from __future__ import annotations import argparse import configparser import glob as fileglob import os import re import sys from io import StringIO from mypy.errorcodes import error_codes if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): import tomllib else: import tomli as tomllib from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Final, Iterable, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence, TextIO, Tuple, Union, ) from typing_extensions import TypeAlias as _TypeAlias from mypy import defaults from mypy.options import PER_MODULE_OPTIONS, Options _CONFIG_VALUE_TYPES: _TypeAlias = Union[ str, bool, int, float, Dict[str, str], List[str], Tuple[int, int] ] _INI_PARSER_CALLABLE: _TypeAlias = Callable[[Any], _CONFIG_VALUE_TYPES] def parse_version(v: str | float) -> tuple[int, int]: m = re.match(r"\A(\d)\.(\d+)\Z", str(v)) if not m: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Invalid python version '{v}' (expected format: 'x.y')") major, minor = int(, int( if major == 2 and minor == 7: pass # Error raised elsewhere elif major == 3: if minor < defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION_MIN[1]: msg = "Python 3.{} is not supported (must be {}.{} or higher)".format( minor, *defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION_MIN ) if isinstance(v, float): msg += ". You may need to put quotes around your Python version" raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( f"Python major version '{major}' out of range (must be 3)" ) return major, minor def try_split(v: str | Sequence[str], split_regex: str = "[,]") -> list[str]: """Split and trim a str or list of str into a list of str""" if isinstance(v, str): return [p.strip() for p in re.split(split_regex, v)] return [p.strip() for p in v] def validate_codes(codes: list[str]) -> list[str]: invalid_codes = set(codes) - set(error_codes.keys()) if invalid_codes: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( f"Invalid error code(s): {', '.join(sorted(invalid_codes))}" ) return codes def validate_package_allow_list(allow_list: list[str]) -> list[str]: for p in allow_list: msg = f"Invalid allow list entry: {p}" if "*" in p: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( f"{msg} (entries are already prefixes so must not contain *)" ) if "\\" in p or "/" in p: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( f"{msg} (entries must be packages like not directories or files)" ) return allow_list def expand_path(path: str) -> str: """Expand the user home directory and any environment variables contained within the provided path. """ return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path)) def str_or_array_as_list(v: str | Sequence[str]) -> list[str]: if isinstance(v, str): return [v.strip()] if v.strip() else [] return [p.strip() for p in v if p.strip()] def split_and_match_files_list(paths: Sequence[str]) -> list[str]: """Take a list of files/directories (with support for globbing through the glob library). Where a path/glob matches no file, we still include the raw path in the resulting list. Returns a list of file paths """ expanded_paths = [] for path in paths: path = expand_path(path.strip()) globbed_files = fileglob.glob(path, recursive=True) if globbed_files: expanded_paths.extend(globbed_files) else: expanded_paths.append(path) return expanded_paths def split_and_match_files(paths: str) -> list[str]: """Take a string representing a list of files/directories (with support for globbing through the glob library). Where a path/glob matches no file, we still include the raw path in the resulting list. Returns a list of file paths """ return split_and_match_files_list(paths.split(",")) def check_follow_imports(choice: str) -> str: choices = ["normal", "silent", "skip", "error"] if choice not in choices: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "invalid choice '{}' (choose from {})".format( choice, ", ".join(f"'{x}'" for x in choices) ) ) return choice def split_commas(value: str) -> list[str]: # Uses a bit smarter technique to allow last trailing comma # and to remove last `""` item from the split. items = value.split(",") if items and items[-1] == "": items.pop(-1) return items # For most options, the type of the default value set in is # sufficient, and we don't have to do anything here. This table # exists to specify types for values initialized to None or container # types. ini_config_types: Final[dict[str, _INI_PARSER_CALLABLE]] = { "python_version": parse_version, "custom_typing_module": str, "custom_typeshed_dir": expand_path, "mypy_path": lambda s: [expand_path(p.strip()) for p in re.split("[,:]", s)], "files": split_and_match_files, "quickstart_file": expand_path, "junit_xml": expand_path, "follow_imports": check_follow_imports, "no_site_packages": bool, "plugins": lambda s: [p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)], "always_true": lambda s: [p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)], "always_false": lambda s: [p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)], "untyped_calls_exclude": lambda s: validate_package_allow_list( [p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)] ), "enable_incomplete_feature": lambda s: [p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)], "disable_error_code": lambda s: validate_codes([p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)]), "enable_error_code": lambda s: validate_codes([p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)]), "package_root": lambda s: [p.strip() for p in split_commas(s)], "cache_dir": expand_path, "python_executable": expand_path, "strict": bool, "exclude": lambda s: [s.strip()], "packages": try_split, "modules": try_split, } # Reuse the ini_config_types and overwrite the diff toml_config_types: Final[dict[str, _INI_PARSER_CALLABLE]] = ini_config_types.copy() toml_config_types.update( { "python_version": parse_version, "mypy_path": lambda s: [expand_path(p) for p in try_split(s, "[,:]")], "files": lambda s: split_and_match_files_list(try_split(s)), "follow_imports": lambda s: check_follow_imports(str(s)), "plugins": try_split, "always_true": try_split, "always_false": try_split, "untyped_calls_exclude": lambda s: validate_package_allow_list(try_split(s)), "enable_incomplete_feature": try_split, "disable_error_code": lambda s: validate_codes(try_split(s)), "enable_error_code": lambda s: validate_codes(try_split(s)), "package_root": try_split, "exclude": str_or_array_as_list, "packages": try_split, "modules": try_split, } ) def parse_config_file( options: Options, set_strict_flags: Callable[[], None], filename: str | None, stdout: TextIO | None = None, stderr: TextIO | None = None, ) -> None: """Parse a config file into an Options object. Errors are written to stderr but are not fatal. If filename is None, fall back to default config files. """ stdout = stdout or sys.stdout stderr = stderr or sys.stderr if filename is not None: config_files: tuple[str, ...] = (filename,) else: config_files_iter: Iterable[str] = map(os.path.expanduser, defaults.CONFIG_FILES) config_files = tuple(config_files_iter) config_parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() for config_file in config_files: if not os.path.exists(config_file): continue try: if is_toml(config_file): with open(config_file, "rb") as f: toml_data = tomllib.load(f) # Filter down to just mypy relevant toml keys toml_data = toml_data.get("tool", {}) if "mypy" not in toml_data: continue toml_data = {"mypy": toml_data["mypy"]} parser: MutableMapping[str, Any] = destructure_overrides(toml_data) config_types = toml_config_types else: parser = config_parser config_types = ini_config_types except (tomllib.TOMLDecodeError, configparser.Error, ConfigTOMLValueError) as err: print(f"{config_file}: {err}", file=stderr) else: if config_file in defaults.SHARED_CONFIG_FILES and "mypy" not in parser: continue file_read = config_file options.config_file = file_read break else: return os.environ["MYPY_CONFIG_FILE_DIR"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(config_file)) if "mypy" not in parser: if filename or file_read not in defaults.SHARED_CONFIG_FILES: print(f"{file_read}: No [mypy] section in config file", file=stderr) else: section = parser["mypy"] prefix = f"{file_read}: [mypy]: " updates, report_dirs = parse_section( prefix, options, set_strict_flags, section, config_types, stderr ) for k, v in updates.items(): setattr(options, k, v) options.report_dirs.update(report_dirs) for name, section in parser.items(): if name.startswith("mypy-"): prefix = get_prefix(file_read, name) updates, report_dirs = parse_section( prefix, options, set_strict_flags, section, config_types, stderr ) if report_dirs: print( "%sPer-module sections should not specify reports (%s)" % (prefix, ", ".join(s + "_report" for s in sorted(report_dirs))), file=stderr, ) if set(updates) - PER_MODULE_OPTIONS: print( "%sPer-module sections should only specify per-module flags (%s)" % (prefix, ", ".join(sorted(set(updates) - PER_MODULE_OPTIONS))), file=stderr, ) updates = {k: v for k, v in updates.items() if k in PER_MODULE_OPTIONS} globs = name[5:] for glob in globs.split(","): # For backwards compatibility, replace (back)slashes with dots. glob = glob.replace(os.sep, ".") if os.altsep: glob = glob.replace(os.altsep, ".") if any(c in glob for c in "?[]!") or any( "*" in x and x != "*" for x in glob.split(".") ): print( "%sPatterns must be fully-qualified module names, optionally " "with '*' in some components (e.g spam.*.eggs.*)" % prefix, file=stderr, ) else: options.per_module_options[glob] = updates def get_prefix(file_read: str, name: str) -> str: if is_toml(file_read): module_name_str = 'module = "%s"' % "-".join(name.split("-")[1:]) else: module_name_str = name return f"{file_read}: [{module_name_str}]: " def is_toml(filename: str) -> bool: return filename.lower().endswith(".toml") def destructure_overrides(toml_data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Take the new [[tool.mypy.overrides]] section array in the pyproject.toml file, and convert it back to a flatter structure that the existing config_parser can handle. E.g. the following pyproject.toml file: [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = [ "a.b", "b.*" ] disallow_untyped_defs = true [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = 'c' disallow_untyped_defs = false Would map to the following config dict that it would have gotten from parsing an equivalent ini file: { "mypy-a.b": { disallow_untyped_defs = true, }, "mypy-b.*": { disallow_untyped_defs = true, }, "mypy-c": { disallow_untyped_defs: false, }, } """ if "overrides" not in toml_data["mypy"]: return toml_data if not isinstance(toml_data["mypy"]["overrides"], list): raise ConfigTOMLValueError( "tool.mypy.overrides sections must be an array. Please make " "sure you are using double brackets like so: [[tool.mypy.overrides]]" ) result = toml_data.copy() for override in result["mypy"]["overrides"]: if "module" not in override: raise ConfigTOMLValueError( "toml config file contains a [[tool.mypy.overrides]] " "section, but no module to override was specified." ) if isinstance(override["module"], str): modules = [override["module"]] elif isinstance(override["module"], list): modules = override["module"] else: raise ConfigTOMLValueError( "toml config file contains a [[tool.mypy.overrides]] " "section with a module value that is not a string or a list of " "strings" ) for module in modules: module_overrides = override.copy() del module_overrides["module"] old_config_name = f"mypy-{module}" if old_config_name not in result: result[old_config_name] = module_overrides else: for new_key, new_value in module_overrides.items(): if ( new_key in result[old_config_name] and result[old_config_name][new_key] != new_value ): raise ConfigTOMLValueError( "toml config file contains " "[[tool.mypy.overrides]] sections with conflicting " "values. Module '%s' has two different values for '%s'" % (module, new_key) ) result[old_config_name][new_key] = new_value del result["mypy"]["overrides"] return result def parse_section( prefix: str, template: Options, set_strict_flags: Callable[[], None], section: Mapping[str, Any], config_types: dict[str, Any], stderr: TextIO = sys.stderr, ) -> tuple[dict[str, object], dict[str, str]]: """Parse one section of a config file. Returns a dict of option values encountered, and a dict of report directories. """ results: dict[str, object] = {} report_dirs: dict[str, str] = {} for key in section: invert = False options_key = key if key in config_types: ct = config_types[key] else: dv = None # We have to keep new_semantic_analyzer in Options # for plugin compatibility but it is not a valid option anymore. assert hasattr(template, "new_semantic_analyzer") if key != "new_semantic_analyzer": dv = getattr(template, key, None) if dv is None: if key.endswith("_report"): report_type = key[:-7].replace("_", "-") if report_type in defaults.REPORTER_NAMES: report_dirs[report_type] = str(section[key]) else: print(f"{prefix}Unrecognized report type: {key}", file=stderr) continue if key.startswith("x_"): pass # Don't complain about `x_blah` flags elif key.startswith("no_") and hasattr(template, key[3:]): options_key = key[3:] invert = True elif key.startswith("allow") and hasattr(template, "dis" + key): options_key = "dis" + key invert = True elif key.startswith("disallow") and hasattr(template, key[3:]): options_key = key[3:] invert = True elif key.startswith("show_") and hasattr(template, "hide_" + key[5:]): options_key = "hide_" + key[5:] invert = True elif key == "strict": pass # Special handling below else: print(f"{prefix}Unrecognized option: {key} = {section[key]}", file=stderr) if invert: dv = getattr(template, options_key, None) else: continue ct = type(dv) v: Any = None try: if ct is bool: if isinstance(section, dict): v = convert_to_boolean(section.get(key)) else: v = section.getboolean(key) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # Until better stub if invert: v = not v elif callable(ct): if invert: print(f"{prefix}Can not invert non-boolean key {options_key}", file=stderr) continue try: v = ct(section.get(key)) except argparse.ArgumentTypeError as err: print(f"{prefix}{key}: {err}", file=stderr) continue else: print(f"{prefix}Don't know what type {key} should have", file=stderr) continue except ValueError as err: print(f"{prefix}{key}: {err}", file=stderr) continue if key == "strict": if v: set_strict_flags() continue results[options_key] = v # These two flags act as per-module overrides, so store the empty defaults. if "disable_error_code" not in results: results["disable_error_code"] = [] if "enable_error_code" not in results: results["enable_error_code"] = [] return results, report_dirs def convert_to_boolean(value: Any | None) -> bool: """Return a boolean value translating from other types if necessary.""" if isinstance(value, bool): return value if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) if value.lower() not in configparser.RawConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES: raise ValueError(f"Not a boolean: {value}") return configparser.RawConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES[value.lower()] def split_directive(s: str) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]: """Split s on commas, except during quoted sections. Returns the parts and a list of error messages.""" parts = [] cur: list[str] = [] errors = [] i = 0 while i < len(s): if s[i] == ",": parts.append("".join(cur).strip()) cur = [] elif s[i] == '"': i += 1 while i < len(s) and s[i] != '"': cur.append(s[i]) i += 1 if i == len(s): errors.append("Unterminated quote in configuration comment") cur.clear() else: cur.append(s[i]) i += 1 if cur: parts.append("".join(cur).strip()) return parts, errors def mypy_comments_to_config_map(line: str, template: Options) -> tuple[dict[str, str], list[str]]: """Rewrite the mypy comment syntax into ini file syntax.""" options = {} entries, errors = split_directive(line) for entry in entries: if "=" not in entry: name = entry value = None else: name, value = (x.strip() for x in entry.split("=", 1)) name = name.replace("-", "_") if value is None: value = "True" options[name] = value return options, errors def parse_mypy_comments( args: list[tuple[int, str]], template: Options ) -> tuple[dict[str, object], list[tuple[int, str]]]: """Parse a collection of inline mypy: configuration comments. Returns a dictionary of options to be applied and a list of error messages generated. """ errors: list[tuple[int, str]] = [] sections = {} for lineno, line in args: # In order to easily match the behavior for bools, we abuse configparser. # Oddly, the only way to get the SectionProxy object with the getboolean # method is to create a config parser. parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() options, parse_errors = mypy_comments_to_config_map(line, template) parser["dummy"] = options errors.extend((lineno, x) for x in parse_errors) stderr = StringIO() strict_found = False def set_strict_flags() -> None: nonlocal strict_found strict_found = True new_sections, reports = parse_section( "", template, set_strict_flags, parser["dummy"], ini_config_types, stderr=stderr ) errors.extend((lineno, x) for x in stderr.getvalue().strip().split("\n") if x) if reports: errors.append((lineno, "Reports not supported in inline configuration")) if strict_found: errors.append( ( lineno, 'Setting "strict" not supported in inline configuration: specify it in ' "a configuration file instead, or set individual inline flags " '(see "mypy -h" for the list of flags enabled in strict mode)', ) ) sections.update(new_sections) return sections, errors def get_config_module_names(filename: str | None, modules: list[str]) -> str: if not filename or not modules: return "" if not is_toml(filename): return ", ".join(f"[mypy-{module}]" for module in modules) return "module = ['%s']" % ("', '".join(sorted(modules))) class ConfigTOMLValueError(ValueError): pass