"""Test cases for building an C extension and running it.""" from __future__ import annotations import ast import contextlib import glob import os.path import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import time from typing import Any, Iterator from mypy import build from mypy.errors import CompileError from mypy.options import TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, UNPACK, Options from mypy.test.config import test_temp_dir from mypy.test.data import DataDrivenTestCase from mypy.test.helpers import assert_module_equivalence, perform_file_operations from mypyc.build import construct_groups from mypyc.codegen import emitmodule from mypyc.errors import Errors from mypyc.options import CompilerOptions from mypyc.test.test_serialization import check_serialization_roundtrip from mypyc.test.testutil import ( ICODE_GEN_BUILTINS, TESTUTIL_PATH, MypycDataSuite, assert_test_output, fudge_dir_mtimes, show_c, use_custom_builtins, ) files = [ "run-async.test", "run-misc.test", "run-functions.test", "run-integers.test", "run-i64.test", "run-i32.test", "run-i16.test", "run-u8.test", "run-floats.test", "run-math.test", "run-bools.test", "run-strings.test", "run-bytes.test", "run-tuples.test", "run-lists.test", "run-dicts.test", "run-sets.test", "run-primitives.test", "run-loops.test", "run-exceptions.test", "run-imports.test", "run-classes.test", "run-traits.test", "run-generators.test", "run-multimodule.test", "run-bench.test", "run-mypy-sim.test", "run-dunders.test", "run-singledispatch.test", "run-attrs.test", "run-python37.test", "run-python38.test", ] if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): files.append("run-match.test") setup_format = """\ from setuptools import setup from mypyc.build import mypycify setup(name='test_run_output', ext_modules=mypycify({}, separate={}, skip_cgen_input={!r}, strip_asserts=False, multi_file={}, opt_level='{}'), ) """ WORKDIR = "build" def run_setup(script_name: str, script_args: list[str]) -> bool: """Run a setup script in a somewhat controlled environment. This is adapted from code in distutils and our goal here is that is faster to not need to spin up a python interpreter to run it. We had to fork it because the real run_setup swallows errors and KeyboardInterrupt with no way to recover them (!). The real version has some extra features that we removed since we weren't using them. Returns whether the setup succeeded. """ save_argv = sys.argv.copy() g = {"__file__": script_name} try: try: sys.argv[0] = script_name sys.argv[1:] = script_args with open(script_name, "rb") as f: exec(f.read(), g) finally: sys.argv = save_argv except SystemExit as e: # distutils converts KeyboardInterrupt into a SystemExit with # "interrupted" as the argument. Convert it back so that # pytest will exit instead of just failing the test. if e.code == "interrupted": raise KeyboardInterrupt from e return e.code == 0 or e.code is None return True @contextlib.contextmanager def chdir_manager(target: str) -> Iterator[None]: dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(target) try: yield finally: os.chdir(dir) class TestRun(MypycDataSuite): """Test cases that build a C extension and run code.""" files = files base_path = test_temp_dir optional_out = True multi_file = False separate = False # If True, using separate (incremental) compilation def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: # setup.py wants to be run from the root directory of the package, which we accommodate # by chdiring into tmp/ with use_custom_builtins( os.path.join(self.data_prefix, ICODE_GEN_BUILTINS), testcase ), chdir_manager("tmp"): self.run_case_inner(testcase) def run_case_inner(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None: if not os.path.isdir(WORKDIR): # (one test puts something in build...) os.mkdir(WORKDIR) text = "\n".join(testcase.input) with open("native.py", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(text) with open("interpreted.py", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(text) shutil.copyfile(TESTUTIL_PATH, "testutil.py") step = 1 self.run_case_step(testcase, step) steps = testcase.find_steps() if steps == [[]]: steps = [] for operations in steps: # To make sure that any new changes get picked up as being # new by distutils, shift the mtime of all of the # generated artifacts back by a second. fudge_dir_mtimes(WORKDIR, -1) # On Ubuntu, changing the mtime doesn't work reliably. As # a workaround, sleep. # # TODO: Figure out a better approach, since this slows down tests. if sys.platform == "linux": time.sleep(1.0) step += 1 with chdir_manager(".."): perform_file_operations(operations) self.run_case_step(testcase, step) def run_case_step(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, incremental_step: int) -> None: bench = testcase.config.getoption("--bench", False) and "Benchmark" in testcase.name options = Options() options.use_builtins_fixtures = True options.show_traceback = True options.strict_optional = True options.python_version = sys.version_info[:2] options.export_types = True options.preserve_asts = True options.allow_empty_bodies = True options.incremental = self.separate options.enable_incomplete_feature = [TYPE_VAR_TUPLE, UNPACK] # Avoid checking modules/packages named 'unchecked', to provide a way # to test interacting with code we don't have types for. options.per_module_options["unchecked.*"] = {"follow_imports": "error"} source = build.BuildSource("native.py", "native", None) sources = [source] module_names = ["native"] module_paths = ["native.py"] # Hard code another module name to compile in the same compilation unit. to_delete = [] for fn, text in testcase.files: fn = os.path.relpath(fn, test_temp_dir) if os.path.basename(fn).startswith("other") and fn.endswith(".py"): name = fn.split(".")[0].replace(os.sep, ".") module_names.append(name) sources.append(build.BuildSource(fn, name, None)) to_delete.append(fn) module_paths.append(fn) shutil.copyfile(fn, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), name + "_interpreted.py")) for source in sources: options.per_module_options.setdefault(source.module, {})["mypyc"] = True separate = ( self.get_separate("\n".join(testcase.input), incremental_step) if self.separate else False ) groups = construct_groups(sources, separate, len(module_names) > 1) try: compiler_options = CompilerOptions(multi_file=self.multi_file, separate=self.separate) result = emitmodule.parse_and_typecheck( sources=sources, options=options, compiler_options=compiler_options, groups=groups, alt_lib_path=".", ) errors = Errors(options) ir, cfiles = emitmodule.compile_modules_to_c( result, compiler_options=compiler_options, errors=errors, groups=groups ) if errors.num_errors: errors.flush_errors() assert False, "Compile error" except CompileError as e: for line in e.messages: print(fix_native_line_number(line, testcase.file, testcase.line)) assert False, "Compile error" # Check that serialization works on this IR. (Only on the first # step because the returned ir only includes updated code.) if incremental_step == 1: check_serialization_roundtrip(ir) opt_level = int(os.environ.get("MYPYC_OPT_LEVEL", 0)) debug_level = int(os.environ.get("MYPYC_DEBUG_LEVEL", 0)) setup_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(WORKDIR, "setup.py")) # We pass the C file information to the build script via setup.py unfortunately with open(setup_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( setup_format.format( module_paths, separate, cfiles, self.multi_file, opt_level, debug_level ) ) if not run_setup(setup_file, ["build_ext", "--inplace"]): if testcase.config.getoption("--mypyc-showc"): show_c(cfiles) assert False, "Compilation failed" # Assert that an output file got created suffix = "pyd" if sys.platform == "win32" else "so" assert glob.glob(f"native.*.{suffix}") or glob.glob(f"native.{suffix}") driver_path = "driver.py" if not os.path.isfile(driver_path): # No driver.py provided by test case. Use the default one # (mypyc/test-data/driver/driver.py) that calls each # function named test_*. default_driver = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "test-data", "driver", "driver.py" ) shutil.copy(default_driver, driver_path) env = os.environ.copy() env["MYPYC_RUN_BENCH"] = "1" if bench else "0" debugger = testcase.config.getoption("debugger") if debugger: if debugger == "lldb": subprocess.check_call(["lldb", "--", sys.executable, driver_path], env=env) elif debugger == "gdb": subprocess.check_call(["gdb", "--args", sys.executable, driver_path], env=env) else: assert False, "Unsupported debugger" # TODO: find a way to automatically disable capturing # stdin/stdout when in debugging mode assert False, ( "Test can't pass in debugging mode. " "(Make sure to pass -s to pytest to interact with the debugger)" ) proc = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, driver_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): # TODO: testDecorators1 hangs on 3.12, remove this once fixed proc.wait(timeout=30) output = proc.communicate()[0].decode("utf8") outlines = output.splitlines() if testcase.config.getoption("--mypyc-showc"): show_c(cfiles) if proc.returncode != 0: print() print("*** Exit status: %d" % proc.returncode) # Verify output. if bench: print("Test output:") print(output) else: if incremental_step == 1: msg = "Invalid output" expected = testcase.output else: msg = f"Invalid output (step {incremental_step})" expected = testcase.output2.get(incremental_step, []) if not expected: # Tweak some line numbers, but only if the expected output is empty, # as tweaked output might not match expected output. outlines = [ fix_native_line_number(line, testcase.file, testcase.line) for line in outlines ] assert_test_output(testcase, outlines, msg, expected) if incremental_step > 1 and options.incremental: suffix = "" if incremental_step == 2 else str(incremental_step - 1) expected_rechecked = testcase.expected_rechecked_modules.get(incremental_step - 1) if expected_rechecked is not None: assert_module_equivalence( "rechecked" + suffix, expected_rechecked, result.manager.rechecked_modules ) expected_stale = testcase.expected_stale_modules.get(incremental_step - 1) if expected_stale is not None: assert_module_equivalence( "stale" + suffix, expected_stale, result.manager.stale_modules ) assert proc.returncode == 0 def get_separate(self, program_text: str, incremental_step: int) -> Any: template = r"# separate{}: (\[.*\])$" m = re.search(template.format(incremental_step), program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if not m: m = re.search(template.format(""), program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if m: return ast.literal_eval(m.group(1)) else: return True class TestRunMultiFile(TestRun): """Run the main multi-module tests in multi-file compilation mode. In multi-file mode each module gets compiled into a separate C file, but all modules (C files) are compiled together. """ multi_file = True test_name_suffix = "_multi" files = ["run-multimodule.test", "run-mypy-sim.test"] class TestRunSeparate(TestRun): """Run the main multi-module tests in separate compilation mode. In this mode there are multiple compilation groups, which are compiled incrementally. Each group is compiled to a separate C file, and these C files are compiled separately. Each compiled module is placed into a separate compilation group, unless overridden by a special comment. Consider this example: # separate: [(["other.py", "other_b.py"], "stuff")] This puts other.py and other_b.py into a compilation group named "stuff". Any files not mentioned in the comment will get single-file groups. """ separate = True test_name_suffix = "_separate" files = ["run-multimodule.test", "run-mypy-sim.test"] def fix_native_line_number(message: str, fnam: str, delta: int) -> str: """Update code locations in test case output to point to the .test file. The description of the test case is written to native.py, and line numbers in test case output often are relative to native.py. This translates the line numbers to be relative to the .test file that contains the test case description, and also updates the file name to the .test file name. Args: message: message to update fnam: path of the .test file delta: line number of the beginning of the test case in the .test file Returns updated message (or original message if we couldn't find anything). """ fnam = os.path.basename(fnam) message = re.sub( r"native\.py:([0-9]+):", lambda m: "%s:%d:" % (fnam, int(m.group(1)) + delta), message ) message = re.sub( r'"native.py", line ([0-9]+),', lambda m: '"%s", line %d,' % (fnam, int(m.group(1)) + delta), message, ) return message