"""Transform mypy statement ASTs to mypyc IR (Intermediate Representation). The top-level AST transformation logic is implemented in mypyc.irbuild.visitor and mypyc.irbuild.builder. A few statements are transformed in mypyc.irbuild.function (yield, for example). """ from __future__ import annotations import importlib.util from typing import Callable, Sequence from mypy.nodes import ( AssertStmt, AssignmentStmt, AwaitExpr, Block, BreakStmt, ContinueStmt, DelStmt, Expression, ExpressionStmt, ForStmt, IfStmt, Import, ImportAll, ImportFrom, ListExpr, Lvalue, MatchStmt, OperatorAssignmentStmt, RaiseStmt, ReturnStmt, StarExpr, StrExpr, TempNode, TryStmt, TupleExpr, WhileStmt, WithStmt, YieldExpr, YieldFromExpr, ) from mypyc.ir.ops import ( NAMESPACE_MODULE, NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO, Assign, BasicBlock, Branch, InitStatic, Integer, LoadAddress, LoadErrorValue, LoadLiteral, LoadStatic, MethodCall, RaiseStandardError, Register, Return, TupleGet, Unreachable, Value, ) from mypyc.ir.rtypes import ( RInstance, c_pyssize_t_rprimitive, exc_rtuple, is_tagged, none_rprimitive, object_pointer_rprimitive, object_rprimitive, ) from mypyc.irbuild.ast_helpers import is_borrow_friendly_expr, process_conditional from mypyc.irbuild.builder import IRBuilder, int_borrow_friendly_op from mypyc.irbuild.for_helpers import for_loop_helper from mypyc.irbuild.generator import add_raise_exception_blocks_to_generator_class from mypyc.irbuild.nonlocalcontrol import ( ExceptNonlocalControl, FinallyNonlocalControl, TryFinallyNonlocalControl, ) from mypyc.irbuild.targets import ( AssignmentTarget, AssignmentTargetAttr, AssignmentTargetIndex, AssignmentTargetRegister, AssignmentTargetTuple, ) from mypyc.primitives.exc_ops import ( error_catch_op, exc_matches_op, get_exc_info_op, get_exc_value_op, keep_propagating_op, raise_exception_op, reraise_exception_op, restore_exc_info_op, ) from mypyc.primitives.generic_ops import iter_op, next_raw_op, py_delattr_op from mypyc.primitives.misc_ops import ( check_stop_op, coro_op, import_from_many_op, import_many_op, send_op, type_op, yield_from_except_op, ) from .match import MatchVisitor GenFunc = Callable[[], None] ValueGenFunc = Callable[[], Value] def transform_block(builder: IRBuilder, block: Block) -> None: if not block.is_unreachable: for stmt in block.body: builder.accept(stmt) # Raise a RuntimeError if we hit a non-empty unreachable block. # Don't complain about empty unreachable blocks, since mypy inserts # those after `if MYPY`. elif block.body: builder.add( RaiseStandardError( RaiseStandardError.RUNTIME_ERROR, "Reached allegedly unreachable code!", block.line ) ) builder.add(Unreachable()) def transform_expression_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, stmt: ExpressionStmt) -> None: if isinstance(stmt.expr, StrExpr): # Docstring. Ignore return # ExpressionStmts do not need to be coerced like other Expressions, so we shouldn't # call builder.accept here. stmt.expr.accept(builder.visitor) builder.flush_keep_alives() def transform_return_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, stmt: ReturnStmt) -> None: if stmt.expr: retval = builder.accept(stmt.expr) else: retval = builder.builder.none() retval = builder.coerce(retval, builder.ret_types[-1], stmt.line) builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_return(builder, retval, stmt.line) def transform_assignment_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, stmt: AssignmentStmt) -> None: lvalues = stmt.lvalues assert lvalues builder.disallow_class_assignments(lvalues, stmt.line) first_lvalue = lvalues[0] if stmt.type and isinstance(stmt.rvalue, TempNode): # This is actually a variable annotation without initializer. Don't generate # an assignment but we need to call get_assignment_target since it adds a # name binding as a side effect. builder.get_assignment_target(first_lvalue, stmt.line) return # Special case multiple assignments like 'x, y = e1, e2'. if ( isinstance(first_lvalue, (TupleExpr, ListExpr)) and isinstance(stmt.rvalue, (TupleExpr, ListExpr)) and len(first_lvalue.items) == len(stmt.rvalue.items) and all(is_simple_lvalue(item) for item in first_lvalue.items) and len(lvalues) == 1 ): temps = [] for right in stmt.rvalue.items: rvalue_reg = builder.accept(right) temp = Register(rvalue_reg.type) builder.assign(temp, rvalue_reg, stmt.line) temps.append(temp) for left, temp in zip(first_lvalue.items, temps): assignment_target = builder.get_assignment_target(left) builder.assign(assignment_target, temp, stmt.line) builder.flush_keep_alives() return line = stmt.rvalue.line rvalue_reg = builder.accept(stmt.rvalue) if builder.non_function_scope() and stmt.is_final_def: builder.init_final_static(first_lvalue, rvalue_reg) for lvalue in lvalues: target = builder.get_assignment_target(lvalue) builder.assign(target, rvalue_reg, line) builder.flush_keep_alives() def is_simple_lvalue(expr: Expression) -> bool: return not isinstance(expr, (StarExpr, ListExpr, TupleExpr)) def transform_operator_assignment_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, stmt: OperatorAssignmentStmt) -> None: """Operator assignment statement such as x += 1""" builder.disallow_class_assignments([stmt.lvalue], stmt.line) if ( is_tagged(builder.node_type(stmt.lvalue)) and is_tagged(builder.node_type(stmt.rvalue)) and stmt.op in int_borrow_friendly_op ): can_borrow = is_borrow_friendly_expr(builder, stmt.rvalue) and is_borrow_friendly_expr( builder, stmt.lvalue ) else: can_borrow = False target = builder.get_assignment_target(stmt.lvalue) target_value = builder.read(target, stmt.line, can_borrow=can_borrow) rreg = builder.accept(stmt.rvalue, can_borrow=can_borrow) # the Python parser strips the '=' from operator assignment statements, so re-add it op = stmt.op + "=" res = builder.binary_op(target_value, rreg, op, stmt.line) # usually operator assignments are done in-place # but when target doesn't support that we need to manually assign builder.assign(target, res, res.line) builder.flush_keep_alives() def import_globals_id_and_name(module_id: str, as_name: str | None) -> tuple[str, str]: """Compute names for updating the globals dict with the appropriate module. * For 'import foo.bar as baz' we add 'foo.bar' with the name 'baz' * For 'import foo.bar' we add 'foo' with the name 'foo' Typically we then ignore these entries and access things directly via the module static, but we will use the globals version for modules that mypy couldn't find, since it doesn't analyze module references from those properly.""" if as_name: globals_id = module_id globals_name = as_name else: globals_id = globals_name = module_id.split(".")[0] return globals_id, globals_name def transform_import(builder: IRBuilder, node: Import) -> None: if node.is_mypy_only: return # Imports (not from imports!) are processed in an odd way so they can be # table-driven and compact. Here's how it works: # # Import nodes are divided in groups (in the prebuild visitor). Each group # consists of consecutive Import nodes: # # import mod <| group #1 # import mod2 | # # def foo() -> None: # import mod3 <- group #2 (*) # # import mod4 <| group #3 # import mod5 | # # Every time we encounter the first import of a group, build IR to call a # helper function that will perform all of the group's imports in one go. if not node.is_top_level: # (*) Unless the import is within a function. In that case, prioritize # speed over codesize when generating IR. globals = builder.load_globals_dict() for mod_id, as_name in node.ids: builder.gen_import(mod_id, node.line) globals_id, globals_name = import_globals_id_and_name(mod_id, as_name) builder.gen_method_call( globals, "__setitem__", [builder.load_str(globals_name), builder.get_module(globals_id, node.line)], result_type=None, line=node.line, ) return if node not in builder.module_import_groups: return modules = [] static_ptrs = [] # To show the right line number on failure, we have to add the traceback # entry within the helper function (which is admittedly ugly). To drive # this, we need the line number corresponding to each module. mod_lines = [] for import_node in builder.module_import_groups[node]: for mod_id, as_name in import_node.ids: builder.imports[mod_id] = None modules.append((mod_id, *import_globals_id_and_name(mod_id, as_name))) mod_static = LoadStatic(object_rprimitive, mod_id, namespace=NAMESPACE_MODULE) static_ptrs.append(builder.add(LoadAddress(object_pointer_rprimitive, mod_static))) mod_lines.append(Integer(import_node.line, c_pyssize_t_rprimitive)) static_array_ptr = builder.builder.setup_rarray(object_pointer_rprimitive, static_ptrs) import_line_ptr = builder.builder.setup_rarray(c_pyssize_t_rprimitive, mod_lines) builder.call_c( import_many_op, [ builder.add(LoadLiteral(tuple(modules), object_rprimitive)), static_array_ptr, builder.load_globals_dict(), builder.load_str(builder.module_path), builder.load_str(builder.fn_info.name), import_line_ptr, ], NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO, ) def transform_import_from(builder: IRBuilder, node: ImportFrom) -> None: if node.is_mypy_only: return module_state = builder.graph[builder.module_name] if module_state.ancestors is not None and module_state.ancestors: module_package = module_state.ancestors[0] elif builder.module_path.endswith("__init__.py"): module_package = builder.module_name else: module_package = "" id = importlib.util.resolve_name("." * node.relative + node.id, module_package) builder.imports[id] = None names = [name for name, _ in node.names] as_names = [as_name or name for name, as_name in node.names] names_literal = builder.add(LoadLiteral(tuple(names), object_rprimitive)) if as_names == names: # Reuse names tuple to reduce verbosity. as_names_literal = names_literal else: as_names_literal = builder.add(LoadLiteral(tuple(as_names), object_rprimitive)) # Note that we miscompile import from inside of functions here, # since that case *shouldn't* load everything into the globals dict. # This probably doesn't matter much and the code runs basically right. module = builder.call_c( import_from_many_op, [builder.load_str(id), names_literal, as_names_literal, builder.load_globals_dict()], node.line, ) builder.add(InitStatic(module, id, namespace=NAMESPACE_MODULE)) def transform_import_all(builder: IRBuilder, node: ImportAll) -> None: if node.is_mypy_only: return builder.gen_import(node.id, node.line) def transform_if_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, stmt: IfStmt) -> None: if_body, next = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() else_body = BasicBlock() if stmt.else_body else next # If statements are normalized assert len(stmt.expr) == 1 process_conditional(builder, stmt.expr[0], if_body, else_body) builder.activate_block(if_body) builder.accept(stmt.body[0]) builder.goto(next) if stmt.else_body: builder.activate_block(else_body) builder.accept(stmt.else_body) builder.goto(next) builder.activate_block(next) def transform_while_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, s: WhileStmt) -> None: body, next, top, else_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock(), BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() normal_loop_exit = else_block if s.else_body is not None else next builder.push_loop_stack(top, next) # Split block so that we get a handle to the top of the loop. builder.goto_and_activate(top) process_conditional(builder, s.expr, body, normal_loop_exit) builder.activate_block(body) builder.accept(s.body) # Add branch to the top at the end of the body. builder.goto(top) builder.pop_loop_stack() if s.else_body is not None: builder.activate_block(else_block) builder.accept(s.else_body) builder.goto(next) builder.activate_block(next) def transform_for_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, s: ForStmt) -> None: def body() -> None: builder.accept(s.body) def else_block() -> None: assert s.else_body is not None builder.accept(s.else_body) for_loop_helper( builder, s.index, s.expr, body, else_block if s.else_body else None, s.is_async, s.line ) def transform_break_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, node: BreakStmt) -> None: builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_break(builder, node.line) def transform_continue_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, node: ContinueStmt) -> None: builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_continue(builder, node.line) def transform_raise_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, s: RaiseStmt) -> None: if s.expr is None: builder.call_c(reraise_exception_op, [], NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO) builder.add(Unreachable()) return exc = builder.accept(s.expr) builder.call_c(raise_exception_op, [exc], s.line) builder.add(Unreachable()) def transform_try_except( builder: IRBuilder, body: GenFunc, handlers: Sequence[tuple[tuple[ValueGenFunc, int] | None, Expression | None, GenFunc]], else_body: GenFunc | None, line: int, ) -> None: """Generalized try/except/else handling that takes functions to gen the bodies. The point of this is to also be able to support with.""" assert handlers, "try needs except" except_entry, exit_block, cleanup_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() double_except_block = BasicBlock() # If there is an else block, jump there after the try, otherwise just leave else_block = BasicBlock() if else_body else exit_block # Compile the try block with an error handler builder.builder.push_error_handler(except_entry) builder.goto_and_activate(BasicBlock()) body() builder.goto(else_block) builder.builder.pop_error_handler() # The error handler catches the error and then checks it # against the except clauses. We compile the error handler # itself with an error handler so that it can properly restore # the *old* exc_info if an exception occurs. # The exception chaining will be done automatically when the # exception is raised, based on the exception in exc_info. builder.builder.push_error_handler(double_except_block) builder.activate_block(except_entry) old_exc = builder.maybe_spill(builder.call_c(error_catch_op, [], line)) # Compile the except blocks with the nonlocal control flow overridden to clear exc_info builder.nonlocal_control.append(ExceptNonlocalControl(builder.nonlocal_control[-1], old_exc)) # Process the bodies for type, var, handler_body in handlers: next_block = None if type: type_f, type_line = type next_block, body_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() matches = builder.call_c(exc_matches_op, [type_f()], type_line) builder.add(Branch(matches, body_block, next_block, Branch.BOOL)) builder.activate_block(body_block) if var: target = builder.get_assignment_target(var) builder.assign(target, builder.call_c(get_exc_value_op, [], var.line), var.line) handler_body() builder.goto(cleanup_block) if next_block: builder.activate_block(next_block) # Reraise the exception if needed if next_block: builder.call_c(reraise_exception_op, [], NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO) builder.add(Unreachable()) builder.nonlocal_control.pop() builder.builder.pop_error_handler() # Cleanup for if we leave except through normal control flow: # restore the saved exc_info information and continue propagating # the exception if it exists. builder.activate_block(cleanup_block) builder.call_c(restore_exc_info_op, [builder.read(old_exc)], line) builder.goto(exit_block) # Cleanup for if we leave except through a raised exception: # restore the saved exc_info information and continue propagating # the exception. builder.activate_block(double_except_block) builder.call_c(restore_exc_info_op, [builder.read(old_exc)], line) builder.call_c(keep_propagating_op, [], NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO) builder.add(Unreachable()) # If present, compile the else body in the obvious way if else_body: builder.activate_block(else_block) else_body() builder.goto(exit_block) builder.activate_block(exit_block) def transform_try_except_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, t: TryStmt) -> None: def body() -> None: builder.accept(t.body) # Work around scoping woes def make_handler(body: Block) -> GenFunc: return lambda: builder.accept(body) def make_entry(type: Expression) -> tuple[ValueGenFunc, int]: return (lambda: builder.accept(type), type.line) handlers = [ (make_entry(type) if type else None, var, make_handler(body)) for type, var, body in zip(t.types, t.vars, t.handlers) ] else_body = (lambda: builder.accept(t.else_body)) if t.else_body else None transform_try_except(builder, body, handlers, else_body, t.line) def try_finally_try( builder: IRBuilder, err_handler: BasicBlock, return_entry: BasicBlock, main_entry: BasicBlock, try_body: GenFunc, ) -> Register | AssignmentTarget | None: # Compile the try block with an error handler control = TryFinallyNonlocalControl(return_entry) builder.builder.push_error_handler(err_handler) builder.nonlocal_control.append(control) builder.goto_and_activate(BasicBlock()) try_body() builder.goto(main_entry) builder.nonlocal_control.pop() builder.builder.pop_error_handler() return control.ret_reg def try_finally_entry_blocks( builder: IRBuilder, err_handler: BasicBlock, return_entry: BasicBlock, main_entry: BasicBlock, finally_block: BasicBlock, ret_reg: Register | AssignmentTarget | None, ) -> Value: old_exc = Register(exc_rtuple) # Entry block for non-exceptional flow builder.activate_block(main_entry) if ret_reg: builder.assign(ret_reg, builder.add(LoadErrorValue(builder.ret_types[-1])), -1) builder.goto(return_entry) builder.activate_block(return_entry) builder.add(Assign(old_exc, builder.add(LoadErrorValue(exc_rtuple)))) builder.goto(finally_block) # Entry block for errors builder.activate_block(err_handler) if ret_reg: builder.assign(ret_reg, builder.add(LoadErrorValue(builder.ret_types[-1])), -1) builder.add(Assign(old_exc, builder.call_c(error_catch_op, [], -1))) builder.goto(finally_block) return old_exc def try_finally_body( builder: IRBuilder, finally_block: BasicBlock, finally_body: GenFunc, old_exc: Value ) -> tuple[BasicBlock, FinallyNonlocalControl]: cleanup_block = BasicBlock() # Compile the finally block with the nonlocal control flow overridden to restore exc_info builder.builder.push_error_handler(cleanup_block) finally_control = FinallyNonlocalControl(builder.nonlocal_control[-1], old_exc) builder.nonlocal_control.append(finally_control) builder.activate_block(finally_block) finally_body() builder.nonlocal_control.pop() return cleanup_block, finally_control def try_finally_resolve_control( builder: IRBuilder, cleanup_block: BasicBlock, finally_control: FinallyNonlocalControl, old_exc: Value, ret_reg: Register | AssignmentTarget | None, ) -> BasicBlock: """Resolve the control flow out of a finally block. This means returning if there was a return, propagating exceptions, break/continue (soon), or just continuing on. """ reraise, rest = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() builder.add(Branch(old_exc, rest, reraise, Branch.IS_ERROR)) # Reraise the exception if there was one builder.activate_block(reraise) builder.call_c(reraise_exception_op, [], NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO) builder.add(Unreachable()) builder.builder.pop_error_handler() # If there was a return, keep returning if ret_reg: builder.activate_block(rest) return_block, rest = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() builder.add(Branch(builder.read(ret_reg), rest, return_block, Branch.IS_ERROR)) builder.activate_block(return_block) builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_return(builder, builder.read(ret_reg), -1) # TODO: handle break/continue builder.activate_block(rest) out_block = BasicBlock() builder.goto(out_block) # If there was an exception, restore again builder.activate_block(cleanup_block) finally_control.gen_cleanup(builder, -1) builder.call_c(keep_propagating_op, [], NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO) builder.add(Unreachable()) return out_block def transform_try_finally_stmt( builder: IRBuilder, try_body: GenFunc, finally_body: GenFunc ) -> None: """Generalized try/finally handling that takes functions to gen the bodies. The point of this is to also be able to support with.""" # Finally is a big pain, because there are so many ways that # exits can occur. We emit 10+ basic blocks for every finally! err_handler, main_entry, return_entry, finally_block = ( BasicBlock(), BasicBlock(), BasicBlock(), BasicBlock(), ) # Compile the body of the try ret_reg = try_finally_try(builder, err_handler, return_entry, main_entry, try_body) # Set up the entry blocks for the finally statement old_exc = try_finally_entry_blocks( builder, err_handler, return_entry, main_entry, finally_block, ret_reg ) # Compile the body of the finally cleanup_block, finally_control = try_finally_body( builder, finally_block, finally_body, old_exc ) # Resolve the control flow out of the finally block out_block = try_finally_resolve_control( builder, cleanup_block, finally_control, old_exc, ret_reg ) builder.activate_block(out_block) def transform_try_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, t: TryStmt) -> None: # Our compilation strategy for try/except/else/finally is to # treat try/except/else and try/finally as separate language # constructs that we compile separately. When we have a # try/except/else/finally, we treat the try/except/else as the # body of a try/finally block. if t.is_star: builder.error("Exception groups and except* cannot be compiled yet", t.line) if t.finally_body: def transform_try_body() -> None: if t.handlers: transform_try_except_stmt(builder, t) else: builder.accept(t.body) body = t.finally_body transform_try_finally_stmt(builder, transform_try_body, lambda: builder.accept(body)) else: transform_try_except_stmt(builder, t) def get_sys_exc_info(builder: IRBuilder) -> list[Value]: exc_info = builder.call_c(get_exc_info_op, [], -1) return [builder.add(TupleGet(exc_info, i, -1)) for i in range(3)] def transform_with( builder: IRBuilder, expr: Expression, target: Lvalue | None, body: GenFunc, is_async: bool, line: int, ) -> None: # This is basically a straight transcription of the Python code in PEP 343. # I don't actually understand why a bunch of it is the way it is. # We could probably optimize the case where the manager is compiled by us, # but that is not our common case at all, so. al = "a" if is_async else "" mgr_v = builder.accept(expr) is_native = isinstance(mgr_v.type, RInstance) if is_native: value = builder.add(MethodCall(mgr_v, f"__{al}enter__", args=[], line=line)) exit_ = None else: typ = builder.call_c(type_op, [mgr_v], line) exit_ = builder.maybe_spill(builder.py_get_attr(typ, f"__{al}exit__", line)) value = builder.py_call(builder.py_get_attr(typ, f"__{al}enter__", line), [mgr_v], line) mgr = builder.maybe_spill(mgr_v) exc = builder.maybe_spill_assignable(builder.true()) if is_async: value = emit_await(builder, value, line) def maybe_natively_call_exit(exc_info: bool) -> Value: if exc_info: args = get_sys_exc_info(builder) else: none = builder.none_object() args = [none, none, none] if is_native: assert isinstance(mgr_v.type, RInstance) exit_val = builder.gen_method_call( builder.read(mgr), f"__{al}exit__", arg_values=args, line=line, result_type=none_rprimitive, ) else: assert exit_ is not None exit_val = builder.py_call(builder.read(exit_), [builder.read(mgr)] + args, line) if is_async: return emit_await(builder, exit_val, line) else: return exit_val def try_body() -> None: if target: builder.assign(builder.get_assignment_target(target), value, line) body() def except_body() -> None: builder.assign(exc, builder.false(), line) out_block, reraise_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() builder.add_bool_branch(maybe_natively_call_exit(exc_info=True), out_block, reraise_block) builder.activate_block(reraise_block) builder.call_c(reraise_exception_op, [], NO_TRACEBACK_LINE_NO) builder.add(Unreachable()) builder.activate_block(out_block) def finally_body() -> None: out_block, exit_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() builder.add(Branch(builder.read(exc), exit_block, out_block, Branch.BOOL)) builder.activate_block(exit_block) maybe_natively_call_exit(exc_info=False) builder.goto_and_activate(out_block) transform_try_finally_stmt( builder, lambda: transform_try_except(builder, try_body, [(None, None, except_body)], None, line), finally_body, ) def transform_with_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, o: WithStmt) -> None: # Generate separate logic for each expr in it, left to right def generate(i: int) -> None: if i >= len(o.expr): builder.accept(o.body) else: transform_with( builder, o.expr[i], o.target[i], lambda: generate(i + 1), o.is_async, o.line ) generate(0) def transform_assert_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, a: AssertStmt) -> None: if builder.options.strip_asserts: return cond = builder.accept(a.expr) ok_block, error_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() builder.add_bool_branch(cond, ok_block, error_block) builder.activate_block(error_block) if a.msg is None: # Special case (for simpler generated code) builder.add(RaiseStandardError(RaiseStandardError.ASSERTION_ERROR, None, a.line)) elif isinstance(a.msg, StrExpr): # Another special case builder.add(RaiseStandardError(RaiseStandardError.ASSERTION_ERROR, a.msg.value, a.line)) else: # The general case -- explicitly construct an exception instance message = builder.accept(a.msg) exc_type = builder.load_module_attr_by_fullname("builtins.AssertionError", a.line) exc = builder.py_call(exc_type, [message], a.line) builder.call_c(raise_exception_op, [exc], a.line) builder.add(Unreachable()) builder.activate_block(ok_block) def transform_del_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, o: DelStmt) -> None: transform_del_item(builder, builder.get_assignment_target(o.expr), o.line) def transform_del_item(builder: IRBuilder, target: AssignmentTarget, line: int) -> None: if isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetIndex): builder.gen_method_call( target.base, "__delitem__", [target.index], result_type=None, line=line ) elif isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetAttr): if isinstance(target.obj_type, RInstance): cl = target.obj_type.class_ir if not cl.is_deletable(target.attr): builder.error(f'"{target.attr}" cannot be deleted', line) builder.note( 'Using "__deletable__ = ' + '[\'\']" in the class body enables "del obj."', line, ) key = builder.load_str(target.attr) builder.call_c(py_delattr_op, [target.obj, key], line) elif isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetRegister): # Delete a local by assigning an error value to it, which will # prompt the insertion of uninit checks. builder.add( Assign(target.register, builder.add(LoadErrorValue(target.type, undefines=True))) ) elif isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetTuple): for subtarget in target.items: transform_del_item(builder, subtarget, line) # yield/yield from/await # These are really expressions, not statements... but they depend on try/except/finally def emit_yield(builder: IRBuilder, val: Value, line: int) -> Value: retval = builder.coerce(val, builder.ret_types[-1], line) cls = builder.fn_info.generator_class # Create a new block for the instructions immediately following the yield expression, and # set the next label so that the next time '__next__' is called on the generator object, # the function continues at the new block. next_block = BasicBlock() next_label = len(cls.continuation_blocks) cls.continuation_blocks.append(next_block) builder.assign(cls.next_label_target, Integer(next_label), line) builder.add(Return(retval)) builder.activate_block(next_block) add_raise_exception_blocks_to_generator_class(builder, line) assert cls.send_arg_reg is not None return cls.send_arg_reg def emit_yield_from_or_await( builder: IRBuilder, val: Value, line: int, *, is_await: bool ) -> Value: # This is basically an implementation of the code in PEP 380. # TODO: do we want to use the right types here? result = Register(object_rprimitive) to_yield_reg = Register(object_rprimitive) received_reg = Register(object_rprimitive) get_op = coro_op if is_await else iter_op iter_val = builder.call_c(get_op, [val], line) iter_reg = builder.maybe_spill_assignable(iter_val) stop_block, main_block, done_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() _y_init = builder.call_c(next_raw_op, [builder.read(iter_reg)], line) builder.add(Branch(_y_init, stop_block, main_block, Branch.IS_ERROR)) # Try extracting a return value from a StopIteration and return it. # If it wasn't, this reraises the exception. builder.activate_block(stop_block) builder.assign(result, builder.call_c(check_stop_op, [], line), line) builder.goto(done_block) builder.activate_block(main_block) builder.assign(to_yield_reg, _y_init, line) # OK Now the main loop! loop_block = BasicBlock() builder.goto_and_activate(loop_block) def try_body() -> None: builder.assign(received_reg, emit_yield(builder, builder.read(to_yield_reg), line), line) def except_body() -> None: # The body of the except is all implemented in a C function to # reduce how much code we need to generate. It returns a value # indicating whether to break or yield (or raise an exception). val = Register(object_rprimitive) val_address = builder.add(LoadAddress(object_pointer_rprimitive, val)) to_stop = builder.call_c(yield_from_except_op, [builder.read(iter_reg), val_address], line) ok, stop = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() builder.add(Branch(to_stop, stop, ok, Branch.BOOL)) # The exception got swallowed. Continue, yielding the returned value builder.activate_block(ok) builder.assign(to_yield_reg, val, line) builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_continue(builder, line) # The exception was a StopIteration. Stop iterating. builder.activate_block(stop) builder.assign(result, val, line) builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_break(builder, line) def else_body() -> None: # Do a next() or a .send(). It will return NULL on exception # but it won't automatically propagate. _y = builder.call_c(send_op, [builder.read(iter_reg), builder.read(received_reg)], line) ok, stop = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock() builder.add(Branch(_y, stop, ok, Branch.IS_ERROR)) # Everything's fine. Yield it. builder.activate_block(ok) builder.assign(to_yield_reg, _y, line) builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_continue(builder, line) # Try extracting a return value from a StopIteration and return it. # If it wasn't, this rereaises the exception. builder.activate_block(stop) builder.assign(result, builder.call_c(check_stop_op, [], line), line) builder.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_break(builder, line) builder.push_loop_stack(loop_block, done_block) transform_try_except(builder, try_body, [(None, None, except_body)], else_body, line) builder.pop_loop_stack() builder.goto_and_activate(done_block) return builder.read(result) def emit_await(builder: IRBuilder, val: Value, line: int) -> Value: return emit_yield_from_or_await(builder, val, line, is_await=True) def transform_yield_expr(builder: IRBuilder, expr: YieldExpr) -> Value: if builder.fn_info.is_coroutine: builder.error("async generators are unimplemented", expr.line) if expr.expr: retval = builder.accept(expr.expr) else: retval = builder.builder.none() return emit_yield(builder, retval, expr.line) def transform_yield_from_expr(builder: IRBuilder, o: YieldFromExpr) -> Value: return emit_yield_from_or_await(builder, builder.accept(o.expr), o.line, is_await=False) def transform_await_expr(builder: IRBuilder, o: AwaitExpr) -> Value: return emit_yield_from_or_await(builder, builder.accept(o.expr), o.line, is_await=True) def transform_match_stmt(builder: IRBuilder, m: MatchStmt) -> None: m.accept(MatchVisitor(builder, m))