"""Test runner for reference count opcode insertion transform test cases. The transform inserts needed reference count increment/decrement operations to IR. """ from __future__ import annotations import os.path from mypy.errors import CompileError from mypy.test.config import test_temp_dir from mypy.test.data import DataDrivenTestCase from mypyc.common import TOP_LEVEL_NAME from mypyc.ir.pprint import format_func from mypyc.test.testutil import ( ICODE_GEN_BUILTINS, MypycDataSuite, assert_test_output, build_ir_for_single_file, infer_ir_build_options_from_test_name, remove_comment_lines, replace_word_size, use_custom_builtins, ) from mypyc.transform.refcount import insert_ref_count_opcodes from mypyc.transform.uninit import insert_uninit_checks files = ["refcount.test"] class TestRefCountTransform(MypycDataSuite): files = files base_path = test_temp_dir optional_out = True def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: """Perform a runtime checking transformation test case.""" options = infer_ir_build_options_from_test_name(testcase.name) if options is None: # Skipped test case return with use_custom_builtins(os.path.join(self.data_prefix, ICODE_GEN_BUILTINS), testcase): expected_output = remove_comment_lines(testcase.output) expected_output = replace_word_size(expected_output) try: ir = build_ir_for_single_file(testcase.input, options) except CompileError as e: actual = e.messages else: actual = [] for fn in ir: if fn.name == TOP_LEVEL_NAME and not testcase.name.endswith("_toplevel"): continue insert_uninit_checks(fn) insert_ref_count_opcodes(fn) actual.extend(format_func(fn)) assert_test_output(testcase, actual, "Invalid source code output", expected_output)