# Brainstrom ## Contents 1) [Soldier system](#system-de-soldats) 2) [Fighting](#fighting) 3) [Building](#batiment) 4) [Villager management](#villager-management) 5) [Conquest](#conquest) 6) [Main menu system](#system-du-menu-principale) ## Soldier system - move management - case selection - check membership. - display of free cases for moving. - Target square selection. - membership check + no enemies troop movement ## Fighting - Attack side - selection of an enemy case - membership check - Defense and attack sides - menu banner - Soldier selection + validation button - membership check - Start animation - wait 1 second - Return animation without dead soldiers - previously calculated on server side - report + resource gain ## Building - Upgradeable - If you click on a building and then on the upgrade button - Check price - Verification of current bat level - Check if a worker is available - Casern - Unlock a new troop - Outpost - Can tp more troops - Mine - \+ productive - Sawmill - \+ productive - Breadings - \+ productive - Tower - \+ of reach or + of degat - Castle - Takes up one more square - Adds workers - Enhances everything with a small %. - Destroy - if on our territory - destroy building - add 1/2 of resources - Build - if at least 1 free worker - if the price is not too high - if it's in our territory - building construction - distribute resources - Usage - Check if the square belongs to us - Castle - Villager management - *// TODO \\\\* - Outpost - Check which troops want to be sent - Errors - Teleport - Casern - Menu banner - All soldiers available for purchase - Click - If case alentoure free belonging to us - Price check - Error - Creation ## Villagers management - Castle clikced - Menu banner - List of professions and villagers - Change professions - Check current job - Check job to give - Mustn't be neutral - List of jobs: Explorers, Worker or Neutral ## Conquest - Choosing a case - Belonging - Explorers - Stats: Speed (case/tours) - Explorer selection menu - Menu banner - Explorer list with - Change membership - Previous membership - Membership to give ## Main menu system - Settings - game mode - 1v1 - 2v2 - 1vIA - History