# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html # For details: https://github.com/pylint-dev/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/pylint-dev/astroid/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """This module contains base classes and functions for the nodes and some inference utils. """ from __future__ import annotations import collections import collections.abc from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal from astroid import decorators, nodes from astroid.const import PY310_PLUS from astroid.context import ( CallContext, InferenceContext, bind_context_to_node, copy_context, ) from astroid.exceptions import ( AstroidTypeError, AttributeInferenceError, InferenceError, NameInferenceError, ) from astroid.interpreter import objectmodel from astroid.typing import ( InferenceErrorInfo, InferenceResult, SuccessfulInferenceResult, ) from astroid.util import Uninferable, UninferableBase, safe_infer if TYPE_CHECKING: from astroid.constraint import Constraint PROPERTIES = {"builtins.property", "abc.abstractproperty"} if PY310_PLUS: PROPERTIES.add("enum.property") # List of possible property names. We use this list in order # to see if a method is a property or not. This should be # pretty reliable and fast, the alternative being to check each # decorator to see if its a real property-like descriptor, which # can be too complicated. # Also, these aren't qualified, because each project can # define them, we shouldn't expect to know every possible # property-like decorator! POSSIBLE_PROPERTIES = { "cached_property", "cachedproperty", "lazyproperty", "lazy_property", "reify", "lazyattribute", "lazy_attribute", "LazyProperty", "lazy", "cache_readonly", "DynamicClassAttribute", } def _is_property( meth: nodes.FunctionDef | UnboundMethod, context: InferenceContext | None = None ) -> bool: decoratornames = meth.decoratornames(context=context) if PROPERTIES.intersection(decoratornames): return True stripped = { name.split(".")[-1] for name in decoratornames if not isinstance(name, UninferableBase) } if any(name in stripped for name in POSSIBLE_PROPERTIES): return True # Lookup for subclasses of *property* if not meth.decorators: return False for decorator in meth.decorators.nodes or (): inferred = safe_infer(decorator, context=context) if inferred is None or isinstance(inferred, UninferableBase): continue if isinstance(inferred, nodes.ClassDef): for base_class in inferred.bases: if not isinstance(base_class, nodes.Name): continue module, _ = base_class.lookup(base_class.name) if ( isinstance(module, nodes.Module) and module.name == "builtins" and base_class.name == "property" ): return True return False class Proxy: """A simple proxy object. Note: Subclasses of this object will need a custom __getattr__ if new instance attributes are created. See the Const class """ _proxied: nodes.ClassDef | nodes.FunctionDef | nodes.Lambda | UnboundMethod def __init__( self, proxied: nodes.ClassDef | nodes.FunctionDef | nodes.Lambda | UnboundMethod | None = None, ) -> None: if proxied is None: # This is a hack to allow calling this __init__ during bootstrapping of # builtin classes and their docstrings. # For Const, Generator, and UnionType nodes the _proxied attribute # is set during bootstrapping # as we first need to build the ClassDef that they can proxy. # Thus, if proxied is None self should be a Const or Generator # as that is the only way _proxied will be correctly set as a ClassDef. assert isinstance(self, (nodes.Const, Generator, UnionType)) else: self._proxied = proxied def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: if name == "_proxied": return self.__class__._proxied if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] return getattr(self._proxied, name) def infer( # type: ignore[return] self, context: InferenceContext | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> collections.abc.Generator[InferenceResult, None, InferenceErrorInfo | None]: yield self def _infer_stmts( stmts: Iterable[InferenceResult], context: InferenceContext | None, frame: nodes.NodeNG | BaseInstance | None = None, ) -> collections.abc.Generator[InferenceResult, None, None]: """Return an iterator on statements inferred by each statement in *stmts*.""" inferred = False constraint_failed = False if context is not None: name = context.lookupname context = context.clone() if name is not None: constraints = context.constraints.get(name, {}) else: constraints = {} else: name = None constraints = {} context = InferenceContext() for stmt in stmts: if isinstance(stmt, UninferableBase): yield stmt inferred = True continue context.lookupname = stmt._infer_name(frame, name) try: stmt_constraints: set[Constraint] = set() for constraint_stmt, potential_constraints in constraints.items(): if not constraint_stmt.parent_of(stmt): stmt_constraints.update(potential_constraints) for inf in stmt.infer(context=context): if all(constraint.satisfied_by(inf) for constraint in stmt_constraints): yield inf inferred = True else: constraint_failed = True except NameInferenceError: continue except InferenceError: yield Uninferable inferred = True if not inferred and constraint_failed: yield Uninferable elif not inferred: raise InferenceError( "Inference failed for all members of {stmts!r}.", stmts=stmts, frame=frame, context=context, ) def _infer_method_result_truth( instance: Instance, method_name: str, context: InferenceContext ) -> bool | UninferableBase: # Get the method from the instance and try to infer # its return's truth value. meth = next(instance.igetattr(method_name, context=context), None) if meth and hasattr(meth, "infer_call_result"): if not meth.callable(): return Uninferable try: context.callcontext = CallContext(args=[], callee=meth) for value in meth.infer_call_result(instance, context=context): if isinstance(value, UninferableBase): return value try: inferred = next(value.infer(context=context)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e return inferred.bool_value() except InferenceError: pass return Uninferable class BaseInstance(Proxy): """An instance base class, which provides lookup methods for potential instances. """ _proxied: nodes.ClassDef special_attributes: objectmodel.ObjectModel def display_type(self) -> str: return "Instance of" def getattr( self, name: str, context: InferenceContext | None = None, lookupclass: bool = True, ) -> list[InferenceResult]: try: values = self._proxied.instance_attr(name, context) except AttributeInferenceError as exc: if self.special_attributes and name in self.special_attributes: return [self.special_attributes.lookup(name)] if lookupclass: # Class attributes not available through the instance # unless they are explicitly defined. return self._proxied.getattr(name, context, class_context=False) raise AttributeInferenceError( target=self, attribute=name, context=context ) from exc # since we've no context information, return matching class members as # well if lookupclass: try: return values + self._proxied.getattr( name, context, class_context=False ) except AttributeInferenceError: pass return values def igetattr( self, name: str, context: InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[InferenceResult]: """Inferred getattr.""" if not context: context = InferenceContext() try: context.lookupname = name # XXX frame should be self._proxied, or not ? get_attr = self.getattr(name, context, lookupclass=False) yield from _infer_stmts( self._wrap_attr(get_attr, context), context, frame=self ) except AttributeInferenceError: try: # fallback to class.igetattr since it has some logic to handle # descriptors # But only if the _proxied is the Class. if self._proxied.__class__.__name__ != "ClassDef": raise attrs = self._proxied.igetattr(name, context, class_context=False) yield from self._wrap_attr(attrs, context) except AttributeInferenceError as error: raise InferenceError(**vars(error)) from error def _wrap_attr( self, attrs: Iterable[InferenceResult], context: InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[InferenceResult]: """Wrap bound methods of attrs in a InstanceMethod proxies.""" for attr in attrs: if isinstance(attr, UnboundMethod): if _is_property(attr): yield from attr.infer_call_result(self, context) else: yield BoundMethod(attr, self) elif isinstance(attr, nodes.Lambda): if attr.args.arguments and attr.args.arguments[0].name == "self": yield BoundMethod(attr, self) continue yield attr else: yield attr def infer_call_result( self, caller: SuccessfulInferenceResult | None, context: InferenceContext | None = None, ) -> Iterator[InferenceResult]: """Infer what a class instance is returning when called.""" context = bind_context_to_node(context, self) inferred = False # If the call is an attribute on the instance, we infer the attribute itself if isinstance(caller, nodes.Call) and isinstance(caller.func, nodes.Attribute): for res in self.igetattr(caller.func.attrname, context): inferred = True yield res # Otherwise we infer the call to the __call__ dunder normally for node in self._proxied.igetattr("__call__", context): if isinstance(node, UninferableBase) or not node.callable(): continue for res in node.infer_call_result(caller, context): inferred = True yield res if not inferred: raise InferenceError(node=self, caller=caller, context=context) class Instance(BaseInstance): """A special node representing a class instance.""" special_attributes = objectmodel.InstanceModel() def __init__(self, proxied: nodes.ClassDef | None) -> None: super().__init__(proxied) @decorators.yes_if_nothing_inferred def infer_binary_op( self, opnode: nodes.AugAssign | nodes.BinOp, operator: str, other: InferenceResult, context: InferenceContext, method: SuccessfulInferenceResult, ) -> Generator[InferenceResult, None, None]: return method.infer_call_result(self, context) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "".format( self._proxied.root().name, self._proxied.name, id(self) ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Instance of {self._proxied.root().name}.{self._proxied.name}" def callable(self) -> bool: try: self._proxied.getattr("__call__", class_context=False) return True except AttributeInferenceError: return False def pytype(self) -> str: return self._proxied.qname() def display_type(self) -> str: return "Instance of" def bool_value( self, context: InferenceContext | None = None ) -> bool | UninferableBase: """Infer the truth value for an Instance. The truth value of an instance is determined by these conditions: * if it implements __bool__ on Python 3 or __nonzero__ on Python 2, then its bool value will be determined by calling this special method and checking its result. * when this method is not defined, __len__() is called, if it is defined, and the object is considered true if its result is nonzero. If a class defines neither __len__() nor __bool__(), all its instances are considered true. """ context = context or InferenceContext() context.boundnode = self try: result = _infer_method_result_truth(self, "__bool__", context) except (InferenceError, AttributeInferenceError): # Fallback to __len__. try: result = _infer_method_result_truth(self, "__len__", context) except (AttributeInferenceError, InferenceError): return True return result def getitem( self, index: nodes.Const, context: InferenceContext | None = None ) -> InferenceResult | None: new_context = bind_context_to_node(context, self) if not context: context = new_context method = next(self.igetattr("__getitem__", context=context), None) # Create a new CallContext for providing index as an argument. new_context.callcontext = CallContext(args=[index], callee=method) if not isinstance(method, BoundMethod): raise InferenceError( "Could not find __getitem__ for {node!r}.", node=self, context=context ) if len(method.args.arguments) != 2: # (self, index) raise AstroidTypeError( "__getitem__ for {node!r} does not have correct signature", node=self, context=context, ) return next(method.infer_call_result(self, new_context), None) class UnboundMethod(Proxy): """A special node representing a method not bound to an instance.""" _proxied: nodes.FunctionDef | UnboundMethod special_attributes: objectmodel.BoundMethodModel | objectmodel.UnboundMethodModel = ( objectmodel.UnboundMethodModel() ) def __repr__(self) -> str: assert self._proxied.parent, "Expected a parent node" frame = self._proxied.parent.frame() return "<{} {} of {} at 0x{}".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._proxied.name, frame.qname(), id(self) ) def implicit_parameters(self) -> Literal[0, 1]: return 0 def is_bound(self) -> bool: return False def getattr(self, name: str, context: InferenceContext | None = None): if name in self.special_attributes: return [self.special_attributes.lookup(name)] return self._proxied.getattr(name, context) def igetattr( self, name: str, context: InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[InferenceResult]: if name in self.special_attributes: return iter((self.special_attributes.lookup(name),)) return self._proxied.igetattr(name, context) def infer_call_result( self, caller: SuccessfulInferenceResult | None, context: InferenceContext | None = None, ) -> Iterator[InferenceResult]: """ The boundnode of the regular context with a function called on ``object.__new__`` will be of type ``object``, which is incorrect for the argument in general. If no context is given the ``object.__new__`` call argument will be correctly inferred except when inside a call that requires the additional context (such as a classmethod) of the boundnode to determine which class the method was called from """ # If we're unbound method __new__ of a builtin, the result is an # instance of the class given as first argument. if self._proxied.name == "__new__": assert self._proxied.parent, "Expected a parent node" qname = self._proxied.parent.frame().qname() # Avoid checking builtins.type: _infer_type_new_call() does more validation if qname.startswith("builtins.") and qname != "builtins.type": return self._infer_builtin_new(caller, context or InferenceContext()) return self._proxied.infer_call_result(caller, context) def _infer_builtin_new( self, caller: SuccessfulInferenceResult | None, context: InferenceContext, ) -> collections.abc.Generator[ nodes.Const | Instance | UninferableBase, None, None ]: if not isinstance(caller, nodes.Call): return if not caller.args: return # Attempt to create a constant if len(caller.args) > 1: value = None if isinstance(caller.args[1], nodes.Const): value = caller.args[1].value else: inferred_arg = next(caller.args[1].infer(), None) if isinstance(inferred_arg, nodes.Const): value = inferred_arg.value if value is not None: const = nodes.const_factory(value) assert not isinstance(const, nodes.EmptyNode) yield const return node_context = context.extra_context.get(caller.args[0]) for inferred in caller.args[0].infer(context=node_context): if isinstance(inferred, UninferableBase): yield inferred if isinstance(inferred, nodes.ClassDef): yield Instance(inferred) raise InferenceError def bool_value(self, context: InferenceContext | None = None) -> Literal[True]: return True class BoundMethod(UnboundMethod): """A special node representing a method bound to an instance.""" special_attributes = objectmodel.BoundMethodModel() def __init__( self, proxy: nodes.FunctionDef | nodes.Lambda | UnboundMethod, bound: SuccessfulInferenceResult, ) -> None: super().__init__(proxy) self.bound = bound def implicit_parameters(self) -> Literal[0, 1]: if self.name == "__new__": # __new__ acts as a classmethod but the class argument is not implicit. return 0 return 1 def is_bound(self) -> Literal[True]: return True def _infer_type_new_call( self, caller: nodes.Call, context: InferenceContext ) -> nodes.ClassDef | None: # noqa: C901 """Try to infer what type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) returns. In order for such call to be valid, the metaclass needs to be a subtype of ``type``, the name needs to be a string, the bases needs to be a tuple of classes """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import from astroid.nodes import Pass # Verify the metaclass try: mcs = next(caller.args[0].infer(context=context)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e if not isinstance(mcs, nodes.ClassDef): # Not a valid first argument. return None if not mcs.is_subtype_of("builtins.type"): # Not a valid metaclass. return None # Verify the name try: name = next(caller.args[1].infer(context=context)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e if not isinstance(name, nodes.Const): # Not a valid name, needs to be a const. return None if not isinstance(name.value, str): # Needs to be a string. return None # Verify the bases try: bases = next(caller.args[2].infer(context=context)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e if not isinstance(bases, nodes.Tuple): # Needs to be a tuple. return None try: inferred_bases = [next(elt.infer(context=context)) for elt in bases.elts] except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e if any(not isinstance(base, nodes.ClassDef) for base in inferred_bases): # All the bases needs to be Classes return None # Verify the attributes. try: attrs = next(caller.args[3].infer(context=context)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e if not isinstance(attrs, nodes.Dict): # Needs to be a dictionary. return None cls_locals: dict[str, list[InferenceResult]] = collections.defaultdict(list) for key, value in attrs.items: try: key = next(key.infer(context=context)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e try: value = next(value.infer(context=context)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(context=context) from e # Ignore non string keys if isinstance(key, nodes.Const) and isinstance(key.value, str): cls_locals[key.value].append(value) # Build the class from now. cls = mcs.__class__( name=name.value, lineno=caller.lineno or 0, col_offset=caller.col_offset or 0, parent=caller, end_lineno=caller.end_lineno, end_col_offset=caller.end_col_offset, ) empty = Pass( parent=cls, lineno=caller.lineno, col_offset=caller.col_offset, end_lineno=caller.end_lineno, end_col_offset=caller.end_col_offset, ) cls.postinit( bases=bases.elts, body=[empty], decorators=None, newstyle=True, metaclass=mcs, keywords=[], ) cls.locals = cls_locals return cls def infer_call_result( self, caller: SuccessfulInferenceResult | None, context: InferenceContext | None = None, ) -> Iterator[InferenceResult]: context = bind_context_to_node(context, self.bound) if ( isinstance(self.bound, nodes.ClassDef) and self.bound.name == "type" and self.name == "__new__" and isinstance(caller, nodes.Call) and len(caller.args) == 4 ): # Check if we have a ``type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)`` call. new_cls = self._infer_type_new_call(caller, context) if new_cls: return iter((new_cls,)) return super().infer_call_result(caller, context) def bool_value(self, context: InferenceContext | None = None) -> Literal[True]: return True class Generator(BaseInstance): """A special node representing a generator. Proxied class is set once for all in raw_building. """ # We defer initialization of special_attributes to the __init__ method since the constructor # of GeneratorModel requires the raw_building to be complete # TODO: This should probably be refactored. special_attributes: objectmodel.GeneratorModel def __init__( self, parent: nodes.FunctionDef, generator_initial_context: InferenceContext | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.parent = parent self._call_context = copy_context(generator_initial_context) # See comment above: this is a deferred initialization. Generator.special_attributes = objectmodel.GeneratorModel() def infer_yield_types(self) -> Iterator[InferenceResult]: yield from self.parent.infer_yield_result(self._call_context) def callable(self) -> Literal[False]: return False def pytype(self) -> str: return "builtins.generator" def display_type(self) -> str: return "Generator" def bool_value(self, context: InferenceContext | None = None) -> Literal[True]: return True def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Generator({self._proxied.name})" class AsyncGenerator(Generator): """Special node representing an async generator.""" def pytype(self) -> Literal["builtins.async_generator"]: return "builtins.async_generator" def display_type(self) -> str: return "AsyncGenerator" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"AsyncGenerator({self._proxied.name})" class UnionType(BaseInstance): """Special node representing new style typing unions. Proxied class is set once for all in raw_building. """ def __init__( self, left: UnionType | nodes.ClassDef | nodes.Const, right: UnionType | nodes.ClassDef | nodes.Const, parent: nodes.NodeNG | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.parent = parent self.left = left self.right = right def callable(self) -> Literal[False]: return False def bool_value(self, context: InferenceContext | None = None) -> Literal[True]: return True def pytype(self) -> Literal["types.UnionType"]: return "types.UnionType" def display_type(self) -> str: return "UnionType" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"UnionType({self._proxied.name})"