1, s, r2, r0, r3) s1 = r4 r5 = '' s2 = r5 r6 = 'abc' s3 = r6 r7 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r8 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r9 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r10 = '}' r11 = '{' r12 = '}{' r13 = CPyStr_Build(6, r10, r7, r11, r8, r12, r9) s4 = r13 return 1 [case testFStrings] def f(var: str, num: int) -> None: s1 = f"Hi! I'm {var}. I am {num} years old." s2 = f'Hello {var:>{num}}' s3 = f'' s4 = f'abc' [out] def f(var, num): var :: str num :: int r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, s1, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11 :: str r12 :: object r13 :: str r14 :: list r15, r16, r17 :: ptr r18, s2, r19, s3, r20, s4 :: str L0: r0 = "Hi! I'm " r1 = '. I am ' r2 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r3 = ' years old.' r4 = CPyStr_Build(5, r0, var, r1, r2, r3) s1 = r4 r5 = '' r6 = 'Hello ' r7 = '{:{}}' r8 = '>' r9 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r10 = CPyStr_Build(2, r8, r9) r11 = 'format' r12 = CPyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(r7, r11, var, r10, 0) r13 = cast(str, r12) r14 = PyList_New(2) r15 = get_element_ptr r14 ob_item :: PyListObject r16 = load_mem r15 :: ptr* set_mem r16, r6 :: builtins.object* r17 = r16 + WORD_SIZE*1 set_mem r17, r13 :: builtins.object* keep_alive r14 r18 = PyUnicode_Join(r5, r14) s2 = r18 r19 = '' s3 = r19 r20 = 'abc' s4 = r20 return 1 [case testStringFormattingCStyle] def f(var: str, num: int) -> None: s1 = "Hi! I'm %s." % var s2 = "I am %d years old." % num s3 = "Hi! I'm %s. I am %d years old." % (var, num) s4 = "Float: %f" % num [typing fixtures/typing-full.pyi] [out] def f(var, num): var :: str num :: int r0, r1, r2, s1, r3, r4, r5, r6, s2, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, s3, r12 :: str r13, r14 :: object r15, s4 :: str L0: r0 = "Hi! I'm " r1 = '.' r2 = CPyStr_Build(3, r0, var, r1) s1 = r2 r3 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r4 = 'I am ' r5 = ' years old.' r6 = CPyStr_Build(3, r4, r3, r5) s2 = r6 r7 = CPyTagged_Str(num) r8 = "Hi! I'm " r9 = '. I am ' r10 = ' years old.' r11 = CPyStr_Build(5, r8, var, r9, r7, r10) s3 = r11 r12 = 'Float: %f' r13 = box(int, num) r14 = PyNumber_Remainder(r12, r13) r15 = cast(str, r14) s4 = r15 return 1 [case testDecode] def f(b: bytes) -> None: b.decode() b.decode('utf-8') b.decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace') [out] def f(b): b :: bytes r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 :: str L0: r0 = CPy_Decode(b, 0, 0) r1 = 'utf-8' r2 = CPy_Decode(b, r1, 0) r3 = 'utf-8' r4 = 'backslashreplace' r5 = CPy_Decode(b, r3, r4) return 1 [case testEncode] def f(s: str) -> None: s.encode() s.encode('utf-8') s.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') [out] def f(s): s :: str r0 :: bytes r1 :: str r2 :: bytes r3, r4 :: str r5 :: bytes L0: r0 = CPy_Encode(s, 0, 0) r1 = 'utf-8' r2 = CPy_Encode(s, r1, 0) r3 = 'ascii' r4 = 'backslashreplace' r5 = CPy_Encode(s, r3, r4) return 1