#!/usr/bin/env python """ pg.examples.textinput A little "console" where you can write in text. Shows how to use the TEXTEDITING and TEXTINPUT events. """ import sys import os from typing import List import pygame import pygame as pg import pygame.freetype as freetype # This environment variable is important # If not added the candidate list will not show os.environ["SDL_IME_SHOW_UI"] = "1" class TextInput: """ A simple TextInput class that allows you to receive inputs in pygame. """ # Add font name for each language, # otherwise some text can't be correctly displayed. FONT_NAMES = ",".join( str(x) for x in [ "notosanscjktcregular", "notosansmonocjktcregular", "notosansregular,", "microsoftjhengheimicrosoftjhengheiuilight", "microsoftyaheimicrosoftyaheiuilight", "msgothicmsuigothicmspgothic", "msmincho", "Arial", ] ) def __init__( self, prompt: str, pos, screen_dimensions, print_event: bool, text_color="white" ) -> None: self.prompt = prompt self.print_event = print_event # position of chatlist and chatbox self.CHAT_LIST_POS = pg.Rect((pos[0], pos[1] + 50), (screen_dimensions[0], 400)) self.CHAT_BOX_POS = pg.Rect(pos, (screen_dimensions[1], 40)) self.CHAT_LIST_MAXSIZE = 20 self._ime_editing = False self._ime_text = "" self._ime_text_pos = 0 self._ime_editing_text = "" self._ime_editing_pos = 0 self.chat_list: List[str] = [] # Freetype # The font name can be a comma separated list # of font names to search for. self.font = freetype.SysFont(self.FONT_NAMES, 24) self.font_small = freetype.SysFont(self.FONT_NAMES, 16) self.text_color = text_color print("Using font: " + self.font.name) def update(self, events) -> None: """ Updates the text input widget """ for event in events: if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if self.print_event: print(event) if self._ime_editing: if len(self._ime_editing_text) == 0: self._ime_editing = False continue if event.key == pg.K_BACKSPACE: if len(self._ime_text) > 0 and self._ime_text_pos > 0: self._ime_text = ( self._ime_text[0 : self._ime_text_pos - 1] + self._ime_text[self._ime_text_pos :] ) self._ime_text_pos = max(0, self._ime_text_pos - 1) elif event.key == pg.K_DELETE: self._ime_text = ( self._ime_text[0 : self._ime_text_pos] + self._ime_text[self._ime_text_pos + 1 :] ) elif event.key == pg.K_LEFT: self._ime_text_pos = max(0, self._ime_text_pos - 1) elif event.key == pg.K_RIGHT: self._ime_text_pos = min( len(self._ime_text), self._ime_text_pos + 1 ) # Handle ENTER key elif event.key in [pg.K_RETURN, pg.K_KP_ENTER]: # Block if we have no text to append if len(self._ime_text) == 0: continue # Append chat list self.chat_list.append(self._ime_text) if len(self.chat_list) > self.CHAT_LIST_MAXSIZE: self.chat_list.pop(0) self._ime_text = "" self._ime_text_pos = 0 elif event.type == pg.TEXTEDITING: if self.print_event: print(event) self._ime_editing = True self._ime_editing_text = event.text self._ime_editing_pos = event.start elif event.type == pg.TEXTINPUT: if self.print_event: print(event) self._ime_editing = False self._ime_editing_text = "" self._ime_text = ( self._ime_text[0 : self._ime_text_pos] + event.text + self._ime_text[self._ime_text_pos :] ) self._ime_text_pos += len(event.text) def draw(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None: """ Draws the text input widget onto the provided surface """ # Chat List updates chat_height = self.CHAT_LIST_POS.height / self.CHAT_LIST_MAXSIZE for i, chat in enumerate(self.chat_list): self.font_small.render_to( screen, (self.CHAT_LIST_POS.x, self.CHAT_LIST_POS.y + i * chat_height), chat, self.text_color, ) # Chat box updates start_pos = self.CHAT_BOX_POS.copy() ime_text_l = self.prompt + self._ime_text[0 : self._ime_text_pos] ime_text_m = ( self._ime_editing_text[0 : self._ime_editing_pos] + "|" + self._ime_editing_text[self._ime_editing_pos :] ) ime_text_r = self._ime_text[self._ime_text_pos :] rect_text_l = self.font.render_to( screen, start_pos, ime_text_l, self.text_color ) start_pos.x += rect_text_l.width # Editing texts should be underlined rect_text_m = self.font.render_to( screen, start_pos, ime_text_m, self.text_color, None, freetype.STYLE_UNDERLINE, ) start_pos.x += rect_text_m.width self.font.render_to(screen, start_pos, ime_text_r, self.text_color) class Game: """ A class that handles the game's events, mainloop etc. """ # CONSTANTS # Frames per second, the general speed of the program FPS = 50 # Size of window SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 640, 480 BG_COLOR = "black" def __init__(self, caption: str) -> None: # Initialize pg.init() self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pg.display.set_caption(caption) self.clock = pg.time.Clock() # Text input # Set to true or add 'showevent' in argv to see IME and KEYDOWN events self.print_event = "showevent" in sys.argv self.text_input = TextInput( prompt="> ", pos=(0, 20), screen_dimensions=(self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT), print_event=self.print_event, text_color="green", ) def main_loop(self) -> None: pg.key.start_text_input() input_rect = pg.Rect(80, 80, 320, 40) pg.key.set_text_input_rect(input_rect) while True: events = pg.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() return self.text_input.update(events) # Screen updates self.screen.fill(self.BG_COLOR) self.text_input.draw(self.screen) pg.display.update() self.clock.tick(self.FPS) # Main loop process def main(): game = Game("Text Input Example") game.main_loop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()