"""Intermediate representation of modules.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Dict from mypyc.common import JsonDict from mypyc.ir.class_ir import ClassIR from mypyc.ir.func_ir import FuncDecl, FuncIR from mypyc.ir.ops import DeserMaps from mypyc.ir.rtypes import RType, deserialize_type class ModuleIR: """Intermediate representation of a module.""" def __init__( self, fullname: str, imports: list[str], functions: list[FuncIR], classes: list[ClassIR], final_names: list[tuple[str, RType]], ) -> None: self.fullname = fullname self.imports = imports.copy() self.functions = functions self.classes = classes self.final_names = final_names def serialize(self) -> JsonDict: return { "fullname": self.fullname, "imports": self.imports, "functions": [f.serialize() for f in self.functions], "classes": [c.serialize() for c in self.classes], "final_names": [(k, t.serialize()) for k, t in self.final_names], } @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data: JsonDict, ctx: DeserMaps) -> ModuleIR: return ModuleIR( data["fullname"], data["imports"], [ctx.functions[FuncDecl.get_id_from_json(f)] for f in data["functions"]], [ClassIR.deserialize(c, ctx) for c in data["classes"]], [(k, deserialize_type(t, ctx)) for k, t in data["final_names"]], ) def deserialize_modules(data: dict[str, JsonDict], ctx: DeserMaps) -> dict[str, ModuleIR]: """Deserialize a collection of modules. The modules can contain dependencies on each other. Arguments: data: A dict containing the modules to deserialize. ctx: The deserialization maps to use and to populate. They are populated with information from the deserialized modules and as a precondition must have been populated by deserializing any dependencies of the modules being deserialized (outside of dependencies between the modules themselves). Returns a map containing the deserialized modules. """ for mod in data.values(): # First create ClassIRs for every class so that we can construct types and whatnot for cls in mod["classes"]: ir = ClassIR(cls["name"], cls["module_name"]) assert ir.fullname not in ctx.classes, "Class %s already in map" % ir.fullname ctx.classes[ir.fullname] = ir for mod in data.values(): # Then deserialize all of the functions so that methods are available # to the class deserialization. for method in mod["functions"]: func = FuncIR.deserialize(method, ctx) assert func.decl.id not in ctx.functions, ( "Method %s already in map" % func.decl.fullname ) ctx.functions[func.decl.id] = func return {k: ModuleIR.deserialize(v, ctx) for k, v in data.items()} # ModulesIRs should also always be an *OrderedDict*, but if we # declared it that way we would need to put it in quotes everywhere... ModuleIRs = Dict[str, ModuleIR]