from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import os import pathlib import re import shutil import sys import time from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Pattern # Exporting Suite as alias to TestCase for backwards compatibility # TODO: avoid aliasing - import and subclass TestCase directly from unittest import TestCase Suite = TestCase # re-exporting import pytest import mypy.api as api import mypy.version from mypy import defaults from mypy.main import process_options from mypy.options import Options from mypy.test.config import test_data_prefix, test_temp_dir from import DataDrivenTestCase, DeleteFile, UpdateFile, fix_cobertura_filename skip = pytest.mark.skip # AssertStringArraysEqual displays special line alignment helper messages if # the first different line has at least this many characters, MIN_LINE_LENGTH_FOR_ALIGNMENT = 5 def run_mypy(args: list[str]) -> None: __tracebackhide__ = True # We must enable site packages even though they could cause problems, # since stubs for typing_extensions live there. outval, errval, status = + ["--show-traceback", "--no-silence-site-packages"]) if status != 0: sys.stdout.write(outval) sys.stderr.write(errval)"Sample check failed", pytrace=False) def assert_string_arrays_equal(expected: list[str], actual: list[str], msg: str) -> None: """Assert that two string arrays are equal. Display any differences in a human-readable form. """ actual = clean_up(actual) if actual != expected: num_skip_start = num_skipped_prefix_lines(expected, actual) num_skip_end = num_skipped_suffix_lines(expected, actual) sys.stderr.write("Expected:\n") # If omit some lines at the beginning, indicate it by displaying a line # with '...'. if num_skip_start > 0: sys.stderr.write(" ...\n") # Keep track of the first different line. first_diff = -1 # Display only this many first characters of identical lines. width = 75 for i in range(num_skip_start, len(expected) - num_skip_end): if i >= len(actual) or expected[i] != actual[i]: if first_diff < 0: first_diff = i sys.stderr.write(f" {expected[i]:<45} (diff)") else: e = expected[i] sys.stderr.write(" " + e[:width]) if len(e) > width: sys.stderr.write("...") sys.stderr.write("\n") if num_skip_end > 0: sys.stderr.write(" ...\n") sys.stderr.write("Actual:\n") if num_skip_start > 0: sys.stderr.write(" ...\n") for j in range(num_skip_start, len(actual) - num_skip_end): if j >= len(expected) or expected[j] != actual[j]: sys.stderr.write(f" {actual[j]:<45} (diff)") else: a = actual[j] sys.stderr.write(" " + a[:width]) if len(a) > width: sys.stderr.write("...") sys.stderr.write("\n") if not actual: sys.stderr.write(" (empty)\n") if num_skip_end > 0: sys.stderr.write(" ...\n") sys.stderr.write("\n") if 0 <= first_diff < len(actual) and ( len(expected[first_diff]) >= MIN_LINE_LENGTH_FOR_ALIGNMENT or len(actual[first_diff]) >= MIN_LINE_LENGTH_FOR_ALIGNMENT ): # Display message that helps visualize the differences between two # long lines. show_align_message(expected[first_diff], actual[first_diff]), pytrace=False) def assert_module_equivalence(name: str, expected: Iterable[str], actual: Iterable[str]) -> None: expected_normalized = sorted(expected) actual_normalized = sorted(set(actual).difference({"__main__"})) assert_string_arrays_equal( expected_normalized, actual_normalized, ("Actual modules ({}) do not match expected modules ({}) " 'for "[{} ...]"').format( ", ".join(actual_normalized), ", ".join(expected_normalized), name ), ) def assert_target_equivalence(name: str, expected: list[str], actual: list[str]) -> None: """Compare actual and expected targets (order sensitive).""" assert_string_arrays_equal( expected, actual, ("Actual targets ({}) do not match expected targets ({}) " 'for "[{} ...]"').format( ", ".join(actual), ", ".join(expected), name ), ) def show_align_message(s1: str, s2: str) -> None: """Align s1 and s2 so that the their first difference is highlighted. For example, if s1 is 'foobar' and s2 is 'fobar', display the following lines: E: foobar A: fobar ^ If s1 and s2 are long, only display a fragment of the strings around the first difference. If s1 is very short, do nothing. """ # Seeing what went wrong is trivial even without alignment if the expected # string is very short. In this case do nothing to simplify output. if len(s1) < 4: return maxw = 72 # Maximum number of characters shown sys.stderr.write("Alignment of first line difference:\n") trunc = False while s1[:30] == s2[:30]: s1 = s1[10:] s2 = s2[10:] trunc = True if trunc: s1 = "..." + s1 s2 = "..." + s2 max_len = max(len(s1), len(s2)) extra = "" if max_len > maxw: extra = "..." # Write a chunk of both lines, aligned. sys.stderr.write(f" E: {s1[:maxw]}{extra}\n") sys.stderr.write(f" A: {s2[:maxw]}{extra}\n") # Write an indicator character under the different columns. sys.stderr.write(" ") for j in range(min(maxw, max(len(s1), len(s2)))): if s1[j : j + 1] != s2[j : j + 1]: sys.stderr.write("^") # Difference break else: sys.stderr.write(" ") # Equal sys.stderr.write("\n") def clean_up(a: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Remove common directory prefix from all strings in a. This uses a naive string replace; it seems to work well enough. Also remove trailing carriage returns. """ res = [] pwd = os.getcwd() driver = pwd + "/" for s in a: prefix = os.sep ss = s for p in prefix, prefix.replace(os.sep, "/"): if p != "/" and p != "//" and p != "\\" and p != "\\\\": ss = ss.replace(p, "") # Ignore spaces at end of line. ss = re.sub(" +$", "", ss) # Remove pwd from's path ss = ss.replace(driver, "") res.append(re.sub("\\r$", "", ss)) return res @contextlib.contextmanager def local_sys_path_set() -> Iterator[None]: """Temporary insert current directory into sys.path. This can be used by test cases that do runtime imports, for example by the stubgen tests. """ old_sys_path = sys.path.copy() if not ("" in sys.path or "." in sys.path): sys.path.insert(0, "") try: yield finally: sys.path = old_sys_path def num_skipped_prefix_lines(a1: list[str], a2: list[str]) -> int: num_eq = 0 while num_eq < min(len(a1), len(a2)) and a1[num_eq] == a2[num_eq]: num_eq += 1 return max(0, num_eq - 4) def num_skipped_suffix_lines(a1: list[str], a2: list[str]) -> int: num_eq = 0 while num_eq < min(len(a1), len(a2)) and a1[-num_eq - 1] == a2[-num_eq - 1]: num_eq += 1 return max(0, num_eq - 4) def testfile_pyversion(path: str) -> tuple[int, int]: if path.endswith("python312.test"): return 3, 12 elif path.endswith("python311.test"): return 3, 11 elif path.endswith("python310.test"): return 3, 10 elif path.endswith("python39.test"): return 3, 9 elif path.endswith("python38.test"): return 3, 8 else: return defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION def normalize_error_messages(messages: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Translate an array of error messages to use / as path separator.""" a = [] for m in messages: a.append(m.replace(os.sep, "/")) return a def retry_on_error(func: Callable[[], Any], max_wait: float = 1.0) -> None: """Retry callback with exponential backoff when it raises OSError. If the function still generates an error after max_wait seconds, propagate the exception. This can be effective against random file system operation failures on Windows. """ t0 = time.time() wait_time = 0.01 while True: try: func() return except OSError: wait_time = min(wait_time * 2, t0 + max_wait - time.time()) if wait_time <= 0.01: # Done enough waiting, the error seems persistent. raise time.sleep(wait_time) def good_repr(obj: object) -> str: if isinstance(obj, str): if obj.count("\n") > 1: bits = ["'''\\"] for line in obj.split("\n"): # force repr to use ' not ", then cut it off bits.append(repr('"' + line)[2:-1]) bits[-1] += "'''" return "\n".join(bits) return repr(obj) def assert_equal(a: object, b: object, fmt: str = "{} != {}") -> None: __tracebackhide__ = True if a != b: raise AssertionError(fmt.format(good_repr(a), good_repr(b))) def typename(t: type) -> str: if "." in str(t): return str(t).split(".")[-1].rstrip("'>") else: return str(t)[8:-2] def assert_type(typ: type, value: object) -> None: __tracebackhide__ = True if type(value) != typ: raise AssertionError(f"Invalid type {typename(type(value))}, expected {typename(typ)}") def parse_options( program_text: str, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, incremental_step: int ) -> Options: """Parse comments like '# flags: --foo' in a test case.""" options = Options() flags ="# flags: (.*)$", program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if incremental_step > 1: flags2 ="# flags{incremental_step}: (.*)$", program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if flags2: flags = flags2 if flags: flag_list = flag_list.append("--no-site-packages") # the tests shouldn't need an installed Python targets, options = process_options(flag_list, require_targets=False) if targets: # TODO: support specifying targets via the flags pragma raise RuntimeError("Specifying targets via the flags pragma is not supported.") if "--show-error-codes" not in flag_list: options.hide_error_codes = True else: flag_list = [] options = Options() options.error_summary = False options.hide_error_codes = True options.force_uppercase_builtins = True options.force_union_syntax = True # Allow custom python version to override testfile_pyversion. if all(flag.split("=")[0] != "--python-version" for flag in flag_list): options.python_version = testfile_pyversion(testcase.file) if testcase.config.getoption("--mypy-verbose"): options.verbosity = testcase.config.getoption("--mypy-verbose") return options def split_lines(*streams: bytes) -> list[str]: """Returns a single list of string lines from the byte streams in args.""" return [s for stream in streams for s in stream.decode("utf8").splitlines()] def write_and_fudge_mtime(content: str, target_path: str) -> None: # In some systems, mtime has a resolution of 1 second which can # cause annoying-to-debug issues when a file has the same size # after a change. We manually set the mtime to circumvent this. # Note that we increment the old file's mtime, which guarantees a # different value, rather than incrementing the mtime after the # copy, which could leave the mtime unchanged if the old file had # a similarly fudged mtime. new_time = None if os.path.isfile(target_path): new_time = os.stat(target_path).st_mtime + 1 dir = os.path.dirname(target_path) os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) with open(target_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as target: target.write(content) if new_time: os.utime(target_path, times=(new_time, new_time)) def perform_file_operations(operations: list[UpdateFile | DeleteFile]) -> None: for op in operations: if isinstance(op, UpdateFile): # Modify/create file write_and_fudge_mtime(op.content, op.target_path) else: # Delete file/directory if os.path.isdir(op.path): # Sanity check to avoid unexpected deletions assert op.path.startswith("tmp") shutil.rmtree(op.path) else: # Use retries to work around potential flakiness on Windows (AppVeyor). path = op.path retry_on_error(lambda: os.remove(path)) def check_test_output_files( testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, step: int, strip_prefix: str = "" ) -> None: for path, expected_content in testcase.output_files: if path.startswith(strip_prefix): path = path[len(strip_prefix) :] if not os.path.exists(path): raise AssertionError( "Expected file {} was not produced by test case{}".format( path, " on step %d" % step if testcase.output2 else "" ) ) with open(path, encoding="utf8") as output_file: actual_output_content = if isinstance(expected_content, Pattern): if expected_content.fullmatch(actual_output_content) is not None: continue raise AssertionError( "Output file {} did not match its expected output pattern\n---\n{}\n---".format( path, actual_output_content ) ) normalized_output = normalize_file_output( actual_output_content.splitlines(), os.path.abspath(test_temp_dir) ) # We always normalize things like timestamp, but only handle operating-system # specific things if requested. if testcase.normalize_output: if testcase.suite.native_sep and os.path.sep == "\\": normalized_output = [fix_cobertura_filename(line) for line in normalized_output] normalized_output = normalize_error_messages(normalized_output) assert_string_arrays_equal( expected_content.splitlines(), normalized_output, "Output file {} did not match its expected output{}".format( path, " on step %d" % step if testcase.output2 else "" ), ) def normalize_file_output(content: list[str], current_abs_path: str) -> list[str]: """Normalize file output for comparison.""" timestamp_regex = re.compile(r"\d{10}") result = [x.replace(current_abs_path, "$PWD") for x in content] version = mypy.version.__version__ result = [re.sub(r"\b" + re.escape(version) + r"\b", "$VERSION", x) for x in result] # We generate a new mypy.version when building mypy wheels that # lacks base_version, so handle that case. base_version = getattr(mypy.version, "base_version", version) result = [re.sub(r"\b" + re.escape(base_version) + r"\b", "$VERSION", x) for x in result] result = [timestamp_regex.sub("$TIMESTAMP", x) for x in result] return result def find_test_files(pattern: str, exclude: list[str] | None = None) -> list[str]: return [ for path in (pathlib.Path(test_data_prefix).rglob(pattern)) if not in (exclude or []) ]