"""Calculate some properties of classes. These happen after semantic analysis and before type checking. """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import Final from mypy.errors import Errors from mypy.nodes import ( IMPLICITLY_ABSTRACT, IS_ABSTRACT, CallExpr, Decorator, FuncDef, Node, OverloadedFuncDef, PromoteExpr, SymbolTable, TypeInfo, Var, ) from mypy.options import Options from mypy.types import MYPYC_NATIVE_INT_NAMES, Instance, ProperType # Hard coded type promotions (shared between all Python versions). # These add extra ad-hoc edges to the subtyping relation. For example, # int is considered a subtype of float, even though there is no # subclass relationship. # Note that the bytearray -> bytes promotion is a little unsafe # as some functions only accept bytes objects. Here convenience # trumps safety. TYPE_PROMOTIONS: Final = { "builtins.int": "float", "builtins.float": "complex", "builtins.bytearray": "bytes", "builtins.memoryview": "bytes", } def calculate_class_abstract_status(typ: TypeInfo, is_stub_file: bool, errors: Errors) -> None: """Calculate abstract status of a class. Set is_abstract of the type to True if the type has an unimplemented abstract attribute. Also compute a list of abstract attributes. Report error is required ABCMeta metaclass is missing. """ if typ.typeddict_type: return # TypedDict can't be abstract concrete: set[str] = set() # List of abstract attributes together with their abstract status abstract: list[tuple[str, int]] = [] abstract_in_this_class: list[str] = [] if typ.is_newtype: # Special case: NewTypes are considered as always non-abstract, so they can be used as: # Config = NewType('Config', Mapping[str, str]) # default = Config({'cannot': 'modify'}) # OK typ.abstract_attributes = [] return for base in typ.mro: for name, symnode in base.names.items(): node = symnode.node if isinstance(node, OverloadedFuncDef): # Unwrap an overloaded function definition. We can just # check arbitrarily the first overload item. If the # different items have a different abstract status, there # should be an error reported elsewhere. if node.items: # can be empty for invalid overloads func: Node | None = node.items[0] else: func = None else: func = node if isinstance(func, Decorator): func = func.func if isinstance(func, FuncDef): if ( func.abstract_status in (IS_ABSTRACT, IMPLICITLY_ABSTRACT) and name not in concrete ): typ.is_abstract = True abstract.append((name, func.abstract_status)) if base is typ: abstract_in_this_class.append(name) elif isinstance(node, Var): if node.is_abstract_var and name not in concrete: typ.is_abstract = True abstract.append((name, IS_ABSTRACT)) if base is typ: abstract_in_this_class.append(name) concrete.add(name) # In stubs, abstract classes need to be explicitly marked because it is too # easy to accidentally leave a concrete class abstract by forgetting to # implement some methods. typ.abstract_attributes = sorted(abstract) if is_stub_file: if typ.declared_metaclass and typ.declared_metaclass.type.has_base("abc.ABCMeta"): return if typ.is_protocol: return if abstract and not abstract_in_this_class: def report(message: str, severity: str) -> None: errors.report(typ.line, typ.column, message, severity=severity) attrs = ", ".join(f'"{attr}"' for attr, _ in sorted(abstract)) report(f"Class {typ.fullname} has abstract attributes {attrs}", "error") report( "If it is meant to be abstract, add 'abc.ABCMeta' as an explicit metaclass", "note" ) if typ.is_final and abstract: attrs = ", ".join(f'"{attr}"' for attr, _ in sorted(abstract)) errors.report( typ.line, typ.column, f"Final class {typ.fullname} has abstract attributes {attrs}" ) def check_protocol_status(info: TypeInfo, errors: Errors) -> None: """Check that all classes in MRO of a protocol are protocols""" if info.is_protocol: for type in info.bases: if not type.type.is_protocol and type.type.fullname != "builtins.object": def report(message: str, severity: str) -> None: errors.report(info.line, info.column, message, severity=severity) report("All bases of a protocol must be protocols", "error") def calculate_class_vars(info: TypeInfo) -> None: """Try to infer additional class variables. Subclass attribute assignments with no type annotation are assumed to be classvar if overriding a declared classvar from the base class. This must happen after the main semantic analysis pass, since this depends on base class bodies having been fully analyzed. """ for name, sym in info.names.items(): node = sym.node if isinstance(node, Var) and node.info and node.is_inferred and not node.is_classvar: for base in info.mro[1:]: member = base.names.get(name) if member is not None and isinstance(member.node, Var) and member.node.is_classvar: node.is_classvar = True def add_type_promotion( info: TypeInfo, module_names: SymbolTable, options: Options, builtin_names: SymbolTable ) -> None: """Setup extra, ad-hoc subtyping relationships between classes (promotion). This includes things like 'int' being compatible with 'float'. """ defn = info.defn promote_targets: list[ProperType] = [] for decorator in defn.decorators: if isinstance(decorator, CallExpr): analyzed = decorator.analyzed if isinstance(analyzed, PromoteExpr): # _promote class decorator (undocumented feature). promote_targets.append(analyzed.type) if not promote_targets: if defn.fullname in TYPE_PROMOTIONS: target_sym = module_names.get(TYPE_PROMOTIONS[defn.fullname]) if defn.fullname == "builtins.bytearray" and options.disable_bytearray_promotion: target_sym = None elif defn.fullname == "builtins.memoryview" and options.disable_memoryview_promotion: target_sym = None # With test stubs, the target may not exist. if target_sym: target_info = target_sym.node assert isinstance(target_info, TypeInfo) promote_targets.append(Instance(target_info, [])) # Special case the promotions between 'int' and native integer types. # These have promotions going both ways, such as from 'int' to 'i64' # and 'i64' to 'int', for convenience. if defn.fullname in MYPYC_NATIVE_INT_NAMES: int_sym = builtin_names["int"] assert isinstance(int_sym.node, TypeInfo) int_sym.node._promote.append(Instance(defn.info, [])) defn.info.alt_promote = Instance(int_sym.node, []) if promote_targets: defn.info._promote.extend(promote_targets)