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[case testListGet]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[int]) -> int:
return x[0]
def f(x):
x :: list
r0 :: object
r1 :: int
r0 = CPyList_GetItemShort(x, 0)
r1 = unbox(int, r0)
return r1
[case testListOfListGet]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
return x[0]
def f(x):
x :: list
r0 :: object
r1 :: list
r0 = CPyList_GetItemShort(x, 0)
r1 = cast(list, r0)
return r1
[case testListOfListGet2]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[List[int]]) -> int:
return x[0][1]
def f(x):
x :: list
r0 :: object
r1 :: list
r2 :: object
r3 :: int
r0 = CPyList_GetItemShortBorrow(x, 0)
r1 = borrow cast(list, r0)
r2 = CPyList_GetItemShort(r1, 2)
r3 = unbox(int, r2)
keep_alive x, r0
return r3
[case testListSet]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[int]) -> None:
x[0] = 1
def f(x):
x :: list
r0 :: object
r1 :: bit
r0 = object 1
r1 = CPyList_SetItem(x, 0, r0)
return 1
[case testNewListEmpty]
from typing import List
def f() -> None:
x = [] # type: List[int]
def f():
r0, x :: list
r0 = PyList_New(0)
x = r0
return 1
[case testNewListEmptyViaFunc]
from typing import List
def f() -> None:
x: List[int] = list()
def f():
r0, x :: list
r0 = PyList_New(0)
x = r0
return 1
[case testNewListEmptyViaAlias]
from typing import List
ListAlias = list
def f() -> None:
x: List[int] = ListAlias()
def f():
r0, x :: list
r0 = PyList_New(0)
x = r0
return 1
[case testNewListTwoItems]
from typing import List
def f() -> None:
x: List[int] = [1, 2]
def f():
r0 :: list
r1, r2 :: object
r3, r4, r5 :: ptr
x :: list
r0 = PyList_New(2)
r1 = object 1
r2 = object 2
r3 = get_element_ptr r0 ob_item :: PyListObject
r4 = load_mem r3 :: ptr*
set_mem r4, r1 :: builtins.object*
r5 = r4 + WORD_SIZE*1
set_mem r5, r2 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive r0
x = r0
return 1
[case testNewListTenItems]
from typing import List
def f() -> None:
x: List[str] = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e',
'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
def f():
r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9 :: str
r10, x :: list
r0 = 'a'
r1 = 'b'
r2 = 'c'
r3 = 'd'
r4 = 'e'
r5 = 'f'
r6 = 'g'
r7 = 'h'
r8 = 'i'
r9 = 'j'
r10 = CPyList_Build(10, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9)
x = r10
return 1
[case testListMultiply]
from typing import List
def f(a: List[int]) -> None:
b = a * 2
b = 3 * [4]
def f(a):
a, r0, b, r1 :: list
r2 :: object
r3, r4 :: ptr
r5 :: list
r0 = CPySequence_Multiply(a, 4)
b = r0
r1 = PyList_New(1)
r2 = object 4
r3 = get_element_ptr r1 ob_item :: PyListObject
r4 = load_mem r3 :: ptr*
set_mem r4, r2 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive r1
r5 = CPySequence_RMultiply(6, r1)
b = r5
return 1
[case testListLen]
from typing import List
def f(a: List[int]) -> int:
return len(a)
def f(a):
a :: list
r0 :: ptr
r1 :: native_int
r2 :: short_int
r0 = get_element_ptr a ob_size :: PyVarObject
r1 = load_mem r0 :: native_int*
keep_alive a
r2 = r1 << 1
return r2
[case testListAppend]
from typing import List
def f(a: List[int], x: int) -> None:
def f(a, x):
a :: list
x :: int
r0 :: object
r1 :: i32
r2 :: bit
r0 = box(int, x)
r1 = PyList_Append(a, r0)
r2 = r1 >= 0 :: signed
return 1
[case testIndexLvalue]
from typing import List
def increment(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
for i in range(len(l)):
l[i] += 1
return l
def increment(l):
l :: list
r0 :: ptr
r1 :: native_int
r2, r3 :: short_int
i :: int
r4 :: bit
r5, r6, r7 :: object
r8 :: bit
r9 :: short_int
r0 = get_element_ptr l ob_size :: PyVarObject
r1 = load_mem r0 :: native_int*
keep_alive l
r2 = r1 << 1
r3 = 0
i = r3
r4 = r3 < r2 :: signed
if r4 goto L2 else goto L4 :: bool
r5 = CPyList_GetItem(l, i)
r6 = object 1
r7 = PyNumber_InPlaceAdd(r5, r6)
r8 = CPyList_SetItem(l, i, r7)
r9 = r3 + 2
r3 = r9
i = r9
goto L1
return l
[case testListDisplay]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[int], y: List[int]) -> List[int]:
return [1, 2, *x, *y, 3]
def f(x, y):
x, y, r0 :: list
r1, r2 :: object
r3, r4, r5 :: ptr
r6, r7, r8 :: object
r9 :: i32
r10 :: bit
r0 = PyList_New(2)
r1 = object 1
r2 = object 2
r3 = get_element_ptr r0 ob_item :: PyListObject
r4 = load_mem r3 :: ptr*
set_mem r4, r1 :: builtins.object*
r5 = r4 + WORD_SIZE*1
set_mem r5, r2 :: builtins.object*
keep_alive r0
r6 = CPyList_Extend(r0, x)
r7 = CPyList_Extend(r0, y)
r8 = object 3
r9 = PyList_Append(r0, r8)
r10 = r9 >= 0 :: signed
return r0
[case testListIn]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[int], y: int) -> bool:
return y in x
def f(x, y):
x :: list
y :: int
r0 :: object
r1 :: i32
r2 :: bit
r3 :: bool
r0 = box(int, y)
r1 = PySequence_Contains(x, r0)
r2 = r1 >= 0 :: signed
r3 = truncate r1: i32 to builtins.bool
return r3
[case testListInsert]
from typing import List
def f(x: List[int], y: int) -> None:
x.insert(0, y)
def f(x, y):
x :: list
y :: int
r0 :: object
r1 :: i32
r2 :: bit
r0 = box(int, y)
r1 = CPyList_Insert(x, 0, r0)
r2 = r1 >= 0 :: signed
return 1
[case testListBuiltFromGenerator]
from typing import List
def f(source: List[int]) -> None:
a = list(x + 1 for x in source)
b = [x + 1 for x in source]
def f(source):
source :: list
r0 :: ptr
r1 :: native_int
r2 :: list
r3 :: short_int
r4 :: ptr
r5 :: native_int
r6 :: short_int
r7 :: bit
r8 :: object
r9, x, r10 :: int
r11 :: object
r12 :: bit
r13 :: short_int
a :: list
r14 :: ptr
r15 :: native_int
r16 :: list
r17 :: short_int
r18 :: ptr
r19 :: native_int
r20 :: short_int
r21 :: bit
r22 :: object
r23, x_2, r24 :: int
r25 :: object
r26 :: bit
r27 :: short_int
b :: list
r0 = get_element_ptr source ob_size :: PyVarObject
r1 = load_mem r0 :: native_int*
keep_alive source
r2 = PyList_New(r1)
r3 = 0
r4 = get_element_ptr source ob_size :: PyVarObject
r5 = load_mem r4 :: native_int*
keep_alive source
r6 = r5 << 1
r7 = r3 < r6 :: signed
if r7 goto L2 else goto L4 :: bool
r8 = CPyList_GetItemUnsafe(source, r3)
r9 = unbox(int, r8)
x = r9
r10 = CPyTagged_Add(x, 2)
r11 = box(int, r10)
r12 = CPyList_SetItemUnsafe(r2, r3, r11)
r13 = r3 + 2
r3 = r13
goto L1
a = r2
r14 = get_element_ptr source ob_size :: PyVarObject
r15 = load_mem r14 :: native_int*
keep_alive source
r16 = PyList_New(r15)
r17 = 0
r18 = get_element_ptr source ob_size :: PyVarObject
r19 = load_mem r18 :: native_int*
keep_alive source
r20 = r19 << 1
r21 = r17 < r20 :: signed
if r21 goto L6 else goto L8 :: bool
r22 = CPyList_GetItemUnsafe(source, r17)
r23 = unbox(int, r22)
x_2 = r23
r24 = CPyTagged_Add(x_2, 2)
r25 = box(int, r24)
r26 = CPyList_SetItemUnsafe(r16, r17, r25)
r27 = r17 + 2
r17 = r27
goto L5
b = r16
return 1
[case testGeneratorNext]
from typing import List, Optional
def test(x: List[int]) -> None:
res = next((i for i in x), None)
def test(x):
x :: list
r0 :: short_int
r1 :: ptr
r2 :: native_int
r3 :: short_int
r4 :: bit
r5 :: object
r6, i :: int
r7 :: object
r8 :: union[int, None]
r9 :: short_int
r10 :: object
res :: union[int, None]
r0 = 0
r1 = get_element_ptr x ob_size :: PyVarObject
r2 = load_mem r1 :: native_int*
keep_alive x
r3 = r2 << 1
r4 = r0 < r3 :: signed
if r4 goto L2 else goto L4 :: bool
r5 = CPyList_GetItemUnsafe(x, r0)
r6 = unbox(int, r5)
i = r6
r7 = box(int, i)
r8 = r7
goto L5
r9 = r0 + 2
r0 = r9
goto L1
r10 = box(None, 1)
r8 = r10
res = r8
return 1
[case testSimplifyListUnion]
from typing import List, Union, Optional
def narrow(a: Union[List[str], List[bytes], int]) -> int:
if isinstance(a, list):
return len(a)
return a
def loop(a: Union[List[str], List[bytes]]) -> None:
for x in a:
def nested_union(a: Union[List[str], List[Optional[str]]]) -> None:
for x in a:
def narrow(a):
a :: union[list, int]
r0 :: object
r1 :: i32
r2 :: bit
r3 :: bool
r4 :: list
r5 :: ptr
r6 :: native_int
r7 :: short_int
r8 :: int
r0 = load_address PyList_Type
r1 = PyObject_IsInstance(a, r0)
r2 = r1 >= 0 :: signed
r3 = truncate r1: i32 to builtins.bool
if r3 goto L1 else goto L2 :: bool
r4 = borrow cast(list, a)
r5 = get_element_ptr r4 ob_size :: PyVarObject
r6 = load_mem r5 :: native_int*
keep_alive r4
r7 = r6 << 1
keep_alive a
return r7
r8 = unbox(int, a)
return r8
def loop(a):
a :: list
r0 :: short_int
r1 :: ptr
r2 :: native_int
r3 :: short_int
r4 :: bit
r5 :: object
r6, x :: union[str, bytes]
r7 :: short_int
r0 = 0
r1 = get_element_ptr a ob_size :: PyVarObject
r2 = load_mem r1 :: native_int*
keep_alive a
r3 = r2 << 1
r4 = r0 < r3 :: signed
if r4 goto L2 else goto L4 :: bool
r5 = CPyList_GetItemUnsafe(a, r0)
r6 = cast(union[str, bytes], r5)
x = r6
r7 = r0 + 2
r0 = r7
goto L1
return 1
def nested_union(a):
a :: list
r0 :: short_int
r1 :: ptr
r2 :: native_int
r3 :: short_int
r4 :: bit
r5 :: object
r6, x :: union[str, None]
r7 :: short_int
r0 = 0
r1 = get_element_ptr a ob_size :: PyVarObject
r2 = load_mem r1 :: native_int*
keep_alive a
r3 = r2 << 1
r4 = r0 < r3 :: signed
if r4 goto L2 else goto L4 :: bool
r5 = CPyList_GetItemUnsafe(a, r0)
r6 = cast(union[str, None], r5)
x = r6
r7 = r0 + 2
r0 = r7
goto L1
return 1