Miscellaneous native operations =============================== This is a list of various non-type-specific operations that have custom native implementations. If an operation has no native implementation, mypyc will use fallback generic implementations that are often not as fast. .. note:: Operations specific to various primitive types are described in the following sections. Operators --------- * ``x is y`` (this is very fast for all types) Functions --------- * ``isinstance(obj, type: type)`` * ``isinstance(obj, type: tuple)`` * ``cast(, obj)`` * ``type(obj)`` * ``len(obj)`` * ``abs(obj)`` * ``id(obj)`` * ``iter(obj)`` * ``next(iter: Iterator)`` * ``hash(obj)`` * ``getattr(obj, attr)`` * ``getattr(obj, attr, default)`` * ``setattr(obj, attr, value)`` * ``hasattr(obj, attr)`` * ``delattr(obj, name)`` * ``slice(start, stop, step)`` * ``globals()`` Method decorators ----------------- * ``@property`` * ``@staticmethod`` * ``@classmethod`` * ``@abc.abstractmethod`` Statements ---------- These variants of statements have custom implementations: * ``for ... in seq:`` (for loop over a sequence) * ``for ... in enumerate(...):`` * ``for ... in zip(...):``