from __future__ import annotations import io import os.path import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import unittest from types import ModuleType from typing import Any from mypy.errors import CompileError from mypy.moduleinspect import InspectError, ModuleInspect from mypy.stubdoc import ( ArgSig, FunctionSig, build_signature, find_unique_signatures, infer_arg_sig_from_anon_docstring, infer_prop_type_from_docstring, infer_sig_from_docstring, is_valid_type, parse_all_signatures, parse_signature, ) from mypy.stubgen import ( Options, collect_build_targets, generate_stubs, get_sig_generators, is_blacklisted_path, is_non_library_module, mypy_options, parse_options, ) from mypy.stubgenc import ( generate_c_function_stub, generate_c_property_stub, generate_c_type_stub, infer_method_args, infer_method_ret_type, is_c_property_readonly, ) from mypy.stubutil import common_dir_prefix, remove_misplaced_type_comments, walk_packages from import DataDrivenTestCase, DataSuite from mypy.test.helpers import assert_equal, assert_string_arrays_equal, local_sys_path_set class StubgenCmdLineSuite(unittest.TestCase): """Test cases for processing command-line options and finding files.""" @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32", "clean up fails on Windows") def test_files_found(self) -> None: current = os.getcwd() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: try: os.chdir(tmp) os.mkdir("subdir") self.make_file("subdir", "") self.make_file("subdir", "") os.mkdir(os.path.join("subdir", "pack")) self.make_file("subdir", "pack", "") opts = parse_options(["subdir"]) py_mods, c_mods = collect_build_targets(opts, mypy_options(opts)) assert_equal(c_mods, []) files = {mod.path for mod in py_mods} assert_equal( files, { os.path.join("subdir", "pack", ""), os.path.join("subdir", ""), os.path.join("subdir", ""), }, ) finally: os.chdir(current) @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32", "clean up fails on Windows") def test_packages_found(self) -> None: current = os.getcwd() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: try: os.chdir(tmp) os.mkdir("pack") self.make_file("pack", "", content="from . import a, b") self.make_file("pack", "") self.make_file("pack", "") opts = parse_options(["-p", "pack"]) py_mods, c_mods = collect_build_targets(opts, mypy_options(opts)) assert_equal(c_mods, []) files = {os.path.relpath(mod.path or "FAIL") for mod in py_mods} assert_equal( files, { os.path.join("pack", ""), os.path.join("pack", ""), os.path.join("pack", ""), }, ) finally: os.chdir(current) @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32", "clean up fails on Windows") def test_module_not_found(self) -> None: current = os.getcwd() captured_output = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = captured_output with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: try: os.chdir(tmp) self.make_file(tmp, "", content="import a") opts = parse_options(["-m", "mymodule"]) py_mods, c_mods = collect_build_targets(opts, mypy_options(opts)) assert captured_output.getvalue() == "" finally: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ os.chdir(current) def make_file(self, *path: str, content: str = "") -> None: file = os.path.join(*path) with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(content) def run(self, result: Any | None = None) -> Any | None: with local_sys_path_set(): return super().run(result) class StubgenCliParseSuite(unittest.TestCase): def test_walk_packages(self) -> None: with ModuleInspect() as m: assert_equal(set(walk_packages(m, ["mypy.errors"])), {"mypy.errors"}) assert_equal( set(walk_packages(m, ["mypy.errors", "mypy.stubgen"])), {"mypy.errors", "mypy.stubgen"}, ) all_mypy_packages = set(walk_packages(m, ["mypy"])) self.assertTrue( all_mypy_packages.issuperset( {"mypy", "mypy.errors", "mypy.stubgen", "mypy.test", "mypy.test.helpers"} ) ) class StubgenUtilSuite(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for stubgen utility functions.""" def test_parse_signature(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature("func()", ("func", [], [])) def test_parse_signature_with_args(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature("func(arg)", ("func", ["arg"], [])) self.assert_parse_signature("do(arg, arg2)", ("do", ["arg", "arg2"], [])) def test_parse_signature_with_optional_args(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature("func([arg])", ("func", [], ["arg"])) self.assert_parse_signature("func(arg[, arg2])", ("func", ["arg"], ["arg2"])) self.assert_parse_signature("func([arg[, arg2]])", ("func", [], ["arg", "arg2"])) def test_parse_signature_with_default_arg(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature("func(arg=None)", ("func", [], ["arg"])) self.assert_parse_signature("func(arg, arg2=None)", ("func", ["arg"], ["arg2"])) self.assert_parse_signature('func(arg=1, arg2="")', ("func", [], ["arg", "arg2"])) def test_parse_signature_with_qualified_function(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature("ClassName.func(arg)", ("func", ["arg"], [])) def test_parse_signature_with_kw_only_arg(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature( "ClassName.func(arg, *, arg2=1)", ("func", ["arg", "*"], ["arg2"]) ) def test_parse_signature_with_star_arg(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature("ClassName.func(arg, *args)", ("func", ["arg", "*args"], [])) def test_parse_signature_with_star_star_arg(self) -> None: self.assert_parse_signature("ClassName.func(arg, **args)", ("func", ["arg", "**args"], [])) def assert_parse_signature(self, sig: str, result: tuple[str, list[str], list[str]]) -> None: assert_equal(parse_signature(sig), result) def test_build_signature(self) -> None: assert_equal(build_signature([], []), "()") assert_equal(build_signature(["arg"], []), "(arg)") assert_equal(build_signature(["arg", "arg2"], []), "(arg, arg2)") assert_equal(build_signature(["arg"], ["arg2"]), "(arg, arg2=...)") assert_equal(build_signature(["arg"], ["arg2", "**x"]), "(arg, arg2=..., **x)") def test_parse_all_signatures(self) -> None: assert_equal( parse_all_signatures( [ "random text", ".. function:: fn(arg", ".. function:: fn()", " .. method:: fn2(arg)", ] ), ([("fn", "()"), ("fn2", "(arg)")], []), ) def test_find_unique_signatures(self) -> None: assert_equal( find_unique_signatures( [ ("func", "()"), ("func", "()"), ("func2", "()"), ("func2", "(arg)"), ("func3", "(arg, arg2)"), ] ), [("func", "()"), ("func3", "(arg, arg2)")], ) def test_infer_sig_from_docstring(self) -> None: assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x) - y", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x")], ret_type="Any")], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x)", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x")], ret_type="Any")], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x, Y_a=None)", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x"), ArgSig(name="Y_a", default=True)], ret_type="Any", ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x, Y_a=3)", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x"), ArgSig(name="Y_a", default=True)], ret_type="Any", ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x, Y_a=[1, 2, 3])", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x"), ArgSig(name="Y_a", default=True)], ret_type="Any", ) ], ) assert_equal(infer_sig_from_docstring("\nafunc(x) - y", "func"), []) assert_equal(infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x, y", "func"), []) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x=z(y))", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", default=True)], ret_type="Any")], ) assert_equal(infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc x", "func"), []) # Try to infer signature from type annotation. assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x: int)", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="int")], ret_type="Any")], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x: int=3)", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="int", default=True)], ret_type="Any" ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x=3)", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type=None, default=True)], ret_type="Any" ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc() -> int", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[], ret_type="int")], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x: int=3) -> int", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="int", default=True)], ret_type="int" ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x: int=3) -> int \n", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="int", default=True)], ret_type="int" ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x: Tuple[int, str]) -> str", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="Tuple[int,str]")], ret_type="str" ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring( "\nfunc(x: Tuple[int, Tuple[str, int], str], y: int) -> str", "func" ), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ ArgSig(name="x", type="Tuple[int,Tuple[str,int],str]"), ArgSig(name="y", type="int"), ], ret_type="str", ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x:", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="")], ret_type="Any")], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x: list=[1,2,[3,4]])", "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="list", default=True)], ret_type="Any" ) ], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring('\nfunc(x: str="nasty[")', "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="str", default=True)], ret_type="Any" ) ], ) assert_equal(infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc[(x:, invalid]", "func"), []) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x: invalid::type)", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type=None)], ret_type="Any")], ) assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring('\nfunc(x: str="")', "func"), [ FunctionSig( name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x", type="str", default=True)], ret_type="Any" ) ], ) def test_infer_sig_from_docstring_duplicate_args(self) -> None: assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring("\nfunc(x, x) -> str\nfunc(x, y) -> int", "func"), [FunctionSig(name="func", args=[ArgSig(name="x"), ArgSig(name="y")], ret_type="int")], ) def test_infer_sig_from_docstring_bad_indentation(self) -> None: assert_equal( infer_sig_from_docstring( """ x x x """, "func", ), None, ) def test_infer_arg_sig_from_anon_docstring(self) -> None: assert_equal( infer_arg_sig_from_anon_docstring("(*args, **kwargs)"), [ArgSig(name="*args"), ArgSig(name="**kwargs")], ) assert_equal( infer_arg_sig_from_anon_docstring( "(x: Tuple[int, Tuple[str, int], str]=(1, ('a', 2), 'y'), y: int=4)" ), [ ArgSig(name="x", type="Tuple[int,Tuple[str,int],str]", default=True), ArgSig(name="y", type="int", default=True), ], ) def test_infer_prop_type_from_docstring(self) -> None: assert_equal(infer_prop_type_from_docstring("str: A string."), "str") assert_equal(infer_prop_type_from_docstring("Optional[int]: An int."), "Optional[int]") assert_equal( infer_prop_type_from_docstring("Tuple[int, int]: A tuple."), "Tuple[int, int]" ) assert_equal(infer_prop_type_from_docstring("\nstr: A string."), None) def test_infer_sig_from_docstring_square_brackets(self) -> None: assert ( infer_sig_from_docstring("fetch_row([maxrows, how]) -- Fetches stuff", "fetch_row") == [] ) def test_remove_misplaced_type_comments_1(self) -> None: good = """ \u1234 def f(x): # type: (int) -> int def g(x): # type: (int) -> int def h(): # type: () int x = 1 # type: int """ assert_equal(remove_misplaced_type_comments(good), good) def test_remove_misplaced_type_comments_2(self) -> None: bad = """ def f(x): # type: Callable[[int], int] pass # type: "foo" # type: 'bar' x = 1 # type: int """ bad_fixed = """ def f(x): pass x = 1 """ assert_equal(remove_misplaced_type_comments(bad), bad_fixed) def test_remove_misplaced_type_comments_3(self) -> None: bad = ''' def f(x): """docstring""" # type: (int) -> int pass def g(x): """docstring """ # type: (int) -> int pass ''' bad_fixed = ''' def f(x): """docstring""" pass def g(x): """docstring """ pass ''' assert_equal(remove_misplaced_type_comments(bad), bad_fixed) def test_remove_misplaced_type_comments_4(self) -> None: bad = """ def f(x): '''docstring''' # type: (int) -> int pass def g(x): '''docstring ''' # type: (int) -> int pass """ bad_fixed = """ def f(x): '''docstring''' pass def g(x): '''docstring ''' pass """ assert_equal(remove_misplaced_type_comments(bad), bad_fixed) def test_remove_misplaced_type_comments_5(self) -> None: bad = """ def f(x): # type: (int, List[Any], # float, bool) -> int pass def g(x): # type: (int, List[Any]) pass """ bad_fixed = """ def f(x): # float, bool) -> int pass def g(x): pass """ assert_equal(remove_misplaced_type_comments(bad), bad_fixed) def test_remove_misplaced_type_comments_bytes(self) -> None: original = b""" \xbf def f(x): # type: (int) -> int def g(x): # type: (int) -> int pass def h(): # type: int pass x = 1 # type: int """ dest = b""" \xbf def f(x): # type: (int) -> int def g(x): # type: (int) -> int pass def h(): pass x = 1 # type: int """ assert_equal(remove_misplaced_type_comments(original), dest) @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32", "Tests building the paths common ancestor on *nix") def test_common_dir_prefix_unix(self) -> None: assert common_dir_prefix([]) == "." assert common_dir_prefix(["x.pyi"]) == "." assert common_dir_prefix(["./x.pyi"]) == "." assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/bar/x.pyi"]) == "foo/bar" assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/bar/x.pyi", "foo/bar/y.pyi"]) == "foo/bar" assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/bar/x.pyi", "foo/y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/x.pyi", "foo/bar/y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/bar/zar/x.pyi", "foo/y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/x.pyi", "foo/bar/zar/y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/bar/zar/x.pyi", "foo/bar/y.pyi"]) == "foo/bar" assert common_dir_prefix(["foo/bar/x.pyi", "foo/bar/zar/y.pyi"]) == "foo/bar" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo/bar\x.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar/x.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" @unittest.skipIf( sys.platform != "win32", "Tests building the paths common ancestor on Windows" ) def test_common_dir_prefix_win(self) -> None: assert common_dir_prefix(["x.pyi"]) == "." assert common_dir_prefix([r".\x.pyi"]) == "." assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar\x.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar\x.pyi", r"foo\bar\y.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar\x.pyi", r"foo\y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\x.pyi", r"foo\bar\y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar\zar\x.pyi", r"foo\y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\x.pyi", r"foo\bar\zar\y.pyi"]) == "foo" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar\zar\x.pyi", r"foo\bar\y.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar\x.pyi", r"foo\bar\zar\y.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo/bar\x.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo\bar/x.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" assert common_dir_prefix([r"foo/bar/x.pyi"]) == r"foo\bar" class StubgenHelpersSuite(unittest.TestCase): def test_is_blacklisted_path(self) -> None: assert not is_blacklisted_path("foo/") assert not is_blacklisted_path("") assert not is_blacklisted_path("foo/xvendor/") assert not is_blacklisted_path("foo/vendorx/") assert is_blacklisted_path("foo/vendor/") assert is_blacklisted_path("foo/vendored/") assert is_blacklisted_path("foo/vendored/bar/") assert is_blacklisted_path("foo/") def test_is_non_library_module(self) -> None: assert not is_non_library_module("foo") assert not is_non_library_module("") # The following could be test modules, but we are very conservative and # don't treat them as such since they could plausibly be real modules. assert not is_non_library_module("foo.bartest") assert not is_non_library_module("foo.bartests") assert not is_non_library_module("foo.testbar") assert is_non_library_module("foo.test") assert is_non_library_module("") assert is_non_library_module("foo.tests") assert is_non_library_module("") assert is_non_library_module("") assert is_non_library_module("") assert is_non_library_module("foo.test_bar") assert is_non_library_module("foo.bar_tests") assert is_non_library_module("foo.testing") assert is_non_library_module("foo.conftest") assert is_non_library_module("foo.bar_test_util") assert is_non_library_module("foo.bar_test_utils") assert is_non_library_module("foo.bar_test_base") assert is_non_library_module("foo.setup") assert is_non_library_module("foo.__main__") class StubgenPythonSuite(DataSuite): """Data-driven end-to-end test cases that generate stub files. You can use these magic test case name suffixes: *_semanal Run semantic analysis (slow as this uses real stubs -- only use when necessary) *_import Import module and perform runtime introspection (in the current process!) You can use these magic comments: # flags: --some-stubgen-option ... Specify custom stubgen options # modules: module1 module2 ... Specify which modules to output (by default only 'main') """ required_out_section = True base_path = "." files = ["stubgen.test"] @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32", "clean up fails on Windows") def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: with local_sys_path_set(): self.run_case_inner(testcase) def run_case_inner(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: extra = [] # Extra command-line args mods = [] # Module names to process source = "\n".join(testcase.input) for file, content in testcase.files + [("./", source)]: # Strip ./ prefix and .py suffix. mod = file[2:-3].replace("/", ".") if mod.endswith(".__init__"): mod, _, _ = mod.rpartition(".") mods.append(mod) if "-p " not in source: extra.extend(["-m", mod]) with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(content) options = self.parse_flags(source, extra) modules = self.parse_modules(source) out_dir = "out" try: try: if not"_import"): options.no_import = True if not"_semanal"): options.parse_only = True generate_stubs(options) a: list[str] = [] for module in modules: fnam = module_to_path(out_dir, module) self.add_file(fnam, a, header=len(modules) > 1) except CompileError as e: a = e.messages assert_string_arrays_equal( testcase.output, a, f"Invalid output ({testcase.file}, line {testcase.line})" ) finally: for mod in mods: if mod in sys.modules: del sys.modules[mod] shutil.rmtree(out_dir) def parse_flags(self, program_text: str, extra: list[str]) -> Options: flags ="# flags: (.*)$", program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if flags: flag_list = else: flag_list = [] options = parse_options(flag_list + extra) if "--verbose" not in flag_list: options.quiet = True else: options.verbose = True return options def parse_modules(self, program_text: str) -> list[str]: modules ="# modules: (.*)$", program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if modules: return else: return ["main"] def add_file(self, path: str, result: list[str], header: bool) -> None: if not os.path.exists(path): result.append("<%s was not generated>" % path.replace("\\", "/")) return if header: result.append(f"# {path[4:]}") with open(path, encoding="utf8") as file: result.extend( self_arg = ArgSig(name="self") class TestBaseClass: pass class TestClass(TestBaseClass): pass class StubgencSuite(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for stub generation from C modules using introspection. Note that these don't cover a lot! """ def test_infer_hash_sig(self) -> None: assert_equal(infer_method_args("__hash__"), [self_arg]) assert_equal(infer_method_ret_type("__hash__"), "int") def test_infer_getitem_sig(self) -> None: assert_equal(infer_method_args("__getitem__"), [self_arg, ArgSig(name="index")]) def test_infer_setitem_sig(self) -> None: assert_equal( infer_method_args("__setitem__"), [self_arg, ArgSig(name="index"), ArgSig(name="object")], ) assert_equal(infer_method_ret_type("__setitem__"), "None") def test_infer_binary_op_sig(self) -> None: for op in ( "eq", "ne", "lt", "le", "gt", "ge", "add", "radd", "sub", "rsub", "mul", "rmul", ): assert_equal(infer_method_args(f"__{op}__"), [self_arg, ArgSig(name="other")]) def test_infer_equality_op_sig(self) -> None: for op in ("eq", "ne", "lt", "le", "gt", "ge", "contains"): assert_equal(infer_method_ret_type(f"__{op}__"), "bool") def test_infer_unary_op_sig(self) -> None: for op in ("neg", "pos"): assert_equal(infer_method_args(f"__{op}__"), [self_arg]) def test_infer_cast_sig(self) -> None: for op in ("float", "bool", "bytes", "int"): assert_equal(infer_method_ret_type(f"__{op}__"), op) def test_generate_c_type_stub_no_crash_for_object(self) -> None: output: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("module", "") # any module is fine imports: list[str] = [] generate_c_type_stub( mod, "alias", object, output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(imports, []) assert_equal(output[0], "class alias:") def test_generate_c_type_stub_variable_type_annotation(self) -> None: # This class mimics the stubgen unit test 'testClassVariable' class TestClassVariableCls: x = 1 output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("module", "") # any module is fine generate_c_type_stub( mod, "C", TestClassVariableCls, output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(imports, []) assert_equal(output, ["class C:", " x: ClassVar[int] = ..."]) def test_generate_c_type_inheritance(self) -> None: class TestClass(KeyError): pass output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("module, ") generate_c_type_stub( mod, "C", TestClass, output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["class C(KeyError): ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_inheritance_same_module(self) -> None: output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestBaseClass.__module__, "") generate_c_type_stub( mod, "C", TestClass, output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["class C(TestBaseClass): ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_inheritance_other_module(self) -> None: import argparse class TestClass(argparse.Action): pass output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("module", "") generate_c_type_stub( mod, "C", TestClass, output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["class C(argparse.Action): ..."]) assert_equal(imports, ["import argparse"]) def test_generate_c_type_inheritance_builtin_type(self) -> None: class TestClass(type): pass output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("module", "") generate_c_type_stub( mod, "C", TestClass, output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["class C(type): ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_with_docstring(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(self: TestClass, arg0: int) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: int) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_with_docstring_no_self_arg(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(arg0: int) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: int) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_classmethod(self) -> None: class TestClass: @classmethod def test(cls, arg0: str) -> None: pass output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="cls", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["@classmethod", "def test(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_classmethod_with_overloads(self) -> None: class TestClass: @classmethod def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(cls, arg0: str) test(cls, arg0: int) """ pass output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="cls", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal( output, [ "@overload", "@classmethod", "def test(cls, arg0: str) -> Any: ...", "@overload", "@classmethod", "def test(cls, arg0: int) -> Any: ...", ], ) assert_equal(imports, ["from typing import overload"]) def test_generate_c_type_with_docstring_empty_default(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str = "") -> None: """ test(self: TestClass, arg0: str = "") """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: str = ...) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_function_other_module_arg(self) -> None: """Test that if argument references type from other module, module will be imported.""" # Provide different type in python spec than in docstring to make sure, that docstring # information is used. def test(arg0: str) -> None: """ test(arg0: argparse.Action) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(self.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", test, output=output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(arg0: argparse.Action) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, ["import argparse"]) def test_generate_c_function_same_module(self) -> None: """Test that if annotation references type from same module but using full path, no module will be imported, and type specification will be striped to local reference. """ # Provide different type in python spec than in docstring to make sure, that docstring # information is used. def test(arg0: str) -> None: """ test(arg0: argparse.Action) -> argparse.Action """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("argparse", "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", test, output=output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(arg0: Action) -> Action: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_function_other_module(self) -> None: """Test that if annotation references type from other module, module will be imported.""" def test(arg0: str) -> None: """ test(arg0: argparse.Action) -> argparse.Action """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(self.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", test, output=output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(arg0: argparse.Action) -> argparse.Action: ..."]) assert_equal(set(imports), {"import argparse"}) def test_generate_c_function_same_module_nested(self) -> None: """Test that if annotation references type from same module but using full path, no module will be imported, and type specification will be stripped to local reference. """ # Provide different type in python spec than in docstring to make sure, that docstring # information is used. def test(arg0: str) -> None: """ test(arg0: list[argparse.Action]) -> list[argparse.Action] """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("argparse", "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", test, output=output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(arg0: list[Action]) -> list[Action]: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_function_same_module_compound(self) -> None: """Test that if annotation references type from same module but using full path, no module will be imported, and type specification will be stripped to local reference. """ # Provide different type in python spec than in docstring to make sure, that docstring # information is used. def test(arg0: str) -> None: """ test(arg0: Union[argparse.Action, NoneType]) -> Tuple[argparse.Action, NoneType] """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType("argparse", "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", test, output=output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(arg0: Union[Action,None]) -> Tuple[Action,None]: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_function_other_module_nested(self) -> None: """Test that if annotation references type from other module, module will be imported, and the import will be restricted to one of the known modules.""" def test(arg0: str) -> None: """ test(arg0: -> other.Thing """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(self.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", test, output=output, imports=imports, known_modules=["foo", "foo.spangle", "bar"], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(arg0: -> other.Thing: ..."]) assert_equal(set(imports), {"import foo", "import other"}) def test_generate_c_function_no_crash_for_non_str_docstring(self) -> None: def test(arg0: str) -> None: ... test.__doc__ = property(lambda self: "test(arg0: str) -> None") # type: ignore[assignment] output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(self.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", test, output=output, imports=imports, known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(*args, **kwargs) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_property_with_pybind11(self) -> None: """Signatures included by PyBind11 inside property.fget are read.""" class TestClass: def get_attribute(self) -> None: """ (self: TestClass) -> str """ attribute = property(get_attribute, doc="") readwrite_properties: list[str] = [] readonly_properties: list[str] = [] generate_c_property_stub( "attribute", TestClass.attribute, [], readwrite_properties, readonly_properties, is_c_property_readonly(TestClass.attribute), ) assert_equal(readwrite_properties, []) assert_equal(readonly_properties, ["@property", "def attribute(self) -> str: ..."]) def test_generate_c_property_with_rw_property(self) -> None: class TestClass: def __init__(self) -> None: self._attribute = 0 @property def attribute(self) -> int: return self._attribute @attribute.setter def attribute(self, value: int) -> None: self._attribute = value readwrite_properties: list[str] = [] readonly_properties: list[str] = [] generate_c_property_stub( "attribute", type(TestClass.attribute), [], readwrite_properties, readonly_properties, is_c_property_readonly(TestClass.attribute), ) assert_equal(readwrite_properties, ["attribute: Any"]) assert_equal(readonly_properties, []) def test_generate_c_type_with_single_arg_generic(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(self: TestClass, arg0: List[int]) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: List[int]) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_with_double_arg_generic(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(self: TestClass, arg0: Dict[str, int]) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: Dict[str,int]) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_with_nested_generic(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(self: TestClass, arg0: Dict[str, List[int]]) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: Dict[str,List[int]]) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, []) def test_generate_c_type_with_generic_using_other_module_first(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(self: TestClass, arg0: Dict[argparse.Action, int]) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: Dict[argparse.Action,int]) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, ["import argparse"]) def test_generate_c_type_with_generic_using_other_module_last(self) -> None: class TestClass: def test(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ test(self: TestClass, arg0: Dict[str, argparse.Action]) """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "test", TestClass.test, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal(output, ["def test(self, arg0: Dict[str,argparse.Action]) -> Any: ..."]) assert_equal(imports, ["import argparse"]) def test_generate_c_type_with_overload_pybind11(self) -> None: class TestClass: def __init__(self, arg0: str) -> None: """ __init__(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function. 1. __init__(self: TestClass, arg0: str) -> None 2. __init__(self: TestClass, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> None """ output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "__init__", TestClass.__init__, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal( output, [ "@overload", "def __init__(self, arg0: str) -> None: ...", "@overload", "def __init__(self, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> None: ...", "@overload", "def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...", ], ) assert_equal(set(imports), {"from typing import overload"}) def test_generate_c_type_with_overload_shiboken(self) -> None: class TestClass: """ TestClass(self: TestClass, arg0: str) -> None TestClass(self: TestClass, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> None """ def __init__(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass output: list[str] = [] imports: list[str] = [] mod = ModuleType(TestClass.__module__, "") generate_c_function_stub( mod, "__init__", TestClass.__init__, output=output, imports=imports, self_var="self", cls=TestClass, class_name="TestClass", known_modules=[mod.__name__], sig_generators=get_sig_generators(parse_options([])), ) assert_equal( output, [ "@overload", "def __init__(self, arg0: str) -> None: ...", "@overload", "def __init__(self, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> None: ...", ], ) assert_equal(set(imports), {"from typing import overload"}) class ArgSigSuite(unittest.TestCase): def test_repr(self) -> None: assert_equal( repr(ArgSig(name='asd"dsa')), "ArgSig(name='asd\"dsa', type=None, default=False)" ) assert_equal( repr(ArgSig(name="asd'dsa")), 'ArgSig(name="asd\'dsa", type=None, default=False)' ) assert_equal(repr(ArgSig("func", "str")), "ArgSig(name='func', type='str', default=False)") assert_equal( repr(ArgSig("func", "str", default=True)), "ArgSig(name='func', type='str', default=True)", ) class IsValidTypeSuite(unittest.TestCase): def test_is_valid_type(self) -> None: assert is_valid_type("int") assert is_valid_type("str") assert is_valid_type("Foo_Bar234") assert is_valid_type("") assert is_valid_type("List[int]") assert is_valid_type("Dict[str, int]") assert is_valid_type("None") assert not is_valid_type("foo-bar") assert not is_valid_type("x->y") assert not is_valid_type("True") assert not is_valid_type("False") assert not is_valid_type("x,y") assert not is_valid_type("x, y") class ModuleInspectSuite(unittest.TestCase): def test_python_module(self) -> None: with ModuleInspect() as m: p = m.get_package_properties("inspect") assert p is not None assert == "inspect" assert p.file assert p.path is None assert p.is_c_module is False assert p.subpackages == [] def test_python_package(self) -> None: with ModuleInspect() as m: p = m.get_package_properties("unittest") assert p is not None assert == "unittest" assert p.file assert p.path assert p.is_c_module is False assert p.subpackages assert all(sub.startswith("unittest.") for sub in p.subpackages) def test_c_module(self) -> None: with ModuleInspect() as m: p = m.get_package_properties("_socket") assert p is not None assert == "_socket" assert p.path is None assert p.is_c_module is True assert p.subpackages == [] def test_non_existent(self) -> None: with ModuleInspect() as m: with self.assertRaises(InspectError) as e: m.get_package_properties("foobar-non-existent") assert str(e.exception) == "No module named 'foobar-non-existent'" def module_to_path(out_dir: str, module: str) -> str: fnam = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{module.replace('.', '/')}.pyi") if not os.path.exists(fnam): alt_fnam = fnam.replace(".pyi", "/__init__.pyi") if os.path.exists(alt_fnam): return alt_fnam return fnam