
122 lines
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"""Utility for dumping memory usage stats.
This is tailored to mypy and knows (a little) about which list objects are
owned by particular AST nodes, etc.
from __future__ import annotations
import gc
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, Iterable, cast
from mypy.nodes import FakeInfo, Node
from mypy.types import Type
from mypy.util import get_class_descriptors
def collect_memory_stats() -> tuple[dict[str, int], dict[str, int]]:
"""Return stats about memory use.
Return a tuple with these items:
- Dict from object kind to number of instances of that kind
- Dict from object kind to total bytes used by all instances of that kind
objs = gc.get_objects()
inferred = {}
for obj in objs:
if type(obj) is FakeInfo:
# Processing these would cause a crash.
n = type(obj).__name__
if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
# Keep track of which class a particular __dict__ is associated with.
inferred[id(obj.__dict__)] = f"{n} (__dict__)"
if isinstance(obj, (Node, Type)): # type: ignore[misc]
if hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
for x in obj.__dict__.values():
if isinstance(x, list):
# Keep track of which node a list is associated with.
inferred[id(x)] = f"{n} (list)"
if isinstance(x, tuple):
# Keep track of which node a list is associated with.
inferred[id(x)] = f"{n} (tuple)"
for k in get_class_descriptors(type(obj)):
x = getattr(obj, k, None)
if isinstance(x, list):
inferred[id(x)] = f"{n} (list)"
if isinstance(x, tuple):
inferred[id(x)] = f"{n} (tuple)"
freqs: dict[str, int] = {}
memuse: dict[str, int] = {}
for obj in objs:
if id(obj) in inferred:
name = inferred[id(obj)]
name = type(obj).__name__
freqs[name] = freqs.get(name, 0) + 1
memuse[name] = memuse.get(name, 0) + sys.getsizeof(obj)
return freqs, memuse
def print_memory_profile(run_gc: bool = True) -> None:
if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
import resource
system_memuse = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
system_memuse = -1 # TODO: Support this on Windows
if run_gc:
freqs, memuse = collect_memory_stats()
print("%7s %7s %7s %s" % ("Freq", "Size(k)", "AvgSize", "Type"))
totalmem = 0
i = 0
for n, mem in sorted(memuse.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]):
f = freqs[n]
if i < 50:
print("%7d %7d %7.0f %s" % (f, mem // 1024, mem / f, n))
i += 1
totalmem += mem
print("Mem usage RSS ", system_memuse // 1024)
print("Total reachable ", totalmem // 1024)
def find_recursive_objects(objs: list[object]) -> None:
"""Find additional objects referenced by objs and append them to objs.
We use this since gc.get_objects() does not return objects without pointers
in them such as strings.
seen = {id(o) for o in objs}
def visit(o: object) -> None:
if id(o) not in seen:
for obj in objs.copy():
if type(obj) is FakeInfo:
# Processing these would cause a crash.
if type(obj) in (dict, defaultdict):
for key, val in cast(Dict[object, object], obj).items():
if type(obj) in (list, tuple, set):
for x in cast(Iterable[object], obj):
if hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
for base in type.mro(type(obj)):
for slot in getattr(base, "__slots__", ()):
if hasattr(obj, slot):
visit(getattr(obj, slot))