"""Type checker test cases""" from __future__ import annotations import os import re import sys from mypy import build from mypy.build import Graph from mypy.errors import CompileError from mypy.modulefinder import BuildSource, FindModuleCache, SearchPaths from mypy.options import TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, UNPACK from mypy.test.config import test_data_prefix, test_temp_dir from mypy.test.data import DataDrivenTestCase, DataSuite, FileOperation, module_from_path from mypy.test.helpers import ( assert_module_equivalence, assert_string_arrays_equal, assert_target_equivalence, check_test_output_files, find_test_files, normalize_error_messages, parse_options, perform_file_operations, ) from mypy.test.update_data import update_testcase_output try: import lxml # type: ignore[import-untyped] except ImportError: lxml = None import pytest # List of files that contain test case descriptions. # Includes all check-* files with the .test extension in the test-data/unit directory typecheck_files = find_test_files(pattern="check-*.test") # Tests that use Python version specific features: if sys.version_info < (3, 9): typecheck_files.remove("check-python39.test") if sys.version_info < (3, 10): typecheck_files.remove("check-python310.test") if sys.version_info < (3, 11): typecheck_files.remove("check-python311.test") if sys.version_info < (3, 12): typecheck_files.remove("check-python312.test") # Special tests for platforms with case-insensitive filesystems. if sys.platform not in ("darwin", "win32"): typecheck_files.remove("check-modules-case.test") class TypeCheckSuite(DataSuite): files = typecheck_files def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: if lxml is None and os.path.basename(testcase.file) == "check-reports.test": pytest.skip("Cannot import lxml. Is it installed?") incremental = ( "incremental" in testcase.name.lower() or "incremental" in testcase.file or "serialize" in testcase.file ) if incremental: # Incremental tests are run once with a cold cache, once with a warm cache. # Expect success on first run, errors from testcase.output (if any) on second run. num_steps = max([2] + list(testcase.output2.keys())) # Check that there are no file changes beyond the last run (they would be ignored). for dn, dirs, files in os.walk(os.curdir): for file in files: m = re.search(r"\.([2-9])$", file) if m and int(m.group(1)) > num_steps: raise ValueError( "Output file {} exists though test case only has {} runs".format( file, num_steps ) ) steps = testcase.find_steps() for step in range(1, num_steps + 1): idx = step - 2 ops = steps[idx] if idx < len(steps) and idx >= 0 else [] self.run_case_once(testcase, ops, step) else: self.run_case_once(testcase) def _sort_output_if_needed(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, a: list[str]) -> None: idx = testcase.output_inline_start if not testcase.files or idx == len(testcase.output): return def _filename(_msg: str) -> str: return _msg.partition(":")[0] file_weights = {file: idx for idx, file in enumerate(_filename(msg) for msg in a)} testcase.output[idx:] = sorted( testcase.output[idx:], key=lambda msg: file_weights.get(_filename(msg), -1) ) def run_case_once( self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, operations: list[FileOperation] = [], incremental_step: int = 0, ) -> None: original_program_text = "\n".join(testcase.input) module_data = self.parse_module(original_program_text, incremental_step) # Unload already loaded plugins, they may be updated. for file, _ in testcase.files: module = module_from_path(file) if module.endswith("_plugin") and module in sys.modules: del sys.modules[module] if incremental_step == 0 or incremental_step == 1: # In run 1, copy program text to program file. for module_name, program_path, program_text in module_data: if module_name == "__main__": with open(program_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(program_text) break elif incremental_step > 1: # In runs 2+, copy *.[num] files to * files. perform_file_operations(operations) # Parse options after moving files (in case mypy.ini is being moved). options = parse_options(original_program_text, testcase, incremental_step) options.use_builtins_fixtures = True if not testcase.name.endswith("_no_incomplete"): options.enable_incomplete_feature = [TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, UNPACK] options.show_traceback = True # Enable some options automatically based on test file name. if "columns" in testcase.file: options.show_column_numbers = True if "errorcodes" in testcase.file: options.hide_error_codes = False if "abstract" not in testcase.file: options.allow_empty_bodies = not testcase.name.endswith("_no_empty") if "lowercase" not in testcase.file: options.force_uppercase_builtins = True if "union-error" not in testcase.file: options.force_union_syntax = True if incremental_step and options.incremental: # Don't overwrite # flags: --no-incremental in incremental test cases options.incremental = True else: options.incremental = False # Don't waste time writing cache unless we are specifically looking for it if not testcase.writescache: options.cache_dir = os.devnull sources = [] for module_name, program_path, program_text in module_data: # Always set to none so we're forced to reread the module in incremental mode sources.append( BuildSource(program_path, module_name, None if incremental_step else program_text) ) plugin_dir = os.path.join(test_data_prefix, "plugins") sys.path.insert(0, plugin_dir) res = None try: res = build.build(sources=sources, options=options, alt_lib_path=test_temp_dir) a = res.errors except CompileError as e: a = e.messages finally: assert sys.path[0] == plugin_dir del sys.path[0] if testcase.normalize_output: a = normalize_error_messages(a) # Make sure error messages match if incremental_step < 2: if incremental_step == 1: msg = "Unexpected type checker output in incremental, run 1 ({}, line {})" else: assert incremental_step == 0 msg = "Unexpected type checker output ({}, line {})" self._sort_output_if_needed(testcase, a) output = testcase.output else: msg = ( f"Unexpected type checker output in incremental, run {incremental_step}" + " ({}, line {})" ) output = testcase.output2.get(incremental_step, []) if output != a and testcase.config.getoption("--update-data", False): update_testcase_output(testcase, a, incremental_step=incremental_step) assert_string_arrays_equal(output, a, msg.format(testcase.file, testcase.line)) if res: if options.cache_dir != os.devnull: self.verify_cache(module_data, res.errors, res.manager, res.graph) name = "targets" if incremental_step: name += str(incremental_step + 1) expected = testcase.expected_fine_grained_targets.get(incremental_step + 1) actual = [ target for module, target in res.manager.processed_targets if module in testcase.test_modules ] if expected is not None: assert_target_equivalence(name, expected, actual) if incremental_step > 1: suffix = "" if incremental_step == 2 else str(incremental_step - 1) expected_rechecked = testcase.expected_rechecked_modules.get(incremental_step - 1) if expected_rechecked is not None: assert_module_equivalence( "rechecked" + suffix, expected_rechecked, res.manager.rechecked_modules ) expected_stale = testcase.expected_stale_modules.get(incremental_step - 1) if expected_stale is not None: assert_module_equivalence( "stale" + suffix, expected_stale, res.manager.stale_modules ) if testcase.output_files: check_test_output_files(testcase, incremental_step, strip_prefix="tmp/") def verify_cache( self, module_data: list[tuple[str, str, str]], a: list[str], manager: build.BuildManager, graph: Graph, ) -> None: # There should be valid cache metadata for each module except # for those that had an error in themselves or one of their # dependencies. error_paths = self.find_error_message_paths(a) busted_paths = {m.path for id, m in manager.modules.items() if graph[id].transitive_error} modules = self.find_module_files(manager) modules.update({module_name: path for module_name, path, text in module_data}) missing_paths = self.find_missing_cache_files(modules, manager) # We would like to assert error_paths.issubset(busted_paths) # but this runs into trouble because while some 'notes' are # really errors that cause an error to be marked, many are # just notes attached to other errors. assert error_paths or not busted_paths, "Some modules reported error despite no errors" if not missing_paths == busted_paths: raise AssertionError(f"cache data discrepancy {missing_paths} != {busted_paths}") assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(manager.options.cache_dir, ".gitignore")) cachedir_tag = os.path.join(manager.options.cache_dir, "CACHEDIR.TAG") assert os.path.isfile(cachedir_tag) with open(cachedir_tag) as f: assert f.read().startswith("Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55") def find_error_message_paths(self, a: list[str]) -> set[str]: hits = set() for line in a: m = re.match(r"([^\s:]+):(\d+:)?(\d+:)? (error|warning|note):", line) if m: p = m.group(1) hits.add(p) return hits def find_module_files(self, manager: build.BuildManager) -> dict[str, str]: return {id: module.path for id, module in manager.modules.items()} def find_missing_cache_files( self, modules: dict[str, str], manager: build.BuildManager ) -> set[str]: ignore_errors = True missing = {} for id, path in modules.items(): meta = build.find_cache_meta(id, path, manager) if not build.validate_meta(meta, id, path, ignore_errors, manager): missing[id] = path return set(missing.values()) def parse_module( self, program_text: str, incremental_step: int = 0 ) -> list[tuple[str, str, str]]: """Return the module and program names for a test case. Normally, the unit tests will parse the default ('__main__') module and follow all the imports listed there. You can override this behavior and instruct the tests to check multiple modules by using a comment like this in the test case input: # cmd: mypy -m foo.bar foo.baz You can also use `# cmdN:` to have a different cmd for incremental step N (2, 3, ...). Return a list of tuples (module name, file name, program text). """ m = re.search("# cmd: mypy -m ([a-zA-Z0-9_. ]+)$", program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if incremental_step > 1: alt_regex = f"# cmd{incremental_step}: mypy -m ([a-zA-Z0-9_. ]+)$" alt_m = re.search(alt_regex, program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if alt_m is not None: # Optionally return a different command if in a later step # of incremental mode, otherwise default to reusing the # original cmd. m = alt_m if m: # The test case wants to use a non-default main # module. Look up the module and give it as the thing to # analyze. module_names = m.group(1) out = [] search_paths = SearchPaths((test_temp_dir,), (), (), ()) cache = FindModuleCache(search_paths, fscache=None, options=None) for module_name in module_names.split(" "): path = cache.find_module(module_name) assert isinstance(path, str), f"Can't find ad hoc case file: {module_name}" with open(path, encoding="utf8") as f: program_text = f.read() out.append((module_name, path, program_text)) return out else: return [("__main__", "main", program_text)]