# Brainstorm we've decided to make an turn based online game named : **Border Wars** ## Building list ```mermaid mindmap root((Buildings)) ("Castle
The main building of your army, you must protect it") ("Casern
Train troop") ("Tower
Defend your territory") ("Wall
A pasive defence that block every soldier") ("Outpost
A *teleporter* like") [Farms] ("Mine
Allow you to gain stone each turns") ("Sawmill
Allow you to gain wood each turns") ("Breeding
Allow you to gain food each turn") ``` ## Game Modes ```mermaid mindmap root((Game Modes)) ("1v1
The classic mode") ("2v2
A funny mode 2v2") ("History mode
A mode to understand why") ("1vIA ?
A when you don't have friends") ``` ## Style We think to made our game in 2D iso with hexagons. the overall theme will be fairytale medieval. ## Different troop ```mermaid mindmap root((Troop)) ("No Name
A classic troop") ("No Name
A troop with a great deal of experience but not much power") ("No Name
A troop with great power but little scope for expansion") ``` ## Balancing In the future, we'll have to make sure that each troop is both different and balanced.