"""Interfaces for accessing metadata. We provide two implementations. * The "classic" file system implementation, which uses a directory structure of files. * A hokey sqlite backed implementation, which basically simulates the file system in an effort to work around poor file system performance on OS X. """ from __future__ import annotations import binascii import os import time from abc import abstractmethod from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable if TYPE_CHECKING: # We avoid importing sqlite3 unless we are using it so we can mostly work # on semi-broken pythons that are missing it. import sqlite3 class MetadataStore: """Generic interface for metadata storage.""" @abstractmethod def getmtime(self, name: str) -> float: """Read the mtime of a metadata entry.. Raises FileNotFound if the entry does not exist. """ @abstractmethod def read(self, name: str) -> str: """Read the contents of a metadata entry. Raises FileNotFound if the entry does not exist. """ @abstractmethod def write(self, name: str, data: str, mtime: float | None = None) -> bool: """Write a metadata entry. If mtime is specified, set it as the mtime of the entry. Otherwise, the current time is used. Returns True if the entry is successfully written, False otherwise. """ @abstractmethod def remove(self, name: str) -> None: """Delete a metadata entry""" @abstractmethod def commit(self) -> None: """If the backing store requires a commit, do it. But N.B. that this is not *guaranteed* to do anything, and there is no guarantee that changes are not made until it is called. """ @abstractmethod def list_all(self) -> Iterable[str]: ... def random_string() -> str: return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(8)).decode("ascii") class FilesystemMetadataStore(MetadataStore): def __init__(self, cache_dir_prefix: str) -> None: # We check startswith instead of equality because the version # will have already been appended by the time the cache dir is # passed here. if cache_dir_prefix.startswith(os.devnull): self.cache_dir_prefix = None else: self.cache_dir_prefix = cache_dir_prefix def getmtime(self, name: str) -> float: if not self.cache_dir_prefix: raise FileNotFoundError() return int(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.cache_dir_prefix, name))) def read(self, name: str) -> str: assert os.path.normpath(name) != os.path.abspath(name), "Don't use absolute paths!" if not self.cache_dir_prefix: raise FileNotFoundError() with open(os.path.join(self.cache_dir_prefix, name)) as f: return f.read() def write(self, name: str, data: str, mtime: float | None = None) -> bool: assert os.path.normpath(name) != os.path.abspath(name), "Don't use absolute paths!" if not self.cache_dir_prefix: return False path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir_prefix, name) tmp_filename = path + "." + random_string() try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with open(tmp_filename, "w") as f: f.write(data) os.replace(tmp_filename, path) if mtime is not None: os.utime(path, times=(mtime, mtime)) except os.error: return False return True def remove(self, name: str) -> None: if not self.cache_dir_prefix: raise FileNotFoundError() os.remove(os.path.join(self.cache_dir_prefix, name)) def commit(self) -> None: pass def list_all(self) -> Iterable[str]: if not self.cache_dir_prefix: return for dir, _, files in os.walk(self.cache_dir_prefix): dir = os.path.relpath(dir, self.cache_dir_prefix) for file in files: yield os.path.join(dir, file) SCHEMA = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( path TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, mtime REAL, data TEXT ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS path_idx on files(path); """ # No migrations yet MIGRATIONS: list[str] = [] def connect_db(db_file: str) -> sqlite3.Connection: import sqlite3.dbapi2 db = sqlite3.dbapi2.connect(db_file) db.executescript(SCHEMA) for migr in MIGRATIONS: try: db.executescript(migr) except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass return db class SqliteMetadataStore(MetadataStore): def __init__(self, cache_dir_prefix: str) -> None: # We check startswith instead of equality because the version # will have already been appended by the time the cache dir is # passed here. if cache_dir_prefix.startswith(os.devnull): self.db = None return os.makedirs(cache_dir_prefix, exist_ok=True) self.db = connect_db(os.path.join(cache_dir_prefix, "cache.db")) def _query(self, name: str, field: str) -> Any: # Raises FileNotFound for consistency with the file system version if not self.db: raise FileNotFoundError() cur = self.db.execute(f"SELECT {field} FROM files WHERE path = ?", (name,)) results = cur.fetchall() if not results: raise FileNotFoundError() assert len(results) == 1 return results[0][0] def getmtime(self, name: str) -> float: mtime = self._query(name, "mtime") assert isinstance(mtime, float) return mtime def read(self, name: str) -> str: data = self._query(name, "data") assert isinstance(data, str) return data def write(self, name: str, data: str, mtime: float | None = None) -> bool: import sqlite3 if not self.db: return False try: if mtime is None: mtime = time.time() self.db.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files(path, mtime, data) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", (name, mtime, data), ) except sqlite3.OperationalError: return False return True def remove(self, name: str) -> None: if not self.db: raise FileNotFoundError() self.db.execute("DELETE FROM files WHERE path = ?", (name,)) def commit(self) -> None: if self.db: self.db.commit() def list_all(self) -> Iterable[str]: if self.db: for row in self.db.execute("SELECT path FROM files"): yield row[0]