from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import inspect import io import os import re import sys import tempfile import textwrap import unittest from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator import mypy.stubtest from mypy.stubtest import parse_options, test_stubs from import root_dir @contextlib.contextmanager def use_tmp_dir(mod_name: str) -> Iterator[str]: current = os.getcwd() current_syspath = sys.path.copy() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: try: os.chdir(tmp) if sys.path[0] != tmp: sys.path.insert(0, tmp) yield tmp finally: sys.path = current_syspath.copy() if mod_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[mod_name] os.chdir(current) TEST_MODULE_NAME = "test_module" stubtest_typing_stub = """ Any = object() class _SpecialForm: def __getitem__(self, typeargs: Any) -> object: ... Callable: _SpecialForm = ... Generic: _SpecialForm = ... Protocol: _SpecialForm = ... Union: _SpecialForm = ... class TypeVar: def __init__(self, name, covariant: bool = ..., contravariant: bool = ...) -> None: ... class ParamSpec: def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: ... AnyStr = TypeVar("AnyStr", str, bytes) _T = TypeVar("_T") _T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True) _K = TypeVar("_K") _V = TypeVar("_V") _S = TypeVar("_S", contravariant=True) _R = TypeVar("_R", covariant=True) class Coroutine(Generic[_T_co, _S, _R]): ... class Iterable(Generic[_T_co]): ... class Iterator(Iterable[_T_co]): ... class Mapping(Generic[_K, _V]): ... class Match(Generic[AnyStr]): ... class Sequence(Iterable[_T_co]): ... class Tuple(Sequence[_T_co]): ... class NamedTuple(tuple[Any, ...]): ... def overload(func: _T) -> _T: ... """ stubtest_builtins_stub = """ from typing import Generic, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar, overload T = TypeVar('T') T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True) KT = TypeVar('KT') VT = TypeVar('VT') class object: __module__: str def __init__(self) -> None: pass def __repr__(self) -> str: pass class type: ... class tuple(Sequence[T_co], Generic[T_co]): def __ge__(self, __other: tuple[T_co, ...]) -> bool: pass class dict(Mapping[KT, VT]): ... class function: pass class ellipsis: pass class int: ... class float: ... class bool(int): ... class str: ... class bytes: ... class list(Sequence[T]): ... def property(f: T) -> T: ... def classmethod(f: T) -> T: ... def staticmethod(f: T) -> T: ... """ stubtest_enum_stub = """ import sys from typing import Any, TypeVar, Iterator _T = TypeVar('_T') class EnumMeta(type): def __len__(self) -> int: pass def __iter__(self: type[_T]) -> Iterator[_T]: pass def __reversed__(self: type[_T]) -> Iterator[_T]: pass def __getitem__(self: type[_T], name: str) -> _T: pass class Enum(metaclass=EnumMeta): def __new__(cls: type[_T], value: object) -> _T: pass def __repr__(self) -> str: pass def __str__(self) -> str: pass def __format__(self, format_spec: str) -> str: pass def __hash__(self) -> Any: pass def __reduce_ex__(self, proto: Any) -> Any: pass name: str value: Any class Flag(Enum): def __or__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T: pass def __and__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T: pass def __xor__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T: pass def __invert__(self: _T) -> _T: pass if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): __ror__ = __or__ __rand__ = __and__ __rxor__ = __xor__ """ def run_stubtest( stub: str, runtime: str, options: list[str], config_file: str | None = None ) -> str: with use_tmp_dir(TEST_MODULE_NAME) as tmp_dir: with open("builtins.pyi", "w") as f: f.write(stubtest_builtins_stub) with open("typing.pyi", "w") as f: f.write(stubtest_typing_stub) with open("enum.pyi", "w") as f: f.write(stubtest_enum_stub) with open(f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.pyi", "w") as f: f.write(stub) with open(f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.py", "w") as f: f.write(runtime) if config_file: with open(f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}_config.ini", "w") as f: f.write(config_file) options = options + ["--mypy-config-file", f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}_config.ini"] output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): test_stubs(parse_options([TEST_MODULE_NAME] + options), use_builtins_fixtures=True) return remove_color_code( output.getvalue() # remove cwd as it's not available from outside .replace(os.path.realpath(tmp_dir) + os.sep, "").replace(tmp_dir + os.sep, "") ) class Case: def __init__(self, stub: str, runtime: str, error: str | None): self.stub = stub self.runtime = runtime self.error = error def collect_cases(fn: Callable[..., Iterator[Case]]) -> Callable[..., None]: """run_stubtest used to be slow, so we used this decorator to combine cases. If you're reading this and bored, feel free to refactor this and make it more like other mypy tests. """ def test(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: cases = list(fn(*args, **kwargs)) expected_errors = set() for c in cases: if c.error is None: continue expected_error = c.error if expected_error == "": expected_error = TEST_MODULE_NAME elif not expected_error.startswith(f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}."): expected_error = f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.{expected_error}" assert expected_error not in expected_errors, ( "collect_cases merges cases into a single stubtest invocation; we already " "expect an error for {}".format(expected_error) ) expected_errors.add(expected_error) output = run_stubtest( stub="\n\n".join(textwrap.dedent(c.stub.lstrip("\n")) for c in cases), runtime="\n\n".join(textwrap.dedent(c.runtime.lstrip("\n")) for c in cases), options=["--generate-allowlist"], ) actual_errors = set(output.splitlines()) assert actual_errors == expected_errors, output return test class StubtestUnit(unittest.TestCase): @collect_cases def test_basic_good(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def f(number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def f(number, text): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class X: def f(self, number: int, text: str) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class X: def f(self, number, text): pass """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_types(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def mistyped_class() -> None: ...", runtime="class mistyped_class: pass", error="mistyped_class", ) yield Case( stub="class mistyped_fn: ...", runtime="def mistyped_fn(): pass", error="mistyped_fn" ) yield Case( stub=""" class X: def mistyped_var(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class X: mistyped_var = 1 """, error="X.mistyped_var", ) @collect_cases def test_coroutines(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="def bar() -> int: ...", runtime="async def bar(): return 5", error="bar") # Don't error for this one -- we get false positives otherwise yield Case(stub="async def foo() -> int: ...", runtime="def foo(): return 5", error=None) yield Case(stub="def baz() -> int: ...", runtime="def baz(): return 5", error=None) yield Case( stub="async def bingo() -> int: ...", runtime="async def bingo(): return 5", error=None ) @collect_cases def test_arg_name(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def bad(number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def bad(num, text) -> None: pass", error="bad", ) yield Case( stub="def good_posonly(__number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def good_posonly(num, /, text): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def bad_posonly(__number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def bad_posonly(flag, /, text): pass", error="bad_posonly", ) yield Case( stub=""" class BadMethod: def f(self, number: int, text: str) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class BadMethod: def f(self, n, text): pass """, error="BadMethod.f", ) yield Case( stub=""" class GoodDunder: def __exit__(self, t, v, tb) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class GoodDunder: def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_arg_kind(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def runtime_kwonly(number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def runtime_kwonly(number, *, text): pass", error="runtime_kwonly", ) yield Case( stub="def stub_kwonly(number: int, *, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def stub_kwonly(number, text): pass", error="stub_kwonly", ) yield Case( stub="def stub_posonly(__number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def stub_posonly(number, text): pass", error="stub_posonly", ) yield Case( stub="def good_posonly(__number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def good_posonly(number, /, text): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def runtime_posonly(number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def runtime_posonly(number, /, text): pass", error="runtime_posonly", ) yield Case( stub="def stub_posonly_570(number: int, /, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def stub_posonly_570(number, text): pass", error="stub_posonly_570", ) @collect_cases def test_default_presence(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def f1(text: str = ...) -> None: ...", runtime="def f1(text = 'asdf'): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def f2(text: str = ...) -> None: ...", runtime="def f2(text): pass", error="f2" ) yield Case( stub="def f3(text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def f3(text = 'asdf'): pass", error="f3", ) yield Case( stub="def f4(text: str = ...) -> None: ...", runtime="def f4(text = None): pass", error="f4", ) yield Case( stub="def f5(data: bytes = ...) -> None: ...", runtime="def f5(data = 'asdf'): pass", error="f5", ) yield Case( stub=""" from typing import TypeVar _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=str) def f6(text: _T = ...) -> None: ... """, runtime="def f6(text = None): pass", error="f6", ) @collect_cases def test_default_value(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def f1(text: str = 'x') -> None: ...", runtime="def f1(text = 'y'): pass", error="f1", ) yield Case( stub='def f2(text: bytes = b"x\'") -> None: ...', runtime='def f2(text = b"x\'"): pass', error=None, ) yield Case( stub='def f3(text: bytes = b"y\'") -> None: ...', runtime='def f3(text = b"x\'"): pass', error="f3", ) yield Case( stub="def f4(text: object = 1) -> None: ...", runtime="def f4(text = 1.0): pass", error="f4", ) yield Case( stub="def f5(text: object = True) -> None: ...", runtime="def f5(text = 1): pass", error="f5", ) yield Case( stub="def f6(text: object = True) -> None: ...", runtime="def f6(text = True): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def f7(text: object = not True) -> None: ...", runtime="def f7(text = False): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def f8(text: object = not True) -> None: ...", runtime="def f8(text = True): pass", error="f8", ) yield Case( stub="def f9(text: object = {1: 2}) -> None: ...", runtime="def f9(text = {1: 3}): pass", error="f9", ) yield Case( stub="def f10(text: object = [1, 2]) -> None: ...", runtime="def f10(text = [1, 2]): pass", error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_static_class_method(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" class Good: @classmethod def f(cls, number: int, text: str) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Good: @classmethod def f(cls, number, text): pass """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class Bad1: def f(cls, number: int, text: str) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Bad1: @classmethod def f(cls, number, text): pass """, error="Bad1.f", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Bad2: @classmethod def f(cls, number: int, text: str) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Bad2: @staticmethod def f(self, number, text): pass """, error="Bad2.f", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Bad3: @staticmethod def f(cls, number: int, text: str) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Bad3: @classmethod def f(self, number, text): pass """, error="Bad3.f", ) yield Case( stub=""" class GoodNew: def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): ... """, runtime=""" class GoodNew: def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): pass """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_arg_mismatch(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def f1(a, *, b, c) -> None: ...", runtime="def f1(a, *, b, c): pass", error=None ) yield Case( stub="def f2(a, *, b) -> None: ...", runtime="def f2(a, *, b, c): pass", error="f2" ) yield Case( stub="def f3(a, *, b, c) -> None: ...", runtime="def f3(a, *, b): pass", error="f3" ) yield Case( stub="def f4(a, *, b, c) -> None: ...", runtime="def f4(a, b, *, c): pass", error="f4" ) yield Case( stub="def f5(a, b, *, c) -> None: ...", runtime="def f5(a, *, b, c): pass", error="f5" ) @collect_cases def test_varargs_varkwargs(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="def f1(*args, **kwargs) -> None: ...", runtime="def f1(*args, **kwargs): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def f2(*args, **kwargs) -> None: ...", runtime="def f2(**kwargs): pass", error="f2", ) yield Case( stub="def g1(a, b, c, d) -> None: ...", runtime="def g1(a, *args): pass", error=None ) yield Case( stub="def g2(a, b, c, d, *args) -> None: ...", runtime="def g2(a): pass", error="g2" ) yield Case( stub="def g3(a, b, c, d, *args) -> None: ...", runtime="def g3(a, *args): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def h1(a) -> None: ...", runtime="def h1(a, b, c, d, *args): pass", error="h1" ) yield Case( stub="def h2(a, *args) -> None: ...", runtime="def h2(a, b, c, d): pass", error="h2" ) yield Case( stub="def h3(a, *args) -> None: ...", runtime="def h3(a, b, c, d, *args): pass", error="h3", ) yield Case( stub="def j1(a: int, *args) -> None: ...", runtime="def j1(a): pass", error="j1" ) yield Case( stub="def j2(a: int) -> None: ...", runtime="def j2(a, *args): pass", error="j2" ) yield Case( stub="def j3(a, b, c) -> None: ...", runtime="def j3(a, *args, c): pass", error="j3" ) yield Case(stub="def k1(a, **kwargs) -> None: ...", runtime="def k1(a): pass", error="k1") yield Case( # In theory an error, but led to worse results in practice stub="def k2(a) -> None: ...", runtime="def k2(a, **kwargs): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub="def k3(a, b) -> None: ...", runtime="def k3(a, **kwargs): pass", error="k3" ) yield Case( stub="def k4(a, *, b) -> None: ...", runtime="def k4(a, **kwargs): pass", error=None ) yield Case( stub="def k5(a, *, b) -> None: ...", runtime="def k5(a, *, b, c, **kwargs): pass", error="k5", ) yield Case( stub="def k6(a, *, b, **kwargs) -> None: ...", runtime="def k6(a, *, b, c, **kwargs): pass", error="k6", ) @collect_cases def test_overload(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" from typing import overload @overload def f1(a: int, *, c: int = ...) -> int: ... @overload def f1(a: int, b: int, c: int = ...) -> str: ... """, runtime="def f1(a, b = 0, c = 0): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" @overload def f2(a: int, *, c: int = ...) -> int: ... @overload def f2(a: int, b: int, c: int = ...) -> str: ... """, runtime="def f2(a, b, c = 0): pass", error="f2", ) yield Case( stub=""" @overload def f3(a: int) -> int: ... @overload def f3(a: int, b: str) -> str: ... """, runtime="def f3(a, b = None): pass", error="f3", ) yield Case( stub=""" @overload def f4(a: int, *args, b: int, **kwargs) -> int: ... @overload def f4(a: str, *args, b: int, **kwargs) -> str: ... """, runtime="def f4(a, *args, b, **kwargs): pass", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" @overload def f5(__a: int) -> int: ... @overload def f5(__b: str) -> str: ... """, runtime="def f5(x, /): pass", error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_property(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" class Good: @property def read_only_attr(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class Good: @property def read_only_attr(self): return 1 """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class Bad: @property def f(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class Bad: def f(self) -> int: return 1 """, error="Bad.f", ) yield Case( stub=""" class GoodReadOnly: @property def f(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class GoodReadOnly: f = 1 """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class BadReadOnly: @property def f(self) -> str: ... """, runtime=""" class BadReadOnly: f = 1 """, error="BadReadOnly.f", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Y: @property def read_only_attr(self) -> int: ... @read_only_attr.setter def read_only_attr(self, val: int) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Y: @property def read_only_attr(self): return 5 """, error="Y.read_only_attr", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Z: @property def read_write_attr(self) -> int: ... @read_write_attr.setter def read_write_attr(self, val: int) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Z: @property def read_write_attr(self): return self._val @read_write_attr.setter def read_write_attr(self, val): self._val = val """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class FineAndDandy: @property def attr(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class _EvilDescriptor: def __get__(self, instance, ownerclass=None): if instance is None: raise AttributeError('no') return 42 def __set__(self, instance, value): raise AttributeError('no') class FineAndDandy: attr = _EvilDescriptor() """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_var(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="x1: int", runtime="x1 = 5", error=None) yield Case(stub="x2: str", runtime="x2 = 5", error="x2") yield Case("from typing import Tuple", "", None) # dummy case yield Case( stub=""" x3: Tuple[int, int] """, runtime="x3 = (1, 3)", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" x4: Tuple[int, int] """, runtime="x4 = (1, 3, 5)", error="x4", ) yield Case(stub="x5: int", runtime="def x5(a, b): pass", error="x5") yield Case( stub="def foo(a: int, b: int) -> None: ...\nx6 = foo", runtime="def foo(a, b): pass\ndef x6(c, d): pass", error="x6", ) yield Case( stub=""" class X: f: int """, runtime=""" class X: def __init__(self): self.f = "asdf" """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class Y: read_only_attr: int """, runtime=""" class Y: @property def read_only_attr(self): return 5 """, error="Y.read_only_attr", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Z: read_write_attr: int """, runtime=""" class Z: @property def read_write_attr(self): return self._val @read_write_attr.setter def read_write_attr(self, val): self._val = val """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_type_alias(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" import import re import typing from typing import Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable, List, Match, Tuple, TypeVar, Union """, runtime=""" import import re from typing import Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable, List, Match, Tuple, TypeVar, Union """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class X: def f(self) -> None: ... Y = X """, runtime=""" class X: def f(self) -> None: ... class Y: ... """, error="Y.f", ) yield Case(stub="A = Tuple[int, str]", runtime="A = (int, str)", error="A") # Error if an alias isn't present at runtime... yield Case(stub="B = str", runtime="", error="B") # ... but only if the alias isn't private yield Case(stub="_C = int", runtime="", error=None) yield Case( stub=""" D = tuple[str, str] E = Tuple[int, int, int] F = Tuple[str, int] """, runtime=""" D = Tuple[str, str] E = Tuple[int, int, int] F = List[str] """, error="F", ) yield Case( stub=""" G = str | int H = Union[str, bool] I = str | int """, runtime=""" G = Union[str, int] H = Union[str, bool] I = str """, error="I", ) yield Case( stub=""" K = dict[str, str] L = Dict[int, int] KK =[str] LL = typing.Iterable[str] """, runtime=""" K = Dict[str, str] L = Dict[int, int] KK = Iterable[str] LL = Iterable[str] """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" _T = TypeVar("_T") class _Spam(Generic[_T]): def foo(self) -> None: ... IntFood = _Spam[int] """, runtime=""" _T = TypeVar("_T") class _Bacon(Generic[_T]): def foo(self, arg): pass IntFood = _Bacon[int] """, error="", ) yield Case(stub="StrList = list[str]", runtime="StrList = ['foo', 'bar']", error="StrList") yield Case( stub=""" N = typing.Callable[[str], bool] O =[[int], str] P = typing.Callable[[str], bool] """, runtime=""" N = Callable[[str], bool] O = Callable[[int], str] P = int """, error="P", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Foo: class Bar: ... BarAlias = Foo.Bar """, runtime=""" class Foo: class Bar: pass BarAlias = Foo.Bar """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" from io import StringIO StringIOAlias = StringIO """, runtime=""" from _io import StringIO StringIOAlias = StringIO """, error=None, ) yield Case(stub="M = Match[str]", runtime="M = Match[str]", error=None) yield Case( stub=""" class Baz: def fizz(self) -> None: ... BazAlias = Baz """, runtime=""" class Baz: def fizz(self): pass BazAlias = Baz Baz.__name__ = Baz.__qualname__ = Baz.__module__ = "New" """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class FooBar: __module__: None # type: ignore def fizz(self) -> None: ... FooBarAlias = FooBar """, runtime=""" class FooBar: def fizz(self): pass FooBarAlias = FooBar FooBar.__module__ = None """, error=None, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): yield Case( stub=""" Q = Dict[str, str] R = dict[int, int] S = Tuple[int, int] T = tuple[str, str] U = int | str V = Union[int, str] W = typing.Callable[[str], bool] Z =[[str], bool] QQ = typing.Iterable[str] RR =[str] MM = typing.Match[str] MMM = re.Match[str] """, runtime=""" Q = dict[str, str] R = dict[int, int] S = tuple[int, int] T = tuple[str, str] U = int | str V = int | str W =[[str], bool] Z =[[str], bool] QQ =[str] RR =[str] MM = re.Match[str] MMM = re.Match[str] """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_enum(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="import enum", runtime="import enum", error=None) yield Case( stub=""" class X(enum.Enum): a: int b: str c: str """, runtime=""" class X(enum.Enum): a = 1 b = "asdf" c = 2 """, error="X.c", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Flags1(enum.Flag): a: int b: int def foo(x: Flags1 = ...) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Flags1(enum.Flag): a = 1 b = 2 def foo(x=Flags1.a|Flags1.b): pass """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class Flags2(enum.Flag): a: int b: int def bar(x: Flags2 | None = None) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Flags2(enum.Flag): a = 1 b = 2 def bar(x=Flags2.a|Flags2.b): pass """, error="bar", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Flags3(enum.Flag): a: int b: int def baz(x: Flags3 | None = ...) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Flags3(enum.Flag): a = 1 b = 2 def baz(x=Flags3(0)): pass """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class Flags4(enum.Flag): a: int b: int def spam(x: Flags4 | None = None) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Flags4(enum.Flag): a = 1 b = 2 def spam(x=Flags4(0)): pass """, error="spam", ) yield Case( stub=""" from typing_extensions import Final, Literal class BytesEnum(bytes, enum.Enum): a: bytes FOO: Literal[BytesEnum.a] BAR: Final = BytesEnum.a BAZ: BytesEnum EGGS: bytes """, runtime=""" class BytesEnum(bytes, enum.Enum): a = b'foo' FOO = BytesEnum.a BAR = BytesEnum.a BAZ = BytesEnum.a EGGS = BytesEnum.a """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_decorator(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" from typing import Any, Callable def decorator(f: Callable[[], int]) -> Callable[..., Any]: ... @decorator def f() -> Any: ... """, runtime=""" def decorator(f): return f @decorator def f(): return 3 """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_all_at_runtime_not_stub(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="Z: int", runtime=""" __all__ = [] Z = 5""", error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_all_in_stub_not_at_runtime(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="__all__ = ()", runtime="", error="__all__") @collect_cases def test_all_in_stub_different_to_all_at_runtime(self) -> Iterator[Case]: # We *should* emit an error with the module name itself + __all__, # if the stub *does* define __all__, # but the stub's __all__ is inconsistent with the runtime's __all__ yield Case( stub=""" __all__ = ['foo'] foo: str """, runtime=""" __all__ = [] foo = 'foo' """, error="__all__", ) @collect_cases def test_missing(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="x = 5", runtime="", error="x") yield Case(stub="def f(): ...", runtime="", error="f") yield Case(stub="class X: ...", runtime="", error="X") yield Case( stub=""" from typing import overload @overload def h(x: int): ... @overload def h(x: str): ... """, runtime="", error="h", ) yield Case(stub="", runtime="__all__ = []", error=None) # dummy case yield Case(stub="", runtime="__all__ += ['y']\ny = 5", error="y") yield Case(stub="", runtime="__all__ += ['g']\ndef g(): pass", error="g") # Here we should only check that runtime has B, since the stub explicitly re-exports it yield Case( stub="from mystery import A, B as B, C as D # type: ignore", runtime="", error="B" ) yield Case( stub="class Y: ...", runtime="__all__ += ['Y']\nclass Y:\n def __or__(self, other): return self|other", error="Y.__or__", ) yield Case( stub="class Z: ...", runtime="__all__ += ['Z']\nclass Z:\n def __reduce__(self): return (Z,)", error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_missing_no_runtime_all(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="", runtime="import sys", error=None) yield Case(stub="", runtime="def g(): ...", error="g") yield Case(stub="", runtime="CONSTANT = 0", error="CONSTANT") yield Case(stub="", runtime="import re; constant = re.compile('foo')", error="constant") yield Case(stub="", runtime="from json.scanner import NUMBER_RE", error=None) yield Case(stub="", runtime="from string import ascii_letters", error=None) @collect_cases def test_non_public_1(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="__all__: list[str]", runtime="", error=f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.__all__" ) # dummy case yield Case(stub="_f: int", runtime="def _f(): ...", error="_f") @collect_cases def test_non_public_2(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="__all__: list[str] = ['f']", runtime="__all__ = ['f']", error=None) yield Case(stub="f: int", runtime="def f(): ...", error="f") yield Case(stub="g: int", runtime="def g(): ...", error="g") @collect_cases def test_dunders(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="class A:\n def __init__(self, a: int, b: int) -> None: ...", runtime="class A:\n def __init__(self, a, bx): pass", error="A.__init__", ) yield Case( stub="class B:\n def __call__(self, c: int, d: int) -> None: ...", runtime="class B:\n def __call__(self, c, dx): pass", error="B.__call__", ) yield Case( stub=( "class C:\n" " def __init_subclass__(\n" " cls, e: int = ..., **kwargs: int\n" " ) -> None: ...\n" ), runtime="class C:\n def __init_subclass__(cls, e=1, **kwargs): pass", error=None, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): yield Case( stub="class D:\n def __class_getitem__(cls, type: type) -> type: ...", runtime="class D:\n def __class_getitem__(cls, type): ...", error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_not_subclassable(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="class CanBeSubclassed: ...", runtime="class CanBeSubclassed: ...", error=None ) yield Case( stub="class CannotBeSubclassed:\n def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: ...", runtime="class CannotBeSubclassed:\n def __init_subclass__(cls): raise TypeError", error="CannotBeSubclassed", ) @collect_cases def test_has_runtime_final_decorator(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="from typing_extensions import final", runtime=""" import functools from typing_extensions import final """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" @final class A: ... """, runtime=""" @final class A: ... """, error=None, ) yield Case( # Runtime can miss `@final` decorator stub=""" @final class B: ... """, runtime=""" class B: ... """, error=None, ) yield Case( # Stub cannot miss `@final` decorator stub=""" class C: ... """, runtime=""" @final class C: ... """, error="C", ) yield Case( stub=""" class D: @final def foo(self) -> None: ... @final @staticmethod def bar() -> None: ... @staticmethod @final def bar2() -> None: ... @final @classmethod def baz(cls) -> None: ... @classmethod @final def baz2(cls) -> None: ... @property @final def eggs(self) -> int: ... @final @property def eggs2(self) -> int: ... @final def ham(self, obj: int) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class D: @final def foo(self): pass @final @staticmethod def bar(): pass @staticmethod @final def bar2(): pass @final @classmethod def baz(cls): pass @classmethod @final def baz2(cls): pass @property @final def eggs(self): return 42 @final @property def eggs2(self): pass @final @functools.lru_cache() def ham(self, obj): return obj * 2 """, error=None, ) # Stub methods are allowed to have @final even if the runtime doesn't... yield Case( stub=""" class E: @final def foo(self) -> None: ... @final @staticmethod def bar() -> None: ... @staticmethod @final def bar2() -> None: ... @final @classmethod def baz(cls) -> None: ... @classmethod @final def baz2(cls) -> None: ... @property @final def eggs(self) -> int: ... @final @property def eggs2(self) -> int: ... @final def ham(self, obj: int) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class E: def foo(self): pass @staticmethod def bar(): pass @staticmethod def bar2(): pass @classmethod def baz(cls): pass @classmethod def baz2(cls): pass @property def eggs(self): return 42 @property def eggs2(self): return 42 @functools.lru_cache() def ham(self, obj): return obj * 2 """, error=None, ) # ...But if the runtime has @final, the stub must have it as well yield Case( stub=""" class F: def foo(self) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class F: @final def foo(self): pass """, error="", ) yield Case( stub=""" class G: @staticmethod def foo() -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class G: @final @staticmethod def foo(): pass """, error="", ) yield Case( stub=""" class H: @staticmethod def foo() -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class H: @staticmethod @final def foo(): pass """, error="", ) yield Case( stub=""" class I: @classmethod def foo(cls) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class I: @final @classmethod def foo(cls): pass """, error="", ) yield Case( stub=""" class J: @classmethod def foo(cls) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class J: @classmethod @final def foo(cls): pass """, error="", ) yield Case( stub=""" class K: @property def foo(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class K: @property @final def foo(self): return 42 """, error="", ) # This test wouldn't pass, # because the runtime can't set __final__ on instances of, # so stubtest has non way of knowing that the runtime was decorated with @final: # # yield Case( # stub=""" # class K2: # @property # def foo(self) -> int: ... # """, # runtime=""" # class K2: # @final # @property # def foo(self): return 42 # """, # error="", # ) yield Case( stub=""" class L: def foo(self, obj: int) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class L: @final @functools.lru_cache() def foo(self, obj): return obj * 2 """, error="", ) @collect_cases def test_name_mangling(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" class X: def __mangle_good(self, text: str) -> None: ... def __mangle_bad(self, number: int) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class X: def __mangle_good(self, text): pass def __mangle_bad(self, text): pass """, error="X.__mangle_bad", ) yield Case( stub=""" class Klass: class __Mangled1: class __Mangled2: def __mangle_good(self, text: str) -> None: ... def __mangle_bad(self, number: int) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class Klass: class __Mangled1: class __Mangled2: def __mangle_good(self, text): pass def __mangle_bad(self, text): pass """, error="Klass.__Mangled1.__Mangled2.__mangle_bad", ) yield Case( stub=""" class __Dunder__: def __mangle_good(self, text: str) -> None: ... def __mangle_bad(self, number: int) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class __Dunder__: def __mangle_good(self, text): pass def __mangle_bad(self, text): pass """, error="__Dunder__.__mangle_bad", ) yield Case( stub=""" class _Private: def __mangle_good(self, text: str) -> None: ... def __mangle_bad(self, number: int) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class _Private: def __mangle_good(self, text): pass def __mangle_bad(self, text): pass """, error="_Private.__mangle_bad", ) @collect_cases def test_mro(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" class A: def foo(self, x: int) -> None: ... class B(A): pass class C(A): pass """, runtime=""" class A: def foo(self, x: int) -> None: ... class B(A): def foo(self, x: int) -> None: ... class C(A): def foo(self, y: int) -> None: ... """, error="", ) yield Case( stub=""" class X: ... """, runtime=""" class X: def __init__(self, x): pass """, error="X.__init__", ) @collect_cases def test_good_literal(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=r""" from typing_extensions import Literal import enum class Color(enum.Enum): RED: int NUM: Literal[1] CHAR: Literal['a'] FLAG: Literal[True] NON: Literal[None] BYT1: Literal[b'abc'] BYT2: Literal[b'\x90'] ENUM: Literal[Color.RED] """, runtime=r""" import enum class Color(enum.Enum): RED = 3 NUM = 1 CHAR = 'a' NON = None FLAG = True BYT1 = b"abc" BYT2 = b'\x90' ENUM = Color.RED """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_bad_literal(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case("from typing_extensions import Literal", "", None) # dummy case yield Case( stub="INT_FLOAT_MISMATCH: Literal[1]", runtime="INT_FLOAT_MISMATCH = 1.0", error="INT_FLOAT_MISMATCH", ) yield Case(stub="WRONG_INT: Literal[1]", runtime="WRONG_INT = 2", error="WRONG_INT") yield Case(stub="WRONG_STR: Literal['a']", runtime="WRONG_STR = 'b'", error="WRONG_STR") yield Case( stub="BYTES_STR_MISMATCH: Literal[b'value']", runtime="BYTES_STR_MISMATCH = 'value'", error="BYTES_STR_MISMATCH", ) yield Case( stub="STR_BYTES_MISMATCH: Literal['value']", runtime="STR_BYTES_MISMATCH = b'value'", error="STR_BYTES_MISMATCH", ) yield Case( stub="WRONG_BYTES: Literal[b'abc']", runtime="WRONG_BYTES = b'xyz'", error="WRONG_BYTES", ) yield Case( stub="WRONG_BOOL_1: Literal[True]", runtime="WRONG_BOOL_1 = False", error="WRONG_BOOL_1", ) yield Case( stub="WRONG_BOOL_2: Literal[False]", runtime="WRONG_BOOL_2 = True", error="WRONG_BOOL_2", ) @collect_cases def test_special_subtype(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" b1: bool b2: bool b3: bool """, runtime=""" b1 = 0 b2 = 1 b3 = 2 """, error="b3", ) yield Case( stub=""" from typing_extensions import TypedDict class _Options(TypedDict): a: str b: int opt1: _Options opt2: _Options opt3: _Options """, runtime=""" opt1 = {"a": "3.", "b": 14} opt2 = {"some": "stuff"} # false negative opt3 = 0 """, error="opt3", ) @collect_cases def test_runtime_typing_objects(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="from typing_extensions import Protocol, TypedDict", runtime="from typing_extensions import Protocol, TypedDict", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class X(Protocol): bar: int def foo(self, x: int, y: bytes = ...) -> str: ... """, runtime=""" class X(Protocol): bar: int def foo(self, x: int, y: bytes = ...) -> str: ... """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class Y(TypedDict): a: int """, runtime=""" class Y(TypedDict): a: int """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_named_tuple(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="from typing import NamedTuple", runtime="from typing import NamedTuple", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class X1(NamedTuple): bar: int foo: str = ... """, runtime=""" class X1(NamedTuple): bar: int foo: str = 'a' """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class X2(NamedTuple): bar: int foo: str """, runtime=""" class X2(NamedTuple): bar: int foo: str = 'a' """, # `__new__` will miss a default value for a `foo` parameter, # but we don't generate special errors for `foo` missing `...` part. error="X2.__new__", ) @collect_cases def test_named_tuple_typing_and_collections(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="from typing import NamedTuple", runtime="from collections import namedtuple", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class X1(NamedTuple): bar: int foo: str = ... """, runtime=""" X1 = namedtuple('X1', ['bar', 'foo'], defaults=['a']) """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class X2(NamedTuple): bar: int foo: str """, runtime=""" X2 = namedtuple('X1', ['bar', 'foo'], defaults=['a']) """, error="X2.__new__", ) @collect_cases def test_type_var(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub="from typing import TypeVar", runtime="from typing import TypeVar", error=None ) yield Case(stub="A = TypeVar('A')", runtime="A = TypeVar('A')", error=None) yield Case(stub="B = TypeVar('B')", runtime="B = 5", error="B") if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): yield Case( stub="from typing import ParamSpec", runtime="from typing import ParamSpec", error=None, ) yield Case(stub="C = ParamSpec('C')", runtime="C = ParamSpec('C')", error=None) @collect_cases def test_metaclass_match(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case(stub="class Meta(type): ...", runtime="class Meta(type): ...", error=None) yield Case(stub="class A0: ...", runtime="class A0: ...", error=None) yield Case( stub="class A1(metaclass=Meta): ...", runtime="class A1(metaclass=Meta): ...", error=None, ) yield Case(stub="class A2: ...", runtime="class A2(metaclass=Meta): ...", error="A2") yield Case(stub="class A3(metaclass=Meta): ...", runtime="class A3: ...", error="A3") # Explicit `type` metaclass can always be added in any part: yield Case( stub="class T1(metaclass=type): ...", runtime="class T1(metaclass=type): ...", error=None, ) yield Case(stub="class T2: ...", runtime="class T2(metaclass=type): ...", error=None) yield Case(stub="class T3(metaclass=type): ...", runtime="class T3: ...", error=None) # Explicit check that `_protected` names are also supported: yield Case(stub="class _P1(type): ...", runtime="class _P1(type): ...", error=None) yield Case(stub="class P2: ...", runtime="class P2(metaclass=_P1): ...", error="P2") # With inheritance: yield Case( stub=""" class I1(metaclass=Meta): ... class S1(I1): ... """, runtime=""" class I1(metaclass=Meta): ... class S1(I1): ... """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class I2(metaclass=Meta): ... class S2: ... # missing inheritance """, runtime=""" class I2(metaclass=Meta): ... class S2(I2): ... """, error="S2", ) @collect_cases def test_metaclass_abcmeta(self) -> Iterator[Case]: # Handling abstract metaclasses is special: yield Case(stub="from abc import ABCMeta", runtime="from abc import ABCMeta", error=None) yield Case( stub="class A1(metaclass=ABCMeta): ...", runtime="class A1(metaclass=ABCMeta): ...", error=None, ) # Stubs cannot miss abstract metaclass: yield Case(stub="class A2: ...", runtime="class A2(metaclass=ABCMeta): ...", error="A2") # But, stubs can add extra abstract metaclass, this might be a typing hack: yield Case(stub="class A3(metaclass=ABCMeta): ...", runtime="class A3: ...", error=None) @collect_cases def test_abstract_methods(self) -> Iterator[Case]: yield Case( stub=""" from abc import abstractmethod from typing import overload """, runtime="from abc import abstractmethod", error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class A1: def some(self) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class A1: @abstractmethod def some(self) -> None: ... """, error="A1.some", ) yield Case( stub=""" class A2: @abstractmethod def some(self) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class A2: @abstractmethod def some(self) -> None: ... """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class A3: @overload def some(self, other: int) -> str: ... @overload def some(self, other: str) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class A3: @abstractmethod def some(self, other) -> None: ... """, error="A3.some", ) yield Case( stub=""" class A4: @overload @abstractmethod def some(self, other: int) -> str: ... @overload @abstractmethod def some(self, other: str) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class A4: @abstractmethod def some(self, other) -> None: ... """, error=None, ) yield Case( stub=""" class A5: @abstractmethod @overload def some(self, other: int) -> str: ... @abstractmethod @overload def some(self, other: str) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class A5: @abstractmethod def some(self, other) -> None: ... """, error=None, ) # Runtime can miss `@abstractmethod`: yield Case( stub=""" class A6: @abstractmethod def some(self) -> None: ... """, runtime=""" class A6: def some(self) -> None: ... """, error=None, ) @collect_cases def test_abstract_properties(self) -> Iterator[Case]: # TODO: test abstract properties with setters yield Case( stub="from abc import abstractmethod", runtime="from abc import abstractmethod", error=None, ) # Ensure that `@property` also can be abstract: yield Case( stub=""" class AP1: @property def some(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class AP1: @property @abstractmethod def some(self) -> int: ... """, error="AP1.some", ) yield Case( stub=""" class AP1_2: def some(self) -> int: ... # missing `@property` decorator """, runtime=""" class AP1_2: @property @abstractmethod def some(self) -> int: ... """, error="AP1_2.some", ) yield Case( stub=""" class AP2: @property @abstractmethod def some(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class AP2: @property @abstractmethod def some(self) -> int: ... """, error=None, ) # Runtime can miss `@abstractmethod`: yield Case( stub=""" class AP3: @property @abstractmethod def some(self) -> int: ... """, runtime=""" class AP3: @property def some(self) -> int: ... """, error=None, ) def remove_color_code(s: str) -> str: return re.sub("\\x1b.*?m", "", s) # this works! class StubtestMiscUnit(unittest.TestCase): def test_output(self) -> None: output = run_stubtest( stub="def bad(number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def bad(num, text): pass", options=[], ) expected = ( f'error: {TEST_MODULE_NAME}.bad is inconsistent, stub argument "number" differs ' 'from runtime argument "num"\n' f"Stub: in file {TEST_MODULE_NAME}.pyi:1\n" "def (number:, text: builtins.str)\n" f"Runtime: in file {TEST_MODULE_NAME}.py:1\ndef (num, text)\n\n" "Found 1 error (checked 1 module)\n" ) assert output == expected output = run_stubtest( stub="def bad(number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def bad(num, text): pass", options=["--concise"], ) expected = ( "{}.bad is inconsistent, " 'stub argument "number" differs from runtime argument "num"\n'.format(TEST_MODULE_NAME) ) assert output == expected def test_ignore_flags(self) -> None: output = run_stubtest( stub="", runtime="__all__ = ['f']\ndef f(): pass", options=["--ignore-missing-stub"] ) assert output == "Success: no issues found in 1 module\n" output = run_stubtest(stub="", runtime="def f(): pass", options=["--ignore-missing-stub"]) assert output == "Success: no issues found in 1 module\n" output = run_stubtest( stub="def f(__a): ...", runtime="def f(a): pass", options=["--ignore-positional-only"] ) assert output == "Success: no issues found in 1 module\n" def test_allowlist(self) -> None: # Can't use this as a context because Windows allowlist = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", delete=False) try: with allowlist: allowlist.write(f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.bad # comment\n# comment") output = run_stubtest( stub="def bad(number: int, text: str) -> None: ...", runtime="def bad(asdf, text): pass", options=["--allowlist",], ) assert output == "Success: no issues found in 1 module\n" # test unused entry detection output = run_stubtest(stub="", runtime="", options=["--allowlist",]) assert output == ( f"note: unused allowlist entry {TEST_MODULE_NAME}.bad\n" "Found 1 error (checked 1 module)\n" ) output = run_stubtest( stub="", runtime="", options=["--allowlist",, "--ignore-unused-allowlist"], ) assert output == "Success: no issues found in 1 module\n" # test regex matching with open(, mode="w+") as f: f.write(f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.b.*\n") f.write("(unused_missing)?\n") f.write("unused.*\n") output = run_stubtest( stub=textwrap.dedent( """ def good() -> None: ... def bad(number: int) -> None: ... def also_bad(number: int) -> None: ... """.lstrip( "\n" ) ), runtime=textwrap.dedent( """ def good(): pass def bad(asdf): pass def also_bad(asdf): pass """.lstrip( "\n" ) ), options=["--allowlist",, "--generate-allowlist"], ) assert output == ( f"note: unused allowlist entry unused.*\n" f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.also_bad\n" ) finally: os.unlink( def test_mypy_build(self) -> None: output = run_stubtest(stub="+", runtime="", options=[]) assert output == ( "error: not checking stubs due to failed mypy compile:\n{}.pyi:1: " "error: invalid syntax [syntax]\n".format(TEST_MODULE_NAME) ) output = run_stubtest(stub="def f(): ...\ndef f(): ...", runtime="", options=[]) assert output == ( "error: not checking stubs due to mypy build errors:\n{}.pyi:2: " 'error: Name "f" already defined on line 1 [no-redef]\n'.format(TEST_MODULE_NAME) ) def test_missing_stubs(self) -> None: output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): test_stubs(parse_options(["not_a_module"])) assert remove_color_code(output.getvalue()) == ( "error: not_a_module failed to find stubs\n" "Stub:\nMISSING\nRuntime:\nN/A\n\n" "Found 1 error (checked 1 module)\n" ) def test_only_py(self) -> None: # in this case, stubtest will check the py against itself # this is useful to support packages with a mix of stubs and inline types with use_tmp_dir(TEST_MODULE_NAME): with open(f"{TEST_MODULE_NAME}.py", "w") as f: f.write("a = 1") output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): test_stubs(parse_options([TEST_MODULE_NAME])) output_str = remove_color_code(output.getvalue()) assert output_str == "Success: no issues found in 1 module\n" def test_get_typeshed_stdlib_modules(self) -> None: stdlib = mypy.stubtest.get_typeshed_stdlib_modules(None, (3, 7)) assert "builtins" in stdlib assert "os" in stdlib assert "os.path" in stdlib assert "asyncio" in stdlib assert "graphlib" not in stdlib assert "formatter" in stdlib assert "contextvars" in stdlib # 3.7+ assert "importlib.metadata" not in stdlib stdlib = mypy.stubtest.get_typeshed_stdlib_modules(None, (3, 10)) assert "graphlib" in stdlib assert "formatter" not in stdlib assert "importlib.metadata" in stdlib def test_signature(self) -> None: def f(a: int, b: int, *, c: int, d: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> None: pass assert ( str(mypy.stubtest.Signature.from_inspect_signature(inspect.signature(f))) == "def (a, b, *, c, d = ..., **kwargs)" ) def test_config_file(self) -> None: runtime = "temp = 5\n" stub = "from decimal import Decimal\ntemp: Decimal\n" config_file = f"[mypy]\nplugins={root_dir}/test-data/unit/plugins/\n" output = run_stubtest(stub=stub, runtime=runtime, options=[]) assert output == ( f"error: {TEST_MODULE_NAME}.temp variable differs from runtime type Literal[5]\n" f"Stub: in file {TEST_MODULE_NAME}.pyi:2\n_decimal.Decimal\nRuntime:\n5\n\n" "Found 1 error (checked 1 module)\n" ) output = run_stubtest(stub=stub, runtime=runtime, options=[], config_file=config_file) assert output == "Success: no issues found in 1 module\n" def test_no_modules(self) -> None: output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): test_stubs(parse_options([])) assert remove_color_code(output.getvalue()) == "error: no modules to check\n" def test_module_and_typeshed(self) -> None: output = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output): test_stubs(parse_options(["--check-typeshed", "some_module"])) assert remove_color_code(output.getvalue()) == ( "error: cannot pass both --check-typeshed and a list of modules\n" )