# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt from __future__ import annotations import os import platform import sys import astroid import platformdirs from pylint.__pkginfo__ import __version__ from pylint.typing import MessageTypesFullName PY38_PLUS = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8) PY39_PLUS = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9) PY310_PLUS = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10) PY312_PLUS = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 12) IS_PYPY = platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy" PY_EXTS = (".py", ".pyc", ".pyo", ".pyw", ".so", ".dll") MSG_STATE_CONFIDENCE = 2 _MSG_ORDER = "EWRCIF" MSG_STATE_SCOPE_CONFIG = 0 MSG_STATE_SCOPE_MODULE = 1 # The line/node distinction does not apply to fatal errors and reports. _SCOPE_EXEMPT = "FR" MSG_TYPES: dict[str, MessageTypesFullName] = { "I": "info", "C": "convention", "R": "refactor", "W": "warning", "E": "error", "F": "fatal", } MSG_TYPES_LONG: dict[str, str] = {v: k for k, v in MSG_TYPES.items()} MSG_TYPES_STATUS = {"I": 0, "C": 16, "R": 8, "W": 4, "E": 2, "F": 1} # You probably don't want to change the MAIN_CHECKER_NAME # This would affect rcfile generation and retro-compatibility # on all project using [MAIN] in their rcfile. MAIN_CHECKER_NAME = "main" DEFAULT_PYLINT_HOME = platformdirs.user_cache_dir("pylint") DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST = ("CVS",) class WarningScope: LINE = "line-based-msg" NODE = "node-based-msg" full_version = f"""pylint {__version__} astroid {astroid.__version__} Python {sys.version}""" HUMAN_READABLE_TYPES = { "file": "file", "module": "module", "const": "constant", "class": "class", "function": "function", "method": "method", "attr": "attribute", "argument": "argument", "variable": "variable", "class_attribute": "class attribute", "class_const": "class constant", "inlinevar": "inline iteration", "typevar": "type variable", "typealias": "type alias", } # ignore some messages when emitting useless-suppression: # - cyclic-import: can show false positives due to incomplete context # - deprecated-{module, argument, class, method, decorator}: # can cause false positives for multi-interpreter projects # when linting with an interpreter on a lower python version INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_USELESS_SUPPRESSION = frozenset( [ "R0401", # cyclic-import "W0402", # deprecated-module "W1505", # deprecated-method "W1511", # deprecated-argument "W1512", # deprecated-class "W1513", # deprecated-decorator "R0801", # duplicate-code ] ) def _get_pylint_home() -> str: """Return the pylint home.""" if "PYLINTHOME" in os.environ: return os.environ["PYLINTHOME"] return DEFAULT_PYLINT_HOME PYLINT_HOME = _get_pylint_home() TYPING_NORETURN = frozenset( ( "typing.NoReturn", "typing_extensions.NoReturn", ) ) TYPING_NEVER = frozenset( ( "typing.Never", "typing_extensions.Never", ) ) DUNDER_METHODS: dict[tuple[int, int], dict[str, str]] = { (0, 0): { "__init__": "Instantiate class directly", "__del__": "Use del keyword", "__repr__": "Use repr built-in function", "__str__": "Use str built-in function", "__bytes__": "Use bytes built-in function", "__format__": "Use format built-in function, format string method, or f-string", "__lt__": "Use < operator", "__le__": "Use <= operator", "__eq__": "Use == operator", "__ne__": "Use != operator", "__gt__": "Use > operator", "__ge__": "Use >= operator", "__hash__": "Use hash built-in function", "__bool__": "Use bool built-in function", "__getattr__": "Access attribute directly or use getattr built-in function", "__getattribute__": "Access attribute directly or use getattr built-in function", "__setattr__": "Set attribute directly or use setattr built-in function", "__delattr__": "Use del keyword", "__dir__": "Use dir built-in function", "__get__": "Use get method", "__set__": "Use set method", "__delete__": "Use del keyword", "__instancecheck__": "Use isinstance built-in function", "__subclasscheck__": "Use issubclass built-in function", "__call__": "Invoke instance directly", "__len__": "Use len built-in function", "__length_hint__": "Use length_hint method", "__getitem__": "Access item via subscript", "__setitem__": "Set item via subscript", "__delitem__": "Use del keyword", "__iter__": "Use iter built-in function", "__next__": "Use next built-in function", "__reversed__": "Use reversed built-in function", "__contains__": "Use in keyword", "__add__": "Use + operator", "__sub__": "Use - operator", "__mul__": "Use * operator", "__matmul__": "Use @ operator", "__truediv__": "Use / operator", "__floordiv__": "Use // operator", "__mod__": "Use % operator", "__divmod__": "Use divmod built-in function", "__pow__": "Use ** operator or pow built-in function", "__lshift__": "Use << operator", "__rshift__": "Use >> operator", "__and__": "Use & operator", "__xor__": "Use ^ operator", "__or__": "Use | operator", "__radd__": "Use + operator", "__rsub__": "Use - operator", "__rmul__": "Use * operator", "__rmatmul__": "Use @ operator", "__rtruediv__": "Use / operator", "__rfloordiv__": "Use // operator", "__rmod__": "Use % operator", "__rdivmod__": "Use divmod built-in function", "__rpow__": "Use ** operator or pow built-in function", "__rlshift__": "Use << operator", "__rrshift__": "Use >> operator", "__rand__": "Use & operator", "__rxor__": "Use ^ operator", "__ror__": "Use | operator", "__iadd__": "Use += operator", "__isub__": "Use -= operator", "__imul__": "Use *= operator", "__imatmul__": "Use @= operator", "__itruediv__": "Use /= operator", "__ifloordiv__": "Use //= operator", "__imod__": "Use %= operator", "__ipow__": "Use **= operator", "__ilshift__": "Use <<= operator", "__irshift__": "Use >>= operator", "__iand__": "Use &= operator", "__ixor__": "Use ^= operator", "__ior__": "Use |= operator", "__neg__": "Multiply by -1 instead", "__pos__": "Multiply by +1 instead", "__abs__": "Use abs built-in function", "__invert__": "Use ~ operator", "__complex__": "Use complex built-in function", "__int__": "Use int built-in function", "__float__": "Use float built-in function", "__round__": "Use round built-in function", "__trunc__": "Use math.trunc function", "__floor__": "Use math.floor function", "__ceil__": "Use math.ceil function", "__enter__": "Invoke context manager directly", "__aenter__": "Invoke context manager directly", "__copy__": "Use copy.copy function", "__deepcopy__": "Use copy.deepcopy function", "__fspath__": "Use os.fspath function instead", }, (3, 10): { "__aiter__": "Use aiter built-in function", "__anext__": "Use anext built-in function", }, } EXTRA_DUNDER_METHODS = [ "__new__", "__subclasses__", "__init_subclass__", "__set_name__", "__class_getitem__", "__missing__", "__exit__", "__await__", "__aexit__", "__getnewargs_ex__", "__getnewargs__", "__getstate__", "__index__", "__setstate__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__post_init__", # part of `dataclasses` module ] DUNDER_PROPERTIES = [ "__class__", "__dict__", "__doc__", "__format__", "__module__", "__sizeof__", "__subclasshook__", "__weakref__", ] # C2801 rule exceptions as their corresponding function/method/operator # is not valid python syntax in a lambda definition UNNECESSARY_DUNDER_CALL_LAMBDA_EXCEPTIONS = [ "__init__", "__del__", "__delattr__", "__set__", "__delete__", "__setitem__", "__delitem__", "__iadd__", "__isub__", "__imul__", "__imatmul__", "__itruediv__", "__ifloordiv__", "__imod__", "__ipow__", "__ilshift__", "__irshift__", "__iand__", "__ixor__", "__ior__", ]