"""Utilities for processing .test files containing test case descriptions.""" from __future__ import annotations import os import os.path import posixpath import re import shutil import sys import tempfile from abc import abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Final, Iterator, NamedTuple, NoReturn, Pattern, Union from typing_extensions import TypeAlias as _TypeAlias import pytest from mypy import defaults from mypy.test.config import PREFIX, test_data_prefix, test_temp_dir root_dir = os.path.normpath(PREFIX) # Debuggers that we support for debugging mypyc run tests # implementation of using each of these debuggers is in test_run.py # TODO: support more debuggers SUPPORTED_DEBUGGERS: Final = ["gdb", "lldb"] # File modify/create operation: copy module contents from source_path. class UpdateFile(NamedTuple): module: str content: str target_path: str # File delete operation: delete module file. class DeleteFile(NamedTuple): module: str path: str FileOperation: _TypeAlias = Union[UpdateFile, DeleteFile] def _file_arg_to_module(filename: str) -> str: filename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) parts = filename.split("/") # not os.sep since it comes from test data if parts[-1] == "__init__": parts.pop() return ".".join(parts) def parse_test_case(case: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: """Parse and prepare a single case from suite with test case descriptions. This method is part of the setup phase, just before the test case is run. """ test_items = parse_test_data(case.data, case.name) base_path = case.suite.base_path if case.suite.native_sep: join = os.path.join else: join = posixpath.join out_section_missing = case.suite.required_out_section files: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] # path and contents output_files: list[tuple[str, str | Pattern[str]]] = [] # output path and contents output: list[str] = [] # Regular output errors output2: dict[int, list[str]] = {} # Output errors for incremental, runs 2+ deleted_paths: dict[int, set[str]] = {} # from run number of paths stale_modules: dict[int, set[str]] = {} # from run number to module names rechecked_modules: dict[int, set[str]] = {} # from run number module names triggered: list[str] = [] # Active triggers (one line per incremental step) targets: dict[int, list[str]] = {} # Fine-grained targets (per fine-grained update) test_modules: list[str] = [] # Modules which are deemed "test" (vs "fixture") def _case_fail(msg: str) -> NoReturn: pytest.fail(f"{case.file}:{case.line}: {msg}", pytrace=False) # Process the parsed items. Each item has a header of form [id args], # optionally followed by lines of text. item = first_item = test_items[0] test_modules.append("__main__") for item in test_items[1:]: def _item_fail(msg: str) -> NoReturn: item_abs_line = case.line + item.line - 2 pytest.fail(f"{case.file}:{item_abs_line}: {msg}", pytrace=False) if item.id in {"file", "fixture", "outfile", "outfile-re"}: # Record an extra file needed for the test case. assert item.arg is not None contents = expand_variables("\n".join(item.data)) path = join(base_path, item.arg) if item.id != "fixture": test_modules.append(_file_arg_to_module(item.arg)) if item.id in {"file", "fixture"}: files.append((path, contents)) elif item.id == "outfile-re": output_files.append((path, re.compile(contents.rstrip(), re.S))) elif item.id == "outfile": output_files.append((path, contents)) elif item.id == "builtins": # Use an alternative stub file for the builtins module. assert item.arg is not None mpath = join(os.path.dirname(case.file), item.arg) with open(mpath, encoding="utf8") as f: files.append((join(base_path, "builtins.pyi"), f.read())) elif item.id == "typing": # Use an alternative stub file for the typing module. assert item.arg is not None src_path = join(os.path.dirname(case.file), item.arg) with open(src_path, encoding="utf8") as f: files.append((join(base_path, "typing.pyi"), f.read())) elif item.id == "_typeshed": # Use an alternative stub file for the _typeshed module. assert item.arg is not None src_path = join(os.path.dirname(case.file), item.arg) with open(src_path, encoding="utf8") as f: files.append((join(base_path, "_typeshed.pyi"), f.read())) elif re.match(r"stale[0-9]*$", item.id): passnum = 1 if item.id == "stale" else int(item.id[len("stale") :]) assert passnum > 0 modules = set() if item.arg is None else {t.strip() for t in item.arg.split(",")} stale_modules[passnum] = modules elif re.match(r"rechecked[0-9]*$", item.id): passnum = 1 if item.id == "rechecked" else int(item.id[len("rechecked") :]) assert passnum > 0 modules = set() if item.arg is None else {t.strip() for t in item.arg.split(",")} rechecked_modules[passnum] = modules elif re.match(r"targets[0-9]*$", item.id): passnum = 1 if item.id == "targets" else int(item.id[len("targets") :]) assert passnum > 0 reprocessed = [] if item.arg is None else [t.strip() for t in item.arg.split(",")] targets[passnum] = reprocessed elif item.id == "delete": # File/directory to delete during a multi-step test case assert item.arg is not None m = re.match(r"(.*)\.([0-9]+)$", item.arg) if m is None: _item_fail(f"Invalid delete section {item.arg!r}") num = int(m.group(2)) if num < 2: _item_fail(f"Can't delete during step {num}") full = join(base_path, m.group(1)) deleted_paths.setdefault(num, set()).add(full) elif re.match(r"out[0-9]*$", item.id): if item.arg is None: args = [] else: args = item.arg.split(",") version_check = True for arg in args: if arg.startswith("version"): compare_op = arg[7:9] if compare_op not in {">=", "=="}: _item_fail("Only >= and == version checks are currently supported") version_str = arg[9:] try: version = tuple(int(x) for x in version_str.split(".")) except ValueError: _item_fail(f"{version_str!r} is not a valid python version") if compare_op == ">=": if version <= defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION: _item_fail( f"{arg} always true since minimum runtime version is {defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION}" ) version_check = sys.version_info >= version elif compare_op == "==": if version < defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION: _item_fail( f"{arg} always false since minimum runtime version is {defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION}" ) if not 1 < len(version) < 4: _item_fail( f'Only minor or patch version checks are currently supported with "==": {version_str!r}' ) version_check = sys.version_info[: len(version)] == version if version_check: tmp_output = [expand_variables(line) for line in item.data] if os.path.sep == "\\" and case.normalize_output: tmp_output = [fix_win_path(line) for line in tmp_output] if item.id == "out" or item.id == "out1": output = tmp_output else: passnum = int(item.id[len("out") :]) assert passnum > 1 output2[passnum] = tmp_output out_section_missing = False elif item.id == "triggered" and item.arg is None: triggered = item.data else: section_str = item.id + (f" {item.arg}" if item.arg else "") _item_fail(f"Invalid section header [{section_str}] in case {case.name!r}") if out_section_missing: _case_fail(f"Required output section not found in case {case.name!r}") for passnum in stale_modules.keys(): if passnum not in rechecked_modules: # If the set of rechecked modules isn't specified, make it the same as the set # of modules with a stale public interface. rechecked_modules[passnum] = stale_modules[passnum] if ( passnum in stale_modules and passnum in rechecked_modules and not stale_modules[passnum].issubset(rechecked_modules[passnum]) ): _case_fail(f"Stale modules after pass {passnum} must be a subset of rechecked modules") output_inline_start = len(output) input = first_item.data expand_errors(input, output, "main") for file_path, contents in files: expand_errors(contents.split("\n"), output, file_path) seen_files = set() for file, _ in files: if file in seen_files: _case_fail(f"Duplicated filename {file}. Did you include it multiple times?") seen_files.add(file) case.input = input case.output = output case.output_inline_start = output_inline_start case.output2 = output2 case.last_line = case.line + item.line + len(item.data) - 2 case.files = files case.output_files = output_files case.expected_stale_modules = stale_modules case.expected_rechecked_modules = rechecked_modules case.deleted_paths = deleted_paths case.triggered = triggered or [] case.expected_fine_grained_targets = targets case.test_modules = test_modules class DataDrivenTestCase(pytest.Item): """Holds parsed data-driven test cases, and handles directory setup and teardown.""" # Override parent member type parent: DataSuiteCollector input: list[str] output: list[str] # Output for the first pass output_inline_start: int output2: dict[int, list[str]] # Output for runs 2+, indexed by run number # full path of test suite file = "" line = 0 # (file path, file content) tuples files: list[tuple[str, str]] # Modules which is to be considered "test" rather than "fixture" test_modules: list[str] expected_stale_modules: dict[int, set[str]] expected_rechecked_modules: dict[int, set[str]] expected_fine_grained_targets: dict[int, list[str]] # Whether or not we should normalize the output to standardize things like # forward vs backward slashes in file paths for Windows vs Linux. normalize_output: bool # Extra attributes used by some tests. last_line: int output_files: list[tuple[str, str | Pattern[str]]] # Path and contents for output files deleted_paths: dict[int, set[str]] # Mapping run number -> paths triggered: list[str] # Active triggers (one line per incremental step) def __init__( self, parent: DataSuiteCollector, suite: DataSuite, *, file: str, name: str, writescache: bool, only_when: str, normalize_output: bool, platform: str | None, skip: bool, xfail: bool, data: str, line: int, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, parent) self.suite = suite self.file = file self.writescache = writescache self.only_when = only_when self.normalize_output = normalize_output if (platform == "windows" and sys.platform != "win32") or ( platform == "posix" and sys.platform == "win32" ): skip = True self.skip = skip self.xfail = xfail self.data = data self.line = line self.old_cwd: str | None = None self.tmpdir: tempfile.TemporaryDirectory[str] | None = None def runtest(self) -> None: if self.skip: pytest.skip() # TODO: add a better error message for when someone uses skip and xfail at the same time elif self.xfail: self.add_marker(pytest.mark.xfail) parent = self.getparent(DataSuiteCollector) assert parent is not None, "Should not happen" suite = parent.obj() suite.setup() try: suite.run_case(self) except Exception: # As a debugging aid, support copying the contents of the tmp directory somewhere save_dir: str | None = self.config.getoption("--save-failures-to", None) if save_dir: assert self.tmpdir is not None target_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.basename(self.tmpdir.name)) print(f"Copying data from test {self.name} to {target_dir}") if not os.path.isabs(target_dir): assert self.old_cwd target_dir = os.path.join(self.old_cwd, target_dir) shutil.copytree(self.tmpdir.name, target_dir) raise def setup(self) -> None: parse_test_case(case=self) self.old_cwd = os.getcwd() self.tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="mypy-test-") os.chdir(self.tmpdir.name) os.mkdir(test_temp_dir) # Precalculate steps for find_steps() steps: dict[int, list[FileOperation]] = {} for path, content in self.files: m = re.match(r".*\.([0-9]+)$", path) if m: # Skip writing subsequent incremental steps - rather # store them as operations. num = int(m.group(1)) assert num >= 2 target_path = re.sub(r"\.[0-9]+$", "", path) module = module_from_path(target_path) operation = UpdateFile(module, content, target_path) steps.setdefault(num, []).append(operation) else: # Write the first incremental steps dir = os.path.dirname(path) os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(content) for num, paths in self.deleted_paths.items(): assert num >= 2 for path in paths: module = module_from_path(path) steps.setdefault(num, []).append(DeleteFile(module, path)) max_step = max(steps) if steps else 2 self.steps = [steps.get(num, []) for num in range(2, max_step + 1)] def teardown(self) -> None: if self.old_cwd is not None: os.chdir(self.old_cwd) if self.tmpdir is not None: try: self.tmpdir.cleanup() except OSError: pass self.old_cwd = None self.tmpdir = None def reportinfo(self) -> tuple[str, int, str]: return self.file, self.line, self.name def repr_failure( self, excinfo: pytest.ExceptionInfo[BaseException], style: Any | None = None ) -> str: excrepr: object if isinstance(excinfo.value, SystemExit): # We assume that before doing exit() (which raises SystemExit) we've printed # enough context about what happened so that a stack trace is not useful. # In particular, uncaught exceptions during semantic analysis or type checking # call exit() and they already print out a stack trace. excrepr = excinfo.exconly() elif isinstance(excinfo.value, pytest.fail.Exception) and not excinfo.value.pytrace: excrepr = excinfo.exconly() else: excinfo.traceback = self.parent._traceback_filter(excinfo) excrepr = excinfo.getrepr(style="short") return f"data: {self.file}:{self.line}:\n{excrepr}" def find_steps(self) -> list[list[FileOperation]]: """Return a list of descriptions of file operations for each incremental step. The first list item corresponds to the first incremental step, the second for the second step, etc. Each operation can either be a file modification/creation (UpdateFile) or deletion (DeleteFile). Defaults to having two steps if there aern't any operations. """ return self.steps def module_from_path(path: str) -> str: path = re.sub(r"\.pyi?$", "", path) # We can have a mix of Unix-style and Windows-style separators. parts = re.split(r"[/\\]", path) del parts[0] module = ".".join(parts) module = re.sub(r"\.__init__$", "", module) return module @dataclass class TestItem: """Parsed test caseitem. An item is of the form [id arg] .. data .. """ id: str arg: str | None # Processed, collapsed text data data: list[str] # Start line: 1-based, inclusive, relative to testcase line: int # End line: 1-based, exclusive, relative to testcase; not same as `line + len(test_item.data)` due to collapsing end_line: int @property def trimmed_newlines(self) -> int: # compensates for strip_list return self.end_line - self.line - len(self.data) def parse_test_data(raw_data: str, name: str) -> list[TestItem]: """Parse a list of lines that represent a sequence of test items.""" lines = ["", "[case " + name + "]"] + raw_data.split("\n") ret: list[TestItem] = [] data: list[str] = [] id: str | None = None arg: str | None = None i = 0 i0 = 0 while i < len(lines): s = lines[i].strip() if lines[i].startswith("[") and s.endswith("]"): if id: data = collapse_line_continuation(data) data = strip_list(data) ret.append(TestItem(id, arg, data, i0 + 1, i)) i0 = i id = s[1:-1] arg = None if " " in id: arg = id[id.index(" ") + 1 :] id = id[: id.index(" ")] data = [] elif lines[i].startswith("\\["): data.append(lines[i][1:]) elif not lines[i].startswith("--"): data.append(lines[i]) elif lines[i].startswith("----"): data.append(lines[i][2:]) i += 1 # Process the last item. if id: data = collapse_line_continuation(data) data = strip_list(data) ret.append(TestItem(id, arg, data, i0 + 1, i - 1)) return ret def strip_list(l: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Return a stripped copy of l. Strip whitespace at the end of all lines, and strip all empty lines from the end of the array. """ r: list[str] = [] for s in l: # Strip spaces at end of line r.append(re.sub(r"\s+$", "", s)) while r and r[-1] == "": r.pop() return r def collapse_line_continuation(l: list[str]) -> list[str]: r: list[str] = [] cont = False for s in l: ss = re.sub(r"\\$", "", s) if cont: r[-1] += re.sub("^ +", "", ss) else: r.append(ss) cont = s.endswith("\\") return r def expand_variables(s: str) -> str: return s.replace("", root_dir) def expand_errors(input: list[str], output: list[str], fnam: str) -> None: """Transform comments such as '# E: message' or '# E:3: message' in input. The result is lines like 'fnam:line: error: message'. """ for i in range(len(input)): # The first in the split things isn't a comment for possible_err_comment in input[i].split(" # ")[1:]: m = re.search( r"^([ENW]):((?P\d+):)? (?P.*)$", possible_err_comment.strip() ) if m: if m.group(1) == "E": severity = "error" elif m.group(1) == "N": severity = "note" elif m.group(1) == "W": severity = "warning" col = m.group("col") message = m.group("message") message = message.replace("\\#", "#") # adds back escaped # character if col is None: output.append(f"{fnam}:{i + 1}: {severity}: {message}") else: output.append(f"{fnam}:{i + 1}:{col}: {severity}: {message}") def fix_win_path(line: str) -> str: r"""Changes Windows paths to Linux paths in error messages. E.g. foo\bar.py -> foo/bar.py. """ line = line.replace(root_dir, root_dir.replace("\\", "/")) m = re.match(r"^([\S/]+):(\d+:)?(\s+.*)", line) if not m: return line else: filename, lineno, message = m.groups() return "{}:{}{}".format(filename.replace("\\", "/"), lineno or "", message) def fix_cobertura_filename(line: str) -> str: r"""Changes filename paths to Linux paths in Cobertura output files. E.g. filename="pkg\subpkg\a.py" -> filename="pkg/subpkg/a.py". """ m = re.search(r' None: group = parser.getgroup("mypy") group.addoption( "--update-data", action="store_true", default=False, help="Update test data to reflect actual output (supported only for certain tests)", ) group.addoption( "--save-failures-to", default=None, help="Copy the temp directories from failing tests to a target directory", ) group.addoption( "--mypy-verbose", action="count", help="Set the verbose flag when creating mypy Options" ) group.addoption( "--mypyc-showc", action="store_true", default=False, help="Display C code on mypyc test failures", ) group.addoption( "--mypyc-debug", default=None, dest="debugger", choices=SUPPORTED_DEBUGGERS, help="Run the first mypyc run test with the specified debugger", ) def pytest_configure(config: pytest.Config) -> None: if config.getoption("--update-data") and config.getoption("--numprocesses", default=1) > 1: raise pytest.UsageError( "--update-data incompatible with parallelized tests; re-run with -n 1" ) # This function name is special to pytest. See # https://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/how-to/writing_plugins.html#collection-hooks def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector: Any, name: str, obj: object) -> Any | None: """Called by pytest on each object in modules configured in conftest.py files. collector is pytest.Collector, returns Optional[pytest.Class] """ if isinstance(obj, type): # Only classes derived from DataSuite contain test cases, not the DataSuite class itself if issubclass(obj, DataSuite) and obj is not DataSuite: # Non-None result means this obj is a test case. # The collect method of the returned DataSuiteCollector instance will be called later, # with self.obj being obj. return DataSuiteCollector.from_parent( # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] parent=collector, name=name ) return None _case_name_pattern = re.compile( r"(?P[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)" r"(?P-writescache)?" r"(?P-only_when_cache|-only_when_nocache)?" r"(?P-skip_path_normalization)?" r"(-(?Pposix|windows))?" r"(?P-skip)?" r"(?P-xfail)?" ) def split_test_cases( parent: DataFileCollector, suite: DataSuite, file: str ) -> Iterator[DataDrivenTestCase]: """Iterate over raw test cases in file, at collection time, ignoring sub items. The collection phase is slow, so any heavy processing should be deferred to after uninteresting tests are filtered (when using -k PATTERN switch). """ with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = f.read() cases = re.split(r"^\[case ([^]+)]+)\][ \t]*$\n", data, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) cases_iter = iter(cases) line_no = next(cases_iter).count("\n") + 1 test_names = set() for case_id in cases_iter: data = next(cases_iter) m = _case_name_pattern.fullmatch(case_id) if not m: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid testcase id {case_id!r}") name = m.group("name") if name in test_names: raise RuntimeError( 'Found a duplicate test name "{}" in {} on line {}'.format( name, parent.name, line_no ) ) yield DataDrivenTestCase.from_parent( parent=parent, suite=suite, file=file, name=add_test_name_suffix(name, suite.test_name_suffix), writescache=bool(m.group("writescache")), only_when=m.group("only_when"), platform=m.group("platform"), skip=bool(m.group("skip")), xfail=bool(m.group("xfail")), normalize_output=not m.group("skip_path_normalization"), data=data, line=line_no, ) line_no += data.count("\n") + 1 # Record existing tests to prevent duplicates: test_names.update({name}) class DataSuiteCollector(pytest.Class): def collect(self) -> Iterator[DataFileCollector]: """Called by pytest on each of the object returned from pytest_pycollect_makeitem""" # obj is the object for which pytest_pycollect_makeitem returned self. suite: DataSuite = self.obj assert os.path.isdir( suite.data_prefix ), f"Test data prefix ({suite.data_prefix}) not set correctly" for data_file in suite.files: yield DataFileCollector.from_parent(parent=self, name=data_file) class DataFileFix(NamedTuple): lineno: int # 1-offset, inclusive end_lineno: int # 1-offset, exclusive lines: list[str] class DataFileCollector(pytest.Collector): """Represents a single `.test` data driven test file. More context: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11662 """ parent: DataSuiteCollector _fixes: list[DataFileFix] @classmethod # We have to fight with pytest here: def from_parent( cls, parent: DataSuiteCollector, *, name: str # type: ignore[override] ) -> DataFileCollector: collector = super().from_parent(parent, name=name) assert isinstance(collector, DataFileCollector) return collector def collect(self) -> Iterator[DataDrivenTestCase]: yield from split_test_cases( parent=self, suite=self.parent.obj, file=os.path.join(self.parent.obj.data_prefix, self.name), ) def setup(self) -> None: super().setup() self._fixes = [] def teardown(self) -> None: super().teardown() self._apply_fixes() def enqueue_fix(self, fix: DataFileFix) -> None: self._fixes.append(fix) def _apply_fixes(self) -> None: if not self._fixes: return data_path = Path(self.parent.obj.data_prefix) / self.name lines = data_path.read_text().split("\n") # start from end to prevent line offsets from shifting as we update for fix in sorted(self._fixes, reverse=True): lines[fix.lineno - 1 : fix.end_lineno - 1] = fix.lines data_path.write_text("\n".join(lines)) def add_test_name_suffix(name: str, suffix: str) -> str: # Find magic suffix of form "-foobar" (used for things like "-skip"). m = re.search(r"-[-A-Za-z0-9]+$", name) if m: # Insert suite-specific test name suffix before the magic suffix # which must be the last thing in the test case name since we # are using endswith() checks. magic_suffix = m.group(0) return name[: -len(magic_suffix)] + suffix + magic_suffix else: return name + suffix def is_incremental(testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> bool: return "incremental" in testcase.name.lower() or "incremental" in testcase.file def has_stable_flags(testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> bool: if any(re.match(r"# flags[2-9]:", line) for line in testcase.input): return False for filename, contents in testcase.files: if os.path.basename(filename).startswith("mypy.ini."): return False return True class DataSuite: # option fields - class variables files: list[str] base_path = test_temp_dir # Allow external users of the test code to override the data prefix data_prefix = test_data_prefix required_out_section = False native_sep = False # Name suffix automatically added to each test case in the suite (can be # used to distinguish test cases in suites that share data files) test_name_suffix = "" def setup(self) -> None: """Setup fixtures (ad-hoc)""" @abstractmethod def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: raise NotImplementedError