"""Compute vtables of native (extension) classes.""" from __future__ import annotations import itertools from mypyc.ir.class_ir import ClassIR, VTableEntries, VTableMethod from mypyc.sametype import is_same_method_signature def compute_vtable(cls: ClassIR) -> None: """Compute the vtable structure for a class.""" if cls.vtable is not None: return if not cls.is_generated: cls.has_dict = any(x.inherits_python for x in cls.mro) for t in cls.mro[1:]: # Make sure all ancestors are processed first compute_vtable(t) # Merge attributes from traits into the class if not t.is_trait: continue for name, typ in t.attributes.items(): if not cls.is_trait and not any(name in b.attributes for b in cls.base_mro): cls.attributes[name] = typ cls.vtable = {} if cls.base: assert cls.base.vtable is not None cls.vtable.update(cls.base.vtable) cls.vtable_entries = specialize_parent_vtable(cls, cls.base) # Include the vtable from the parent classes, but handle method overrides. entries = cls.vtable_entries all_traits = [t for t in cls.mro if t.is_trait] for t in [cls] + cls.traits: for fn in itertools.chain(t.methods.values()): # TODO: don't generate a new entry when we overload without changing the type if fn == cls.get_method(fn.name, prefer_method=True): cls.vtable[fn.name] = len(entries) # If the class contains a glue method referring to itself, that is a # shadow glue method to support interpreted subclasses. shadow = cls.glue_methods.get((cls, fn.name)) entries.append(VTableMethod(t, fn.name, fn, shadow)) # Compute vtables for all of the traits that the class implements if not cls.is_trait: for trait in all_traits: compute_vtable(trait) cls.trait_vtables[trait] = specialize_parent_vtable(cls, trait) def specialize_parent_vtable(cls: ClassIR, parent: ClassIR) -> VTableEntries: """Generate the part of a vtable corresponding to a parent class or trait""" updated = [] for entry in parent.vtable_entries: # Find the original method corresponding to this vtable entry. # (This may not be the method in the entry, if it was overridden.) orig_parent_method = entry.cls.get_method(entry.name, prefer_method=True) assert orig_parent_method method_cls = cls.get_method_and_class(entry.name, prefer_method=True) if method_cls: child_method, defining_cls = method_cls # TODO: emit a wrapper for __init__ that raises or something if ( is_same_method_signature(orig_parent_method.sig, child_method.sig) or orig_parent_method.name == "__init__" ): entry = VTableMethod(entry.cls, entry.name, child_method, entry.shadow_method) else: entry = VTableMethod( entry.cls, entry.name, defining_cls.glue_methods[(entry.cls, entry.name)], entry.shadow_method, ) updated.append(entry) return updated