# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt from __future__ import annotations import os from collections.abc import Iterator from pathlib import Path from pylint.testutils.functional.test_file import FunctionalTestFile REASONABLY_DISPLAYABLE_VERTICALLY = 49 """'Wet finger' number of files that are reasonable to display by an IDE. 'Wet finger' as in 'in my settings there are precisely this many'. """ IGNORED_PARENT_DIRS = { "deprecated_relative_import", "ext", "regression", "regression_02", } """Direct parent directories that should be ignored.""" IGNORED_PARENT_PARENT_DIRS = { "docparams", "deprecated_relative_import", "ext", } """Parents of direct parent directories that should be ignored.""" def get_functional_test_files_from_directory( input_dir: Path | str, max_file_per_directory: int = REASONABLY_DISPLAYABLE_VERTICALLY, ) -> list[FunctionalTestFile]: """Get all functional tests in the input_dir.""" suite = [] _check_functional_tests_structure(Path(input_dir), max_file_per_directory) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(input_dir): if dirpath.endswith("__pycache__"): continue dirnames.sort() filenames.sort() for filename in filenames: if filename != "__init__.py" and filename.endswith(".py"): suite.append(FunctionalTestFile(dirpath, filename)) return suite def _check_functional_tests_structure( directory: Path, max_file_per_directory: int ) -> None: """Check if test directories follow correct file/folder structure. Ignore underscored directories or files. """ if Path(directory).stem.startswith("_"): return files: set[Path] = set() dirs: set[Path] = set() def _get_files_from_dir( path: Path, violations: list[tuple[Path, int]] ) -> list[Path]: """Return directories and files from a directory and handles violations.""" files_without_leading_underscore = list( p for p in path.iterdir() if not p.stem.startswith("_") ) if len(files_without_leading_underscore) > max_file_per_directory: violations.append((path, len(files_without_leading_underscore))) return files_without_leading_underscore def walk(path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: violations: list[tuple[Path, int]] = [] violations_msgs: set[str] = set() parent_dir_files = _get_files_from_dir(path, violations) error_msg = ( "The following directory contains too many functional tests files:\n" ) for _file_or_dir in parent_dir_files: if _file_or_dir.is_dir(): _files = _get_files_from_dir(_file_or_dir, violations) yield _file_or_dir.resolve() try: yield from walk(_file_or_dir) except AssertionError as e: violations_msgs.add(str(e).replace(error_msg, "")) else: yield _file_or_dir.resolve() if violations or violations_msgs: _msg = error_msg for offending_file, number in violations: _msg += f"- {offending_file}: {number} when the max is {max_file_per_directory}\n" for error_msg in violations_msgs: _msg += error_msg raise AssertionError(_msg) # Collect all sub-directories and files in directory for file_or_dir in walk(directory): if file_or_dir.is_dir(): dirs.add(file_or_dir) elif file_or_dir.suffix == ".py": files.add(file_or_dir) directory_does_not_exists: list[tuple[Path, Path]] = [] misplaced_file: list[Path] = [] for file in files: possible_dir = file.parent / file.stem.split("_")[0] if possible_dir.exists(): directory_does_not_exists.append((file, possible_dir)) # Exclude some directories as they follow a different structure if ( not len(file.parent.stem) == 1 # First letter sub-directories and file.parent.stem not in IGNORED_PARENT_DIRS and file.parent.parent.stem not in IGNORED_PARENT_PARENT_DIRS ): if not file.stem.startswith(file.parent.stem): misplaced_file.append(file) if directory_does_not_exists or misplaced_file: msg = "The following functional tests are disorganized:\n" for file, possible_dir in directory_does_not_exists: msg += ( f"- In '{directory}', '{file.relative_to(directory)}' " f"should go in '{possible_dir.relative_to(directory)}'\n" ) for file in misplaced_file: msg += ( f"- In '{directory}', {file.relative_to(directory)} should go in a directory" f" that starts with the first letters" f" of '{file.stem}' (not '{file.parent.stem}')\n" ) raise AssertionError(msg)