# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html # For details: https://github.com/pylint-dev/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/pylint-dev/astroid/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """Transform utilities (filters and decorator).""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import OrderedDict from collections.abc import Generator from typing import Any, TypeVar from astroid.context import InferenceContext from astroid.exceptions import InferenceOverwriteError, UseInferenceDefault from astroid.nodes import NodeNG from astroid.typing import ( InferenceResult, InferFn, TransformFn, ) _cache: OrderedDict[ tuple[InferFn[Any], NodeNG, InferenceContext | None], list[InferenceResult] ] = OrderedDict() _CURRENTLY_INFERRING: set[tuple[InferFn[Any], NodeNG]] = set() _NodesT = TypeVar("_NodesT", bound=NodeNG) def clear_inference_tip_cache() -> None: """Clear the inference tips cache.""" _cache.clear() def _inference_tip_cached(func: InferFn[_NodesT]) -> InferFn[_NodesT]: """Cache decorator used for inference tips.""" def inner( node: _NodesT, context: InferenceContext | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Generator[InferenceResult, None, None]: partial_cache_key = (func, node) if partial_cache_key in _CURRENTLY_INFERRING: # If through recursion we end up trying to infer the same # func + node we raise here. _CURRENTLY_INFERRING.remove(partial_cache_key) raise UseInferenceDefault if context is not None and context.is_empty(): # Fresh, empty contexts will defeat the cache. context = None try: yield from _cache[func, node, context] return except KeyError: # Recursion guard with a partial cache key. # Using the full key causes a recursion error on PyPy. # It's a pragmatic compromise to avoid so much recursive inference # with slightly different contexts while still passing the simple # test cases included with this commit. _CURRENTLY_INFERRING.add(partial_cache_key) try: # May raise UseInferenceDefault result = _cache[func, node, context] = list( func(node, context, **kwargs) ) except Exception as e: # Suppress the KeyError from the cache miss. raise e from None finally: # Remove recursion guard. try: _CURRENTLY_INFERRING.remove(partial_cache_key) except KeyError: pass # Recursion may beat us to the punch. if len(_cache) > 64: _cache.popitem(last=False) # https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/issues/8686 yield from result # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment return inner def inference_tip( infer_function: InferFn[_NodesT], raise_on_overwrite: bool = False ) -> TransformFn[_NodesT]: """Given an instance specific inference function, return a function to be given to AstroidManager().register_transform to set this inference function. :param bool raise_on_overwrite: Raise an `InferenceOverwriteError` if the inference tip will overwrite another. Used for debugging Typical usage .. sourcecode:: python AstroidManager().register_transform(Call, inference_tip(infer_named_tuple), predicate) .. Note:: Using an inference tip will override any previously set inference tip for the given node. Use a predicate in the transform to prevent excess overwrites. """ def transform( node: _NodesT, infer_function: InferFn[_NodesT] = infer_function ) -> _NodesT: if ( raise_on_overwrite and node._explicit_inference is not None and node._explicit_inference is not infer_function ): raise InferenceOverwriteError( "Inference already set to {existing_inference}. " "Trying to overwrite with {new_inference} for {node}".format( existing_inference=infer_function, new_inference=node._explicit_inference, node=node, ) ) node._explicit_inference = _inference_tip_cached(infer_function) return node return transform