"""Test cases for AST merge (used for fine-grained incremental checking)""" from __future__ import annotations import os import shutil from mypy import build from mypy.build import BuildResult from mypy.errors import CompileError from mypy.modulefinder import BuildSource from mypy.nodes import ( UNBOUND_IMPORTED, Expression, MypyFile, Node, SymbolTable, SymbolTableNode, TypeInfo, TypeVarExpr, Var, ) from mypy.options import Options from mypy.server.subexpr import get_subexpressions from mypy.server.update import FineGrainedBuildManager from mypy.strconv import StrConv from mypy.test.config import test_temp_dir from mypy.test.data import DataDrivenTestCase, DataSuite from mypy.test.helpers import assert_string_arrays_equal, normalize_error_messages, parse_options from mypy.types import Type, TypeStrVisitor from mypy.util import IdMapper, short_type # Which data structures to dump in a test case? SYMTABLE = "SYMTABLE" TYPEINFO = " TYPEINFO" TYPES = "TYPES" AST = "AST" class ASTMergeSuite(DataSuite): files = ["merge.test"] def setup(self) -> None: super().setup() self.str_conv = StrConv(show_ids=True, options=Options()) assert self.str_conv.id_mapper is not None self.id_mapper: IdMapper = self.str_conv.id_mapper self.type_str_conv = TypeStrVisitor(self.id_mapper, options=Options()) def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: name = testcase.name # We use the test case name to decide which data structures to dump. # Dumping everything would result in very verbose test cases. if name.endswith("_symtable"): kind = SYMTABLE elif name.endswith("_typeinfo"): kind = TYPEINFO elif name.endswith("_types"): kind = TYPES else: kind = AST main_src = "\n".join(testcase.input) result = self.build(main_src, testcase) assert result is not None, "cases where CompileError occurred should not be run" result.manager.fscache.flush() fine_grained_manager = FineGrainedBuildManager(result) a = [] if result.errors: a.extend(result.errors) target_path = os.path.join(test_temp_dir, "target.py") shutil.copy(os.path.join(test_temp_dir, "target.py.next"), target_path) a.extend(self.dump(fine_grained_manager, kind, testcase.test_modules)) old_subexpr = get_subexpressions(result.manager.modules["target"]) a.append("==>") new_file, new_types = self.build_increment(fine_grained_manager, "target", target_path) a.extend(self.dump(fine_grained_manager, kind, testcase.test_modules)) for expr in old_subexpr: if isinstance(expr, TypeVarExpr): # These are merged so we can't perform the check. continue # Verify that old AST nodes are removed from the expression type map. assert expr not in new_types if testcase.normalize_output: a = normalize_error_messages(a) assert_string_arrays_equal( testcase.output, a, f"Invalid output ({testcase.file}, line {testcase.line})" ) def build(self, source: str, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> BuildResult | None: options = parse_options(source, testcase, incremental_step=1) options.incremental = True options.fine_grained_incremental = True options.use_builtins_fixtures = True options.export_types = True options.show_traceback = True options.allow_empty_bodies = True options.force_uppercase_builtins = True main_path = os.path.join(test_temp_dir, "main") self.str_conv.options = options self.type_str_conv.options = options with open(main_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(source) try: result = build.build( sources=[BuildSource(main_path, None, None)], options=options, alt_lib_path=test_temp_dir, ) except CompileError: # TODO: Is it okay to return None? return None return result def build_increment( self, manager: FineGrainedBuildManager, module_id: str, path: str ) -> tuple[MypyFile, dict[Expression, Type]]: manager.flush_cache() manager.update([(module_id, path)], []) module = manager.manager.modules[module_id] type_map = manager.graph[module_id].type_map() return module, type_map def dump( self, manager: FineGrainedBuildManager, kind: str, test_modules: list[str] ) -> list[str]: modules = { name: file for name, file in manager.manager.modules.items() if name in test_modules } if kind == AST: return self.dump_asts(modules) elif kind == TYPEINFO: return self.dump_typeinfos(modules) elif kind == SYMTABLE: return self.dump_symbol_tables(modules) elif kind == TYPES: return self.dump_types(modules, manager) assert False, f"Invalid kind {kind}" def dump_asts(self, modules: dict[str, MypyFile]) -> list[str]: a = [] for m in sorted(modules): s = modules[m].accept(self.str_conv) a.extend(s.splitlines()) return a def dump_symbol_tables(self, modules: dict[str, MypyFile]) -> list[str]: a = [] for id in sorted(modules): a.extend(self.dump_symbol_table(id, modules[id].names)) return a def dump_symbol_table(self, module_id: str, symtable: SymbolTable) -> list[str]: a = [f"{module_id}:"] for name in sorted(symtable): if name.startswith("__"): continue a.append(f" {name}: {self.format_symbol_table_node(symtable[name])}") return a def format_symbol_table_node(self, node: SymbolTableNode) -> str: if node.node is None: if node.kind == UNBOUND_IMPORTED: return "UNBOUND_IMPORTED" return "None" if isinstance(node.node, Node): s = f"{str(type(node.node).__name__)}<{self.id_mapper.id(node.node)}>" else: s = f"? ({type(node.node)})" if ( isinstance(node.node, Var) and node.node.type and not node.node.fullname.startswith("typing.") ): typestr = self.format_type(node.node.type) s += f"({typestr})" return s def dump_typeinfos(self, modules: dict[str, MypyFile]) -> list[str]: a = [] for id in sorted(modules): a.extend(self.dump_typeinfos_recursive(modules[id].names)) return a def dump_typeinfos_recursive(self, names: SymbolTable) -> list[str]: a = [] for name, node in sorted(names.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): if isinstance(node.node, TypeInfo): a.extend(self.dump_typeinfo(node.node)) a.extend(self.dump_typeinfos_recursive(node.node.names)) return a def dump_typeinfo(self, info: TypeInfo) -> list[str]: if info.fullname == "enum.Enum": # Avoid noise return [] s = info.dump(str_conv=self.str_conv, type_str_conv=self.type_str_conv) return s.splitlines() def dump_types( self, modules: dict[str, MypyFile], manager: FineGrainedBuildManager ) -> list[str]: a = [] # To make the results repeatable, we try to generate unique and # deterministic sort keys. for module_id in sorted(modules): all_types = manager.manager.all_types # Compute a module type map from the global type map tree = manager.graph[module_id].tree assert tree is not None type_map = { node: all_types[node] for node in get_subexpressions(tree) if node in all_types } if type_map: a.append(f"## {module_id}") for expr in sorted( type_map, key=lambda n: ( n.line, short_type(n), n.str_with_options(self.str_conv.options) + str(type_map[n]), ), ): typ = type_map[expr] a.append(f"{short_type(expr)}:{expr.line}: {self.format_type(typ)}") return a def format_type(self, typ: Type) -> str: return typ.accept(self.type_str_conv)