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"""Constant folding of expressions.
For example, 3 + 5 can be constant folded into 8.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Final, Union
from mypy.nodes import (
# All possible result types of constant folding
ConstantValue = Union[int, bool, float, complex, str]
CONST_TYPES: Final = (int, bool, float, complex, str)
def constant_fold_expr(expr: Expression, cur_mod_id: str) -> ConstantValue | None:
"""Return the constant value of an expression for supported operations.
Among other things, support int arithmetic and string
concatenation. For example, the expression 3 + 5 has the constant
value 8.
Also bind simple references to final constants defined in the
current module (cur_mod_id). Binding to references is best effort
-- we don't bind references to other modules. Mypyc trusts these
to be correct in compiled modules, so that it can replace a
constant expression (or a reference to one) with the statically
computed value. We don't want to infer constant values based on
stubs, in particular, as these might not match the implementation
(due to version skew, for example).
Return None if unsuccessful.
if isinstance(expr, IntExpr):
return expr.value
if isinstance(expr, StrExpr):
return expr.value
if isinstance(expr, FloatExpr):
return expr.value
if isinstance(expr, ComplexExpr):
return expr.value
elif isinstance(expr, NameExpr):
if == "True":
return True
elif == "False":
return False
node = expr.node
if (
isinstance(node, Var)
and node.is_final
and node.fullname.rsplit(".", 1)[0] == cur_mod_id
value = node.final_value
if isinstance(value, (CONST_TYPES)):
return value
elif isinstance(expr, OpExpr):
left = constant_fold_expr(expr.left, cur_mod_id)
right = constant_fold_expr(expr.right, cur_mod_id)
if left is not None and right is not None:
return constant_fold_binary_op(expr.op, left, right)
elif isinstance(expr, UnaryExpr):
value = constant_fold_expr(expr.expr, cur_mod_id)
if value is not None:
return constant_fold_unary_op(expr.op, value)
return None
def constant_fold_binary_op(
op: str, left: ConstantValue, right: ConstantValue
) -> ConstantValue | None:
if isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, int):
return constant_fold_binary_int_op(op, left, right)
# Float and mixed int/float arithmetic.
if isinstance(left, float) and isinstance(right, float):
return constant_fold_binary_float_op(op, left, right)
elif isinstance(left, float) and isinstance(right, int):
return constant_fold_binary_float_op(op, left, right)
elif isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, float):
return constant_fold_binary_float_op(op, left, right)
# String concatenation and multiplication.
if op == "+" and isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str):
return left + right
elif op == "*" and isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, int):
return left * right
elif op == "*" and isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, str):
return left * right
# Complex construction.
if op == "+" and isinstance(left, (int, float)) and isinstance(right, complex):
return left + right
elif op == "+" and isinstance(left, complex) and isinstance(right, (int, float)):
return left + right
elif op == "-" and isinstance(left, (int, float)) and isinstance(right, complex):
return left - right
elif op == "-" and isinstance(left, complex) and isinstance(right, (int, float)):
return left - right
return None
def constant_fold_binary_int_op(op: str, left: int, right: int) -> int | float | None:
if op == "+":
return left + right
if op == "-":
return left - right
elif op == "*":
return left * right
elif op == "/":
if right != 0:
return left / right
elif op == "//":
if right != 0:
return left // right
elif op == "%":
if right != 0:
return left % right
elif op == "&":
return left & right
elif op == "|":
return left | right
elif op == "^":
return left ^ right
elif op == "<<":
if right >= 0:
return left << right
elif op == ">>":
if right >= 0:
return left >> right
elif op == "**":
if right >= 0:
ret = left**right
assert isinstance(ret, int)
return ret
return None
def constant_fold_binary_float_op(op: str, left: int | float, right: int | float) -> float | None:
assert not (isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, int)), (op, left, right)
if op == "+":
return left + right
elif op == "-":
return left - right
elif op == "*":
return left * right
elif op == "/":
if right != 0:
return left / right
elif op == "//":
if right != 0:
return left // right
elif op == "%":
if right != 0:
return left % right
elif op == "**":
if (left < 0 and isinstance(right, int)) or left > 0:
ret = left**right
except OverflowError:
return None
assert isinstance(ret, float), ret
return ret
return None
def constant_fold_unary_op(op: str, value: ConstantValue) -> int | float | None:
if op == "-" and isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return -value
elif op == "~" and isinstance(value, int):
return ~value
elif op == "+" and isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return value
return None