-- These test cases compile two or more modules at a time. -- Any file prefixed with "other" is compiled. -- -- Note that these are run in three compilation modes: regular, -- multi-file and separate. See the docstrings of -- mypyc.test.test_run.TestRunMultiFile and -- mypyc.test.test_run.TestRunSeparate for more information. -- -- Some of these files perform multiple incremental runs. See -- test-data/unit/check-incremental.test for more information -- about how this is specified (e.g. .2 file name suffixes). [case testMultiModulePackage] from p.other import g, _i as i def f(x: int) -> int: from p.other import h return i(h(g(x + 1))) [file p/__init__.py] [file p/other.py] def g(x: int) -> int: return x + 2 def h(x: int) -> int: return x + 1 def _i(x: int) -> int: return x + 3 [file driver.py] import native from native import f from p.other import g assert f(3) == 10 assert g(2) == 4 try: f(1.1) except TypeError: pass else: assert False try: g(1.1) except TypeError: pass else: assert False [case testMultiModuleFastpaths] [file other_main.py] [file other_main.py.2] from other_b import A, func class B(A): pass def test() -> None: a = A() assert func() == 12 assert a.method() == "test" test() [file other_b.py] class A: def method(self) -> str: return "test" def func() -> int: return 12 # Remove all the methods and functions from globals to ensure that # they get called via the fastpaths even when doing incremental # compilation. setattr(A, 'method', None) setattr(A, '__init__', None) globals()['func'] = None globals()['A'] = None [file driver.py] import other_main [case testMultiModuleSameNames] # Use same names in both modules import other def f() -> int: return 0 class C: x: int def __init__(self) -> None: self.x = 1 def f(self, x: int) -> int: return self.x + x class D(C): pass def g(x: 'other.C') -> None: pass [file other.py] def f(x: int) -> int: return x + 1 class C: x: int def __init__(self) -> None: self.x = 2 def f(self, x: int) -> int: return self.x + x + 1 class D(C): pass [file driver.py] import native, other assert native.f() == 0 assert other.f(3) == 4 c1 = native.C() c1.x += 3 c2 = other.C() c2.x += 6 assert c1.f(9) == 1 + 3 + 9 assert c2.f(7) == 2 + 6 + 7 + 1 assert isinstance(native.D(), native.C) assert isinstance(other.D(), other.C) assert not isinstance(native.D(), other.C) assert not isinstance(other.D(), native.C) [case testMultiModuleInitializeImportedModules] from other import f def g() -> int: return f(1) [file other.py] def f(x: int) -> int: return x + 4 [file driver.py] import sys assert 'other' not in sys.modules from native import g assert 'other' in sys.modules assert g() == 5 f = sys.modules['other'].f assert f(1) == 5 try: f(1.1) except TypeError: pass else: assert False [case testMultiModuleImportClass] from typing import cast from other import C, a_global class D(C): def __init__(self, x: int) -> None: self.x = x def f(c: C) -> int: d = D(3) o: object = c c = cast(C, o) return a_global + c.x + c.f() + d.x + d.f() + 1 [file other.py] from typing_extensions import Final a_global: Final = int('5') class C: x: int def __init__(self, x: int) -> None: self.x = x def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.x def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.x) def f(self) -> int: return 2 def check(self) -> None: assert isinstance(self, C) [file driver.py] from native import f, D from other import C c = C(4) assert f(c) == 5 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 assert str(D(10)) == '10' assert hash(10) == 10 try: f(1) except TypeError: pass else: assert False assert isinstance(D(10), C) c.check() D(10).check() [case testMultiModuleSpecialize] from other import A class B(A): def foo(self, x: object) -> int: print(2) return id(x) [file other.py] class A: def foo(self, x: int) -> object: print(1) return str(x) def use_a(x: A, y: int) -> object: return x.foo(y) [file driver.py] from native import B from other import A, use_a a = A() b = B() o = object() i = 10 assert a.foo(10) == '10' assert b.foo(o) == id(o) assert use_a(a, 10) == '10' assert use_a(b, i) == id(i) [out] 1 2 1 2 [case testMultiModuleLiterals] from other import gs, gi, gf def fs() -> str: return 'f' + gs() def fi() -> int: return 10001000100010001000 + gi() def ff() -> float: return 2.0 + gf() [file other.py] def gi() -> int: return 20001000100010001000 def gs() -> str: return 'g' def gf() -> float: return 3.0 [file driver.py] from native import fs, fi, ff assert fs() == 'fg' assert fi() == 30002000200020002000 assert ff() == 5.0 [case testMultiModuleTraceback] from other import fail2 def fail() -> None: fail2() [file other.py] def fail2() -> None: x = [1] x[2] = 2 [file driver.py] import traceback import sys import native import other try: other.fail2() except IndexError: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] assert tb.tb_next.tb_frame.f_globals is other.__dict__ traceback.print_exc() try: native.fail() except IndexError: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] assert tb.tb_next.tb_frame.f_globals is native.__dict__ traceback.print_exc() [out] Traceback (most recent call last): File "driver.py", line 6, in other.fail2() File "other.py", line 3, in fail2 x[2] = 2 IndexError: list assignment index out of range Traceback (most recent call last): File "driver.py", line 12, in native.fail() File "native.py", line 4, in fail fail2() File "other.py", line 3, in fail2 x[2] = 2 IndexError: list assignment index out of range [case testMultiModuleCycle] if False: from typing import Final import other x = int('0') # type: Final def f1() -> int: return other.f2() + other.x def f3() -> int: return 5 [file other.py] if False: from typing import Final import native x = int('0') # type: Final def f2() -> int: return native.f3() + native.x [file driver.py] from native import f1 assert f1() == 5 [case testMultiModuleCycleWithClasses] import other class D: pass def f() -> other.C: return other.C() def g(c: other.C) -> D: return c.d [file other.py] import native class C: def __init__(self) -> None: self.d = native.D() def h(d: native.D) -> None: pass [file driver.py] from native import f, g from other import C, h c = f() assert isinstance(c, C) assert g(c) is c.d h(c.d) try: g(1) except TypeError: pass else: assert False try: h(1) except TypeError: pass else: assert False [case testMultiModuleCycleWithInheritance] import other class Deriv1(other.Base1): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() class Base2: y: int def __init__(self) -> None: self.y = 2 [file other.py] from typing import Tuple import native class Base1: a: Tuple[int, int] x: int def __init__(self) -> None: self.x = 1 def make_2() -> native.Base2: return native.Base2() [file driver.py] from native import Deriv1 from other import make_2 a = Deriv1() assert a.x == 1 b = make_2() assert b.y == 2 [case testMultiModuleTraitInheritance] from other import Base1, Base2 class Deriv1(Base1, Base2): pass [file other.py] from mypy_extensions import trait @trait class Base1: def foo(self) -> int: return 10 @trait class Base2: def bar(self) -> int: return 12 [file driver.py] from native import Deriv1 a = Deriv1() assert a.foo() == 10 and a.bar() == 12 [case testImportCycleWithNonCompiledModule] import m class C: pass def f1() -> int: m.D() return m.f2() def f3() -> int: return 2 [file m.py] # This module is NOT compiled import native class D: pass def f2() -> int: native.C() return native.f3() [file driver.py] from native import f1 assert f1() == 2 [case testImportCycleWithTopLevelStatements] import other x = 1 print(x) [file other.py] import native x = 2 print(x) [file driver.py] import other print('-') import native print('>', native.x) print('>', other.x) [out] 1 2 - > 1 > 2 [case testMultiModuleCycleIfMypy1] from other import foo, bar class Foo: def foo(self) -> None: foo(self) class Bar: def bar(self) -> None: bar(self) [file other.py] from typing_extensions import TYPE_CHECKING MYPY = False if MYPY: from native import Foo if TYPE_CHECKING: from native import Bar def foo(x: 'Foo') -> None: pass def bar(x: 'Bar') -> None: pass [file driver.py] from native import Foo, Bar Foo().foo() Bar().bar() [case testMultiModuleCycleIfMypy2] MYPY = False if MYPY: from other import C class D: def __init__(self) -> None: self.y = 1 def f(c: 'C') -> int: return c.x [file other.py] from typing_extensions import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from native import D class C: def __init__(self) -> None: self.x = 2 def g(d: 'D') -> int: return d.y [file driver.py] from native import f, D from other import g, C assert f(C()) == 2 assert g(D()) == 1 try: f(D()) except TypeError: pass else: assert False try: g(C()) except TypeError: pass else: assert False [case testMultiModuleRelative] from package.a import f [file package/__init__.py] [file package/a.py] from . import b from .c import c3 def f() -> None: print("Hello " + b.b2()) print("Hello " + c3()) [file package/b.py] def b2() -> str: return "moon!" [file package/c.py] def c3() -> str: return "sun!" [file driver.py] from native import f f() [out] Hello moon! Hello sun! [case testMultiModuleCrash] b = False if b: import other def foo() -> None: try: other.x except: pass else: assert False [file other.py] x = 10 [file driver.py] from native import foo foo() [case testTrivialIncremental] # separate: [(["other.py", "other_b.py"], "stuff")] from other import x from other_b import z y = x + z [file other.py] x = 1 [file other.py.2] x = 2 [file other_b.py] z = 1 [file driver.py] from native import y print(y) [out] 2 [out2] 3 [rechecked other, other_b] [case testIncrementalCompilation1] import non_native from other_a import A from other_b import z a = A() assert a.y == z assert non_native.foo() == 0 [file other_a.py] from other_b import z from typing import Iterable class A: def __init__(self) -> None: self.y = z [file other_a.py.2] from other_b import z from typing import Iterable class A: def __init__(self) -> None: self.x = 'test' self.y = z [file other_b.py] import other_a z = 10 def foo() -> 'other_a.A': return other_a.A() [file other_b.py.3] import other_a z = 20 def foo() -> 'other_a.A': return other_a.A() [file non_native.py] import other_a def foo() -> int: return 0 [file non_native.py.4] import other_a def foo() -> float: return 0 [file driver.py] from native import a print(a.y, getattr(a, 'x', None)) [out] 10 None [out2] 10 test [out3] 20 test [out4] 20 test [rechecked other_a, other_b, native, non_native] [rechecked2 other_a, other_b] [rechecked3 native, non_native] -- This one tests a group that is not an SCC. [case testIncrementalCompilation2] # separate: [(["other_a.py", "other_b.py"], "stuff")] from other_a import A from other_b import z a = A() assert a.y == z [file other_a.py] from other_b import z class A: def __init__(self) -> None: self.y = z [file other_a.py.2] from other_b import z class A: def __init__(self) -> None: self.x = 'test' self.y = z [file other_b.py] z = 10 [file driver.py] from native import a print(a.y, getattr(a, 'x', None)) [out] 10 None [out2] 10 test [rechecked other_a, other_b, native] [case testIncrementalCompilation3] from other import X Y = X def foo() -> int: return X [file other.py] from typing_extensions import Final X: Final = 10 [file other.py.2] from typing_extensions import Final X: Final = 20 [file driver.py] import native import other assert native.Y == other.X assert native.foo() == other.X [rechecked native, other] -- This one tests a group changing [case testIncrementalCompilation4] # separate: [(["other_a.py", "other_b.py"], "stuff")] # separate2: [] from other_a import A from other_b import z a = A() assert a.y == z [file other_a.py] from other_b import z class A: def __init__(self) -> None: self.y = z [file other_b.py] z = 10 [file wtvr.py.2] [file driver.py] from native import a print(a.y, getattr(a, 'x', None)) [out] 10 None [out2] 10 None [rechecked other_a, other_b, native] -- This one tests cases where other modules *do not* need rechecked [case testIncrementalCompilation5] import other_a [file other_a.py] from other_b import f assert f(10) == 20 [file other_a.py.2] from other_b import f assert f(20) == 40 [file other_b.py] def f(x: int) -> int: return x * 2 [file driver.py] import native [rechecked other_a] -- Delete one of the C files and make sure this forces recompilation [case testIncrementalCompilation6] import other_a assert other_a.foo() == 10 [file other_a.py] def foo() -> int: return 10 [file build/__native_other_a.c] [delete build/__native_other_a.c.2] [file driver.py] import native [rechecked native, other_a] [case testSeparateCompilationWithUndefinedAttribute] from other_a import A def f() -> None: a = A() if a.x == 5: print(a.y) print(a.m()) else: assert a.x == 6 try: print(a.y) except AttributeError: print('y undefined') else: assert False try: print(a.m()) except AttributeError: print('y undefined') else: assert False [file other_a.py] from other_b import B class A(B): def __init__(self) -> None: self.y = 9 [file other_a.py.2] from other_b import B class A(B): x = 6 def __init__(self) -> None: pass [file other_b.py] class B: x = 5 def __init__(self) -> None: self.y = 7 def m(self) -> int: return self.y [file driver.py] from native import f f() [rechecked native, other_a] [out] 9 9 [out2] y undefined y undefined [case testIncrementalCompilationWithDeletable] import other_a [file other_a.py] from other_b import C [file other_a.py.2] from other_b import C c = C() print(getattr(c, 'x', None)) del c.x print(getattr(c, 'x', None)) [file other_b.py] class C: __deletable__ = ['x'] def __init__(self) -> None: self.x = 0 [file driver.py] import native [out] [out2] 0 None